PowerZen Review (UPDATED 2025) – Is It Safe?

884 Review(s)
AVG Rating: 4.8/10

The FDA issued a Medical Fraud Alert about this product, because it secretly contains an undisclosed drug in its formula that could harm some men. Believe it or not, that’s not the only bad thing about this low-quality supplement. Read our review below:

Want to see a list of the best male sex supplements? Click here for our top choices.

PowerZen Overview

PowerZen is a sex supplement for men that have difficulties in the bedroom. After taking the pill, men are supposed to see a dramatic increase in their erection strength and their sexual stamina, so that they can go “all night.”

This product is meant to be taken just before intercourse, as opposed to daily supplements which require taking every day over the course of weeks for the benefits to build up naturally. Why then is PowerZen so powerful? It’s not because it contains powerful “natural” ingredients, but because it contains a hidden drug in it that could harm you if you’re not careful.

Click this link for a list of the top male sex drive boosters.

PowerZen Claims

This supplement is meant to do a number of things, all related to sexual dysfunction: it’s supposed to make your erections rock hard, improve the amount of semen in each ejaculation, make your orgasms stronger, and prevent premature ejaculation. Lots of men typically have one or more of these problems, so PowerZen came in “save the day” with what they tout as a miracle pill.

It’s supposedly full of natural herbs that have thousands of years of tradition saying that they work, in addition to vitamins intended for boosting energy.

So much for what they claim. Who are the people behind it?

The packaging says it’s distributed by Power Life Distributors Inc, Los Angeles, but when we looked up the name of the company we saw no main website or other company info. The packaging doesn’t clearly say who developed the product, only that it was “doctor designed,” which sounds nice, but they don’t actually name anyone or contain any quotes from a licensed doctor, so it could all be nonsense.

The thing we noticed when looking at this product is that it says to take 30 minutes before sexual activity, and no more than one pill in 60 hours. Strange, since most “natural” sex supplements are meant to be taken daily, and are safe when taken several times a week.

What makes PowerZen different?

Well, the FDA has the answer, and it isn’t pretty. They tested it, and recently issued a public safety hazard announcement: it turns out that PowerZen contains a hidden drug – sildenafil, the active ingredient in the prescription drug Viagra. That’s right, they don’t tell you that this “supplement” secretly contains a chemical you need a prescription for, and good reason. Sildenafil comes with all sorts of nasty side effects, including dizziness, nausea, hearing loss, and low blood pressure, and on top of that it interacts with a number of different medications. So not only has PowerZen lied about what’s in their product, they did so in a way that could accidentally send many unsuspecting men to the hospital.

We’d try and contact the people who made this pill to answer this themselves, but there’s no website and no “company” associated with the product, beyond the distributor, so we don’t even know who makes it.

These are the best male sexual supplements that we’ve reviewed, all in one list.

PowerZen Ingredients

PowerZen has a large list of herbal ingredients, in addition to the vitamin and mineral supplements in it. Here are the main ones:

  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Lycopene
  • l-Arginine
  • Guarana
  • Yohimbe
  • Zinc
  • Maca

Tribulus terrestris is a common herb in sex supplements, used for its ability to help regulate hormones and increase sexual desire in men and women.

Lycopene is an antioxidant which is typically added to supplements for overall health benefits, nothing in particular. Antioxidants are supposed to be good for maintaining cellular health, but nothing to do with the sex drive per se.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that helps to dilate the blood vessels by converting to nitric oxide after being ingested, which is what makes it a popular natural chemical in many sexual health supplements. It can also be found naturally in meats,dairy products, and wheat.

