Table of Contents
- 1) Test X180 Overview
- 2) Test X180 Claims
- 3) Test X180 Ingredients
- 4) The Science Behind Test X180
- 5) Word on the Street about Test X180
- 6) Is Test X180 Worth a Try?
- 7) Test X180 vs Test X180 Alpha
- 8) Test X180 vs Nugenix
- 9) Test X180 vs Test X180 Ignite
- 10) Test X180 vs P6
- 11) Test X180 vs TestoFuel
- 12) Test X180 FAQ
- 13) So What Really Works?*
The scam related issues consumers experienced and the lack of science cheapen this otherwise decent blend of ingredients. It’s really overhyped and lacking, making it an ineffective male enhancement and testosterone booster. Check out our carefully laid out table of contents to read about the specifics behind this brand.
Here’s a full breakdown of products that were the best at enhancing male virility and sexual drive.
Test X180 Overview
The major red flag we found had to do both with the business practices and the amount of negative criticisms about this supplement. Side effects, FTC related business scamming and a real simple often used blend of ingredients make this a real unnecessary product.
There aren’t many good things to say about this cheap blend, it’s just not an ideal solution for male enhancement.
Analyze the top 10 male enhancement products to see what options exist for natural support.
Test X180 Claims
You get about 5 paragraphs worth in their “Discover The Science” heading to explain what the whole deal is with Test X180. Funny enough they do not include any real scientific evidence, just an explanation.
They include a breakdown showing how this can make your muscles bigger, boost libido and of course, make you “look and feel invincible”
How this is supposed to happen is by increasing testosterone with a clinically effective amount of Testofen. Other ingredients are meant to boost blood flow and libido in the male genitalia to make it easier to keep and erection. Finally there are the nutrients for more energy towards “work and play”.
There is “nothing to lose” according to them. While this seems like a great way to sell a product it’s impossible to prove a lot of these claims. Making you feel invincible depends on who is experiencing it so it’s odd they would make sure a grand sounding claim.
Sure enough the company has a lot of complains on their Better Business Bureau webpage. 10 negative reviews and 4 complaints are available from disgruntled customers. There you can also read about the Federal Trade Commission settlement for $350,000 dollars. All this was due to the:
“misrepresenting the cost… falsely implying… offers are free”
This is a big issue, they lured innocent customers into thinking they would be able to sample their supplements, only to be suddenly charged and placed on an auto-billing cycle for the full price without warning. Companies like this look to make a quick buck and usually stop making supplements but this company decided to stick around and continue to do business.
We feature the top 10 male enhancement products of the year in this completed list.
Test X180 Ingredients
- Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)
- Vitamin B-12 (Methylcobalamin)
- Vitamin D (cholecalciferol)
Proprietary Blend, 400 mg
- Testofen Fenugreek Seed Extract
- Tribulus Terrestris (Fruit)
- Panax Ginseng (root extract, 30% total ginsenosides)
- Cordyceps Sinensis (7% cordycepic acid)
- Siberian Ginseng (min 0.8% B & E Eleutherosides)
Vitamin B-6, B-12, and D are all essential to good health and have many different purposes including controlling mood, energy, and hormone function.
Testofen is a patented from of fenugreek made to enhance testosterone function. Cordyceps is used for more stamina and energy, and both Panax Ginseng and Siberian Ginseng are beneficial for overall wellness.
The true aphrodisiac added to this is Tribulus Terrestris which can offer a lot of support for libido enhancement and to keep erections going strong.
Keep in mind most of this is quite common in other similar brands. They also don’t add many aphrodisiacs which could be useful for enhancing libido and sex drive. Most of this is for general wellness though the way it is presented is for general male enhancement. The proprietary dosage strength is very low at just 400 mg for a total of 5 ingredients.
The Science Behind Test X180
You won’t get proof if all you do is read the official website, in order to learn more about how and if this works you have to look elsewhere. They do have the full supplements facts so it’s easy to try and see what it’s all about.
Testofen is a key ingredient used in brands like this which is meant for male virility and testosterone. There were issues with the company due to lawsuits alleging that this was not proven to work.
Tribulus Terrestris is used for all-around male virility and according to a study by Government Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital of India noticed:
“improvement in… sperm count”
An improvement of sexual dysfunction and infertility was also seen in this and many other studies.
For Cordyceps Sinensis studies were often lacking. Many claims of “insufficient evidence” are revealed according to Web MD, a trusted health source. This includes a long list of unproven claims with “male sexual dysfunction” being major unproven claims.
Word on the Street about Test X180
“I didn’t see any changes at all even after a month of day to day use for me it was ineffective”
“real good sales pitch but it didn’t do anything useful for my needs, I think this is fake news”
“Total junk and their retunes process if a total hassle thy charge you from everything including the label”
“My husband ended up with a bad temper and a danger to himself. I have never seen him like this it’s scary, not sure what made this so”
Is Test X180 Worth a Try?
Don’t bother with it. The overwhelming negative critiques against the company itself and the product keep this form being nothing more than cheap supplement. There’s really nothing in the ingredient which make it a favorable purchase over the countless other brand which use the same identical ingredients.
There’s a reason why the company was forced to settle a lawsuit with the FTC, there’s no good enough explanation as to why you should do business with them. They were called out for being shady and for manipulating customers, forcing them to enroll into unwanted auto-renewal plans.
