Height always plays a great role in improving the persona of anyone. No doubt, some are often desperate to boosting their natural height in any way possible. A lot of acupressure treatments and a number of medicines are available that claim height gain. Yet, they are not really effective, quite expensive and include associated side effects. Also, there is no guarantee of the success for those methods for certain individuals in different ages.
Thus, if you are young enough, find natural possible ways to increase your height by combining the right diet with an exercise routine. A proper diet keeps growth boosting hormones active fresh and aids in rebuilding them. A proper exercise routine aids in strengthening and toning your muscles, thereby releasing the growth hormones that are responsible for boosted height.
When it comes to influence of appearance on your confidence, the shorter you are, the lower confidence you may feel. For some, height is something they strive for when they are aware of its importance in their social life and at work. If you desire to get taller but you think you’re stuck with your height after 20, you may be wrong. Along with dieting, a lot of simple exercise can help you boost your height if you practice regularly.
Below are top 27 exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20. Check them out on VKool site and follow detailed instructions to do the exercises properly!
27 Exercises To Increase Height During Puberty And After 20
1. Swimming
Swimming is an excellent height boosting exercise as it requires a plenty of reaching and stretching for gradually increasing height. In fact, to gain extra height, you need to practise this exercise often for long periods so that you are able to see significant results. You need to try and plan for at least 1 to 2 hours of swimming daily if you desire to increase your natural extra height.
2. Hanging Exercises
Next to simple exercises to increase height naturally, try hanging exercise. To do these exercises, you have to hang down from a bar with your 2 hands. They help the whole body stretch. If you can, hang and bring both your legs up parallel to the bar to create better stretches. You need to keep the exercise up for a few repetitions and times weekly for better results.
Without exercising, gravity adversely impacts your height by compressing the joints and spines, which thins and squeezes the cartilage, thereby giving you a short appearance. Hanging bar is a simple exercise to handle this problem. Hanging bar makes the weight lower torso’s stretch the spine while decreasing the pull on vertebras. Hence, it results in boosting the height by one to two inches, yet not instantly.
Besides, a horizontal bar for boosting height should be placed at a height, which allows your body to extend with the room to move. In case, your body can’t fully extend, you can bend the knees slightly for hanging freely. Make sure that while you are grasping the bar, the palms have to face outwards. While you are hanging, keep your shoulders, hips and arms as relaxed as possible, so gravity can pull the body further effectively. For better benefits, try wearing ankle weights! This should last for about 20 seconds with a gap between 2 times of hanging. Then, repeat at least 3 times. Along with swimming, hanging bar can be considered a great choice among exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20.
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3. Touch Toes
Simply, doing touching toes exercise twice a day can help you increase your height naturally, but you have to do it often and combine the exercise with other warm-up exercises. The exercise sounds boring, but it is very beneficial for the whole body stress, thereby boosting your growth hormone to product more. If you cannot touch your toes, just do stretches as far as possible. Remember to hold a stretch for several seconds each time.
4. Cobra Stretch
Cobra stretch is to stretch out your spine and elongate your body. The more often you practise the stretch, the more you can open up the back and increase your extra height. To do this stretch, start by lying on your face down, your palms under the shoulders. Next, arch the back by raising the chin to form an angle.
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5. Super Cobra Stretch
Next to another stretch for enhancing height, this is super cobra stretch. To start, keep the arms perpendicular to the ground, the spine arched (performed as the end step of cobra stretch. Next, bend the hips, and bring the body up for forming an inverted “V” position. Meanwhile, tuck the chin against the chest and return to the starting position. Do this more as you can, each repetition lasts for about 10 -20 seconds.
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6. Pelvic Shift
This exercise focuses on the lower hips and spine and it is considered the simplest and the most effective exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20. Start by lying flat on the back with the palms out to your sides. Keep the legs bent and push the pelvis upward slowly. Hold this pose for about 20 – 30 seconds. Repeat several times. This exercise helps you stretch more, thereby giving more flexibility to the front hips.
