Emotions, which are freely expressed and experienced without attachment or judgment, tend to flow fluidly. In contrast, repressed emotions (especially negative or fearful emotions) can zap hope and mental energy and lead to some health issues including digestive disorders or high blood pressure. Therefore, it is important for you to identify or recognize your emotions and thoughts to be aware of the impacts they have on each other, on your bodies, your behavior, and your relationships. As your awareness increases, you find it easier to recognize what you are thinking, how you are feeling, and your attitude towards the experience. You can then choose to regulate your thoughts as well as your emotional responses. From the site Vkool.com, and I made this article to show you the mind body connection, and help you in learning how your emotions can affect your health. Keep reading this article to discover the truth about how your body will affect your brain, how your mind will affect your body, and what you will do to keep the completely brilliant system to work to your advantage.
Mind Body Connection & How To Improve Your Emotional Health
I. Connection Between Mind And Body
The mind/body connection means that we can learn to use our thoughts to influence positively some of our body’s physical responses, and to decrease stress. If we recall a time when we were grateful, happy or calm, our body and mind will tend to relax. Researchers have shown that when we imagine an experience, we frequently have similar physical and mental responses to those we have when the event currently happens. For example, if a person recalls a frightening or upsetting experience, he or she may feel his or her heart beating faster, he/she may begin to sweat, and his/her hands may become cold and clammy. Whether we have been diagnosed with a disease or need to get ready for a medical procedure like surgery, it is important to diminish the negative impacts and increase the healthy, healing aspects of our mind/body connection.
1. Feelings Of Hopelessness Cause Chronic Stress
If chronic stress is caused by feelings of hopelessness, this is a mind/body connection. Someone who has feelings of hopelessness or helplessness and negative attitudes towards his or her life may have to suffer from chronic stress. The chronic stress you are suffering will upset your body’s hormone balance as well as deplete your brain chemicals that are required for feelings of happiness. It also has a damaging impact on your immune system; therefore, you need to find the best solutions to reduce stress if you are suffering from it.
Some recently researches have also identified that chronic stress can really decrease your lifespan by shortening your telomeres (the “end caps” of your DNA strands that play a big role in the aging). Poorly repressed or managed anger may be related to a few of health conditions including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, digestive disorders and infection.
Learn more: 27 Natural Tips To Relieve Stress, Anxiety And Depression Quickly
2. Positive Attitudes Help You Get A Better Sleep
If you get a better sleep as a result of your positive attitudes, this is a form of mind/body connection. Barbara Fredrickson, a scientist has shown that our positive emotions have 2 important effects on our health:
- Positive emotions help build up over time, create lasting emotional resilience and flourishing.
- Positive emotions broaden our perspective of the world, and they help inspire more wonder, creativity, and options.
Barbara Fredrickson has spent many years on researching and publishing the emotional and physical benefits of positivity such as better sleep, faster recovery from cardiovascular stress, a greater sense of overall happiness, and fewer colds. The good news is that not only positive attitudes (including gratitude, awe, interest, playfulness, love, serenity and feeling connected to others) play a direct impact on your wellbeing and health, but also we have ability to develop them ourselves with practice.
However, in our thinking, when we want to defend against loss in life and threat, we often tend to prioritize bad over good. While positive attitude is a tidy survival mechanism for anyone who is trying to stay hyper vigilant in some dangerous environments, the truth is that for almost people, they spend time on ruminating over the minor frustrations they experience such as bad traffic, or a disagreement with a person they love and they ignore many chances they have to experience awe, wonder, and gratitude throughout the day.
Dr. Fredrickson calculates that to offset the negativity bias and get an experience of harmonious emotional state, you need to experience 3 positive emotions for each negative one. These positive emotions will help literally reverse your physical effects of negativity and then help you build up psychological resources, which contribute to a flourishing life.
