Ogoplex Review (UPDATED 2025) – Is It Safe?

963 Review(s)
AVG Rating: 4.1/10

A product that attempts to improve your sex life by keeping your prostate healthy, but can’t prove its worth as a male enhancement product. Find out if there is any reason to consider it or if it should be ignored entirely, by reading our full breakdown. To keep reading, just scroll down a bit and click on the table of contents.

Discover the best options for addressing your sexual performance issues by reading this top 10 list of male enhancement products.

Ogoplex Overview

Ogoplex is a supplement that is designed to maintain healthy prostate and urinary function, as well as provide a number of sexual health benefits. The promotion for the product states that it has developed a “legendary underground reputation” though I don’t think many users would be comfortable with a medical supplement being described as “underground” which makes it seem as though it was illegal or needed to be hidden for some reason. In addition to stating that it can improve the climax of sex, Ogoplex also states that it can increase sexual capacity, though it is not quite clear what that means.

The product is manufactured by Vianda Life, a health supplement company based out of the European island country of Malta. They provide clear contact information in the form of a phone number and email address. Each bottle of Ogoplex contains 30 tablets, and users are advised to take one to two per day. If taken in the amount of two per day, then each bottle will only last about two weeks, which could be an issue given that it sells for $44.95 per bottle, plus shipping and handling, which can really add up if the user must order multiple bottles per month.

Finally get to the bottom of your sexual performance issues by viewing your best options on this top 10 list of male enhancement supplements.

Ogoplex Claims

The official website for the product’s manufacturer states that by taking Ogoplex daily it can help to support the health of their prostate, which in turn will allow them to increase the strength of their sexual climax. It also claims that it can “enhance sexual capacity” which leaves us a bit confused. It sounds like they may be saying that the product will allow the user to have sex more often, but it is not at all clear. Furthermore, the product claims that it can promote a more satisfying sexual experience.

Both of those last two claims are particularly vague, which makes us concerned. Often when a male enhancement product makes vague claims like that it is a sign that they do not have any proof that the product can help in a specific way, but are still trying to make it sounds appealing. By using non-specific wording such as “sexual capacity” and “satisfying sexual experience” consumers may be tricked into believing that the product can help their specific issues, even though it never claimed to.

Additionally, the product also states that it can help maintain urinary function, which is potentially important for sexual performance as it can also affect the user’s ability to ejaculate or produce semen.

Find a male enhancement product that addresses your specific needs among this list of the top 10 supplements compiled by research experts.

Ogoplex Ingredients

A full list of ingredients that are used in the Ogoplex formula is provided, along with a clear view of the supplement facts logo. However, because the product uses a proprietary formula, the dosages for each ingredient are not made clear. Overall, the formula is fairly straight forward and uses a limited amount of ingredients. The website for the product states that the formula is produced by doctors and uses unique botanical strains. Here are all the ingredients that are used within the product:

  • Graminex Flower Pollen
  • Plant Phytosterols
  • Saw Palmetto Berry
  • Lycopene

As you can see, with just four active ingredients, the formula for Ogoplex seems pretty simple, but still leaves us with some questions and concerns. First though, there are a couple of ingredients that are potentially beneficial. Saw Palmetto Berry can be useful for treating infections in the prostate and improving urine flow. Some claim that it can also help with erectile dysfunction, though that has yet to be proven. Lycopene is a chemical that occurs naturally and is known to give fruits and vegetables their red color. It can be useful in preventing heart disease and preventing cancer within the prostate.

What gives us some questions about the formula is the use of Graminex Flower Pollen, a patented extract that is made to treat conditions within the prostate, along with urinary flow, as pollen is though to help relax the urethra. Where we are concerned are the potential side effects that it can create, such as heartburn, nausea, and swelling in the stomach. The blend of Plant Phytosterols is concerning because it does not share any specifics of the dosages of the ingredients it uses in its blend, which is already part of a larger proprietary blend itself.

Click here to view a carefully selected and reviewed top 10 list of the best male enhancement supplements that are available for purchase.

The Science Behind Ogoplex

There is not much specific science referenced on the website for Ogoplex, but it does at least attempt to explain the basic idea behind their approach. The product basically claims to be effective for sexual health by focusing on the health of the prostate and maintaining urinary function. The site explains that they do this because, as men age, their prostate can get bigger, which can lead to things like urinary issues, and problems with performing sexually, along with feeling generally uncomfortable.

Their description of the issues that an enlarged prostate can create are correct, but it does not explain why Ogoplex should be an option for most men. Men, particularly aging men, should have their prostate checked by a medical professional to ensure its health, and if there are issues they should their Doctor’s advice. But for a large majority of men who suffer from sexual performance issues unrelated to their prostate health, Ogoplex will offer no real value.

Additionally, the large number of men who don’t necessarily suffer from severe performance issues in bed, but would like to improve or maximize their abilities and the pleasure they receive, Ogoplex doesn’t offer anything. And while the product has some ingredients that can be potentially beneficial to prostate health, the website does not offer any tangible or scientific evidence that backs up their claims about the effectiveness of their product in helping those who suffer from prostate issues.

Fortunately, there are many male enhancement supplements that do provide real science to back up their claims and many can be found on this top 10 list.

