Top 15 easy office yoga poses to survive work

Stop giving the lame excuses for not working out with the “no time” and “busy at work” liners. You may now workout while you’re at office too. Simply, you can take one breather by indulging in several yet exotic, simple yoga moves. Together with being one fabulous stress buster, it’ll help you to improve your flexibility levels, release muscular tension, and even burn some fat as well as tone you down. Here are 15 easy office yoga poses that are collected by from reliable sources. Practice these office yoga poses and feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and replenished as well.

15 Easy Office Yoga Poses You Should Follow

1. Tadasana – Mountain Pose

office yoga poses - tadasana – mountain pose

Yoga offers a lot of positions which can help heal your body and inhibit so many of the pains in the joints & muscles. This is one of the best office yoga poses for you to do. Stretch the back while wading away the tension with this pose. An energy boosting asana, it enhances the blood circulation and also removes the pains and aches experienced throughout your body.

How to do:

  1. First of all, stand on the floor accompanying feet kept together, spine as well as head erect.
  2. Next let your hands rest alongside the body, palms resting on the thighs.
  3. Taking one deep inhalation, take the hands above the head and join your palm in Namaste.
  4. Stretch as much as you can, balancing yourself on the toes. If you’re a beginner, then let your feet rest flat on your mat.
  5. Lift the eyes to gaze at your fingertips.
  6. Maintain this pose for a count of ten to fifteen.
  7. Taking one deep exhalation, relax and gradually return to the initial position.

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2. Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bend

office yoga poses - uttanasana – standing forward bend

Looking for the best office yoga pose, you should not pass this exercise. Get up from the seat and give the hamstrings, arms, and back a good stretch with the simple to learn along with do asana. This asana also ensure that the lower back muscles get one good stretch, thereby inhibiting back pain. It also gives the digestive system a great massage plus enhances the circulation levels also.

Here are detailed guides to do this exercise:

  1. Stand erect, hands resting on either side on the body, palm facing your thighs.
  2. Taking one deep inhalation, lift the hands up.
  3. Exhaling gradually, bend forward, allowing the torso and hands in order to move in one synchronized fashion until you touch your floor.
  4. The head had better be bent in such a way which the gaze is fixed on your floor.
  5. Then, exhale some more with each bends thus you may bend as much as you can. The great position will be where you may experience a stretch on the hamstrings.
  6. Keep this pose for a count of fifteen.
  7. Taking one deep inhalation, lift the torso and rest the hands on either side of your body.

3. Seated Spinal Twist

office yoga poses - seated spinal twist

Give the spine a great twist and next release your tension curled within this with the seated twist. It’s a good detoxifying pose for these organs located deep within. In addition, it improves the spinal flexibility, strengthens and stretches it. This, in turn, aids in keeping the lower back ache away.


  1. The first step is to remove the shoes and stay on the chair accompanying feet soles resting flat on your floor.
  2. Spread your knees till they’re as wide as the hips.
  3. Maintain your spine erect.
  4. Then, rest on the left palm on your outer side of right knee.
  5. Thereafter, fold the right hand at your elbows and let it rest on the back, perpendicular to the back, palms facing outward.
  6. Now, taking a slow, deep inhalation, twist gently to the right and look over your shoulder.
  7. Hold this pose for a count of eight to twelve.
  8. Exhaling, gradually relax, and return to the initial pose.
  9. Do the same with another side.

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4. Paschimottanasana

office yoga poses - paschimottanasana

This office yoga pose could actually aid in releasing the tension from your back. It tones the spine and digestive system along with gives the circulation a boost.


  1. Remove the shoes and stay on the chair accompanying feet soles resting flat on your floor.
  2. Spread your knees till they are some wider than your hips.
  3. Maintain your spine erect.
  4. Allow your palms to rest on the thighs.
  5. Now, taking one deep inhalation, lift the hands up.
  6. Then, exhale, and now bend forward, from the hips, while your spine is still erect.
  7. Simultaneously, bring the hands also so that you may touch your ankles.
  8. Breathe out slowly when you bend forward thus you can bend some more than the permissible limits.
  9. Hold this pose for a count of ten.
  10. Inhaling slowly, come back to the initial position and then relax. 

5. Marjariasana – Cat Pose

office yoga poses - marjariasana – cat pose

Here are detailed guides to do this exercise:

  1. Kneel on your floor, with knees under the hips and palms under your shoulders. Keep the head straight.
  2. Now, inhaling deeply, lift the chin while pushing the head backwards slightly. The navel had better be pushed downwards while you raise the tailbone.
  3. Hold the buttocks firmly, thus you could experience your tingle.
  4. Breathing deeply, and hold this pose for around a count of fifteen.
  5. Exhale completely, bring the chin to your chest while relaxing the buttocks and arching your back to the optimum possible extent.
  6. Maintain this pose for about a count of fifteen and then gradually come back to the initial position.