Learn more: The Top 18 Best And Worst Foods For Sleep
3. Emotional Resilience Helps Overcome Physical Pain
Andrew Weil, a doctor of a private clinic says that resilience is manifested like a rubber band. It means that no matter how far a resilient individual is pulled or stretched by negative emotions, she or he always has the ability to bounce back to her or his original state. Many researchers indicate that resilient people have ability to experience tough emotions such as sorrow, pain, frustration, and grief with not falling apart—in fact, some of them can look at challenging times with hope and optimism, and they can know that their hardships will lead to the personal growth as well as an expanded outlook on life.
Resilient individuals do not deny the pain, and they also do not suffer that they are experiencing; rather, these resilient people will be able to retain a sense of positivity, which helps overcome the negative effects of the situation they have. In other word, positive emotions bring a scientific purpose – for example, they help the body recover from ill effects caused by negative emotions. Therefore, you need to cultivate positivity over time to help you become more resilient in coping with stress or crisis.
Learn more: The Top 29 Upper Back Pain Relief Tips And Exercises At Home
4. Gratitude Makes People Joyful
Mind body connection also is found in people who have gratitude. Giving thanks and acknowledging the positive aspects of life will create a powerful impact on the emotional wellbeing. For example, in a landmark study, those people who were asked to count their blessings had fewer physical complaints, felt happier, exercised more, and slept better than individuals who made lists of hassles. A researcher indicates that there is a link between gratitude and joy, but with a surprising twist: it is not joy, which makes us grateful, but gratitude, which makes us joyful.
Learn more: 25 Habits Of Happy People That You Should Learn
5. Forgiveness And Better Immune Function
The attitude of forgiveness means that you can fully accept that a negative circumstance has happened and you can relinquish negative feelings surrounding the event. This attitude can lead you to experience better emotional, physical and mental health. According to The Stanford Forgiveness Project, researchers trained over 250 adults in forgiveness in a course during 6 weeks. The result is:
- 14% of them get experienced reduced anger
- 70% of those people have a significant decrease in the feelings of hurt
- 26% of them experienced fewer physical complaints (for instance, pain, dizziness, gastrointestinal upset, etc.)
This result indicates that the practice of forgiveness also is associated with better immune function and a longer lifespan. In addition, there are other studies that have shown that the attitude of forgiveness brings you not only a metaphorical effect on your heart, it can currently lower your blood pressure and help you improve cardiovascular health.
Learn more: How To Boost Immune System Fast And Naturally
6. Anger Is Associated With Your Liver
Mind/body connection also is found in people with anger. Many researchers indicate that anger is linked to the liver. It means that by its nature, anger can cause qi to rise, leading to red eyes with a red face, dizziness, and headaches. This matches the pattern of liver fire increasing. In addition, anger may cause liver qi to attack the spleen, leading to lack of appetite, diarrhea and indigestion (people who eat while driving or arguing at the dinner often experience this condition).
Researchers indicate that in a more long-term outlook, suppressed frustration or anger may cause liver qi to become stagnant (called liver qi stagnation); this can result in menstrual disorders or depression. It is very interesting to note that some people, who often take herbs to release their stagnant liver qi, frequently experience bouts of anger as the stagnation is reduced. Suppressed frustration or anger only passes as the condition is cleared. Similarly, irritability and anger are often determining factors in diagnosing the liver qi stagnation. If you or someone you know want to relieve impacts of anger, it is necessary to avoid drinking coffee while treating liver disorders related to anger, because coffee heats the liver and then greatly intensifies the condition.
If you want to know other forms of mind/body connection, continue reading the next part of this writing.
Learn more: Top 8 Anger Management Techniques For Young Adults
7. Shock And Its Impact On Kidneys And Heart
Shock and its impact on kidneys and heart is a form of mind/body connection you should know. According to medical researchers, shock is particularly debilitating to the heart and kidneys. The “fight or flight” reaction can cause an excessive release of the adrenaline from the adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys. This makes the heart to respond with anxiety, palpitations, and insomnia. Chronic stress caused from shock can debilitate to the whole system, causing many health problems. Experts say that severe shock may have a long-term impact on the heart. This is evident in victims of post-traumatic stress syndrome. The treatment methods for severe shock include regular acupuncture treatments, psychotherapy, and herbs that help calm the spirit as well as nourish the kidneys and heart.
