Top 20 Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

ways to flatten belly

Keeping desirable physique is one of the most common yet hard-to-reach goals in people’s life. Nowadays, when the rate of overweight and obese people is increasing day by day, following a suitable diet & exercise plan which helps to shed excessive fat is really necessary for everyone.

1. Sculpt While You Sit – Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Sculpt While You Sit - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

While you are driving, sitting, or just waiting at the office of your doctor, imagine there is wet paint or gum on the chair’s back so that instead of leaning back, you will hold yourself up. Keep shoulder blades back and down, abdominals lifted, and picture yourself knitting your rib cage together and in.

2. Punch Your Way To A Flat Stomach

Aerobic-kickboxing - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Aerobic-kickboxing can do more thing than you can imagine. It is not only a wonderful cardio, belly fat-burning workout. All those high kicks and arm thrusts can also help to firm your abs. In fact, doing aerobic-kickboxing exercise is also one of the best ways to flatten belly fast you should do!

3. Keep Peanut Butter In Your Diet

Keep Peanut Butter In Your Diet - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

One peanut butter serving provides 8 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber. Thus, it is one of the best belly-busting foods for women. You can make use of peanut butter with a simple recipe to add a flat belly punch to your dinner. You will need to mix together these ingredients:

  • A pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • ¼ cup of sliced red bell pepper
  • Minced scallions
  • 3 ounces of cooked shrimp
  • ½ cup of whole grain noodles

Consuming this recipe regularly is also one of the best ways to flatten belly fast.

4. Tone Up With Tennis

Tone Up With Tennis - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Playing tennis is also very good for people who want to lose some extra pounds in their stomach. Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world and it requires players to use their whole body. After just a few sets swinging a few forehands and backhands, you will feel your abs getting tighter. After all, you will be able to strengthen your oblique with every stroke.

5. Sleep Away Belly Fat

Sleep Away Belly Fat - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

This is a very simple and healthy method for people at all ages. A research from Chicago University showed that those people who sleep enough 7 hours or more at night are less hungry and can lose twice as much fat than people who sleep less than 7 hours. If you cannot sleep well at night, you should go to a prestigious doctor for good advice.

6. Stand Tall While Pumping Iron

Stand Tall While Pumping Iron - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

You should stand as much as possible when doing strength training exercises. This way will help to stabilize and balance your body naturally. To add an extra flat belly boost to your weight routine, you should focus on maintaining good posture and keeping your abs tight while you lift, but without holding your breath.

7. Drink A Lot Of Water

Drink A Lot Of Water - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

This is one of the best ways to flatten belly fat ever! There is a fact that drinking a lot of water throughout the day will help to flush bloat that your body might be holding onto. This method is also the cheapest diet method you can ever find and follow. Therefore, do not hesitate to make use of water. You should consider it as your best friend forever!

8. Add Fresh Seafood To Your Plate

Add Fresh Seafood To Your Plate - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Fresh seafood is very healthy for people at all ages. Especially, salmon and other fatty fish are the excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids – similar to several of belly-fat-burning foods. You should try poaching your fish for a low-calorie way to enjoy this lean protein.

9. Sculpt Your Core While You Walk

Sculpt Your Core While You Walk - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

As you go about your day, imagine there’s a magnet pulling your belly button back toward your spine. Practice the tuck until it becomes comfortable, and soon this easy ab-engaging move will become like second nature. This method is simple, but it is still one of the best ways to flatten belly fat you should try!

10. Sprinkle Seeds On Your Salad

Sprinkle Seeds On Your Salad - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Sunflower seeds are jam-packed with a rich amount of B vitamins and MUFAs, which play an essential role in protecting your body from inflammation. You should sprinkle 2 tablespoons of seeds on top of your stir-fries and your salad.

11. Making Use Of Reduced Fat Milk (2%)

Making Use Of Reduced Fat Milk - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Reduced fat milk is one of the best dairy items. It is very low in fat, and it is a great source of phosphorus, calcium, protein, and vitamin B. If you want to consume something with fewer saturated fats and sugars, you might want to try a lower percentage, like skim milk.