Guarana is a plant from South America that’s high in caffeine, which is why it’s been used as a way to increase energy naturally – but since it’s also a traditional folk remedy for a low sex drive, some people include it in sex supplements. But the problem is that guarana comes with some pretty bad side effects, including:

  • Insomnia, tremors, delirium
  • Stomach cramps, vomiting

Yohimbe is made from an African tree as a natural way to increase the sex drive (in both men and women), as well as prevent erectile dysfunction. But all is not well with this ingredient. Far from being safe and worry-free, there are a lot of dangerous side effects associated with it, including:

  • Kidney failure, irregular heartbeat, heart attack

Maca is a Peruvian plant known for its ability to help balance out hormones. Typically it’s meant for everyday use for the best results, which is why it’s unusual that they included it in this supplement.

This fact becomes less confusing when you realize that all these other ingredients are just a cover for the real ingredient: sildenafil. This drug was developed to combat erectile dysfunction, and works in a short time-frame (hence PowerZen’s instruction to use it an hour before sex) and it was considered successful enough by the FDA to warrant their approval. As we mentioned before, however, it can cause problems for people with blood pressure issues, and can interact with some drugs, which is why it needs to be prescribed by a doctor.

This Top 10 list contains the highest-quality sexual health supplements for men.

The Science Behind PowerZen

Some ingredients, like tribulus terrestris, do have some support in the alternative health community for their effects, but certain other ingredients in this supplement deserve to be investigated, and for good reason.

Guarana is natural – after all, it’s from a plant – but that doesn’t mean that it’s safe, per se, or that it helps with sexual function. In fact the truth is that the plant just gives you tons of energy, even over the additional effects of caffeine (Moustakas, et al, Plos One, 2025), but there’s “insufficient evidence” that it can help with most of the things it’s prescribed for (WebMD). So really, this ingredient can’t help you, sexually.

Yohimbe has a number of problems with it, and while some people might say that it’s worth it to brave the side effects for the increase in sex drive, they’ll be disappointed as well. See, there was a study once done on it, but the only real conclusion was that it helped some men who were had a hard time with orgasms (Adeniyi, et al, 2025), but that’s all. No evidence that it increased sex drive or helped with erectile dysfunction. WebMD chimed in and maintains that “more evidence is needed” before anyone can say yohimbe does what people claim it does.

Of course the science is there for sildenafil – after all, clinical studies were needed for it to be approved by the FDA in 1998 (Terret NK et al, “Sildenafil” 1996). The problem is not whether it works, but whether it’s meant for the people buying this product. Just because it works doesn’t mean it’s right for you, and some men taking this could end up going to the hospital with severely-depleted blood pressure.

Here are the top men’s products for treating erectile dysfunction.

Word on the Street about PowerZen

It’s hard to find PowerZen, and the search is made more confusing by the fact that there are endless varieties of the name and packaging – MiracleZen, Samurai Zen, PremierZen, etc – but the few reviews we could find were low-quality at best:

“I can’t believe what is happeneing, it work, oh man you guys.”

“Great, I love it, and I’ll continue using it.”

“It’s not great, but it’s not terrible either.”

“My husband loves this product and he will continue buying it.”

“I have become alpha after using this – it is incredible.”

So this is all we have to go off of: unverified, poor-quality reviews, some of which have notable spelling and grammar errors. Needless to say, these reviews are nothing to make
us trust the quality of the supplement.

Click here for a list of the best male enhancement supplements that we’ve come across.

Is PowerZen Worth a Try?

Absolutely not. Everything about this product is just wrong, from top to bottom. We know nothing about the company that makes this product, and they have no website or company information to speak of, meaning we can’t tell where they’re based or what their customer service history is like (and you can be sure they don’t have a good return policy). The FDA has issued a warning saying that this product contains an undisclosed drug, sildenafil, which could be dangerous to men who end up taking it without knowing what’s in it. Some of the ingredients that it “does” contain either have no proof of working, or they come with serious side effects. And on top of all that, there are only a handful of untrustworthy, unverifiable customer reviews.

All in all, pretty terrible. There are way better choices out there when it comes to male sexual enhancement, and if you have any respect for your health, you’ll try those first. We wouldn’t touch PowerZen, and neither should you.

Check out this Top 10 list for the best products that can help men have better sex.