Learn more: List Of Healthy & Natural Foods To Improve Kidney Function
8. Fear And Its Effects On The Kidneys
Mind/body connection also is expressed in people who have the emotion of fear. According to health researchers, many studies indicate that fear is linked to the kidneys. This connection can be readily seen when excessive fear causes a person to urinate uncontrollably. For example, in children, this relationship can manifest as bed-wetting that psychologists have related to anxiety and insecurity.
The long-term anxiety as a result of worrying about the future may deplete the kidney yin, kidney yang, and kidney qi, eventually it can leads to chronic weakness. Treatment for this condition involves tonifying the kidneys with yang or yin tonics, depending on the particular symptoms.
Learn more: 13 Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety Attacks And Stress
9. Sadness And Its Effects On Lungs
Sadness and its effects on lungs also is a form of mind/body connection. Grief or sadness affects to the lungs, leading to fatigue, depression, shortness of breath or crying. Treatment for this condition includes acupuncture to points along the kidney meridians and the lung. In addition, herbal formulas often are used to tonify the yin or qi of the lungs.
Learn more: 63 Tips For Dealing With Depression Alone Naturally Without Drugs
10. Pensiveness Can Deplete The Spleen
Obsessing or too much thinking about a topic may deplete the spleen and cause a stagnation of its qi. A person who suffers this condition can have some symptoms such as forgetting to eat, poor appetite, and bloating after eating. Sooner or later, people with this condition may develop a pale complexion from a spleen qi deficiency. This can finally affect the heart, and then it makes the person dreaming about the same subjects at night. Many researches indicate that students are often affected by this imbalance. There is a standard treatment that has used to treat this condition is the use of herbs that help tonify heart blood as well as spleen qi.
11. Worry Can Deplete The Energy Of The Spleen
Worry can be a very common feeling in a stress-filled society. It may deplete the energy of the spleen (a mind/body connection). This condition can cause some serious digestive disturbances and eventually lead to the chronic fatigue. For example, a person with a weakened spleen cannot have ability to turn food into qi efficiently, and his or her lungs cannot have ability to extract qi from air effectively. Treatment for this condition will include moxa and herbs, which help strengthen the spleen, and allow a person to have the energy to deal with his or her life’s problems instead of dwelling on them.
Learn more: 110 Ways To Enjoy Life To The Fullest Before You Die
12. The Emotion Of Joy Is Connected With The Heart
Mind/body connection also is demonstrated in people who have the emotion of joy. The emotion of joy is connected with the heart. A disorder that is related to joy can sound perplexing, since almost people want as much joy in the life as possible. The factors, that can cause the disorders, are the imbalance in our emotions such as too much excitement or stimulation, excessive happiness, or sudden good news, which come as a shock to the body system. To treat for disorders caused by the imbalance, you can use an acupuncture along the heart meridian. In addition, herbal treatments can be useful for you as they consist of formulas, which nourish heart blood (or yin).
Learn more: List Of 20 Heart-Healthy Foods And Snacks To Eat For Good
13. Negative Emotions Affect Your Immune System
Negative emotions not only affect to our mental health, but they also have a profound effect on our immune system. Many popular scientists have found that some of negative emotions can reduce our antibody levels and then lower our ability of immune system to ward-off disease and sickness. On the other hand, people with optimistic thinking who experience regularly positive emotions, get a stronger immune system and have a better ability to resist infections involving the flu.
