ProSolution Gel Review (Updated 2025) – Is It Safe?

524 Review(s)
AVG Rating: 4.3/10

A male enhancement gel that offers little more than your standard lube but charges exorbitant prices regardless. To discover if these drawbacks can somehow become overcome by the alleged product benefits, just read our full breakdown.

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A team of research experts have determined the top 10 male enhancement products currently available and they can be found here.

ProSolution Gel Overview

ProSolution Gel is a lube that is intended to boost the nitric oxide levels in your body through direct contact with the skin. It is intended to be applied directly to the shaft of your penis and the gently massaged just prior to engaging in sexual intercourse. The manufacturer contends that this approach is superior to capsule or pill supplements because it applies the necessary nutrients directly to the body, allowing them to be absorbed quicker, and get to work immediately.

The product is manufactured by Leading Edge Health, based out of Elizabethton, Tennessee. They provide contact information through their website in the form of a physical address, phone number, and a page through which questions can be submitted electronically. One tube of the gel is, which is intended to be a month’s supply, sells for $49.95 plus shipping and handling, though there are discounts if users sign up for an auto-delivery service, or purchase in bulk.

There are many options on which to spend your money, but spend it on something your know will deliver results by visiting this top 10 list of male enhancement supplements.

ProSolution Gel Claims

The website for ProSolutin Gel makes several claims, but they all relate back to its main selling point of going into action immediately. The claims they make on the front page of their site include “rock-solid erections, thicker, fuller looking penis, impressive-looking oversize arousal, super staying power for longer sessions, and intense orgasms for extreme pleasure!” These claims are pretty run-of-the-mill in terms of male enhancement products, though some of them are unclear – we don’t know quite what they mean when they say “impressive-looking oversize arousal” but their main point seemed to be that the product acted immediately, unlike other supplements that can take time to build up in your system before showing results.

We are always skeptical of supplements that promote immediate results, like this. Patience can be tough when it comes to sexual performance, but repeatedly it has been demonstrated that the best way to get results is to allow the necessary nutrients to build up in your system and not force anything unnatural in your body to occur, which could result in negative side effects or permanent damage. Also, the site makes a point that the gel is “Safe to eat” which just struck us as odd, and off-putting as they make it clear that it is a topical solution and not meant to be ingested.

It is easy to make claims of effectiveness, but harder to deliver upon those claims, so find supplements that can deliver on their promises among this top 10 list.

ProSolution Gel Ingredients

The ingredients for ProSolution Gel are all listed on their website, along with short descriptions of what they are supposed to do to improve your sex life. What the site doesn’t provide is an actual label for the product, so you can be sure that they are listing all the ingredients they claim and how much of each ingredient they actually use. This is important because an ingredient might look good on paper, but if it is used in an inappropriate amount it might not actually work. Here are all the ingredients ProSolution Gel lists:

  • L-Arginine
  • Aloe Vera
  • Bearberry Extract
  • Algae Extract
  • Mango Butter
  • Menthol
  • Vitamin C

What sticks out about these ingredients are not the potential dangers of the side effects that they could create, but the lack of almost any ingredients that could potentially be beneficial to improving sexual performance. L-Arginine is one of the only exceptions, as it is an amino acid that can widen the blood vessels within the body, which means that more blood can travel faster throughout and get where it is needed. This is particularly helpful when attempting to achieve an erection.

Bearberry Extract comes from a plant that it used mostly to treat urinary tract disorders, and while the manufacturer claims that it can help create a harder erection and better orgasm, there is no proof of such. It can also create side effects like nausea, stomach discomfort, and discoloration in urine. Algae Extract contain antioxidants that can be used for a variety of conditions such as stress, weight loss, and high cholesterol, but again there is no research to suggest that it is beneficial for sexual function, and WebMD states “There is not enough information to know if algae is safe to take for medical conditions.

Find the male enhancement supplement that has the right ingredients to treat you issues among this top 10 list.

The Science Behind ProSolution Gel

While the website for ProSolution Gel does not offer much in the was of verifiable statistics or clinical research with which to back up its claims of effectiveness, it does at least take the time to explain how they intend their product to work within the body. Essentially, it seems that their intended effectiveness is based upon the production of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is a chemical compound that derives its effectiveness through it s ability to widen the blood vessels throughout the body, which allows blood to travel more freely to wherever it is needed. In relation to sex, when arousal happens blood is rushed to the groin area, allowing the user to experience more sensitivity during love-making and possibly have a bigger, stronger penis as a result. This all sounds good in theory, until you realize that there is not actual proof o evidence provided by ProSolution Gel that their product delivers upon these guarantees.

Beyond that, the product site offers a testimonial by a doctor, but a quick google search of this doctor reveals that he is mostly known for offering testimonials for a variety of questionable products, so we would be wary of taking his testimonial at face value.

The most effective male enhancement products make it clear that science is on of their top priorities and some of those products can be found among this top 10 list.

Word on the Street About ProSolution Gel

Currently, ProSolution Gel is only sold through its official website. The website offers some customer testimonials, but those are almost never objective. But because it is only sold through one source, it became somewhat difficult to track down objective reviews from consumers who have actually tried the product. Fortunately, we found some consumer review sites that provided us with the insight we were looking for. Based on the reviews that we saw, users mostly stated that ProSolution Gel was nothing more than your run-of-the-mill lube.

