SLIMQUICK Review (UPDATED 2025) — Is It Safe?

418 Review(s)
AVG Rating: 3.7/10

If you’ve been on the lookout for a new diet pill, chances are you’ve come across products that claim to be natural, healthy, and effective. The problem is, many customers are in too much of a rush to get “results” as fast as they can, and they end up buying things before they’ve properly investigated them. That’s why we’ve made it easy, by looking at some of these products and seeing if they’re worth the buzz.
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Read our review below to find out what we learned about a recent popular weight-loss pill.

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SLIMQUICK (“SLIMQUICK Pure”) is a weight loss pill “designed with women in mind” that’s supposed to help you burn fat quicker. Each bottle costs around $24.99, which isn’t bad, but according to the nutritional information there are only 20 servings in each bottle. That means that each bottle lasts less than a month, so if you want to get a full month’s worth of action out of this product, you’ll have to buy more than one. It’s meant to be taken 3 times a day, and should be taken for as long as you wish to see results.

SLIMQUICK is made by SLIMQUICK Laboratories, a diet product company based in Delaware. We’d like to say that this company has a spotless reputation, but unfortunately that’s not the case. The company was the subject of a class-action lawsuit alleging that their product causes liver damage. The symptoms of liver damage include jaundice, hepatitis, and enlarged liver. We’re not sure what the company has to say in its defense, but it’s clear that if their products cause any medical problems for people, they haven’t properly vetted their ingredients.
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This product is supposed to make your body burn fat more quickly than through simple diet alone. It’s supposed to do this because of the specific green tea extract in each pill, which the company claims was determined in a study to cause subject to lose more weight in a given time frame than those who simply dieted alone – up to 3 times the weight, in fact. They claim that all of its ingredients are “good” for you, containing “nothing bad,” implying that none of its ingredients will have a bad effect on you when taking.

We’ve compiled a list of the highest-rated weight-loss pills.

SLIMQUICK Ingredients

This product contains several ingredients, which are listed below:

  • Caffeine
  • Green tea extract
  • Rhodiola
  • Chaste Tree extract

Caffeine is a stimulant derived from coffee beans or tea leaves, and while it can give you more energy, it can also cause negative side effects in certain quantities such as insomnia, anxiety, or jitteriness. Rhodiola is a plant that’s used as a homeopathic way to help the body “adapt to stress,” as well as increase endurance (WebMD). Chaste tree is another herb used to promote wellness and help women’s sexual function.

The ingredient that makes us worry a bit is the green tea extract. While green tea by itself isn’t necessarily bad for you, green tea extract has been labeled as a “hepatoxin,” which can damage the liver (Zheng, Elizabeth et al: “Liver injury…” Jour Clin Trans Hepatology)

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The Science Behind SLIMQUICK

The primary claim SLIMQUICK makes is that the green tea extract causes your body to burn fat at a quicker rate, while the other ingredients seem meant to increase your energy so that you have the will and means to get through the day, even on a restricted-calorie diet. The rhodiola is likely there to help in the same capacity as well.
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As we saw, however, green tea extract can injure the liver in certain concentrations, due to the presence of catechins – polyphenols which can “cause cytotoxicity through mitochondrial membrane destruction.” Other products that contain green tea extract like Hydroxycut have been implicated in liver damage as well (see above cited article).

Looking for a safe way to lose extra pounds? Click here for a new list of the best diet pills.

Word on the Street About SLIMQUICK

We wanted to see what customers themselves are saying about SLIMQUICK, and the response hasn’t been very good. While some people said things like “It worked for me!” and “it was exactly what I thought I was going to get,” other people didn’t have such a good reaction to it.

I only lost 3 pounds in a month” one person opined, while another person said “I actually gained weight.” Other customers said that the pills “only gave them more energy” and “doesn’t work at all.” We should note too that on Amazon, the product has 162 reviews and over half of them are 1 or 2 stars.