Learn more: 10 Natural Autoimmune Disease Treatments
14. Emotions Are The Root Causes Of Sleep Problems
Negative emotions, which are caused by worrying, stress, fear, depression and tension, are possibly the biggest cause of intermittent or short-term sleep problems. These negative emotions will cause anxiety, leading to a hyperarousal of nervous system, resulting in excessive brain chatter, restlessness, and an inability to fall into a good sleep. Not surprisingly, these emotions also are the cause of at least 50 % of all chronic sleep problems like insomnia. Keeping reading the next part of this writing to discover other types of mind/body connection
Learn more: 29 Home Remedies For Insomnia In Adults And Elderly
15. Emotions Help Determine The Expression Of Your DNA
In 1990, a study that lasted in 13 years was launched in the effort to determine all human genes and understand how they interact. This study was used as the foundation for developing treatments for all human diseases. More specifically, the researchers discovered that the DNA is not static, it means that it is frequently changing in the response to your environment. For example, if you have an ‘obesity’ or ‘Alzheimer’ gene, it does not mean that you cannot prevent them proactively from being expressed. If this hypothesize is exact then your emotions may be at the root of mental health problems, cancer, headaches, immune system disorders, blood pressure, forgetfulness, sleep problems, and other types of human ailment.
16. Chronic Negative Emotions And Stress May Cause Depression
Developing depression also is one of expressions of mind/body connection. Stress and other forms of chronic negative emotions can boost your risks of developing depression. I believe that this does not come as a big surprise; however, do you know that hormones that are released during the period of stress may contribute to a steady decline in the mental health? And do you know that high levels of chronic stress can make an increase in your risks for Alzheimer’s condition and some other forms of dementia? Some studies indicated that the high stress levels might result in delusions, hallucinations and schizophrenic symptoms. Besides, the studies also uncovered that negative emotions can lead to affecting to your mental capacity and result in an inability to focus and mark forgetfulness.
Learn more: 62 Signs And Symptoms Of Depression And Anxiety In Men & Women
17. Having An Argument May Raise Blood Pressure
Increased blood pressure also results from a mind/body connection. For example, when your irritation mounts, maybe you will feel increased blood pressure levels. This condition may be lasting. Besides, according to a study that is published in International Journal of Psychophysiology, scientists have shown that an increase of blood pressure is linked to the argument, and they have a connection, called a mind/body connection. Therefore, id you have recently experienced a dispute, a simple frustration or a seething irritation, you should think about forgetting it. The only 30-minute argument with your lover may slow your body’s healing ability by at least a day. In addition, researchers at a university found that when testing married couples with the suction device, they discovered that these couples created tiny blisters on their arm.
Learn more: High Blood Pressure Solution Book
18. Warm Feelings Of Gratitude And Its Effects On Physical Health
The feeling thankful for what you have, whether it is an achievement, a partner, or simply being alive, will boost your immunity, reduce your blood pressure and speed your healing throughout the body. Rollin McCraty, one of researchers at the Institute of Heart Math, has made a study on the mind/body connection or the link between physical health and emotions. He has discovered that like love, contentment and gratitude all trigger oxytocin. Dr. McCraty said, “Oxytocin is a bonding hormone that is secreted by the heart whenever you feel connected and open.” He also stated, “Oxytocin switches off stress by causing the nervous system to relax. Oxygenation to tissues increases significantly, as does healing. Looking at ECGs, we’ve found that gratitude also associated more harmonious electric activity around the heart and brain, states in which these organs can operate more effectively.”
Learn more: Inner Mind Body Balance For Health
19. Feeling Jealous With Anxiety And Insomnia
In all human emotions, jealousy is known as one of the most painful and powerful emotions and it also is an emotion that is the most difficult to control. Some researchers discovered that while men in general become jealous when they suspect a sexual competition, jealousy in women is triggered by a suspicion of emotional betrayal. Dr. Jane Flemming says, “Jealousy is a complex emotional mix of fear, stress and anger. These three states trigger the fight-or-flight response, usually in quite an intense way. Someone in the grip of jealousy will suffer raised blood pressure, heart-rate and adrenalin levels, weakened immunity, anxiety and probably insomnia.”
