30 Tips On How To Treat Nasal Polyps Naturally At Home

how to treat nasal polyps naturally

21. Vitamin E & Vitamin C – Rich Foods

As mentioned before, vitamin C is very vital for treating nasal polyps. It is the powerful potent antioxidants that act as a shield to protect our body from the free radicals’ damage. Moreover, it is proved that vitamin C can reduce the histamine, a chemical produced inside the body that involves many allergic reactions. By limiting the amount of histamine and breaking it down in a short period, vitamin C will help to reduce the risk of inflammation as well. Meanwhile, vitamin E is another strong antioxidant that contributes to the process of treating nasal polyps. A study by Shahar E has shown a valuable addition of vitamin E to the allergic rhinitis treatment, including nasal polyps [10]. Therefore, eating food that has a great amount of vitamin C and E is believed to be an effective way on how to treat nasal polyps easily at home.

Read more: Vitamin E for skin

22. Vitamin A & Beta-Carotene

Not only vitamin C and E are vital for the nasal treatment, vitamin A also plays an essential part. As one of the most potent antioxidants in fighting off chronic inflammation, this mineral can also protect the sinuses’ membrane linings inside the body. In the meantime, beta-carotene, the pigment found mostly in red/ orange plants and fruits (such as apricots, mango, winter squash, sweet potatoes, melon, and carrots), is very crucial if you want to treat the nasal polyps, as it helps fight against the inflammation. If you wonder how to treat nasal polyps, you can consider adding more foods that are high in vitamin A as well as beta-carotene into your daily meals.

See more: Vitamin A food for skin

23. Get Rid Of Food Allergens

As mentioned before, one of the reasons of nasal polyps is the allergic reaction. These actions can come from many sources, including from the food we eat every day. The food intolerances and allergies can be considered as the hidden root of many nose related problems. Therefore, it is important to figure out which types of food will make your situation worse and eliminate them out of your diet for a period as a tip on how to treat nasal polyps. Even though different types of food will lead to different reactions, there are some certain items that are more likely to create allergic reaction such as eggs, soy, dairy, yeast, and gluten-containing food like wheat.

Other sources of allergic actions are the preservatives and food additives. Some certain names you should be aware of are monosodium glutamate, benzoates, sulfites, and tartrazine. Tartrazine is a well-known artificial coloring agent appearing in many food items in various proportions. These products having this agent are very common in our daily meals, such as confectionery and pickled products, butter, some pasta, sauces, candy, cheeses, canned veggies, and soft drinks. Meanwhile, benzoates are the antimicrobial preservatives that are often found in many food items, including several types of soft drinks. Monosodium glutamate is known as a flavor enhancer. It is widely used in numerous processed products and also in many dishes in Chinese restaurants. Sulfites are another type of preservatives in various alcoholic beverages as well as packaged food items. The most effective way to avoid food artificial substances for you is to choose organic, unprocessed food products.

After identifying the food and substances that can cause allergic action, the next step will be eliminating these things out of your daily meals for at least 2 to 4 weeks. You should rearrange your diet to make sure it is still efficient. After four weeks, when the nasal polyps have disappeared and other symptoms have been eliminated, these food items and substances can be added back into the diet again.

Even though changing the diet is not complicated, it will take you a long time to practice the new diet and wait for the symptoms to go away. Especially if the food items you move out of the meals are your favorite, it will be hard for you to change your taste and adapt to the new diet.

Read more: Home remedies for allergies

24. Hot Bath/Showers

Taking a shower with hot water is also another effective way on how to treat nasal polyps. This method is believed to provide noticeable relief effects on the symptoms of nasal polyps and ensure they will not come back again. The nasal congestion will get better and the inflammation will gradually disappear if you take hot showers every day and let the steam soak your face as well as the nose. In comparison to other methods on how to treat nasal polyps, this one is simple as taking a shower is a daily routine for most people. Just remember to use hot water instead of the cold one and enjoy your bath.

See more: Hot shower vs cold shower

25. Goldenseal

how to treat nasal polyps - goldenseal

It will be a pity if goldenseal is forgotten on the list of ways on how to treat nasal polyps. Known as Hydrastis Canadensis, this plant growing in the North American can offer the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties due to its components such as hydrastine and berberine, which can reduce the inflammation. If you are looking for a natural remedy that is powerful enough to fight off this stubborn health issue without any side effects from the pills, drug, and medication, goldenseal will be a good option. Its effectiveness will not let you down. However, this remedy is not suitable for everyone. Women in the pregnancy time are advised not to apply this plant as a tip on how to treat nasal polyps due to the fact that it can adversely affect their uterus.

