Every day, our bodies need to consume many different types of food to get all the necessary nutrients, including fats. Fats play a leading role in providing energy for the body’s activities. Fats are also an important source of raw materials for body shaping. In addition, fats help increase the absorption and utilization of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K). Some types of fats such as essential fatty acids (Omega-3s and Omega 6s) are effective to against cardiovascular diseases, and nourishing skin & hair. Recently, VKool.com made a report about common healthy fat foods to eat for improving overall health from reliable sources. However, if you have any health issue such as food allergy, please make sure that you will consult with your medical practitioner before adding these healthy fat foods into your daily diet plan.
List Of Healthy Fat Foods For Improving Overall Health
1. Hemp Seeds
Hemp seed is one of healthy fat foods that are rich in nutrition. Hemp seeds are good for your health. Two scoops of hemp seed contain 11 grams of protein, 14 grams of fiber, and 3 grams of healthy fat. Hemp seeds are a great source of omega 6, omega 3, and omega 9.
Basically, these fats are good for your health when consumed in reasonable dosages. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for your heart, it also boosts your metabolism and stabilizes mood. That is why you should supplement hemp seeds every day.
Learn more: 60 Healthiest Foods For Losing Weight
2. Wild Caught Salmon
Salmon has been known as one of the healthy fat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon also contains many essential nutrients that can help increase the overall health of the body. Salmon is a rich source of essential nutrients, such as tryptophan, vitamin D, selenium, vitamin B3, B6, B12, phosphorus and magnesium. The omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon bring many benefits to health such as:
- Fight the signs of aging
- Reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure
- Reduce the risk of pulling a stroke
- Help relieve pain and stiffness caused by arthritis
- Enhance bone density
- Improve cognitive function and poor concentration hyperactivity
- Reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and eye disease age-related
Learn more: Top 10 Health Benefits Of Salmon Fish You Should Know
3. Clarified Butter
Butter is a fat that is highly saturated. Besides, it also is a great source of vitamin K, conjugated linoleic acid, and butyric acid when it comes from the grass-fed animal. Clarified butter also called ghee that is very good for people who are sensitive to the dairy products. Clarified butter is a pure butter fat with not any of the milk solids and it is very healthy. In addition, clarified butter is excellent for cooking on the high heat.
Learn more: 12 Extremely Healthy Low-Fat Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss
4. Soy Milk
Soy milk supplies sufficient amounts of healthy fats for your body. Although soy milk contains more fat than skim milk, but the advantage of soy milk is that it contains polyunsaturated fats. Do you think that you can cut fat by consuming low-fat milk? In fact, if you do not want to drink milk from animals, you can drink soy milk instead.
Excess fat in the abdomen increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and overweight. The research shows that drinking a glass of soy milk a day will help reduce this excess fat. After 3 months of drinking milk regularly, you will surely find their effects on your stomach. Soy milk contains large amounts of estrogen, so they have a great utility in stimulating the development of breast.
Lean more: Positive & Side Effects Of Soy Milk On Men & Women Are Revealed
5. Sesame Oil
Sesame oil is healthy oil that is pressed from sesame seeds. Studies have shown that sesame oil has many health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and reducing blood sugar levels. The antioxidants found in sesame oil are beneficial for skin, treatments, and the production of cosmetics. Specifically, sesame oil may be helpful in weight loss by the useful components contained in sesame oil.
Sesamin is one of the unique active ingredients with sesame oil, that helps promote weight loss through a number of paths. Sesamin is a fiber known as a lignan, a chemical compound that contains phytoestrogens and antioxidants. Sesamin can improve the ability to burn fat by increasing the body’s production ketone, thereby it can increase the production of amino acids that are maintained by the body. When your body has a deficiency of calorie, it was forced to switch to other sources that are available for energy, and sesamin helps burn fat in the body.
Sesame oil is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, involving omega-6, omega-3, and omega-9, all of which are important for maintaining weight loss and cardiovascular health. In addition, fatty acids act as a stable energy source for the body and improve satiety to avoid eating too much. They also increase thermogenesis – the body percentage burns fat and improve metabolism.
Sesamol have additional benefits for the body because it is a powerful antioxidant, capable to protecting the body from free radicals. A recent study has confirmed that sesame oil has a stronger concentration as a natural antioxidant.