Learn more: How To Deal With Jealousy And Envy In A Relationship
20. Breaking Down In Tears
Do you know when you cry, you actually cry out your negative emotion? Emotional tears were discovered to contain a high level of neurotransmitters and hormones that are associated with stress. Emotional tears can lead to lowering pulse rate, blood pressure, and more synchronised brain-wave patterns. Researchers concluded that the aim of emotional crying is to take away stress chemicals. They say the continued condition of these substances will keep you in the needless state of tension. Consequently, your body will then be prone to negative effects of anxiety such as impaired memory, weakened immunity, and poor digestion.
21. Hiding Your Irritation
It is hard to know what is best – whether you should vent anger or hold it in because both of them have negative effects on your health. Many studies reported that women who suppressed their irritation or anger in confrontations had a double risk of dying from conditions including stroke, heart attack, or cancer. Angry outbursts can last just a few minutes; however, they can cause massive surges in blood pressure, adrenaline and heart rate, and raise the risk of heart stroke or attack by up to 5 times in people over 50. There are some subtle forms of anger such as irritability, impatience, grouchiness, damage health, and more — these states are linked to low mood, anxiety, and a higher infection risk because of depressed immunity.
22. Uncontrollable Laughter
According to scientists at a university of California, laughter can help relax tense muscles, reduce blood pressure, lower production of hormones causing stress, and help increase the oxygen absorption in blood. In addition, laughing can may reduce the risks of a heart attack by controlling unwanted stress that can wipe out the protective lining of all blood vessels. Furthermore, your good giggle can help burn calories since it is possible to move over 400 muscles of your body when laughing. Some of researchers estimate that laughing over 100 times can offer an aerobic workout that is equivalent to over 10 minutes on a rowing machine or over 20 minutes on an exercise bike.
Learn more: 24 Health Benefits Of Laughing A Lot Everyday
23. Being Under Pressure
The effects of a constant pressure, one of forms of chronic stress are well known. Robert Sapolsky, a professor of the biological sciences at the Stanford University said, “In fight-or-flight, your body turns off all the long-term building and repair projects. Constant high levels of cortisol take your body’s eye off the ball. Memory and accuracy are both impaired. Patrols for invaders aren’t sent out, you tire more easily, you can become depressed and reproduction gets downgraded.” If you are exposed to the chronic stress for years, your high blood levels of fatty acids and glucose will increase the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition, a recent study at the University College London discovered that stress has ability to raise cholesterol levels leading to an increase of the risks of cardiovascular disease.
Learn more: The Best Ways To Simplify Your Life And Mind
24. Falling In Love
Researchers at a University of Pavia have discovered that the falling in love can raise levels of nerve growth factor for around one year. This hormone-like substance may help in restoring the nervous system and improving memory by triggering the development of new brain cells. Falling in love is also linked to the feeling of being contented and “loved-up”, leading to a calming effect on mind and body. Regrettably, researchers also have found that the dropped level of nerve growth factor after roughly 1 year leads to a decrease in feelings of romantic love. You will discover other forms of mind/body connection in the next part of this writing.
25. Positive Emotions And Its Benefits On Physical Health
Here are some of various expressions of mind/body connection you should consider:
- Positive emotions help you get a faster recovery from cardiovascular stress
- Positive emotions are beneficial to individuals with cardiovascular disease.
- It helps expand your perception of what lies in your peripheral vision
- It helps get a better sleep, fewer colds, reduced aches and pain, reduced headaches, and a greater sense of overall happiness
- Some studies have shown that positive emotions can help people be more resilient, overcome their negative emotions faster, and have ability to cope with difficult situations.
