Cradle cap, also known medically as infantile seborrheic dermatitis, is considered as a popular condition among babies that lead to scaly, rough patches on the scalp of the baby. It often goes away on its own after several weeks, yet in some cases this condition persists and needs special treatment. If you are looking for good tips on how to get rid of cradle cap in babies and toddlers, then you should read on the following list, collected by!
How To Get Rid Of Cradle Cap In Babies – 10 Quick Tips
4. Shea Butter
1. Use Your Fingers
The scalp of a baby will not be harmed if you use the hands to take off the cap. Maybe, it is the simplest and also most effective way you could do in regard to how to get rid of cradle cap.
Just simply rub the fingers over the scaly patches, then you gently peel and scrape away that scaly dead skin and discard it. In case you do not want to use your fingers for picking off the scales, you could also cover the hands using plastic wrap in order to prevent directly touching the scales. Remember that cradle cap is not contagious and simply picking off those scales will make the baby more comfortable.
Yet, you should not use tweezers or another sharp tool in order to remove the scales as you might accidentally poke the head of the baby and lead to injury.
2. Wash The Head Every Day
In order to get rid of cradle cap quickly, you need to wash the head of the baby daily. Make use of warm water to bath the baby’s head and then gently massage his scalp with you own fingers. That way, the water will help loosen the cradle cap scales, when you could peel or scrape away.
Go for a mild baby shampoo to help loosen the scales. Nevertheless, you might find that the shampoo tends to dry out the scalp of the baby furthermore.
You can use the soft-bristled brush that could help loosen those scales whilst the head of the baby is still wet.
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3. Go For Vegetable Oil
Sometimes, those cradle cap scales require outside help before peeling them off. Spread the baby oil on the dry patches, wait for about 15 minutes to allow the scales to soften before eliminating them.
Go for olive oil or other vegetable oils as they work well for eliminating the scales. Then, use warm water and shampoo to rinse off the oil as you are finished. Do not leave any trace of the oil as it might make your problem worse by leading to more scales to build up.
4. Shea Butter
Shea butter is a natural treatment for cradle cap. In fact, the skin of babies is very tender and soft. Shea butter could be easily absorbed by the scalp skin without leaving any greasy residue. It also does not clog the pores and prevent the growth of dandruff or oil.
Just simply rub the shea butter onto the infected area of the baby, wait for about 20 minutes.
After that, you use a soft toothed comb for picking out the flakes. Finally, wash the head of the baby with usual baby shampoo.
5. Vaseline Or Petroleum Jelly
Regarding to natural ways on how to get rid of cradle cap, Vaseline is very useful in treating this problem. It is reckoned as the simplest and most convenient method for relieving cradle cap. You just need apply a small amount of Vaseline onto the baby’s scalp. Wait for overnight. That way, the scales will be picked off with the help of a soft toothed comb.
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6. Mineral Oil
Being a natural cure for cradle cap in babies, mineral oil is very easy-to-use. You just need to apply a small amount of mineral oil over the head of the baby. Wait for a few hours before rinsing the head off with a baby shampoo. Remember, whilst washing hair, you rub the scalp of the baby gently using a wet washcloth and moving in a circular motion. This method will help remove the flakes from the baby’s scalp quickly.
7. Medicated Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Using medicated shampoos or anti-dandruff shampoos is very effective in eliminating cradle cap. Those shampoos have tar working on flakiness and prevent the skin from getting dry. Also, it includes salicylic acid as well as sulphur. Wash the hair and scalp of the baby gently with medicated anti-dandruff shampoo.
8. Hydrocortisone Cream
This is a wonder cream that could help treat the condition of cradle cap efficiently. Hydrocortisone cream, on the other hand, is also useful in treating different types of skin infections such as eczema.
You just need apply pea-size hydrocortisone cream over the affected area of the baby in the morning. Then, observe the effects and if essential and apply more cream before the bed time.
However, you should not apply this cream on the scalp of the baby as it has steroids.
It is okay for toddlers.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar
With its acidic property, apple cider vinegar is useful in eliminating cradle cap in toddlers. You can take advantage of this treatment by mixing 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 2 parts of water. Then, massage the mixture over the affected area. Wait for 10 minutes before washing it off with plain water. In addition, apple cider vinegar can fight off dead skin cells.
10. Baking Soda
Not only is cradle cap common in babies, but it is also popular in toddlers. If your toddlers suffer from this problem, you could go for baking soda to relieve the symptoms of cradle cap. Make a good paste of baking soda and water. After that, place the mixture over your infected area. Wait till the combination dries out on its own before using a soft comb to remove flakes.
Alternatively, you could mix a small amount of natural oil with baking soda. Combine the ingredients in the ratio of 1:1 and then apply it over the infected scalp. Next, use a soft comb to remove the flakiness.
In addition to the above-mentioned tips on how to get rid of cradle cap in babies and toddlers, you should also consider some preventative measures below:
- Avoid too frequent shampooing
- Go for a quality shampoo, such as medicated shampoo or anti-dandruff shampoo. Use mild baby shampoo when treating babies’ cradle cap.
- Use the baby combs with the soft bristles
- Avoid combing the scaly skin with too much force
- Keep breastfeeding
- Maintain the moisture in the room of the baby or toddler by using a humidifier
- Before shampooing, remember to apply mineral oil
- Rinse well to eliminate traces of soap
- Use natural oils for good massage.
- Make sure that water is warm, not hot or cold. Check it with the elbow.
There, you have discovered most important tips on how to get rid of cradle cap. Apply some of them and you will notice great improvement in the condition.
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