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A performance enhancer that give conflicting information about its own ingredients and may have to be paired with another product to be fully effective. In our full breakdown we will explain every relevant aspect of the supplement and what it can and cannot do. To keep reading just click on the table of contents below.
Crevalor Overview
Crevalor is a performance enhancing supplement that is formulated to boost your testosterone levels and help get you add lean muscle and tone your body, while also heling in the bedroom by increasing your libido and stamina. It does not discuss whether it can improve the quality of your erections but does make the guarantee to increase your energy and general physical performance, which includes your ability to perform sexually by increasing their function and enhances their sex drive.
Although the product is sold through Amazon, in addition to being sold through its official website, there is no manufacturer named. In terms of contact information, all that is provided is a phone number to order the product with a sales rep but can also handle questions and concerns. The product is sold in bottles containing 60 capsules which are apparently supposed to be taken in the amount of 2 per day, but no further usage directions are provided. Through Amazon they are sold for $49.95 per bottle, each of which should last you about a month.
The product is offered through the official website as a free trial, then as a monthly recurring charge. This approach often confuses many users and can make it difficult to cancel if you want to.
Crevalor Claims
The majority of the claims made by Crevalor are revolving around its ability to improve your physique and build lean muscles. The claims made regarding the improvement of your sexual performance are mostly secondary, though they do make it clear that improving blood circulation, stamina, and sensitivity are all areas that also benefit you in the bedroom. Users can expect to see a higher libido and sex drive than they have been experiencing, making you ready for sex at a moment’s notice and able to achieve a strong erection.
Much of this will be accomplished by simply boosting the user’s testosterone through its natural ingredients. It states that a higher testosterone will be the method through which users are able to achieve the change they desire in their bodies and improvement in their sexual wellness.
Additionally, taking the pill will potentially help preserve muscle mass for longer, which can help some aging men who are having trouble maintaining their body. They claim that this will also help with the muscles used to achieve erections.
Unfortunately, none of the claims made really stood out as unique and were generally vague and underwhelming.
Crevalor Ingredients
Both on the official product website and the Amazon page, Crevalor provides a graphic listing the ingredients its uses and describing their role in the formula. Strangely, also on the Amazon page, they show a supplement facts label that lists completely different ingredients. Because the graphic is used multiple times we assume that is the formula but having conflicting information like that on your Amazon page can leave a lot potential users misinformed. Here are the ingredients that are included within Crevalor:
- L-Arigine HCL
- Maca Root
- Siberian Ginseng
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Yohimbe
Among the ingredients the product lists as being in its formula, there is L-Arginine HCL which is an amino acid that works to widen your veins, which then can allow more blood to flow throughout the body at a faster rate. Maca Root is an herb that has a long history of effectiveness and is a stimulant and natural aphrodisiac. Tribulus Terrestris does not actually increase testosterone production but can help the body to take better advantage of the testosterone that it already has.
What concerns us greatly is the inclusion of Yohimbe in the formula. Yohimbe is regulated very strictly in the USA because of potential dangers and side effects such as heart attacks, seizure, or paralysis. Consumers should keep in mind that the product is manufactured in Amsterdam, so they may not have the same standards on Yohimbe as the United States.
The Science Behind Crevalor
The information provided by the manufacturer to promote the product is pretty standard in many ways with Crevalor. It gives a basic explanation as to how it is intended to work, which is by naturally increasing testosterone efforts. Increased testosterone can have many benefits, some of which are applicable to sex, and most of which are for muscle and body sculpting. However, it is hard to trust a product that provides differing ingredient information on its Amazon page.
The only specific numbers provided by Crevalor is when it claims to help users gain 35% more muscle mass. This is an impressive looking number, but no further specifics are provided explaining how that number was reached or determined, and no links to studies, testimonials, or real research. Furthermore, there is no science presented regarding the sexual benefits that the product can supposedly provide
Word on the Street About Crevalor
Despite the product being through Amazon, which offers a forum for reviews to be submitted by consumers, there were only a handful of objective consumer reviews that we were able to find. Based on the limited number of reviews we saw, the reaction to Crevalor seems to be have been almost entirely negative from consumers. There have been complaints about multiple aspects of the product, most often ineffectiveness.
The product does use some ingredients that we are concerned about, and according to one reviewer, resulted in some side effects: “The product made me feel very ill. When I tried to return it for a refund that they guarantee, they still kept half of what I paid. Very unsatisfying.” As that user indicates, there have also been multiple issues with the customer service for Creavlor.
The official website for Crevalor only make the product available through a free trial that leads to monthly charges. The charges are apparently extremely high according to this reviewer: “They charge me $90 a month per bottle and I keep trying to cancel. The product only made me feel dizzy and sick.”