Sesame oil not only promotes fat loss and improves heart health, blood vessels, but it also contains many minerals and important nutrients. It is a rich source of vitamin E, an antioxidant with beneficial effects on cholesterol. Sesame oil also contains magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and vitamin B6, good for bone, vascular and respiratory health.
Want to know more about healthy fat foods for improving overall health, keep reading!
6. Hazelnut Seeds
Seeds of hazelnuts are rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B3, B6 and the minerals, vitamin E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and unsaturated fatty acids.
Seeds of hazelnuts with rich nutrients and vitamins & minerals help replenish energy and vitamins into the body, prevent atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes and reduce the risk of cancer. These seeds also help increase the muscle strength to protect skin, prevent anti-aging, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, these seeds are good for the digestive system, nervous system, and supporting for diet.
Hazelnut seeds are very good for children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with chronic debilitating diseases, and dieters.
Learn more: 9 Tips On Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
7. Grape Seed Oil
Grape seed oil is one of healthy fat foods to add into your daily diet plan. Grape seed oil has a neutral taste, light and suitable for most uses including cooked dishes or mixed. Grape seed oil is suitable for using at high temperatures up to 252 ° C.
Grape seed oil can be stored easily up to 3 months at room temperature, and much longer in the fridge. In addition, grape seed oil is high in antioxidants and vitamin E – a nutrient often be lack in our daily diet.
8. Cashews
Cashews are rich in minerals such as magnesium and copper, and they contain more monounsaturated fat that should be very good for your heart. However, you should also consume cashews in a moderate way. Here are the nutrients found in 100 grams of cashews:
- Riboflavin 19mg
- Thiamin 63mg
- Calcium 46mg
- Niacin 2.1mg
- Carbohydrates 27gm
- Phosphorus 428mg
- Protein 18.5gm
- Energy 578
- Fat 48.2 gm
Health benefits of cashews:
- Contain no cholesterol and be extremely safe for the heart
- Be effective in bodybuilding
- Help in maintaining healthy gums and teeth
- Provide energy to the body and be considered an energy-rich food
- Contain healthier monounsaturated fat and help protect your heart because it helps reduce triglycerides that often cause heart disease
- Have antioxidant properties and eliminate free radicals cause cancer
- Be rich in magnesium – magnesium works with calcium to build strong muscles and build bone in your body
- Improve your sleep
- Copper minerals in cashews provide the flexibility to bones and joints and blood vessels
- Allow the body to absorb iron, help eliminate cancer caused by free radicals, help produce melanin that make your skin and your hair beautiful
- Contain fatty acids including tocopherols, phytosterols and squalene
Keep reading the next part of this writing to know more about healthy fat foods
9. Corn Oil
Corn oil is one of the common healthy fat foods rich in phytosterols. Phytosterols in corn oil are capable to prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, thereby reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease. This reinforces the notion that vegetables and foods from plant are the best foods for your health.
10. Safflower Oil
Safflower oil is rich in linoleic acid. It has a moisturizing effect and it is easy to be absorbed by all skin types. It helps soften and restore damaged tissue. Safflower oil is an ingredient commonly used in salads.
Safflower oil contains omega-6 fatty acids that may be effective in increasing the metabolic process, digesting food intake into the body, and limiting the storage of fat. Many studies have shown that consumption of one or two tablespoons of safflower oil daily may help speed up the process of removing belly fat.
11. Soybean Oil
Soybean oil is a vegetable oil that is very good for body. Soybean oil helps regulate digestion, prevent constipation similar to when we eat vegetables. In addition, soy oil prices relatively acceptable.
You should note when using soybean oil. The essential fatty acids in soybean oil are easily destroyed during processing with high temperatures, so refined soybean oil should be used in mixing salad, adding to foods such as soup, porridge, and soup cooking at the end.
Learn more: 23 Fresh & Canned Green Beans Recipes
12. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are one of the seeds that are high in calories. About 100g of pumpkin seeds contain 559 calories. In addition, pumpkin seeds contain phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper and vitamin K that are beneficial to health, especially cardiovascular health. Other substances such as beta carotene, carbohydrates, protit, tirozin, fitin, salicylic acid, and fatty acids in pumpkin are also essential for the development of the body.
Some of benefits of pumpkin seeds are:
- Reduce the bad cholesterol levels
- Help you sleep well
- Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
- Prevent the aging
- Create energy and support the production of blood cells
- Have anti-inflammatory properties, and be good for digestion
- Be beneficial for prostate
13. Tofu
Tofu is easy to cook, easy to eat, easy to digest, nutritious, and low in calories. It brings many health benefits and becomes a delicious, nutritious food that is suitable for all ages. Tofu is a food of herbs that can substitute for animal food.
