Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, and such age-related memory disorders strike fear in all of us. Everyone has memory blips from time to time – the word that is one the very tip of your tongue, or the car keys that are not where you think you left them. And, when you get older, these types of slip-ups might become more and more common and frequent. Follow these tips on how to prevent memory loss, collected by, to hugely slash your potential chances of developing the disease. Just take a look!
I. How To Prevent Memory Loss In Old Age – Common Causes Of Memory Loss
Whether it is occasional forgetfulness or loss of short-term memory which interferes with daily life, there are a variety of causes of memory loss. Here are some of the most common things that lead to memory loss:
1. Medications
A number of prescription and OTC medications could interfere with or cause loss of memory. The possible culprits contain: antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, antihistamines, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, pain medications, and sleeping pills.
2. Tobacco, Alcohol, And Drug Use
Excessive alcohol use has long been recognized as a major cause of memory loss. Actually, smoking harms memory by decreasing the amount of oxygen that gets to the human brain. Many studies have discovered that people who smoke find it harder to put faces with names than do non-smokers. Illicit drugs could change those chemicals in the brain, making it hard to recall memories.
3. Sleep Deprivation
Both quality and quantity of sleep are crucial to memory. Getting too little sleep or waking frequently in nights could result in fatigue, thereby affecting the ability of consolidating and retrieving information.
4. Stress And Depression
Being stressed or depressed could make it hard to pay attention and focus, thereby impacting memory. Anxiety and stress could also get in the way of concentration. When people get tense and their mind is over-stimulated or distracted, their ability to remember could suffer. Stress resulted by an emotional trauma could also cause memory loss.
Check out: tips to reduce stress
5. Nutritional Deficiency
Good nutrition – containing high-quality proteins and fats – is crucial to appropriate brain function. Deficiencies in vitamin B1 and B12 particularly could impact memory.
6. Head Injury
A severe hit or injury to the head – from an automobile accident or a fall, for instance – could injure the human brain and lead to short- or long-term memory loss. Memory might steadily improve over time.
Learn more: how to treat headaches naturally
7. Stroke
A stroke happens when the supply of blood to the human is blocked or stopped because of the blockage of a blood vessel to the human brain or leakage of a vessel into the brain. Oftentimes, strokes lead to short-term memory loss. The person having a stroke might have vivid memories of childhood events yet be unable to recall what he/she had for lunch.
8. Dementia
Dementia is the name of progressive loss of memory and other aspects of thinking which are severe enough to interfere with the ability to function in daily activities. Though there are many causes of dementia – containing blood vessel disease, alcohol or drug abuse, other many other causes of damage to the human brain – the most popular and familiar is Alzheimer’s.
9. Other Causes
Apart from the causes above, other possible causes of memory loss contain an underactive or overactive thyroid gland as well as infections like tuberculosis, HIV, and syphilis that impact the brain.
II. How To Prevent Memory Loss – 8 Diet Tips
A healthy diet may be as good for the human brain as it is for the heart. Add fruits and veggies plus with whole grains. Opt for low-fat protein sources, like lean meat, fish, and skinless poultry. Also, what you drink counts. Not take enough water or too much alcohol also could result in memory loss and confusion.
1. Fruits, Veggies And Nuts
Brain cells called neurons are especially vulnerable to oxidation by the free radicals. Antioxidants, found in most fruits and veggies, and in nuts as well as beans can neutralize free radicals. When eating a proper amount of these foods, your own brain will collect antioxidants, offering protection to different parts of the brain, containing the hippocampus, an area which is important to forming and retaining memories.
You could get to choose to eat the fruits which contain three memory-aiding antioxidants – vitamin C, E, and the mineral selenium.
2. Blueberries
When summer comes, there is nothing like fresh blueberries. However, here is also another reason to stock your freezer and consume them all year long: a healthy memory. The sweet blue globes are the powerhouses of phytochemicals named anthocyanins – the compounds that offer berries their hue, function as natural, strong antioxidants, and might promote memory.
3. Salmon And Mackerel
The human brain includes tremendous amounts of fats, so it is not surprising if saying that the healthy fats in your diet plan can benefit your “think tank.” The brain cells are lines with omega-3 fatty acids which help decrease inflammation. It is said that high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids are linked with preserved brain function.
4. Eggs
This is one of the most well-known nutrition tips on how to prevent memory loss. One of the few foods known to include choline, the vitamin-like compound that brain cells need to functioned appropriately, eggs are especially important in the diets of pregnant women whilst their babies’ brain are developing. Choline appears to be important to the development of the hippocampus, the memory centre of the human brain. In addition, egg yolks also include lots of vitamin B12, which is well-known to help reduce homocysteine, which is toxic to the human brain and associated with poor brain performance.
5. Apples
Your daily apple in the lunch bag can help you sharpen your memory power. It is because apples contain quercetin which is effective even more than vitamin C in protecting the brain cells from the oxidative damage. So, add apples to your meals (also eating the skin as well) to prevent memory loss.
6. Turmeric
Turmeric is often used in traditional Indian curries and many other dishes. The bright yellow comes from antioxidant compound named curcumin. Many studies have shown that curcumin can help in preventing the building of amyloid, the gummy protein buildup that could clog neural pathways within the brain. Curcumin is also helpful in preventing oxidation as well as inflammation.