There are many office yoga poses presented in this article, keep reading it!

6. Uttanpadasana – Leg Raise Pose

office yoga poses - uttanpadasana – leg raise pose

Generally, this is also one of the best office yoga poses. You can give the lower abs one good, easy workout by sitting on the chair itself.

How to do:

  1. Sit on your chair, feet resting on your floor, palms resting on your thighs.
  2. Keep the spine and head erect.
  3. Now, taking one deep inhalation, lift the right leg, stretching out from your knees.
  4. Then, flex your foot inward.
  5. Tuck the tummy in and maintain this pose, breathing normally, for about a count of fifteen.
  6. Exhaling, slowly relax.
  7. Then, repeat the same with your right leg.
  8. Thereafter, lift both legs together, stretching out from your knees.
  9. Now, flex both feet inward while the tummy is tucked in.
  10. Then, breathe deeply and hold this pose for about a count of 20.
  11. Gradually release and relax.

This makes 1 repetition. Do ten such repetitions in the starting, improving this count over the time.

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7. Gomukhasana Or Seated Cow Face Pose

office yoga poses - gomukhasana or seated cow face pose

Seeking the best office yoga poses, you should not miss this pose.

How to do:

  1. First of all, sit on your chair with spine erect together with legs kept close, heels as well as a big toe in touch.
  2. Next leave your hands to rest in the thighs.
  3. Then, bend the left arm behind you at your elbows in such a way which it rests on your back with fingers pointing to your ceiling.
  4. Taking one deep inhalation, lift the right hand and then bring it closer to the right ear.
  5. Fold at your elbow in such a way which your fingers of the right hand come into contact with your fingers of left hand.
  6. Hold your spine erect and then try to interlock your fingers, or at least, both had better be in touch.
  7. Gaze forward.
  8. After that, breathing normally, hold this pose for about a count of ten to fifteen.
  9. Exhaling, release the arms and put it beside you, palm facing your thighs.
  10. Shake the arms out, and now repeat to your opposite side.

Learn more: The Book Of Bodyweight Exercise

8. Utthita Trikonasana: Triangle Pose

office yoga poses - utthita trikonasana - triangle pose

Simply, open up your chest, shoulders and hips while giving your laterals one good stretch with the office yoga exercise. Also it eases the back pain.  You may either just seat and indulge in this or get up from the seat and do it. This standing one is also a good stretch for the hamstrings and hips too. It opens up your inner thighs as well as groins.

How to do:

  1. Stand erect, palms facing your thighs, hands resting alongside the body.
  2. Stretch the right leg outward and then turn the eight foot to so that it’s perpendicular to the legs.
  3. Taking one deep inhalation and engaging the thighs, lift the left hand over your head while the right hand touches the right foot.
  4. Fix the gaze on your left hand fingers.
  5. Breathing deeply, and hold the pose for about a count of 15.
  6. Now, taking one deep exhalation, relax, lift the body and return to be an initial pose.
  7. Then, repeat the same with your other side.
  8. Ensure to keep the spine erect during this entire process.

Variation: Seated Triangle. 

  1. First of all, stay erect on the edge on your chair while palms facing the thighs, hands rest on your thighs.
  2. Stretch the hands out at the shoulder level.
  3. Taking a deep inhalation and next exhaling, bend to the right, while the right hand comes down with the fingers touching the floor.
  4. Your left hand had better go up, fingers pointing your ceiling.
  5. Engage the tummy and fix the gaze on your left hand finger tips.
  6. Keep the pose for about a count of fifteen.
  7. Inhaling, come up, and then relax in initial position.
  8. Thereafter, repeat the same with your other side.

9. Neck Rotations

office yoga poses - neck rotations

General speaking, this exercise will make sure that the neck muscles are strong and flexible. Plus, it aids in avoiding stiff neck which most of the computer professionals have to experience because of unending hours of staying in front of their PC.

How to do:

  1. Firstly, sit straight on your chair, legs straight together with hands resting on the waist.
  2. Maintain your chest lifted.
  3. Taking one deep inhalation and next exhaling, bend the neck down as much as you can so that the chin is in contact with your chest.
  4. Inhaling, tilt the neck to your right until you feel a stretch.
  5. Slowly, while breathing deeply, move the neck clockwise, stretching as much as you can
  6. Complete this rotation as the necks returns to the initial position.
  7. This makes 1 repetition. Do ten such times on a side.
  8. Repeat the similar anti-clockwise for ten times.

Learn more: Neck Strengthening Workouts At Home With And Without Weights

10. Kapotasana – Pigeon Pose

office yoga poses - kapotasana – pigeon pose

This is also one of the easiest office yoga poses. A chest as well as groin opener, the pose is effective for your back also.