Here are our picks for the best pills for losing weight and body fat.

Is SLIMQUICK Worth Trying?

This product is a good example of why you should always research any health product you plan to buy. From their marketing, they’d have you think that their product is clean, safe, and healthy, full of natural ingredients. However, we found out that the truth is much different: it could be dangerous. It’s a red flag when a company is part of a class-action lawsuit for false advertising and marketing a possibly toxic product, but it’s even worse when there’s scientific evidence that their pills could harm your liver. The customer response hasn’t been very positive either, with the majority of customers giving the product a low rating, from what we’ve seen.

Avoid SLIMQUICK, and stay healthy.

For the Top Ten best diet pills available for purchase, click here.


These are very different products. Although both come in pill form, SLIMQUICK is a plant-based nutritional supplement, while Alli is a pharmaceutical drug. That means that, while you can buy SLIMQUICK easily from stores or websites, you need a prescription from a doctor to buy Alli. The price also differs: while SLIMQUICK costs about $25 for a one-month supply, Alli costs around $60 for one prescription. Alli is only meant for people with a BMI of 25 or above, while Slimquick is for anyone, although it’s marketed specifically to women.

SLIMQUICK vs Plexus Slim

These are different products, but they have similar goals. SLIMQUICK is a pill, while Plexus Slim is a shake. Both are intended to help you shed excess fat from your body, and both consist of natural herbopathic ingredients. Plexus Slim is intended to help your digestive system by introducing a special fiber that promotes certain gut flora, while SLIMQUICK is only intended to help you lose weight by burning fat and helping increase your metabolic levels.

SLIMQUICK vs Hydroxycut Gummies

These products both claim to increase your rate of losing weight. SLIMQUICK comes in capsule form, while Hydroxycut Gummies, as their name implies, comes in a chewable gummy candy form. SLIMQUICK contains caffeine, while the gummies don’t contain any stimulants, as per their advertising. SLIMQUICK contains more plant-based ingredients, while the gummies contain mainly vitamins and minerals such as riboflavin, thiamine, and folic acid. Hydroxycut gummies sell for a lot more – we’ve seen them sell for $65 – while SLIMQUICK costs around $20 for a one-month supply of capsules.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is there a SLIMQUICK Shake?
    There’s a weight-loss drink sold by SLIMQUICK, yes.
  2. What are the results of taking SLIMQUICK?
    It’s supposed to be that you lose extra body fat. From customer reviews, however, results can differ.
  3. Where can I read reviews of SLIMQUICK?
    You can find them most places where SLIMQUICK is sold, like Amazon.
  4. What ingredients are in SLIMQUICK?
    Caffeine, rhodiola extract, green tea extract, and chaste tree extract.
  5. What are the side effects of SLIMQUICK?
    From the caffeine, they include insomnia, jitteriness, and irregular heartbeat. From the green tea extract, they could include liver problems and jaundice.
  6. Is there any CLA in SLIMQUICK?
    Not in the pill form, no.
  7. What are the ingredients in SLIMQUICK Pure?
    The very ingredients we listed above, for our review was specifically for SLIMQUICK Pure.
  8. Can I buy SLIMQUICK at Walmart?
    It looks like you can buy one of the SLIMQUICK drinks at Walmart, yes.

To read our list of the Top 10 products for healthy weight loss, click here.

So What Really Works?

Out of all of the many diet pills out there, it looks like most haven’t yet proven to be as effective as they really are. We’ve looked at a wide variety of them, and in our estimation, the best quality for your money has got to be Sletrokor. Sletrokor is an all-natural diet pill that contains quality ingredients which can (with exercise and proper diet) can help you attain and keep a healthy weight. It’s one of the best diet pills out there, and is manufactured in a lab that’s FDA-certified for product quality.

Even better, there’s a money-back guarantee in case you aren’t satisfied, showing that the company stands behind the product.

For more info about Sletrokor, the best pill for losing excess body fat, click here.

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