How to relax during pregnancy – 10 tips

Most women find that pregnancy is not a happy time. The very fact is that it is hard to relax during pregnancy. And this completely affects not only moms but also babies in a negative way. For this reason, in this article, I will give you some ways on how to relax during pregnancy.

The List Of 10 Tips On How To Relax During Pregnancy – The Best Tips For Women

It is normal if women feel anxiety and stressed during pregnancy because the body has changed and worked differently. It has to work harder than usual to make the baby healthy. However, if you are stressed and anxious too much, your baby will be affected. You may doubt how stress can impact on your baby. In fact, chemicals and increased hormones released by anxiety and stress can cross the placenta and reach the baby.

As a result, it is necessary to practice some relaxation methods that are simple and easy to do during even the busiest days. There are different types of relaxation methods. Read some of the best ways on how to relax during pregnancy below and try the one that is fit for you and see the difference.  The tips I would like to reveal in this article contains:

1. Get Enough Sleep: 

how to relax during pregnancy-get enough sleep

This is the very first way on how to relax during pregnancy that I would like to introduce in this entire article and want you and my other readers who want to get healthy pregnancy to learn and remember to apply as soon as possible. Pregnant women are often tired because your body is working hard to nourish your growing baby. Therefore, pregnant women should take any opportunity they can to go to bed early, sleep late or even take a nap.

Of course, we all know that for pregnant women, sleep is easier said than done, especially in the third trimester. However, you should not worry. I will give you some recommendations that help you get sleep easier. Firstly, don’t eat anything for two hours before bedtime. Secondly, try to use a body pillow that makes you feel more comfortable when sleeping. And finally, keep a regular sleep schedule. Hope that you will get enough sleep with these ways.

2. Practice Gentle Exercises: 

how to relax during pregnancy-practice gentle exercises

Exercise is always wonderful as it brings about several of amazing health and beauty benefits. This is a fact that cannot be denied. If you are one of pregnant woman who really wants to learn ways to relax at home during pregnancy, you definitely should make use of some gentle exercises, not the harsh ones if you do not want to get back some harms and negative effects to your baby.

Exercise is totally a great way on how to relax during pregnancy. It can tone your body, take your mind off what’s bothering you and improve your mood thanks to producing “feel good” endorphins. Yoga, stretching and swimming are forms of exercise that can be helpful for those are pregnant.

Swimming is highly beneficial for women during pregnancy, in which breaststroke and backstroke are the best. It is a good source of stress relief. Also, swimming while pregnant makes you feel your body as weightlessness in the water.

Yoga not only help de-stress but also teaches you some important techniques that are good for controlling anxieties, including relaxation, breathing and meditation which is a perfect way to restore calm even though you are pregnant or not.

In order to keep you flexible during pregnancy, stretching is the best idea. Try some stretching exercises such as abs and side stretching, neck stretching and back stretching and feel the different.

Of course, you should ask some recommendations from your doctor before you start and avoid activities that increase the risk of getting injury.

3. Take A Soak Or A Hot Bath: 

how to relax during pregnancy-take a soak or a hot bath

Soaking and bathing – sound simple yet actually very powerful in terms of helping pregnant women relax.

When it comes to the ways on how to relax during pregnancy, baths are the best. You can draw yourself a nice hot bath at home with some bath bombs or bubbles, even with some light candles and soft music for physical as well as mental relaxation.

Soaking your body in a mixture of Epsom salt and a few drops of lavender essential oil is also a good choice on how to relax during pregnancy. Epsom salt is actually a naturally occurring mineral combination of sulfate and magnesium. By that way, it absorbs into the skin easily.

The sulfates have been shown to flush toxins from your body whereas magnesium is known to reduce inflammation.

Make sure the water is warm, not too hot, especially during the first trimester when baby is still developing. Additionally, it is necessary to have someone around to help pregnant women into and out of the bathtub. Thus, this is actually a wonderful tip for anyone who wants to learn ways to relax during pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies without spending too much time, money, and efforts in general.

4. Deep Breathing: 

how to relax during pregnancy-deep breathing

Breathing offers the best and easiest way on how to relax during pregnancy. There are a lot of breathing techniques that can not only help you relax but also improve your overall health. Out of them, the four, seven, eight breath is one of the most effective and easiest ways. You can apply this breathing technique anywhere, including on the bus, in the car, even while waiting on line at the post office. First of all, exhale all the air out of your lungs through your mouth. Next, inhale through your nose to the count of four. Then, hold your breath for seven counts. Finally, exhale through your mouth up to eight counts. Do this three or four times or until you feel your mind relax and your heart rate decrease.

Moreover, breathing deeply and rhythmically has a cascading effect on the body as it may help lower blood pressure, lower your heart rate, ease muscle tension and help you fall asleep faster.

5. Rest: 

how to relax during pregnancy-rest

Of course rest the body will help you relax both mentally and physically. Rest does not mean a day off but just a little bit more leisure time set up for yourself – a pregnant woman who needs a relaxation for good!

It’s good for you and your baby when you put your feet up and simply doing nothing for a while. Don’t feel guilty or think that it is a waste of time. The fact is that this is an important way on how to relax during pregnancy. Taking the time to rest gives baby a chance to get nourished and grow as well as gives your mind a break.