Unfortunately, we were not able to find a single positive user review for Crevalor, so we cannot say if it has any strengths.
Is Crevalor Worth a Try?
Because the product does not offer any real specifics that set it apart from countless other products, and offers confusing ingredient information, we do not think you should give it a chance. The fact that on their Amazon page they display two entirely different ingredient formulas for the products shows a lack of attention to detail that can be crucial for male enhancement supplements. Also, it appears to use the free trial method that so often ends up with users frustrated and angry with being billed unexpectedly every month.
Aside from that, the product seems largely concerned with improving the user’s build and their ability to add and maintain lean muscle mass. This is not a bad thing necessarily for the product to focus on, but it seems that it devotes too much of its time to that aspect of the benefits, and not enough on the sexual benefits. As a result, the sexual benefits it describes are given little detail and sound very general and underwhelming. The product is also priced too high, charging users as much as $90 per month.
Crevalor vs Nugenix
Nugenix is an enhancement supplement that focuses on increasing testosterone in men who are over the age of 30 and have begun to see their testosterone levels drop. In that way it is quite similar to Crevalor, but they differ when it comes to some of the ingredients that they use.
While Nugenix thankfully does not use Yohimbe, it does, unfortunately, use Fenugreek which can produce negative side effects of its own. Nugenix is slightly cheaper than Crevalor, and seems to be more popular based on the number of reviews it has received, though not many of the reviews have been very positive.
Crevalor vs Leyene
Leyene is a natural dietary formula that is formulated to provide immediate improvements to user’s sexual performance. Its formula avoids some of the negative choices that Crevalor makes in its inclusion of ingredients that can be potentially harmful, but there are still several stimulants in Leyene, which could lead to negative side effects. What stands out about Leyene is that it is about half the price of Crevalor and features several thousand consumer reviews on its Amazon page. Some of the reviews appear as though they could be forged, but still overall the reviews are mixed.
Crevalor vs Rock Hard XL
Rock Hard XL is a pill that is clearly made to look like the prescription erectile dysfunction product Viagra, in that they are both small and blue. Unlike Crevalor, Rock Hard XL is made to get to work and show results immediately and is only supposed to be used as needed. It claims to show results in as little as 45 minutes and that the user can feel the effects for up to 4 days. It is priced cheaper than Crevalor, but both have only received a handful of user reviews, most of which appear to be negative.
Crevalor FAQ
- Do you have to worry about side effects when using Crevalor?
Some of Crevalor’s ingredient information is conflicting but based on some of the ingredients that they state are part of their formula some serious side effects like paralysis and seizure can occur.
- Where can Crevalor be purchased?
The product is available for purchase through Amazon currently and is available as a free trial through the official product website, but that free trial will sign the user up for recurring monthly payments.
- What is the cost of Crevalor?
When purchased through Amazon, each bottle, which should last about a month, costs $49.95 plus shipping and handling.
- Is Crevalor a scam?
While the product may not be effective, there is nothing to suggest that the manufacturer is actually trying to scam you. There are some consumers who have had issues receiving refunds when they attempted to return the item.
- Where can you read reviews about Crevalor?
The Amazon page for the product has a limited amount of consumer reviews for the product up, but most of the reviews are about the business practices of the company or experiences with customer service.
- Is Megatropin supposed to be used with Crevalor?
Megatropin is another performance enhancing supplement that is sold by the same manufactured and can be paired with Crevalor. It is not required in order for users to get results with Crevalor, though the results may be improved.
- What ingredients are used with Crevalor?
Crevalor stated multiple times that its ingredients include L-Arginine HCL, Maca Root, Siberian Ginseng, Tribulus Terrestris, and Yohimbe. However, their Amazon page provides a supplement facts label that lists completely different ingredients.
So What Really Works?
For many consumers, the search for a male enhancement product that can provide real results and improvements is long and costly. Too many products are simply unable to deliver on their promises and users are left battling their problems on their own. That’s why we’re happy to tell you that you don’t have to go at it alone because Viritenz has been recognized as the top-rated male enhancement product that is currently on the market. Based on the consumer reviews we have seen, it consistently performs far better than almost all other supplements. Some of the benefits it can provide include a bigger, stronger erection, enhanced pleasure from sex, and increased stamina.
To achieve these benefits, the product uses a specially formulated blend of all-natural ingredients, including tongkat ali, pumpkin seeds, and maca root. The official product website offers a full list of all the ingredients, as well as specific descriptions of their roles within the supplement. The manufacturer of Viritenz is a Los Angeles based company Health Research Institute. The website offers pricing promotions and discounts for first time users.