12. Do Not Drink Soda Every Day

Do Not Drink Soda Every Day - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Soda is one of the worst foods for belly fat. Where do you think all those bubbles from carbonated drinks end up? They will turn to be stored in your stomach and never want to go! Avoid drinking soda, seltzer, and diet soda. Instead, you should drink water or healthy juices. Avoid drinking soda is also one of the best ways to flatten belly fat you should try

13. Eat Avocado

Eat Avocado - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

An avocado provides 20 grams of MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids), which halt blood sugar spikes that tell your body to store fat around the stomach. You should eat these in ¼ cup servings to shed the excessive fat in your stomach. Remember not to overuse avocado if you do not want to get unintentional weight gain.

14. Fry Fat With The Boat Move

Fry Fat With The Boat Move - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

This is also one of the best ways to flatten belly fat that you can do. This exercise is actually very simple. You just need to lie face up on a mat with your arms straight up over your chest. Then, you will need to lift your upper body off the ground by rolling through the spine. Remember to raise your legs at the same time so that you are balancing on the butt with your shins parallel to the ground and your knees bent. Roll back down onto the mat slowly and lower your legs. You should repeat this exercise 5 times per set, resting 30 – 60 seconds between sets.

15. Do The Windshield Wiper

Do The Windshield Wiper - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

To do this exercise, you will need to lie face up with palms down, arms out to your sides, and your legs bent at 90 degrees so feet are off the floor. Keep your abs tight and lower the legs to the right slowly as far as you can, keep your shoulders on the floor. Pause, and then start again. Repeat this exercise 20 times with switched sides. Doing this exercise regularly is also one of the best ways to flatten belly fat you should not skip!

16. Be “Pushy” At Restaurants

It might sound strange and even bad for a person because that might make people hate you. However, it is really necessary for you to maintain a desirable physique. You should be the last person when going to a party or a barbecue. You should not become a waiter who comes around the buffet table and add a lot of foods into your plate. A recent research discovered that a normal-weight woman was more likely to mimic a thin woman’s eating habits than an obese woman’s. Therefore, when you are out for girl’s night, order first. You will keep yourself on track to keep a flat stomach.

17. Fight Fat With Fiber

Fight Fat With Fiber - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

For every 10 grs of fiber you eat every day, your stomach can carry almost 4% less fat. Thankfully, there are a lot of simple ways that you can apply to increase your fiber intake. You can apply this method – drinking a tasty juice made from:

– An artichoke or 2 cups of broccoli

– ½ cup of pinto beans

– 2 apples

18. Try Out Spider Moves

Try Out Spider Moves - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

Have you ever seen Spiderman movies? The Spiderman’s moves when he climbs over the buildings are actually a wonderful idea for a belly fat burning exercise. You should get into plank position with your legs and your arms extended, feet flexed, and hands beneath your shoulders. After that, you should bend your right leg out to the side, keep your abs tight, and bring your knee toward the right elbow. Pause, and then come back to the start. Switch sides. Reply this exercises 20 times, alternating sides, with thirty minutes of cardio 5 – 6 times per week.

19. Do Aerobic

Do Aerobic - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

If you want to burn belly fat within the shortest period of time, you should make use of aerobic. A study of Duke University confirmed that doing aerobic exercises is the most efficient fat burning method, especially when it comes to stomach fat. Actually, according to the study, aerobic training can help to burn 67% more calories than resistance training or a combination of the two.

20Take Your Gossip Session On A Walk

Take Your Gossip Session On A Walk - Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

The last out of the best ways to flatten belly fat I want to show you is that instead of catching up with friends over drinks and foods, you should make some moves with them as a healthy routine. You are likely to work out 104% harder if you do exercise with a buddy as when you walk or run together, you tend to talk and then, you can burn more calories at the same time. You should set up a weekly walk-and-talk plan with your close friends who also want to get rid of excessive belly fat. You can catch up a friend and go to a friendly fitness club or join a gym class. You will motivate everyone to get moving while you grow even closer.

Ways To Flatten Belly Fast

This is the list of 20 simple ways to flatten belly fast that are very useful for people who want to get rid of extra fat in their stomach. This list is the combination of information I collected, showing my readers who are visiting the best ways to shed fat within a very short time period.

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