- Researchers suggest that abstract positive emotions like curiosity and hope can offer protective benefits from conditions and diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure
- People who have experienced warmer and more upbeat emotions can have better physical health for the reason that they make more social connections
- People, who are more playful when they feel happy, will have a better physical fitness, regular exercise and increased flexibility. (therefore, it is important to engage in daily activities that make you happy)
Learn more: 24 Health Benefits Of Positive Thinking Attitude
26. Being Upset Linked To High Blood Pressure Or A Stomach Ulcer
A person’s body responds to the way he or she thinks or feels and acts; this is often called the mind/body connection. When someone is stressed, upset or anxious, his or her body tries to tell him/her that something is not right. For instance, high blood pressure (hypertension) or a stomach ulcer may develop after taking place a particularly stressful event including the death of a loved one. If you have following physical signs, it means that your emotional health is out of balance:
- Chest pain
- Back pain
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Change in appetite
- Extreme tiredness
- Dry mouth
- Headaches
- General aches and pains
- Insomnia (trouble sleeping)
- High blood pressure
- Lightheadedness
- Sexual problems
- Palpitations (the feeling, which your heart is racing)
- Stiff neck
- Shortness of breath
- Upset stomach
- Sweating
- Weight gain or loss
- Upset stomach
Experts say that poor emotional health may weaken body’s immune system, and make you get colds & other infections throughout emotionally difficult times. In addition, abuse of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs can also be a warning sign of poor emotional health.
Learn more: 16 Natural Home Remedies To Lower High Blood Pressure Instantly
27. Effects Of Stress On Your Physical Health
When you are anxious or stressed, your body will react as if it is under attack. In fact, your body releases hormones, which have ability to speed up your breathing and heart rate, increase your blood pressure, and even, make your muscles tense. This physical reaction is named a fight-or-flight stress response.
Medical specialists say that this stress reaction will be good if you need to prevent an accident or other dangers. However, if you frequently feel stressed, the natural fight-or-flight response of your body will last too long, and maybe your blood pressure will stay high. This stress reaction is bad for your heart. In addition, stress may also affect to your emotions. In other words, stress can make you feel tense, moody, upset, or even depressed. Meditating is known as one of the good ways, which help you get a mind/body connection. Meditating is also very useful for improving your overall health.
Here are numerous facts about effects of stress on physical health that you should know:
- About 95 % of all illness is worsened or caused by stress
- Low socioeconomic status is linked to poorer health outcomes & higher risks of death from all causes. This is not associated with poorer health habits, but to loss of control and feelings of powerlessness.
- Internalized stress from the feeling discriminated against can be linked to the high amounts of belly fat.
- Stress hormones can damage the hippocampus that is the memory center in your brain — causing dementia and memory loss.
- People with the high level of perceived stress have the high risk of getting colds.
Learn more: 17 Natural Ways To Deal With Stress, Depression And Anxiety
II. How To Improve Emotional Health
1. Find Causes That Cause Bad Emotional Health
According to recent studies, researchers indicate that people, who get a good emotional health, are aware of their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. These people have learned the healthy ways to cope with their stress and their problems, which are a normal part of life. They have healthy relationships and feel good about themselves. To improve emotional health, the first thing you need to do is to find out the exact cause that causes your bad emotional health. Here are some of common causes you can take note including:
- Dealing with the death of a person you love
- Having a child return or leave home
- Suffering an injury or an illness
- Getting divorced or married
- Experiencing money problems
- Getting a job promotion
- Having a baby
- Moving to a new home
- Being laid off from your job
Learn more: Top 21 Easy Ways To Improve Mental Health & Wellbeing
2. Talk Your Doctor About Your Emotions
You should talk to your doctor about your problems or feelings in your personal life. Although he or she cannot always tell that you are feeling anxious, stressed or upset only by looking at you, it is more important to become honest with your doctors if you are suffering these feelings.
First, she or he will need to ensure that other health problems are not causing your physical symptoms. In case your symptoms do not result from other health problems, your doctor and you can address some of emotional causes of your symptoms. Maybe your doctor will suggest to you simple ways to deal with physical symptoms you have and improve your emotional health at the same time.
Learn more: How To Be A Better Person And Be Happy In Life
3. Take Care Of Yourself
If you want to get rid of bad emotional health related to the min/body connection, you should take care of your body in the healthy ways such as eating healthy meals, having a regular exercise routine, getting enough sleep & exercising to alleviate pent-up tension. In addition, you should avoid overeating & abusing drugs or alcohol. Remember that using alcohol or drugs only causes many other problems including family and health problems.
