Signs Of Stress And Anxiety Affecting Mental Health

You are stressed out, this might be caused by some factors but you might ignore. This article on site VKool will help you identify signs of stress and anxiety affecting mental health so that you can treat them while balancing your mind and body health effectively.

Signs Of Stress And Anxiety Affecting Your Mental Health

I. What Is Stress?

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Stress is the reaction of body to harmful situations whether they are perceived or real. When you feel stressed or threatened, the chemical reaction will occur in your body that makes you act to prevent mental injury. This reaction is known as a stress response. During the stress response, the heart begins racing, the breathing quickens, the muscles tighten, and the pressure rises.

Stress occurs and affects people in different levels, depending on the ability of their stress repair and treatments. In other words, some people can handle stress better than others. But not all stressors are bad. In low levels, this can help you accomplish tasks as well as stop you from getting hurt.

Physically, the human body is designed to handle small stress. However, we aren’t equipped to solve chronic and long-term stress without illness consequences.

II. Symptoms & Signs Of Stress

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There are a lot of physical and emotional disorders that can link to stress such as depression, heart attacks, anxiety, stroke, immune system disturbances and hypertension. These symptoms increase the susceptibility to infections and a host of viral diseases and conditions ranging from common cold to herpes, AIDS, cancers, autoimmune diseases and so on. In addition, stress can directly affect the skin and cause skin conditions such as rashes, atopic dermatitis, hives, the gastrointestinal system and contribute to degenerative neurological disorders and insomnia. In fact, it is hard to think of diseases and conditions in which stress can’t play an important role or the body parts that are not affected. This list will grow undoubtedly as extensive ramifications of anxiety and stress are being appreciated increasingly.

50 common signs of stress:

  1. Jaw clenching and pain, frequent headaches
  2. Grinding teeth
  3. Stammering or stuttering
  4. Trembling of hands and lips
  5. Muscle spasms, neck ache and back pain
  6. Faintness, dizziness and light headedness
  7. Buzzing or popping sounds and ringing
  8. Excessive sweating and frequent blushing
  9. Sweaty or cold hands and feet
  10. Swallowing problems and dry mouth
  11. Infections, frequent colds and herpes sores
  12. Goose bumps, rashes, hives and itching
  13. Unexplained/frequent allergy attacks
  14. Nausea, heartburn and stomach pain
  15. Flatulence and excess belching
  16. Loss of control, constipation and diarrhea
  17. Frequent sighing and difficulty breathing
  18. Sudden attacks of threatening panic
  19. Rapid pulse, chest pain and palpitations
  20. Frequent urination
  21. Worry, excess anxiety, nervousness and guilt
  22. Diminished sexual performance or desire
  23. Hostility, increased anger and frustration
  24. Depression, frequent/wild mood swings
  25. Decreased or increased appetite
  26. Disturbing dreams, insomnia and nightmares
  27. Racing thoughts and difficulty concentrating
  28. Trouble in learning new information
  29. Confusion, forgetfulness and disorganization
  30. Difficulty in making decisions
  31. Overwhelmed and feeling overloaded
  32. Suicidal thoughts and frequent crying spells
  33. Feelings of worthlessness or loneliness
  34. Little interest in punctuality and appearance
  35. Feet tapping, nervous habits and fidgeting
  36. Irritability, edginess and increased frustration
  37. Overreaction to petty annoyances
  38. Compulsive or obsessive behavior
  39. Increased numbers of minor accidents
  40. Reduced work productivity or efficiency
  41. Excuses or lies to cover up poor work
  42. Mumbled or rapid speech
  43. Excessive suspiciousness or defensiveness
  44. Problems in sharing and communication
  45. Social isolation and withdrawal
  46. Weakness, fatigue and constant tiredness
  47. Frequent consumption of over-the-counter drugs
  48. Weight loss or gain without diet
  49. Alcohol, drug use and increased smoking
  50. Impulse buying and excessive gambling

III. Consequences Of Long-Term Stress

When it comes to signs of stress, small doses of stress now and then isn’t something concerned about. Chronic and ongoing stress, however, can exacerbate or cause many serious health conditions and diseases.