Learn more: Benefits of goldenseal

26. Reduce Omega-6 Fatty Acids & Increase Omega-3 Fatty Acids Intakes

We all know how important a diet can be to the nasal polyp treatment. Besides vitamins, beta-carotene, selenium or other types of food like sweet potatoes or cayenne pepper as mentioned before, it is important for you to ensure the amount of omega-3 fatty acids intakes and also cut down on the omega-6 fatty acids.

The omega-3 fatty acid is believed to provide the powerful anti-inflammatory effects, which are not only beneficial for the nasal polyp treatment but also important for the whole body.

However, the omega -6 fatty acids, if consumed in an excessive amount, can lead to the dangerous situation. Considered as EFAs (essential fatty acids), omega-6 fatty acids, in a certain amount, is essential for our body as they help maintain the good performance of the whole body system. On the other hand, if you take in too much omega-6 fatty acids, you will increase the possibility of inflammation by forming excessive unhealthy substances.

It is believed that our ancestors always took in an equal amount of both omega-6 as well as Omega-3 fatty acids from foods. To change this problem, you just need to make some adjustment to your daily meals by increasing foods containing high levels of omega-3 fatty acids (such as flaxseeds, cold water fish, soybeans, walnuts) and reducing the refined veggie oils like safflower oil or corn oil cause they are rich in omega- 6 fatty acids. These changes will enhance your health and make your body stronger in the nasal polyp treatment.

Learn more: How to get rid of a stuffy nose

27. Steam Inhalation

Similar to taking a hot shower, steam inhalation will be the next effective tip on how to treat nasal polyps by stopping the nasal congestion as well as other discomforts resulting from these polyps. To apply this method, you will need to prepare the boiling water and a vessel. Cover your head with a thick blanket while inhaling the steam coming out the vessel. Make sure that the steam can directly hit your face without any difference. For this method, you will have to breathe through one nostril for a period of time and switch to the other so that both of your nostrils can be clean and the blockages are removed.

See more: Home remedies for nasal congestion

28. Homemade Nasal Rinses

The best way to clean your nostrils on the list of ways on how to treat nasal polyps is using the nasal rinses. Besides the saline water solutions found in most drug stores, many useful solutions can be easily created at home with some simple recipes. The most common one is the salt water that has been introduced before in this article. Moreover, there are also many options on herbs and natural ingredients that can be applied to make the rinse solution. You can easily find the recipes on the internet and try practicing at home to inhibit the respiratory problems as well as other related symptoms that are associated with nasal polyps.

See more: Nasal polyps treatment miracle book review – is it reliable?

29. A Diluted Capsicum Annuum Spray

Another tip that will make your treatment easier is using a diluted capsicum annum spray. This herbal solution is very effective in strengthening capillaries, increasing blood circulation, and also reducing polyps. This diluted capsicum spray can be bought in many drugstore but remember to choose the one that can reduce nose pain and help to shrink nasal polyps. One small tip for all the herbal solutions is that you have to dilute them well to prevent the irritation. And for the capsicum annum spray, do not let it get into your eyes and any open wound on your body.

See more: How to stop nasal drip

30. North American Perennial

The last but never least tip on how to treat nasal polyps suggested in this article is the North American perennial. Used for ages as the effective medicines, this plants’ rhizome and roots are still used to stop the bleeding and diarrhea.  This remedy can receive such attention due to its generous source of isoquinoline liquids, the popular anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial chemicals. The typical types of the North American perennial that are proved to be effective in nasal polyp treatment is the goldenseal, which has been introduced earlier in this article. You can find other perennial that you like and apply it as a homemade remedy for the nasal polyps.

Learn more: Home remedies for post nasal drip

Nasal polyps may not threaten your life in a short time yet they will affect negatively in your daily life. If left for a long time, these polyps can lead to more severe symptoms and complications. Most of the tips on how to treat nasal polyps in this article are very easy to practice at home with simple ingredients and tools, yet they require your time and patience as it takes a period of time for the nasal polyps to disappear. If you don’t keep applying the chosen method regularly, no matter how effective it is, you will not be able to treat these nasal problems completely. Therefore, it is important to set a schedule for your treatment and follow it strictly. You should also ask your doctor in advance in order to make sure that the tip you choose is suitable for your condition, especially for those herbal remedies. If you have more ideas on how to treat nasal polyps at home, please share with us. For more information, please visit the main page How To

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