Vascular dementia is a decrease in thinking skills caused by blocked or reduced blood flow to the brain, thus resulting in depriving brain cells of vital nutrients and oxygen.
Vascular dementia is considered as the second most popular cause of dementia, only after Alzheimer’s disease, that makes up for 20 – 30 percent of cases.
Vascular changes start occurring in brain areas where playing a vital role in retrieving and storing information. This may be a cause of memory loss that looks like Alzheimer’s disease.
Vascular Dementia Stages: 7 Stages You Should Know
In vascular dementia, thinking skill changes sometimes happen suddenly according to strokes that block the majority of brain blood vessels. Thinking problems also may look like mild changes, which worsen gradually due to multiple minor strokes or other health conditions that affect blood vessels, resulting in cumulative damage.
Symptoms of vascular dementia can vary, depend on the level of the blood vessel damage as well as the part of brain areas affected. In this article today, I would like to reveal stages of vascular dementia in details so you should keep your eyes on the interesting health facts and the signs and symptoms of each stage. There are actually 7 most important stages of this disease that are very clear and separate. All vascular dementia stages you will have chance to discover when reading the entire article today are:
Stage 1: no cognitive decline
stage 2: very mild cognitive decline
stage 3: initial mild stage
stage 4: early stage- moderate vascular dementia
stage 5: mid stage- semi severe vascular dementia
stage 6: second last stage- middle vascular dementia
stage 7: second last stage- late vascular dementia
1. Stage 1: No Cognitive Decline
This is the first out of the vascular dementia stages that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn for good!
The first stage of vascular dementia has no signs and symptoms, which shows clearly that the person functions normally and is healthy and alert. He or she does not have any difficulties in remembering dates, names, faces or facts. In other words, he or she has not been affected by this condition or people with no dementia will be considered to be in this stage.
Remember that, in the first stage of vascular dementia, the person is still healthy and works normally.
2. Stage 2: Very Mild Cognitive Decline
Another one out of the vascular dementia stages that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to remember is that in the second stage of the vascular dementia, people start becoming more forgetful.
This is known as the second one of dementia stages where individuals get started getting normal forgetfulness related to aging.
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However, this stage could contain undistinguished signs as more than half of people over 65 years old have this cognitive difficulty so this is known as a normal part of aging. For example, forgetting where they placed house keys or their motorbikes or forgetting the name of their acquaintances, even after they have been introduced several times. Nonetheless, this sign is not given to ensure that the individual gets vascular dementia.
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In fact, this is one of the vascular dementia, which people should know to find the way to prevent their conditions from worsening. Continue reading this entire article in order to discover other vascular dementia stages that people can have to experience!
3. Stage 3: Initial Mild Stage
Initial mild stage is also one of the vascular dementia that people should know and try to reduce its signs and symptoms for good.
This is known as the starting of this kind of disorder. During this stage, he or she will become more forgetful than ever before.
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They will have difficulty in remembering what they were talking about and what they need to do. Besides, they will find it hard to concentrate at work, thus decreasing work performance. People can get lost more often and feel difficult to find the right words.
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This stage of vascular dementia often begins to show signs and symptoms, about 5-7 years before the prediction of the presence of this disorder. Also, there is no diagnosis of vascular dementia.
This is in brief one of the vascular dementia stages, so people should not look down, yet work with their doctors and familiars in order to manage their conditions.
4. Stage 4: Early Stage – Moderate Vascular Dementia
This is also one of the most important vascular dementia stages that everyone should not look down but watch out carefully for good! This stage is the only one wherein the signs and symptoms are clear for the first time. This is because the condition has advanced to the 4th stage and is very clear and evident. People suffering from vascular dementia in this stage tend to stay away from their family and friends. They find it hard to frame sentences and maintain a conversation.
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People with vascular dementia in this stage often lose memory of recent events, find difficult to complete complex tasks accurately. They also feel afraid and threatened with socializing because they do not want to be ridiculed.
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This stage will last for 2-3 years before everything gets more serious if there is no treatment. The most effective way to treat this condition is to stimulate the individual who are suffering from this disorder to join a community workshop. At this place, he or she will be instructed to play games, which have effect on sharpening the motor and memory skills. In this stage, individual will be diagnosed with moderate vascular dementia.