7. Oatmeal And Whole Grains
Another nutrition tip on how to prevent memory loss is to go for old-fashion oatmeal. Researchers claim that oatmeal contains high protein and fiber content (similar to whole-grain cereals) that can help in glowing digestion, releasing glucose (blood sugar) more steadily into the bloodstream. The human brain uses glucoses as a good source of energy. A steady flow might appear to assist the brain in retaining information for tasks which require memory skills.
8. Lentils, Fish, Leafy Greens
Folate (also known as folic acid) and vitamin B6 as well as B12 can help in lowering levels of homocysteine, the amino acid within the blood which has been associated with an enhanced risk of dementia. Those people with high level of homocysteine levels and low folate level tend to have trouble remembering words and other details from a short story, according to a study recently.
Check out: steps to make a healthy diet plan
III. How To Prevent Memory Loss – 13 Lifestyle And Exercise Tips
1. Build A Better Brain
It is common to go through a little brain fog when people age; however, much like muscles, the more exercise you give your own brain, the stronger it will be. You do not need any crazy regiments or products to stay sharp. Just practice some exercises for brain to keep your brain young for years.
2. Beware Of Bad Fats
The kind of fat you consume changes your brain’s functioning for better or worse. Hence, you should stay away from saturated fats that drive brain cells into inefficiency. Instead, you should purchase fat-free or fat-free dairy products such as milk, ice-cream, and cheese.
3. Stay Mentally Active
Just as physical activity can keep the human body in shape, mentally stimulating activities could also help keep your brain in shape. Also, it can keep memory loss at bay. You can do crossword puzzles – the section of the newspapers that you often skip. Take alternate routes when driving. Learn to play a musical instrument. Or, volunteering at a community organization or local school is a good idea to stay mentally active.
4. Socialize Regularly
Social interaction, in reality, helps ward off stress and depression – the two of many common causes of memory loss. Thus, you should look for chances to get together with your loved ones and friends – particularly if you are living alone. When being invited to share a meal or attend a certain event, just simply go!
5. Get Organized
If your house is cluttered and notes are disarray, you will be more likely to forget things. Thus, it is necessary to declutter your house, jot down task, appointments as well as other events in your special notebook or an electronic planner. Even, you can repeat each entry out loud so you can cement it in your memory. Make a to-do list and put it into your purse or bag to not forget what you need to do each day. Set aside a certain place for your keys, wallet, and other essentials.
In addition, limit distractions and avoid doing many things at a time. If you concentrate on the information that you try to remember, you will be more likely to recall it later.
6. Sleep Well
Getting enough sleep not only makes your skin healthy and glow, but also prevents yourself from getting memory loss. Sleep plays a crucial role in helping people consolidate their memories, so they could recall them down the road. Thus, you had better get adequate sleep and make it a priority. Most adults are recommended to need 7-8 hours of sleep per day.
7. Get Moving
Take brisk walks every day and perform stretching exercises. Increased cardio can make the human brain actually grow, with more white matter and more neuron connections.
Spend 30 minutes each day on walking is one of the best things you could for your memory and your whole body.
Physical exercise can preserve memory as well as mental function with aging. Also, exercise could help prevent many other conditions that could result in memory loss, like:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Stroke
- Diabetes
According to some studies, physical activity can trigger the release of a protein named BDNF, which enhances healthy nerve cells within the human brain. That can give your own memory a big boost.
8. Go Mediterranean
Fact is, a healthy diet is always great for the brain, yet one eating style in particular might be best for protecting memory. Many nutritionists and experts recommend people to go for the Mediterranean-style diet. This diet type includes lots of fruits and vegetables, fish and olive oil. People should not opt for red meat when following this diet plan.
It is shown that people who closely follow this diet plan can be nearly 20% less likely to suffer from memory problems than those who do not stick to such diet plan.
9. Give Up Cigarettes
There are many harmful effects of cigarettes on the human health, including causing memory problems. Hence, if you smoke, you need to quit it right now. Smoking can speed up memory loss when you get aged.
The effect of smoking on your memory might be because of small strokes it could cause in your brain. You can try nicotine replacement, medicines or take consultations from experts to kick your bad habits once and for all.
Recommend reading: how to give up cigarettes for good
10. Control Your Cholesterol
The plague buildup caused by high cholesterol will finally ruin the veins of the human heart. The blockage of the blood vessels in the human brain could deprive it of valuable nutrients and cure memory issues.
11. Get Checked
Sometimes, medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disease, depression or a vitamin deficiency could trigger memory loss.
And, some certain medicines like anxiety or sleep drugs could also impact your ability to remember. Therefore, you need to see doctors to get checked and treated for those problems.
Follow the treatment recommendations of your doctor for any chronic conditions, such as depression or thyroid or kidney problems. The better you care for yourself, the better your memory is likely to be. Moreover, review your current medications with your doctor regularly. Various medications could affect memory.
So, when to seek help for the condition of memory loss?
If you are really worry about memory loss – particularly if memory loss impacts your own ability to accomplish your daily activities – you need to consult your doctor instantly. To evaluate memory loss, the doctor will take a medical history, perform a physical exam, containing a neurologic exam – ask questions to test mental ability and check your current memory as well as problem-solving skills. Sometimes, other tests are necessary as well. In reality, the type and duration of treatment will depend on what is contributing to the condition of memory loss.
Now, you have learnt basic information about memory loss and some tips on how to prevent memory loss. These tips are really simple-to-follow and do not involve in any complicated ingredients or preparation. So, take action from now to reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s beforehand naturally.
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