Given the high price tag, and the promises of drastically improved sexual performance and pleasure, most consumers were expecting big results, but as one user stated: “This gel did not do anything for me or penis at all. It’s really just a lube. And for a lube it’s way overpriced.” Indeed, general lube for sexual intercourse is widely available and usually under $10, compared to the nearly $50 that ProSolution charges for their product.

There were a few kind words, here and there, about the smell or sensation that the gel provides, but as another user sums up “It gives a warming sensation, but that really doesn’t matter when you can’t get it up in the first place.

Consumer reviews give some of the best insight into the actual performance of male enhancement products, so select from some of the best consumer reviewed supplement here.

Is ProSolution Gel Worth a Try?

Because of the high price of the product, and the failure to deliver on many of its guarantees, ProSolution is not a product worth your time or money. Based on the reviews that we saw, if you’re looking for a decent lube for your love-making, then ProSolution may be for you, although it is substantially more expensive than most lubes on the market now. But if you are looking for a noticeable improvement in the function of your penis and the quality of your love making, then ProSolution is not worth it.

Another troubling aspect of the product, is that the manufacturer, Leading Edge Health. The company as received numerous complaints via its Better Business Bureau page regarding a variety of issues such as late deliveries, unexplained charges, poor customer service, and generally a lack of professionalism.

There are many male enhancement supplements that are available now that manufactured by reputable companies and they can be located among this top 10 list.

ProSolution Gel vs VigRX Oil

VigRX Oil is another sexual enhancement lubricant that promises many of the same benefits of ProSolution Gel. Unlike ProSolution Gel, the website for VigRX oil seems less than legitimate, as it only offers its product through a free trial method which is always a red flag. It does offer specific figures regarding the level of improvement that users can expect but where the figures are derived from is unclear.

ProSolution Gel vs Erexanol

Erexanol is a male enhancement erection gel, whose primary focus is to improve the functionality and performance of the user’s erections. Improved erections one of the claims made by ProSolution Gel, as well, though no evidence is offered to support that claim. Erexanol is noticeably cheaper, though its claims of effectiveness are less wide-ranging. Both products ahbe received middling to poor consumer reviews.

ProSolution Gel vs Zytenze

Unlike ProSolution Gel, Zytenze is a daily supplement that is designed to do many of the same things that ProSolution has claimed to be able to do. These claims include improved erections, increase sperm volume, and, strangely, reduced penis rigidity, which would seem like the opposite of what many users would be looking for. Regardless, Zytenz is sold for a little cheaper and contains more ingredients that are directly connected to sexual performance compared to ProSolution Gel.

ProSolution Gel FAQ

  1. How do you use ProSolution Gel?

The gel is intended to be applied just prior to sexual intercourse and massaged gently, and the effects such be felt within minutes.

  1. Is ProSolution Gel a scam?

It is not a scam in that you do receive the product you ordered, but many consumers have complained about feeling ripped-off, as the product function very similar to lube which is far cheaper.

  1. What is the typical price of ProSolution Gel?

Currently, ProSolution Gel is being sold for $49.95 through its official website, though discounts are available when purchased in bulk or if a consumer joins their auto-delivery program.

  1. What ingredients are included in ProsSolution Gel?

The ingredients that are included within ProSolution Gel include L-Arginine, Aloe Vera, Mango Butter, Vitamin C, Menthol, Algae Extract, and Bearberry Extract. Very few of which relate in any way to sexual performance.

  1. How long does it take for ProSolution Gel to start working?

ProSolution Gel claims that it goes to work within minutes after application, but what “goes to work” actually means is a vague term, and it does not specify when the real benefits begin to show.

  1. Where can ProSolution Gel be purchased?

Currently, ProSolution Gel can only be purchased through the official ProSolution website, and not through any other common online retailers such as Amazon or GNC.

  1. Are there side effects that users should be aware of prior to using ProSolution Gel?

Fortunately, potential side effects that can be created by ProSolution Gel are fairly limited, although issues such as nausea, vomiting, and discoloration in urine are possible.

  1. How have the consumer reviews of ProSolution Gel been in general?

It was hard to track down objective consumer reviews for ProSolution Gel, but the ones we did find essentially said it worked like most other lubes that are more commonly available and significantly cheaper.

By following this link, many of your questions regarding the top male enhancement products currently available will be answered based on research and science.

So What Really Works?

Too many men are plagued with common sexual performance issues that leave them embarrassed or unable to perform in the bedroom. For those consumers who are searching for an increase in their stamina and sex drive, along with other benefits, look no further than Viritenz. It was formulated through years of scientific research and thorough testing, Viritenz uses safe and effective natural ingredients such as oat straw, oyster extract, maca root, and a ginseng blend to address multiple aspects of sexual health and functionality issues that are known to cause issues with sexual performance.

In addition to an increased sex drive and stamina, the product can also have an impact on improving blood flow throughout the system, leading to bigger, stronger, and longer lasting erections, as well as enhanced pleasure and endurance that will allow both parties to come away satisfied. Viritenz is manufactured and sold by Health Research Institute, and their website offers more in-depth information regarding the product, as well as promotions and discounts for consumers.

Visit the official Viritenz website here to learn more about how it can potentially solve your sexual performance issues.

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