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7. The Bow Down
Next to simply exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20, consider the bow down exercise. To start, stand straight with the hands placed on the hips. Stay in this position, and bend forward as far as you can, leading with the head. Remember not to bend the knees and keep the chin off the chest. Do each repetition for about 4 – 8 seconds.
8. Hopping With One Leg
Being one of the easiest exercises ever, hopping with one leg can be practiced anywhere while you are in the street, playing in the park or while you are watching TV. Hop on the left leg 6 times with the hands pointing towards the ceiling, then hop on the right leg in the same way. This activity is good for the brain development, generation of the growth hormones and strengthening of the legs.
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9. Pilates Roll Over
Next to powerful exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20, these are pilates roll over.
This excellent exercise aids in stretching the spine and provides boosted length to the upper body. It also lengthens and stretches the vertebrae of the neck.
To start, lie on the back with the arms along the sides and the palms face down. Keep the legs together, then extend them straight towards the sky and bend backwards for making them touch the ground. Touching the ground may be difficult to do at first, yet with regular practice it’ll get easier. The more often you stretch yourself, the more strongly your spine lengthens.
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10. Forward Spine Stretch
Start by sitting up straight on a yoga mat with the feet in front. The legs should be extended shoulder width apart; and the feet are flexed. Breathe in and extend the arms out forward you. Meanwhile, bend forward to touch the toe tips.
If you can touch the tips of your toes, then you try to stretch forward to keep the spine flexed. This may be hard to do at first, but the performance will be easier to achieve through your regular practice.
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11. Spot Jump
Next to simple and funny exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20, this is spot jump. To start, keep the legs close and stand on the toe. Start jumping with the hands straight up in the ceiling for about 2 minutes.
12. Wall Stretch
Beside spot jump, you can consider wall stretch among exercises to increase height. Start by standing up against a room wall. Next, try to reach the hands as high as you can. Meanwhile, get onto the tips of your toes. The spine must be kept as flat as possible against the wall. Each repetition should be performed for 4 – 6 seconds. This stretch seems harder than it really looks as the spine should be kept flat against a wall.
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13. Straight Legs Up
To do this exercise, lie on the stomach with the hands behind the neck and raise one of the legs as high as you can. Repeat the process with your other leg. Always remember to keep the legs straight while you are stretching. Each repetition lasts for about 3 – 5 seconds.
14. Downhill
Start by standing with the hands together and the arms behind you. Next, bend down at your waist as far as you can and swing the arms slowly as high as you can behind you. Each repetition lasts for about 4 – 6 seconds.
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15. The Bridge
Next to exercises to increase height naturally, try the bridge workout. Start by lying down, keeping the knees bent and the feet flat on the ground as close to the butt as you can. Then, grab the ankles and hold them on. Next, raise the hips up and arch the spine for lifting the abs towards the sky. Try to lift the abs as high as you can and go back to the starting position. If it’s hard for you to hold on to the ankles, keep the arms to your side and use them in order to push up yourself. Each repetition lasts for about 3 – 10 seconds. The stretch seems difficult at first, yet with regular practice, you are able to perform it with ease.
16. Ankle Weights
The ankle weight exercise is originally meant to enhance the length of lower body because it works to focus on stretching cartilage between knees. With prolonged stretching, cartilage is elongated, then increases in mass. Thus, the length of lower body can increase.
To start, sit on a high long chair, prepare an ankle weight fastener and tie it to add more weights to the ankle. Start with small weights, then increase weights gradually as you can do. Allow the legs to stretch down because of the pressure of weights. If you can complete this procedure, remove weights and allow the legs to get relaxed by kicking them gently for 5 – 10 times, then vigorously 5 – 10 times. This helps flex the knee cartilage and make it grow in length.
17. The Table
To start, sit down on the ground and keep the legs straight. The torso should be straight. Next, place the palms on the ground next to the butt and tuck the chin against the chest. Then, bring the head as far as you can. Meanwhile, raise the body so that the knees bend and your arms stay straight. The torso and the upper legs must be straight and horizontal to the ground while the arms and the lower legs are perpendicular to the ground. In this way, occupy the table shape. It seems difficult to stretch at first and you have to try the best. Each repetition is done for about 8 – 20 seconds.