Side effects were a big problem as well; you can find many detailed opinions of customers who saw major negative changes. A repeat issue was sudden fits of rage that came out of nowhere, and these customers said they were never the type to suddenly lose their tempers. It’s unknown what exactly could be causing such an issue.
You have far too many reasons why this shouldn’t be used with little to support its use, try something else instead.
We’ve broken down the best of the best in the top 10 list of male enhancement products.
Test X180 vs Test X180 Alpha
As you can no doubt tell the same company is responsible but the Alpha version is double in price, meant more for all-around sex drive, and it is more increased support in the gym.
You get more aphrodisiacs and nutrients in it as well. The Alpha version is greatly overpriced which is saying a lot since Text X180 is also far too expensive for what is provided. Fewer reviews are available for Alpha but they are split between good and bad experiences. The biggest concern was that it was not worth the cost.
Test X180 vs Nugenix
The standard version of Nugenix keeps a fairly simple formula and both of these brands are almost identical. Fenugreek, Tribulus, and common nutrients are found in each. The main difference is that Nugenix costs less.
Unfortunate both of these have had a troubled history. There were issues with the quality of serve and overall business ethics according to customers of each. A common complaint people ended with them saying they would not recommend people do business with them. A main ingredient in Fenugreek is used which is not a proven testosterone booster.
Test X180 vs Test X180 Ignite
They’re made by the same company but the key difference is that the Ignite version is especially for fat burning. They use stimulants as well in the form of dehydrated caffeine and green coffee bean extract.
They somehow neglected to mention what the total amount of caffeine is per daily serving, which is never a good sign. You can’t predict how strong this will be unless you know for certain what the total dosage strength is. It’s also important to be careful on when you take it since late night supplementing may cause insomnia.
Test X180 vs P6
The biggest issue with P6 is that they fail to add much to it. Their official website also does not mention what the ingredient dosage strength is. P6 is also meant more for general testosterone enhancement; they focus less on sexual enhancement. It can be considered more of a work-out supplement than anything else.
Price is also a big issue though for the serving size Test X180 is more expensive. P6 also has a very basic formula and fortunately they decided to add unnecessary food dye. Side effects may result from this unnecessary filler.
Test X180 vs TestoFuel
Both have intended sexual enhancement and testosterone boosting qualities with similar kinds of nutrients. In TestoFuel it focuses more on testosterone boosting oyster extract and Fenugreek seed. Though keep in mind Fenugreek seed has not been proven as an effective aid for testosterone however.
Another issue is these brands are expensive for what they’re offering, way overpriced and not at all worth it price tag. Reviews were about equal, with the biggest issue being a lack of benefits.
Test X180 FAQ
- Does Test X180 come with a free sample?
They have a link that offers a free sample but at this time it appears they have run out. Keep in mind that it isn’t exactly free, you have to submit your credit card information for shipping and if you don’t call to cancel, they will automatically enroll you into a reoccurring billing plan every 30 days.
- What are Test X180 side effects I should be concerned with?
Mood swings, anger related issues, instability, loss of sex drive, cardiovascular related issues, blood in the urine, gas, belching, nausea, headaches, and other related side effects were experienced.
- What are some common Test X180 reviews?
The basic rundown is that it often didn’t do anything that was the most common experience. Some had issues with side effects and some did enjoy it, stating it made them feel more energetic with enhanced libido. But on average it was poorly rated.
- Does Test X180 actually work?
Judging from the majority of reviews it seems unlikely but this can vary. Keep in mind much of what is added to this is common to so many other similar products, which raises questions as to why it should be used at all.
- Is Test X180 safe or do I have to worry?
Unfortunately many customers had a lot of negative things to say about it. It’s impossible to predict the effects of a supplement from person to person, but there were many negative experiences related to unwanted symptoms.
- What are the Testx180 Ignite ingredients?
Key ingredients are in two proprietary blends and it includes Green tea leaf extract, Avena Sativa Extract, Horny Goat Weed, Testofen, Caffeine Anhydrous, Green Coffee Extract, and White Tea Extract. Inactive ingredients include 2 forms of food coloring.
- How well does Test X180 rank on Amazon?
Poorly, the majority reviews were negative and at the time of this review 220 people were unsatisfied. Mostly due to no benefits and different side effects which made it impossible for some to continue.
- Do the side effects for Test X180 include hair loss?
After looking at many reviews even though there were more negative opinions than positive experiences, there wasn’t much talk about hair loss being an issue. It’s unclear if this is a possible concern.
- What’s the difference between this and Force Factor Test X180 Alpha?
The price for their Alpha version is double, there is more added to it, and it’s intended to be better-rounded at supporting lean muscle mass gain and more stamina and power. The Alpha version does have more aphrodisiacs added.
- How do I cancel Force Factor Test X180?
They claim all you have to do is call their number about a day before the next monthly shipment is to be processed. They provide their hours of operation and different phone numbers depending on your region. Unfortunately the company is notorious for their shady automatic billing which lead to a FTC related settlement in 2025.
Effective male enhancement support is offered by the top 10 products currently available here.
So What Really Works?
We favored Viritenz overall for the simple fact that it’s made with natural, studied, and potentially effective ingredients. They keep their formula in the right dosage strength to ensure that customers can experience just the right amount of support.
The customer experiences were also very positive with improvements in sexual function, mood, energy, and overall wellness seen. They also give a full analysis to help explain what kinds of benefits it can provide. Learn all about what Viritenz can offer by taking time to read about it more here.