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This is actually also one out of the vascular dementia stages that a lot of people in the world have been diagnosed and have been trying to minimize the damages.
5. Stage 5: Mid Stage – Semi Severe Vascular Dementia
Another one on the list of the vascular dementia stages that I would like to reveal in this article today and want you and my other readers to know if you are considering whether they get this disorder or not.
By the time they reach this stage, they actually need assistance. They need help to do simple daily tasks including dressing up, taking care of themselves and preparing meals. Nonetheless, not all of the individuals in the 5th stage need help. Some of them still manage to do their daily tasks. This is because the condition and the effects of vascular dementia in this stage may vary from one another. Patients in this stage will be diagnosed with semi severe vascular dementia.
Loss of mobility: Many people gradually lose the ability of walking and performing everyday tasks. One of the first signs is that they walk unsteadily. They can also seem slower, bump into things and fall objects. Some people even become confined to a chair or bed. People who are caring for people with vascular dementia should ask for an advice from a community nurse or a therapist to aid mobility.
Memory loss: This symptom is very severe in the stages of vascular dementia. Patients may not be able to recognize other people who are close to them and even their own reflection. Also, they may not be able to find their way home around familiar surroundings or identify objects they use every day. However, occasionally, they may experience sudden flashes of recognition. They may believe that they are in a time from their past and may look for something or somebody from that time. For those around them, it may be helpful to try talking with them about the past. Even when they have severe memory loss, they still can appreciate or respond to music, touch and scent. Thus, continue to talk to them, even when they cannot respond.
In fact, this is also among the vascular dementia stages so people should know and find the ways to help other people with vascular dementia in this stage have a better life.
Do you want to know two other stages of vascular dementia? Do you want to understand more about signs of symptoms of two remaining stages of this disorder? Continue reading this article right now!
6. Stage 6: Second Last Stage – Middle Vascular Dementia
Individuals in this severe stage begin to lose memory and usually recollect things happened and things they did in their past. They become more delusional and even cannot remember close friends and family members’ names. Some bodily changes also turn up including incontinence, difficulty with muscle and motor functions and difficulty with controlling bladder flow. They need assistance to do daily activities and finish tasks. These signs and symptoms are enough to diagnose middle vascular dementia.
Weight loss: Almost all of the people with vascular dementia lose weight in the later stages of this disorder, although sometimes some people eat so much and put on weight. In fact, weight loss can affect their immune system, making the people fight infections more difficultly. It can also increase the possibility of falling. Ensure that they consume enough food and water. They can need encouragement with drinking and eating. Besides, problems with swallowing and chewing are common as their muscles no longer work properly.
Problems with continence: Many people cannot control their bladder and bowels. This can occur most or all of the time.
Unusual behavior: Individuals in the later stages of vascular dementia sometimes behave in unusual or puzzling ways. Some people become more confused in the late afternoon as well as early evening. Thus, people who care for them should give them more individual attention at these times. Some people can react aggressively in case they cannot understand what is happening around them. People can keep calling out the same words. IIf this occurs, you should check their physical needs and comfort.
This is also a stage one on the list of vascular dementia stages that people should not miss out but consider changing their lifestyles to prevent themselves from getting this disorder.
7. Stage 7: Second Last Stage – Late Vascular Dementia
This is the last but very important out of the vascular dementia stages that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to know for good.
In case the condition has still progressed, there is not much medicine can do. People in this stage have basically no ability of speaking or communicating. The only thing you can do is to give people who are in the last stage of vascular dementia the possible care and love. They really need the help for all of their activities including eating, walking and using the toilet. This is known as the late vascular dementia.
Each individual with vascular dementia experiences the illness in their own way. However, these signs and symptoms described below often occur in the later stages of most cases.
Memory loss: This symptom is very severe in the stages of vascular dementia. Patients may not be able to recognize other people who are close to them and even their own reflection. Also, they may not be able to find their way home around familiar surroundings or identify objects they use every day. However, occasionally, they may experience sudden flashes of recognition. They may believe that they are at a time from their past and may look for something or somebody from that time. For those around them, it may be helpful to try talking with them about the past. Even when they have severe memory loss, they still can appreciate or respond to music, touch, and scent. Thus, continue to talk to them, even when they cannot respond.