  1. Stand up from the seat and stand erect.
  2. Next lift the right knee and the right shin up plus align it on your desk making one parallel line with this desk edge.
  3. Taking one deep inhalation, and then gradually exhaling, bend forward along the right leg, from your waist.
  4. Hold this pose for about a count of 15.
  5. Inhaling deep and slow, return to initial position and then relax.
  6. Now repeat the same with your other leg.
  7. This makes 1 repetition.
  8. Do ten such repetitions.

11. Wrist Stretches

office yoga poses - wrist stretches

The stretches had better ideally be done prior to beginning your work day and after every an hour, particularly if your job needs continuous usage of the wrist. This one is a good to stretch the wrists, ease the pain.

How to do:

  1. First of all, sit in one chair with the feet flat on your floor.
  2. Stretch the left arm out to the front with palm facing your ceiling.
  3. Gently flex the fingers backwards towards you plus hold them with your right hand for about a count of 10.
  4. You had better feel the stretch as well as no pain.
  5. Release slowly and leave to come back to the normal position.
  6. Repeat about 15 to 20 times.
  7. Then, repeat the same with the right hand.
  8. Now stretch both hands to the front, palms facing your ceiling.
  9. Tilt the fingers backward, towards you.
  10. Keep them like that for about a count of fifteen to twenty.
  11. Relax and return to starting position.
  12. Repeat around 20 to 30 times. 

12. Shoulder Rotations

office yoga poses - shoulder rotations

This is also one of the simplest office yoga poses.

How to do:

  1. Stand on your floor, feet flat, palms facing the body, hands resting on either side on your body.
  2. Keep the spine and head erect.
  3. Then, stretch the hands out at the shoulder level.
  4. Bend the hands at your elbows in such a way which the fingertips rest on respective shoulders.
  5. Now inhaling, lift the shoulders until your ear level.
  6. Exhaling, gradually roll your shoulders anticlockwise, letting them drop away from your ears.
  7. This makes 1 repetition. Do 10 such times.
  8. Do the same with clockwise.
  9. This makes one set. Do 2 such sets.

Learn more: 30 Best Exercises For Treating Shoulder Pain Relief

13. Utkata Konasana

office yoga poses - utkata konasana

Not surprisingly, this is also considered as one of the best office yoga poses. This asana also improves inner thigh muscles, arms, shoulders, and the upper back as well.

How to do:

  1. Firstly, stand erect accompanying feet resting flatly on your floor, spine erect.
  2. Gradually spread your legs some more than hips width.
  3. Then, turn the feet outward making a forty five degree angle with your leg in such a way which they look away from the body.
  4. Taking one deep inhalation, bend the knees to create a ninety degree angle with your floor.
  5. Slowly, push the hips down till come parallel to your knees.
  6. Hold your spine erect.
  7. Lift the arms at your shoulder height.
  8. Bend the hands at your elbows in such a way which fingertips gaze at your ceiling.
  9. Keep the fingers spread out.
  10. Taking one deep, gradual inhalation, tuck in the core.
  11. Pull your tailbone towards the floor.
  12. Breathing normally and hold this pose for about a count of fifteen to twenty.
  13. Exhaling slowly, relax the hands down, raise yourself up from this squat position and return to the starting position.
  14. This makes 1 repetition.
  15. Do fifteen such repetitions without any pause. 

14. Ardha Sukhasana Or Half Easy Pose

office yoga poses - ardha sukhasana or half easy pose

This is also one of the simplest office yoga poses.

How to do:

  1. First of all, sit on your chair, spine erect, back supported on that chair
  2. Keep the legs straight, and feet resting flat on your floor.
  3. Fold the right knee and then tuck your right foot beneath the left thigh.
  4. Allow your hands to rest on the thighs.
  5. Then, close the eyes and hold this pose for about a count of 20.
  6. Gradually relax and release the right leg.
  7. Repeat the same with your left leg also.

15. Balasana – Child Pose

office yoga poses - balasana – child pose

This is also one of the best office yoga poses.

How to do:

  1. First of all, sit on your chair, legs straight, heels in close contact, soles resting flat on your ground.
  2. Let your hands rest on either side of your body.
  3. Maintain your spine erect.
  4. Taking one deep inhalation, lift the hands above the head.
  5. Leaving out a deep, slow breath, bend place the arms on your table and cross them. Your right palm had better rest on the inner side of your left elbow as well as vice versa.
  6. Place the forehead atop your arms, close the eyes, and now rest as long as possible.

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To get more information related to useful yoga and exercises, go to our main Fitness page. After studying the writing of 15 easy office yoga poses, hope that this article will help you learn more some easy and effective exercises to do at your office. If you have any question or comment, please leave them below, I will respond you as soon as possible. Do you know any other office yoga poses? Share with us right below.

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