9 best vitamins for weight loss & their natural sources

Vitamins are very essential for a good health. They supplement our nutritional input when we follow a low-calorie diet; however, they may also boost our metabolism & actively increase our weight loss. Do you want to know which vitamins are best for weight loss? If your answer is “Yes”, then you should read this writing. In this article, VKool.com will show you 9 best vitamins for weight loss and how to get them from natural sources. The writing is a collection of healthy weight loss solutions from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the informational purpose. Keep reading this writing to learn more!

9 Best Vitamins For Weight Loss & Their Natural Sources You Should Know

1. Vitamin B12 For Weight Loss

vitamins for weight loss-vitamin b12 for weight loss

Vitamin B12 helps you in boosting your metabolism as well as spurring your weight loss. In addition, your body will need vitamin B12 to nourish its nerve & blood cell function, and produce DNA.

Vitamin B12 plays a role in how the body uses calories. It may support the energy production by aiding the body in converting food into energy. The more energy will result in more exercise as well as greater motivation that will lead to healthy and safe weight control. The natural sources of vitamin B12 include:

  • 100g cooked clams contain 98.9μg (1648% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Liver (Beef) contain 83.1μg (1386% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Fish (Mackerel) contain19.0μg (317% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Crustaceans (Crab) contain 11.5μg (192% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Silken Tofu contain 2.4μg (40% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g All Bran contain 20.0μg (333% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Red Meat (Beef) contain 6.0μg (100% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Skim Milk contain 0.5μg (8% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Cheese (Swiss) contain 3.3μg (56% DV) of vitamin B12
  • 100g Yolk Eggs (Chicken’s) contain 2.0μg (33% DV) of vitamin B12

2. Vitamin D For Weight Loss

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Vitamin D is one of the best vitamins for weight loss. This vitamin is very important for the calcium absorption as well as keeping your bones sturdy. In addition, many studies indicated that vitamin D can help reduce weight considerably. You just need to boost your vitamin D & provide regular exercise, which helps you shed pounds. Here are good sources of vitamin D from nature:

  • Cod Liver Oil – 10,000IU (1667% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Trout, cooked – 759IU (127% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Plain Soy Yogurt – 53IU (9% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Eggs (Hard Boiled) – 87IU (15% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Pork (Extra Lean Ham) – 93IU (16% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Queso Fresco – 110IU (18% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Caviar – 117IU (20% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Tofu (Firm, Lite) – 157IU (26% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Whole Grain Total – 333IU (56% DV) of vitamin D in 100g
  • Mushrooms (Portabello) – 446IU (74% DV) of vitamin D in 100g

3. Omega 3 Fatty Acid For Weight Loss

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Including fish into your healthy daily diet will be a great part of your fat loss strategy. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid also helps you in controlling the blood clotting as well as the building brain cell membranes. Here are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids from nature: cauliflower, shrimp, flaxseeds, soybeans, tofu salmon, sardines, walnuts, and Brussels sprouts.

4. Choline For Weight Loss

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Choline helps you metabolize fat; therefore, it is very important for weight loss. If your choline level is too low, the fat tends to be blocked into the liver. To lose weight and avoid fatty liver, you need to boost your intake of choline. Good sources of this vitamin include collard greens, beef, salmon, cod, tuna, turkey, chicken, scallops, eggs, and shrimp.

Continue reading this writing to discover other vitamins for weight loss!

5. Iodine For Weight Loss

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To lose weight effectively, you can add iodine into your daily diet because it can stimulate the thyroid as well as promote a faster and healthier metabolism. The best sources of iodine are:

  • Egg, boiled
  • Tuna, canned in oil
  • Navy beans, cooked
  • Turkey breast, baked
  • Fish sticks
  • Shrimp
  • Milk
  • Baked potato with peel
  • Iodized salt (fortified)
  • Cod
  • Dried seaweed

6. Inositol For Weight Loss

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You can take inositol if you are following a healthy weight loss diet. This vitamin can work with choline in order to metabolize fat. The good sources of this vitamin are soy, beans, eggs, nuts, citrus fruits & cantaloupe, and whole grain bread.

7. Chromium For Weight Loss

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Chromium helps process carbohydrates as well as reduce hunger pangs. Many studies have indicated that chromium can help increase the weight loss process when dieting. You can supplement your daily diet with chromium by eating healthy foods such as:

  • Black pepper
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Tomatoes
  • Green beans
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Broccoli

8. Vitamin C For Weight Loss

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Vitamin C also is one of the best vitamins for weight loss. It helps your body in converting glucose into energy, and stopping it from being stored inside the body. You should increase your dosage of this vitamin for fast weight loss. Here are the best sources of vitamin C from nature:

  • 100g yellow bell peppers contain 183.5mg (306% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g papaya contain 60.9mg (102% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g mange tout contain 60mg (100% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g tomatoes (cooked) contain 22.8mg (38% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g citrus fruits (oranges) contain 53.2mg (89% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g berries (strawberries) contain 58.8mg (98% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g broccoli contain 89.2mg (149% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g kiwi (green) contain 92.7mg (155% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g dark green leafy vegetables contain 120mg (200% dv) of vitamin C
  • 100g guavas contain 228.3mg (381% dv) of vitamin C

9. Vitamin E For Weight Loss

vitamins for weight loss-vitamin e for weight loss

This vitamin is very essential for maintaining the healthy body. Vitamin E also aids you in getting more out of workouts. It not only helps you recover your muscles from a session, but also helps you lift more & have more energy for exercising. Here are the best sources of vitamin E from nature:

  • Cooked butternut squash – 1.3mg (6% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Broccoli (cooked) – 1.5mg (7% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Tofu (light, silken) – 5.3mg (25% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Olive oil – 14.4mg (69% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Nuts (almonds) – 26.2mg (127% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Rainbow trout – 2.8mg (13% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Sunflower seeds (roasted) – 36.3mg (176% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Shellfish (shrimp) – 2.2mg (11% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Spinach (cooked) – 2.1mg (10% dv) of vitamin E in 100g
  • Avocados – 2.1mg (10% dv) of vitamin E in 100g

To discover more about other healthy solutions for weight loss, you should read the following articles:

22 Best Weight Loss Tips For Men And Women To Stay On Track

31 Weird Ways To Lose Weight Fast In A Week Without Exercise

Lose 30 In Thirty Book

Paleo Diet For Weight Loss & Paleo Ideas That Are Easy To Make

15 Unhealthy Weight Loss Methods & Programs That Work

Top 13 Healthy Easy Recipes Of Salads For Weight Loss

Top 16 Recipes Of Vegan Diet Plan For Weight Loss You Should Know

To get more information about effective homemade solutions & methods for weight loss, go to our main Weight Loss page. After reading the writing of 9 best vitamins for weight loss & their natural sources, hope that this writing helps you find out the best solution to reduce your weight effectively and safely. This writing is solely for the informational purpose, so you need to get advice from your doctors before using any vitamin. If you have any question, or you know about other vitamins for weight loss, please leave them below.

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