Communication problems: The people with vascular dementia will experience problems with understanding what is happening around them. They find it hard to communicate with other people. Gradually, they may lose their speech or repeat a few words. However, their expression and body language can give you clues about their feeling. Many people can still return and receive emotional signals after they lose the ability to speak.
There are some things that can put you at risk of suffering from vascular dementia. Some of the risk factors can be controlled such as lifestyle, but some others cannot be controlled such as age and genes. Some risk factors contribute to underlying cardiovascular dementia.
Age: This is the strongest risk factor for this dementia. The risk of developing this disorder doubles nearly every 5 years over the age of 65. People under the age of 65 with vascular dementia is uncommon. In addition to this, men are at higher risk of this condition than women.
People who have had a stroke, diabetes or heart disease are nearly twice as likely to get vascular dementia. Besides, people with sleep apnoea,which is a condition where breath stops for some seconds or minutes when sleeping, is also the main risk factor.
A history of depression increases the risk of this dementia as well. If you think that you may be depressed, seek your doctor’s advice soon.
People with high blood pressure, overweight and high cholesterol.
On average, people with vascular dementia will live for 5 years after symptoms get started, less than the average for people with Alzheimer’s disease. In many cases, their death will be caused by a heart attack or stroke. There is substantial evidence that treatments of common risk factors may help postpone and prevent further decline. And here are some ways to treat risk factors and stimultaneousy prevent vascular dementia from occurring:
Try to keep the heart healthy. Following a heart- healthy diet can improve or slow down your vascular dementia symptoms.
Walking 30 minutes a day can reduce the risk of vascular dementia. Regular exercise can help control your weight, boost your overall health and relieve stress.
Keep cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels must be under control.
Have more fun. For example, playing, laughing, enjoying your life are great ways to relieve stress and worry, thus preventing further strokes and make up for memory and cognitive losses.
Manage your stress and know how to relax yourself. It is helpful to follow relaxation techniques including meditation, yoga, deep breathing.
Do not smoke, and limit the alcohol consumption.
With proper support, love and care, vascular dementia life expectancy may extend to more, this is because many patients have tried to live up for a longer time. Let them feel like they are treated with dignity and respect, making their remaining years in peace more easily.
Another thing that I would like all of my readers to do after reading this entire article about vascular dementia stages is to spend a little time reading another article that reveals top 11 early signs and symptoms of dementia- the 11 Early Symptoms Of Dementia article. This is an actually interesting article that people should read and remember for good. Actually, dementia can be discovered soon if you have noticed unusual symptoms in your health. Catching this condition early can help limit the severity and impact of vascular dementia. Early detection needs an understanding of risk factors and efforts to keep it under control. Thus, readers of VKool.com should read this recommended article in order to find the ways to slow down these symptoms.
This is the list of 7 stages of vascular dementia, which everyone who wants to know more about it or wants to know whether they or any people they know suffer from this disorder or not, should read and remember for good. In fact, currently, no treatments available can repair the vascular dementia’s damages. However, diagnosis will provide important knowledge as well as the chance to prevent further damage. Thus, prevention and early diagnosis can help you find the ways in order to improve and even slow down vascular dementia symptoms. People with vascular dementia should work with their doctors to make the best treatment plan for their circumstances and symptoms.
After reading this list of vascular dementia stages and learn some common signs as well as symptoms of each stage, if you feel that this list is good for your current health condition, and can also help other people you know who are having one or more of signs and symptoms as I mentioned in this article, you had better share this list with them and encourage them to ask for a help from a physiotherapist or occupational therapist One more thing, as an author of VKool, I also want to know the opinions of my dear readers. Do you know anyone who is suffering from the vascular dementia? Does he or she have some symptoms as I mentioned above? Anything else you want to tell me about the vascular dementia? Do not forget to leave your ideas about this article in the comment section below, I will reply you as soon as possible.
Some related articles about symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease as well as home remedies to prevent and cure these health conditions that you should know:
How To Prevent Dementia Naturally In Old Age
9 At Home Natural Remedies For Dementia
9 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s Disease
How To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease With Food Naturally
How To Cure Alzheimer’s Disease Naturally – 7 Tips
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