Here are ways in which some key body systems react:

1. Nervous System

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When stressed, psychologically or physically your body suddenly changes its energy resources to fight off the perceived threat. In what is considered as the fight response, sympathetic nervous system signals adrenal glands in order to release cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones allow the heart to beat faster, raise the blood pressure, shift digestive process and increase glucose levels in bloodstreams. When the crisis passes, the body systems return to normal.

2. Musculoskeletal System

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Under stress, the body muscles tense up. Muscle contraction for extended periods may trigger tension, migraines, frequent headaches and musculoskeletal conditions.

3. Respiratory System

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Stress can make people breathe harder and rapid breathing, hyperventilation and panic attacks in some people.

4. Cardiovascular System

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Acute stress may be momentary like being stuck in traffic that can cause an increase in the heart rate and stronger contractions of heart muscles, heart dilate; and increased amount of blood pumped to body parts. Repeated episodes of stress may cause inflammation in coronary arteries, and lead to heart attack.

5. Endocrine System

signs of stress

Adrenal glands

When your body is stressed, your brain sends signals from hypothalamus that cause adrenal cortex for producing cortisol and adrenal medulla for producing epinephrine, called the “stress hormones”.


When the epinephrine and cortisol levels are released, your liver will produce more glucose that gives you more energy for fighting in an emergency.

6. Gastrointestinal System

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Stress can prompt people to eat much less and much more than you often do. If people eat different foods or increase their use of alcohol or tobacco, they may experience heartburn or acid reflux.


The stomach will react with nausea and pain. You can vomit if your stress is severe.


Stress may affect digestive system and nutrients the intestines absorb. Stress also affects how quick foods move through the body. You can find that you have either constipation or diarrhea.

7. Reproductive System

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In men, large amounts of cortisol that are produced under chronic stress can affect normal functioning of reproductive system. Severe stress can impair sperm production, testosterone and cause impotence.

In women, chronic stress may cause irregular or absent menstrual cycles or more painful periods. Moreover, stress can reduce sexual desire.

IV. Treatments For Stress

Believe or not believe, stress is a part of our lives. What matters is how we handle stress. A good thing we can do to stop stress overload and our health responses that come with this is to know signs of stress.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by stress, come meet your doctor. Many signs of stress may also be symptoms of other health conditions. Doctors can evaluate your stress symptoms as well as rule out other problems. If your stress is to blame, Doctor can recommend a counselor or therapist to help you handle your stress.

1. Remember 4 As: Avoid + Alter + Adapt + Accept

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  • Avoid unnecessary stress. Learn to eliminate daily stressors. Say no with negative thoughts and get clear about your situation to act right.
  • Alter the situation. Don’t hurt yourself if you can’t avoid stress. Instead of that, alter your situation to be more positive and happier.
  • Adapt to the stressor. Yes! You can do that. You can improve your own situation by a lot of positive habits, healthy lifestyle, then stress is no problem.
  • Accept things that you cannot change. Instead of getting more stressed and anxious, you should change your mind to accept the truth. This is the way you can feel peaceful and more comfortable.

2. Have Relaxation Time

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Relaxation techniques and exercises deep breathing, yoga and meditation, can activate a state of restfulness and your body’s relaxation response that are opposite to the stress response.

3. Exercise Regularly

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Besides, you can focus on physical activity to reduce and prevent negative effects of stress. As you know, nothing can beat aerobic exercise for eliminating tension and pent-up stress.

4. Eat A Healthy Diet

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The well-nourished body is better prepared to handle stress. Start a day with your healthy breakfast, reduce sugar and caffeine and intake, and cut down on nicotine and alcohol.

5. Have Good Sleep

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Being tired can make your stress worse by making you think irrationally. Keep you cool by have good night’s sleep.

Bottom line:

Hope that this article of signs of stress and anxiety affecting mental health could help you understand your stress and deal with it fast. For any comment about the writing, please drop it at the bottom of the page. Thanks for reading!

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