Learn more: Top 26 Healthy Foods To Improve Mood Swings And Energy
4. Calm Your Mind & Body And Develop Resilience
Some relaxation methods including meditation are useful ways for bringing your emotions into balance. The meditation is a form of the guided thought. Meditation has various forms, for example, you may do meditation by exercising, breathing deeply and stretching. However, you should ask your family doctor to get useful advice about relaxation methods.
Another way to boost your emotional health is to develop resilience. According studies, people with resilience have ability to cope with their stress in a healthy way. The resilience can be learned & strengthened with numerous different strategies. These strategies include keeping the positive view of yourself, having a social support, and keeping things in perspective, and accepting change.
Learn more: How To Calm Down When Angry And Stressed
5. Express Your Feelings In Appropriate Ways
When you have the feeling of sadness, stress, or anxiety that are causing your physical problems, you should not keep these feelings inside because it can make you find worse. It is OK to allow your partner to know when anything is bothering you. However, you should keep in mind that your friends and family may not be able to assist you in dealing with your feelings appropriately. The appropriate ways are to ask someone who is outside the situation including a counselor, your family doctor or a religious advisor. These people will give you advice & support to help you be able to improve your emotional health.
Learn more: How To Relax Your Mind And Body From Anxiety And Stress Fast
6. Apply Mind-Body Therapies Or Practices
Mind-body therapies are techniques that are designed to help enhance our mind’s positive impact on our body. These therapies help reduce anxiety and improve the body’s ability to deal with some common diseases linked to mind/body connection.
NCCAM (National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine) introduces some techniques, which are considered mind-body practices or therapies such as:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Patient support groups
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Creative arts therapies (such as art, music, and dance)
- Tai chi
- Biofeedback
- Relaxation
- Qigong
- Guided imagery
- Hypnosis
Do you know what body-mind therapies are?
Mind-body therapies are therapies, which use our body to affect to our mind including yoga, qigong, tai chi, and some types of dance. Body-mind and mind-body therapies are interrelated, for example, our body affects to our mind, which in turn affects to our body and our mind.
Learn more: 24 Health & Beauty Benefits Of Doing Yoga Daily At Home
7. Take A Deep Breath
Taking a deep breath helps activate your stress response. You should take a deep breath into your stomach; you count to five, then pause for 1 second, then you breathe out slowly to do another count of five. Next, you keep your stomach soft and you put down the magazine, and you do this five times, and then you can keep reading. The opposite of your stress response is the relaxation response that is necessary for your body to cure, repair and renew. In addition, there are so many ways to activate your vagus nerve to turn on a relaxation response; however, this breathing exercise is a simple and easy method to incorporate into your life anywhere & anytime.
Learn more: 22 Life Planning And Meditation Tips For Beginners
8. Identifying And Transforming Automatic Negative Thoughts
Identifying and then transforming your automatic negative thoughts are essential if you want to achieve health & happiness. Here are 10 common automatic negative thoughts that have a real physical effect on our biology:
- Overgeneralization — if a bad thing happens, and then everything is bad and doomed to go poorly
- “all-or-nothing” thinking
- Jumping to conclusions
- Negative mental filter – the opposite of “rose-colored glasses”
- Disqualifying the positive — downplaying or ignoring good things that happen
- Personalization – it means you take everything personally
- Emotional reasoning — for example, “I feel guilty; therefore, I must be a bad person.”