From about 23 weeks, unborn babies can hear their mothers. So, it’s time for you to chat and sing to your baby. This will also make you and your baby have a good firm bond when he’s born.

Make sure that you can take a break before you become so tired that you have no choice but to flake out on the nearest sofa.

6. A Good Diet:

how to relax during pregnancy-a good diet

There is no doubt that pregnancy is the time to eat even more carefully than ever before. Apart from the responsibility of feeding two people, what you consume also directly affect your mood.

According to Dr. Sears, a renowned pediatrician, the essential amino acid tryptophan has a relaxing effect and can boost your mood as well. It helps to raise levels of the brain chemicals serotonin and melatonin that help you to sleep well and boost your feelings of well-being. Your body, however, can’t make tryptophan. Hence, the only way to get it is from what you eat. Tryptophan-containing foods include fresh turkey and chicken, yogurt and cheese, fish, eggs as well as nuts and seeds which are easy to snack on. Try these nutritional foods and see the different it makes.

After all, maintaining a good diet is a good way on how to relax during pregnancy. Try giving your body some healthy food instead of giving into all those crazy cravings you have.

7. Going For Spa Treatments: 

how to relax during pregnancy-going for spa treatments

Might be a spa day is relatively expensive for you, but its amazing benefit of helping pregnant women relax makes it actually worthy an expense.

I don’t need to tell you that spa treatments are the best thing ever on how to relax during pregnancy, right? It works on several levels to de-stress and relax you. First and foremost, the very fact that pregnancy is the perfect time to treat yourself all the beauty treatments. When you are taking time out to focus purely on yourself, you will stay more relaxed. So, be nice to yourself. Next, such treatments as aromatherapy and massage coupled with music and a restful atmosphere are completely ease both your mind and body. It is noted that you should visit a professional massage therapist who has experience working with pregnant women and use pillow and table designed for women pregnant.

Besides, getting a manicure and pedicure or a haircut can also perk you up though it may not seem important.

When it becomes difficult to reach your toes as it is, getting a pedicure can be a real luxury, particularly during the last months of pregnancy. Furthermore, in the last weeks of pregnancy, you may find yourself ugly that stress you the most. Getting a haircut is a good idea to help you look and feel better.

Make sure that whatever treatment you choose is safe for pregnant women. Ask the obstetrician if needed.

8. Share Your Worries:

how to relax during pregnancy-share your worries

Pregnant mothers are worried about a great many things. So, their feelings will change with depression or doubt. Talking about these feelings with those who are around you is essential on how to relax during pregnancy.

Seeking out another new mother who is in the same exercise class or hospital to talk with can help take the anxiety down and get a fresh perspective. You can talk about everything related to pregnancy, ranging from sleepless nights to the best type of diapers. It’s likely that at least there is someone has the same feelings with you.

You also should talk to your partner too. Thanks to these conversations, you can discover that your partner has the similar worries as you, or that your partner has concerns you didn’t know about.

And if you wonder the baby will be born with any health problems. You must come to see a healthcare professional.

9. Spend Some Time With Your Best Friends: 

how to relax during pregnancy-spend some time with your best friends

This is a very simple tip to follow for you and any pregnant woman at all ages. As we all know, friends are very important for everyone. Thus, it is not surprising that friends can also help in maintaining a healthy pregnancy by helping pregnant women to relax without losing money or effort.

Laughter is one of the simple but most effective ways on how to relax during pregnancy. And, one of the best and easy ways to laugh is meeting up with your best friends. Though pregnancy and preparations for a new baby tend to take a lot of time, you should spend some time with your friends and doing the things you enjoy such as watching a funny film, chatting or shopping. Having a good support system like that can reduce your stress and improve your mood.

10. Knowledge Is Power: 

how to relax during pregnancy-knowledge is power

If this is the first time you are pregnant, you will probably have a mountain of concerns questions and anxieties. So, getting information about pregnancy is principal on how to relax during pregnancy. This is actually the last but very important tip on how to relax during pregnancy that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and apply as soon as possible to get a healthy pregnancy.

When you get enough information about pregnancy, your mind could be rest and you can deal with any problems related to pregnancy, giving birth and life with a new baby. Such useful sources as books and websites can help you find all kinds of information fast and easy. You can ask people around you as well, including your mother, friends who were pregnant and healthcare providers.

Miscarriage is so common nowadays. Of course, there is no one wishes it happens. But it is a normal part of reproduction and can occur anytime. There are plenty of reasons that lead to miscarriages and foods are not the exception. We all know that vitamins and nutrients in food are very important for pregnant women. The truth, however, is that there are some foods those are pregnant should stay away. In order to get more information, you should read the Foods That Cause Miscarriage In Early Pregnancy. In this article, the author listed 42 foods that pregnant women should be careful when consuming them. You should remember the list to avoid the bad situation during pregnancy.

This article has shown you the list of 10 ways on how to relax during pregnancy that are proven by science so that you should learn and make use of. I hope it is helpful for you – the readers of Vkool. If you find this article useful and informative and you do not want to make use of this amazing article alone, feel free to share for everyone. These ways in this article are simple and easy to get.

Try it and enjoy the time during pregnancy.

If you care about the article, we are open to welcome any discussion about the topic. Leave your comments at the end of this post to let us know what you think. We appreciate your contribution and will respond all as soon as possible.

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