Word on the Street About Ogoplex

With Ogoplex being sold through a number of different retailers online, there are plenty of options when it comes to finding consumer reviews. Currently on the product’s Amazon page there are over 50 reviews from customers posted. Overall, they can be described as mixed, but we are concerned with the lack of reviews that address any sexual performance benefits the product claims to provide.

One review stated that they product actually reduced the level of pleasure they received from sex, stating: “Didn’t like this product, and think that it actually reduced the sensitivity I have during sex.” They were others that stated while the product used to provide them with some benefits, a change to the formula has made it ineffective: “These pills are not the same as the ones I used years ago. The formula has changed, and they are useless.

There were a couple of reviews that praised the product for improving their prostate health, but we did not find any that claimed it noticeably affected their sex lives.

Learn the best solution to your issues with performance in the bedroom by clicking this link and viewing a top 10 list of the best male enhancement supplements.

Is Ogoplex Worth a Try?

Because it only provides benefits for a small number of users, and a lack of proof of any sort of sexual benefits, we believe that users can skip Ogoplex. Promising male enhancement benefits for users through the maintenance of a healthy prostate never quite made sense to us. Yes, an unhealthy prostate can cause sexual performance issues, but if that is the case then users should seek the help of a medical professional. But if users suffer a sexual performance issue unrelated to the health of their prostate or if they are simply looking to maximize their pleasure, then Ogoplex holds no use for them.

Aside from that, there aren’t many user reviews that inspire confidence in us, and the formula for the product is limited and underwhelming.
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The price of Ogoplex is also a concern, as a standard bottle can last less than a month based on the consumer’s usage, and each bottle costs $44.95 plus shipping and handling.

By following this link you can find the solution to your sexual performance issues via a top 10 list of the best male enhancement supplements.

Ogoplex vs Prulato

Prulato is similar to Ogoplex in that it also aims to improve the sexual health of users by treating the prostate and maintaining its healthy function. Additionally, it seems that the products similarly priced, with Ogoplex selling for slightly more. However, Prulato seems to be less widely available and has received considerably fewer reviews than Ogoplex, so it is hard to know what to expect from its performance.

Ogoplex vs Ejaculoid

Ejaculoid is a male enhancement product that takes a more traditional approach to improving the sexual performance and function than Ogoplex. Ejaculoid used some ingredients that are known to be reliable when it comes the male enhancement, such as maca, horny goat weed, and tribulus terrestris. Both products are available for purchase through several well-known online retailers, like Amazon, the Vitamin Shoppe, and Walgreens, though the price for Ejaculoid is consistently lower.

Ogoplex vs Ropex

Ropex is another overseas pill that is intended to improve the sexual health of men, in part by keeping their prostate health. However, Ropex is also a bit more affordable than Ogoplex, and also claims to provide some benefits that Ogoplex does not, such as faster recovery times, increased volume of semen, and a higher sexual vigor. The reviews received by Ropex and Ogoplex are similarly mixed to negative.

Ogoplex FAQ

  1. What ingredients are included in the Ogoplex formula?

The formula for Ogoplex includes four active ingredients – though one of those ingredients is actually a blend of three ingredients.
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They include zinc, Gramminex flower pollen, saw palmetto berry, and lycopene.

  1. Are there side effects users should know about when it comes to Ogoplex?

Yes, there are some potential side effects that users should be aware of when it comes to Ogoplex. They include heartburn, nausea, constipation, and vomiting. Because it is a proprietary blend and specific ingredient dosages aren’t known, we don’t how likely they are.
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  1. Is Ogoplex sold through retailers such as Walgreens, Walmart, and GNC?

Yes, Ogoplex is available for purchase from many third-party retailers such as Walgreens and Amazon, but not Walmart or GNC.

  1. How have the consumer reviews for Ogoplex been?

The consumer reviews that we have viewed have been generally mixed. There have been some people who promoted some benefits for their prostate, but the reports of sexual benefits have been very rare.

  1. Does Ogoplex actually work?

There is a possibility is could improve the health of the prostate, but there is no guarantee it will be effective, and there is no evidence that it works at all as a male enhancement product.

  1. Can Ogoplex have an effect on your hair?

No, there is no evidence that Ogoplex effects the user’s hair or maintains its health.

  1. Is there a free trial or money back guarantee of offered with Ogoplex?

It doesn’t appear that Ogoplex offers any sort of free trial for their product and refund options depend upon the retailer you buy from.

Educate yourself on all your options when it comes to improving your sexual performance by viewing this top 10 list of male enhancement supplements.

So What Really Works?

Based on our research, it is clear that there are still a lot of men out there who are struggling to find the solution to their sexual performance issues. Making your way through the countless supplements to find one that delivers can be frustrating and expensive, so we decided to make things easier and share that Viritenz is the top-rated male enhancement supplement that is currently available on the market. It has received the best customer reviews and uses a potent, all-natural blend of ingredients to address a wide range of sexual performance issues.

Among the benefits that Viritenz can potentially provide to the user is an ability to achieve and maintain solid erections consistently, enhance the amount of pleasure received during sex, and experience more stamina and energy both in and out of the bedroom. The product is made by Health Research Institute based out of Los Angeles. The official website for Viritenz provides the user with a lot of in-depth information regarding how the product actually works, and the full list of ingredients used within the formula and what they each do.

If Viritenz sounds like it may be for you, follow this link to the official website and learn more about what it has to offer.

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