PowerZen vs Viagra

If you went by just the labels, these products would be totally different, but the truth is a very different story. Ever since the FDA released a statement saying they found PowerZen to contain sildenafil, the same ingredient in Viagra, it turns out there might not be as much difference as we thought. Of course, PowerZen claims to contain a number of herbs and plant derivatives in addition to the sildenafil, while Viagra consists of just sildenafil. Viagra is way more expensive, coming in at around $40 a pill (with some people paying up to $600 per bottle!) while PowerZen has gone for prices closer to $6.50 per pill. Another crucial difference between these two products is the fact that Viagra requires a prescription from a doctor in order for you to buy it, while PowerZen can be purchased from your local gas station (even Ebay) with no need for a note from a doctor.

PowerZen vs MiracleZen

If you think these products sound similar, there’s a reason: they’re the same pill. They come in the same style packaging with the same graphics, fonts, and distribution company. They contain the same promised benefits, with the same wording (even listed in the same order!) on the back of the label. The ingredients are exactly the same, with some small differences in the amount of each ingredient, but that’s it. The FDA even issued the same Medication Health Fraud warning about MiracleZen for containing not only secretly containing sildenafil, but dapoxetine and tadalafil (which behave similarly to sildenafil).

On the label, the ingredients are even listed in the same order. The same goes for the directions for taking it: 30 minutes before sexual activity, and no more than one pill every 60 hours. It’s actually mindblowing how this company thinks it can sneak this one past consumers, or why they wanted to in the first place. After all, if the product works, why make another one that has all the same stuff, just with a slightly different name?

PowerZen FAQ

  1.  Can you get PowerZen at Walmart?
    No, it looks like you can only get this product from places like Ebay – or possibly your local gas station.
  2.  Is PowerZen a tablet?
    Yes, PowerZen is a single tablet that comes pre-packaged, as opposed to some other sex supplements which come in bottle form.
  3.  Can you get PowerZen Gold on Amazon?
    Right now it doesn’t look like it’s for sale on Amazon, although you’ll find some vendors calling it “PowerZen” when it technically isn’t.
  4.  How do you use the PowerZen tablet?
    You take one tablet 30 minutes before any planned sexual activity, with water. You’re not supposed to use it more than once every 60 hours, as the benefits are supposed to linger on for a few days.
  5.  What is the PowerZen tablet used for?
    It’s used for treating erectile dysfunction, increasing the sex drive, and helping men become more vigorous in bed.
  6.  What about Trio PowerZen 1500mg?
    That’s a different product, it looks like. The packaging is different and it seems to be made by a different company. You should always make sure that the information you’re getting is consistent, so that you don’t accidentally buy the wrong product.
  7.  Where can I read a review of PowerZen (Gold)?
    There are a couple places here and there where people have written in about their experience, mostly smaller, grungy-looking websites that sell sex pills. It’s hard to verify these reviews, however, so keep that in mind while you’re looking.
  8.  What about PowerZen Platinum?
    This is a variation of PowerZen, made by the same company, that contains the same mix of ingredients only in slightly different amounts.
  9.  How fast does PowerZen work?
    It’s supposed to work within an hour of taking it, which is caused by the fact that it has sildenafil in it.
  10.  What ingredients are on the label for PowerZen?
    Tribulus terrestris, lycopene, l-arginine, damiana leaf, yohimbe, maca, vitamin b12, vitamin c, vitamin d3, and zinc oxide.

Here is our Top 10 list for the best supplements that can promote a better sex drive in men.

So What Really Works?

Out of all the sexual enhancement supplements we’ve reviewed or critiqued, Viritenz is the one we recommend. It’s made in the USA out of all-natural ingredients, and comes with no side effects. It also comes with a money-back guarantee that’s hard to beat.

This is the product for any man who wants to make their sex life better, and who wants the natural way to get back into the swing of things. Click here to read more about Viritenz and how it can help men to have the sex life they were always meant to have.

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