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18. Jump Rope
Jump rope is very interesting that may make you recall your school game and it is also one of the most effective exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20 like spot jump.
Jump rope is great for stretching out your body, especially your lower legs. By doing this exercise, you can build up these low body muscles and stretch your legs out through the jumping motion. The more you jump rope, the sooner you can see the results.
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19. Cat & Dog
Cat & dog exercise is also known like the Indian Dandwat. The exercise helps open up the spine and strengthen the shoulders, back, chest, and palms. Basically, it stretches the hamstrings while putting a pressure on the stomach. It is good for blood circulation, too.
To start, place the hands and the knees on the ground with the arms locked out. Breathe in while flexing the spine down, then breath out while bringing the spine up into the arched position and the head down. The spine should be arched. Remember to keep the shoulders high and the elbows straight. The pelvic bone has to touch the ground. Each repetition lasts for about 3 – 8 seconds.
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20. Sprints
Next to exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20, consider sprints.
These exercises definitely assist in boosting height. Yet the key to your success lies in how often and consistently you can practice. Moreover, the duration and intensity of these exercises can be increased gradually. They can also be combined with a diet for the best results.
21. Alternate Leg Kick
This exercise is also called dry swimming as it is similar to swimming exercise except for the truth that it isn’t performed in a pool. Basically, Alternate Leg Kick focuses on the lower back for strengthens it as well as makes it toned, and as a result, you will be able to stand tall.
To start, lie down on the stomach on a firm and flat surface. Next, stretch the body as far as possible. While you are resting the chin on the ground, stretch the arms out in front of the face with the palms face downwards. This step looks like the starting position. Then, raise the right arm several inches from the ground and simultaneously lift the left leg off the ground without bending the knees, as far up as possible. Maintain the position for several seconds, then come back to the starting position. Next, do this with the left arm and the right leg. The exercise aids in toning your lower back, also prevents slouching. Your toned back will stay upright and that will make you look taller.
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22. Super Stretch
Super stretch is not difficult as you might think ever. This is a simple and very beneficial stretch for enhancing height, also reducing stress.
Start by standing upright and place the hands behind the head. Next, bend the head upwards, next is back as far as possible. Slowly do the stretch and hold each position for several seconds. This can help stretch out the spine.
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23. Hands On The Head Bow Down
Start by stand with the hands placed together behind the neck, then bend forward as far as you can. Bring the chin onto the chest but don’t bend the knees. Each repetition lasts for about 4 – 8 seconds.
24. Forward Bend
This is one of well-known exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20.
To start, stand straight with the legs wide apart. Next, extend the hands up straight, and bend down forward for touching the ground with the hands, remember not to bend the knees. Then, return to the starting position.
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25. Two Legs Straight Up
For this workout, start by lying flat on the back. Next, place the palms flat on the ground at the side. Then raise the legs toward the sky at the same time. Slowly do the motion and stretch the legs up until the pelvis lifts off the floor slightly. This stretch is great for the lower back and legs. It is also difficult to perform, so it may take you much time for some practice.
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26. Forward Spine Stretch
This exercise is all about your calves and back. To start, sit on the ground with the legs stretched out. Next, reach forward to touch the toes by arching the back. This is also to stretch many muscles at the same time in your toe touch. Remember to hold the position for a few seconds.
27. Pilates Roll Over
Last but not least among simple yet effective exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20, this is pilates roll over.
This seems hard to move fluently at first, but it’s well worth trying and showing your effort. Start by lying on the back with the arms at the sides. Lift the legs together toward the sky like the 2 legs lift. Then, try to bring the legs back to touch the ground behind the head. There are several stretches, which stretch the back out completely. This exercise works to strengthen as well as elongate your spine, so do this every day for achieving the results of your height enhancement.
Bottom line:
This article has shown you top 27 exercises to increase height during puberty and after 20. Hope that you liked the writing and will do some and benefit from these workouts as much as the hope you desire. Please be advised before starting any form of height enhancing exercises for safety and the best results.
Please do share this article of exercise to increase height with your friends and we’d love to here your comments and feedbacks on the article. Thanks for reading and see you in the next posts!
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