- Magnification — it means you make things be worse than they are
- Mislabeling and labeling – it means you make incorrect assumptions about something
- “should” statements
Learn more: 16 Positive Thinking Tips And Tricks For Good Health
9. Learn Fundamentals Of Functional Wellness
When your core system is out of balance, it makes fertile ground for roots of illness. If it is in balance, it will become keys to create wellness and vitality. Here are 7 keys to keep your system balanced for ultra wellness:
- Environmental inputs (toxins, diet, stress, lifestyle and trauma)
- Immune balance & inflammation (the hidden fire within)
- Neurotransmitter & hormone balance (insulin, adrenal balance, thyroid, mood chemicals and sex hormones)
- Digestive health & gut (digestion, assimilation, absorption, gut-immune system and intestinal ecosystem)
- Function & detoxification imbalances (dealing with toxins and getting rid of wastes)
- Creating energy (metabolism and the source of life energy – antioxidant balance)
- Body/mind and mind/body connection (change your body and change your mind – change your mind and change your body)
Learn more: 16 Foods To Boost Energy Level, Mood And Fight Fatigue
10. Consider Your Diet And Exercise Plan
- Learn how to relax actively: experts say that to engage your powerful forces of mind on your body, you must do something such as relaxing exercise, crafts, hobbies, and meditation. You should not just sit there & watch television or drink a beer.
- Practice being calm: you can try deep breathing, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, and progressive muscle relaxation. You also should try making love, taking a hot bath, watching a sunset, getting a massage, and walking on the beach or in the woods. These methods are very good for people with negative emotions who want to improve their emotional health
- Regular exercise: It is a powerful way to help you burn off stress chemicals, and heal your mind. It also is proven a good way for treating depression.
- Eliminate mind-robbing molecules such as alcohol, caffeine, and refined sugars
- Eat regular meals to help your body prevent from short-term stress of starvation
- Clean up your diet
- Take supplemental nutrients and a multivitamin including Vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins involving pantothenic acid (B5), B6, zinc, & magnesium to help balance the stress response.
- Use adaptogenic herbs such as ginseng, siberian ginseng, rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha and cordyceps that help you adapt & become balanced in response to stress
- Take a sauna or hot bath. It can help your body relax deeply & turn on the relaxation response.
- Examine your attitudes, beliefs, & responses to common situations. You can consider reframing your viewpoint to reduce stress.
- Consciously build your network of community, friends & family. They are the most powerful allies you get to achieve long-term health.
Learn more: 54 Simple Yoga Exercises For Women To Do At Home
11. Harness The Power Of Mind-Body Exercises
There are numerous empowering & calming mind-body exercises that have been proven to help improve emotional health including:
- Enhance sleep
- Decrease pain
- Decrease anxiety
- Decrease almost side effects of medical procedures
- Decrease the use of medications for post-surgical pain
- Enhance the ability to heal and strengthen the immune system
- Reduce the recovery time & shorten hospital stays
- Increase sense of control & well-being
Although these exercises cannot be alternatives to surgical or medical treatments, they provide people with a powerful way to participate actively in your own health care, promote recovery, and minimize pain & insomnia.
Learn more: How To Exercise Your Brain: Games For Better Thinking Skills
12. Apply Calming/Relaxation Exercises
Relaxation exercise is very good for health issues relating to the mind/body connection. The goal of these calming & relaxation exercises is to aid in changing the way you perceive an actual situation and the way you react to it. This type of exercise will help you feel more confident or secure and more in control; and it will help activate healing processes within your body. Following these calming/relaxation exercises, you will become aware of any anxiety, tension, change in breathing, or even symptoms, which you recognize as being worsened or caused by stress. Specialists recommend that to improve your emotional health, you should take around 15 minutes daily to do these exercises to keep your mind “quiet” and help your body be more relaxed.
Learn more: 16 Good Ways To Relax At Home After Work
To see all of our writings of topics on emotional health, go to our main Mind & Body page.
After reading my article about discovering the mind body connection & learning how to improve your emotional health, I hope that it helps you understand more about the mind/body connection and its effects on your life. I also show you a collection of tips and advice from mental specialists on how to improve your emotional health. This post is part of a series about mental diseases and conditions & natural methods to overcome them.
Got a question? Need answers? Leave a comment below. Now are you ready to try discovering signs of your mind/body connection and then practice mind-body exercises to get a better emotional health?
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