Mini Thins Review (UPDATED 2025) – Is It Safe?

406 Review(s)
AVG Rating: 3.7/10

Mini Thins are a diet pill made from a substance dubbed, ephedrezine. According to the makers of this product, it works as a thermogenic fat burning pill and provides a good source of energy for users. as per the web copy, this product is a diet solution free from all those.

Mini Thins get their fat-burning power from caffeine, Yohimbe, L-Alanine, cayenne pepper, bitter orange, white willow bark, and green tea extract.  The product stacks these thermogenic ingredients together for maximum energy and fat loss, plus the added benefit of appetite suppression.

But, are Mini Thins safe? A quick look at the ingredients of this so-called “high-speed” fat burner suggests that this product could be a pretty potent stimulant. And as such, users need to be careful when using. Keep reading for more information about Mini Thins.

Click here to learn more about safely using diet pills to lose weight.

Mini Thins Overview

Mini Thins used to be made with the banned substance, ephedra. The formula has since been reworked and now features a proprietary blend known as ephedrezine—an herbal replacement for the once popular weight loss drug.

It seems that Mini Thins have kept the same name, hoping people would associate the pills with weight loss drug, ephedra. We’re not really sure why this would be a selling point, as the substance was banned for causing cardiovascular problems in users.

Mini Thins promises to be a safer alternative than traditional diet pills, free from so-called “sketchy ingredients.” But, at a glance, we see that the product contains Yohimbe bark, an awful lot of caffeine, and bitter orange. Three ingredients that, when combined in any configuration, can cause some adverse effects.

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Mini Thins Claims

According to the makers of this product, and a site called, “Ephedra Warehouse” the product is safe and effective when taken correctly. Users may take this product up to three times a day. Each pill contains about 200 mg of caffeine, so three tablets mean you’re getting almost seven cups of coffee in pill form.

The pills work to suppress the appetite, increase energy and strength. That last one, we’re not really sure about. Stimulants affect the central nervous system and were once more common as a solution for fighting obesity. These days, people still can get a prescription for diet pills, but dieters should be aware that there is a likely chance that they will develop an addiction.

Get the inside scoop on the best diet pills out there—we’ll look at everything so you don’t have to.

Mini Thins Ingredients

The Mini Thins formula is not recommended for people suffering from chronic health problems or are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking antidepressants. Below, we’ll look at the ingredient list, and you’ll see why.

  • Caffeine
  • Yohimbe
  • Green tea
  • White willow bark
  • Bitter orange

Caffeine is a popular stimulant ingredient; it’s used to reduce feelings of hunger, burn calories, and stimulate thermogenesis. Thermogenesis, for those who don’t know, is the way your body generates heat and energy when you digest food.

Yohimbe is derived from an African evergreen plant and is often used for its ability to treat erectile dysfunction and low libido in men. Yohimbe is gaining some traction as a weight loss supplement, as it may block some receptors in the body that inhibit fat loss.

That said, Yohimbe might not be safe. As per WebMD, this ingredient may cause upset stomach, tremors, frequent urination, heart palpitations, chest pain, irritability, dizziness, headaches, sinus problems, drooling and more.

Yohimbe should not be used by anyone who is pregnant, nursing or has high blood pressure. Additionally, this ingredient might hurt people taking SSRIs.

Willow bark extract is similar to aspirin. The herb is used as a natural way to relieve fever and pain.

Kola nut is a caffeine-containing nut, most often used as a flavoring agent. According to WebMD, kola nut when combined with willow bark and ephedra might help users reduce their overall weight.

Green tea is linked to a whole host of benefits. It is thought to prevent cancer, improve bone density, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels and more. Long story short, this antioxidant-rich leaf is known for its positive effect on many of our body’s systems.

Bitter orange contains a substance called synephrine, an herbal ingredient used as a natural weight loss supplement. The element is used as a means of suppressing the appetite and boost energy.

According to the Mayo Clinic, bitter orange might speed up your heart and raise your blood pressure. The addition of caffeine might amplify these effects. Users should be aware that this product poses some risks and unfortunately, there weren’t too many.

Click this link to learn more about using the diet pills that help you combat weight gain.

The Science of Mini Thins

At a glance, Mini Thins appear to be made by a long list of stimulants. So, we know that this product is likely effective for stimulating the metabolism, providing energy, and increasing focus. Sounds good, but there are some clear risks associated with the use of Mini Thins or any similar products.

Beyond the risk of heart problems, jittering, nervousness, and the usual side effects that go along with stimulants, the product also contains artificial coloring which may pose some risks–allergic reactions, DNA damage, and more.

The best diet products 2025 has to offer–see which ones made the cut by clicking here.

Mini Thins Word on the Street

A lot of people use this product as a pre-workout supplement aimed at amplifying the calorie burning effect and increase your metabolism with use.

Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of traditional customer reviews online from people who have tried the reworked herbal formula.

  Most of the sites that sell this product are these strange ephedra forums, and it doesn’t seem like the pills sold through these websites are safe or regulated in any capacity.

There are entries posted on various forums from 2001, 2002 discussing Mini Thins, but not much from the present day. Either this product is not legal, or it just doesn’t have the same allure as it did back before ephedra was banned by the FDA in 2004.

The few Amazon reviews were not especially good—one reviewer mentioned that the product made his body temperature shift from hot to cold and back again. He said the pills gave him a severe stomach ache and chest pain.

Other consumers stated that they were disappointed that Amazon wasn’t selling the original Mini Thins formula. That said, some people mentioned that this product is an effective way to stay awake, but it also came with side effects like jittering, hot flashes, chills, headaches, and more—but overall, it seems that the product’s side effects greatly outweighed the benefits of that added energy boost.

In any case, there is little evidence that this product will safely help consumers lose weight and you’re probably better off making other lifestyle changes like eating fewer calories or training harder at the gym.

Click this link to read more about using dietary supplements to support your weight loss goals.

Is Mini Thins Worth a Try?

This product has a long history of abuse.

In the 1990s, this drug was a popular choice among truckers and students trying to stay awake for long stretches. Additionally, a quick look through the internet search results reveals that the people talking about this product were on the hunt for places still selling ephedra.

The fact that the few reviewers echo the same issues with the product; it causes symptoms like hot flashes, stomach pain, and heart palpitations. That last one, there were people who said they were young and healthy and still feared they had a heart attack.

We don’t know the exact dosage of the stimulant ingredients included in the blend, but Yohimbe is known to cause some adverse effects, particular things like heart problems, stomach pain, headaches and more. Or, the combination of caffeine and bitter orange–another potential source of these problems.

Find out more about what it really takes to lose weight–more info after the jump.

Mini Thins FAQs

  1. How much does Mini Thins cost?
    One bottle of Mini Thins costs $39.95 for 24 pills. Buying in bulk lowers the price. For a person purchasing 2-4 bottles, the price is .

    95 per bottle, and for 5 or more bottles, the price is $34.95 a bottle.
  2. Where do you buy Mini Thins?
    Amazon is currently selling Mini Thins from several different third-party sellers. Additionally, you can find this product for sale from several Ephedra websites like Ephedra Warehouse.

What Really Works?

After looking closely at several types of diet pills from the stimulants to the appetite suppressants, we’ve found that a natural approach to weight loss is going to be your best bet. Sletrokor, an herbal supplement with garcinia cambogia at its core is one of the best options available for people trying to lose weight safely.

The product works as an appetite suppressant and gentle laxative, eliminating bloat and staving off hunger pangs. To read up on the ingredients powering Sletrokor, click the link provided.

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