Chemical composition: soybean seeds containing 8% water, 5% inorganic, 15 to 25% glucose, 15-20% fat, 35 to 45% protein, the basic amino acids isoleucine, leucine, lysine, metionin, phenylalanine, tryptophan, valine, the minerals Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Na, S, vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, F, enzymes, wax, resin, cellulose. Soybean seeds contain isoflavones, which are used for treating and preventing several diseases.
Learn more: 12 Health Benefits Of Beans & Legumes In Diet
14. Dark Green Veggies
The dark green veggies such as kale, spinach, & brussels sprouts offer an amount of omega 3s. Because the body cannot make these good fats, people have to get them from foods. You can aim for 2 to 3 cups of vegetables on a basic day. You also should include fish in your daily diet, because fish has a different kind of omega-3 fat, which you need.
Learn more: 35 Healthiest Fruits And Vegetables In The World To Eat & Juice
15. Pecans
Pecans are rich in oleic acid, a fatty acid found in olive oil. Researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago recently indicated that oleic acid is capable to inhibit the activity of a gene in the cells causing breast cancer. Researchers from Loma Linda University in California and New Mexico have confirmed that eating pecans every day can help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Pecans have ability to reduce cholesterol from fats they contain, and the presence of beta-sitosterol, a compound that helps naturally reduce cholesterol. Researchers also indicated that consumption of 7-8 pecans daily can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Pecans also contain omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin B, magnesium, and vitamin E that help protect the cardiovascular system and healthy brain. Every day in the morning and afternoon eating from 5-7 pecans will make the skin smooth, fresh, help circulate blood vessels, reduce plaque buildup in blood vessels and prevent the risk of aging very well. Other benefits of pecans are:
- Consolidation artery
- Prevents gallstones
- Protect bone
- Food for brain
- Good for diabetics
- Good for digestion
- Fight some cancer diseases
- Avoid insomnia
- Improvement of sperm quality
If you want to discover other healthy fat foods and their benefits on health, continue reading!
16. Herring
Herring is a fatty fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help produce DHA, the essential ingredient that plays an important role in the development of the brain, strengthening brain health.
Besides, omega-3 helps regulate blood pressure and provide the active protection against cardiovascular disease. In addition, herring also provides vitamin D that is good for the body. Therefore, herring is one of the fish that nutrition experts recommend you to use.
Learn more: 24 Health & Beauty Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements For Men & Women
17. Foods Contain Polyunsaturated Fats
Actually, some kinds of fats may help you reduce weight and build lean muscle very effectively. Healthy fat foods such as polyunsaturated fats will provide necessary vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin D, E, and K, minerals to improve your health and restore full of energy. Among healthy fats, you can trust in polyunsaturated fats in safflower, corn, soy beans, vegetable oils, etc. Besides, you can find this fat in healthy fat foods such as seeds of sunflower, omega-3 fats, walnuts, fatty fish (sardines, herring, mackerel, salmon, trout, and tuna), tofu, soy milk, corn oil, and so on. Do you know that omega-3 fats are essential to develop your brain and heart? Also, omega-3s may help you lose weight, reduce cholesterol level, and get fitness.
Learn more: Natural Cholesterol Lowering Foods
18. Foods Contain Monounsaturated Fats
Like polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats in olive oil, avocados, sesame oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and olives are healthy fat foods to eat every day. Consuming monounsaturated fats will improve your health; they are healthy fat food bodybuilding you should try to eat every day. Moreover, this kind of fat will make you happier, prevent blood sugar, and reduce cravings for carbohydrates. Especially, monounsaturated fats may increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol for your body. As shown above, the best source for this fat are avocados, peanut, seeds, canola, and olive. Also, eating unsalted nuts will get monounsaturated fat very well; however, you can mix them with salad or yogurt to taste better because they are high in calories. Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are two kinds of healthy fats, to supply enough healthy fats; you should eat unsalted nuts, vegetable oils, butter, and olive oil. Monounsaturated fats are mostly healthy for your bodybuilding. Therefore, you should eat this kind of fat every day to get the best effects.
Learn more: Best Healthy Foods For Immune System
19. Some Foods That Contain Saturated Fat
Actually, this fat is very beneficial for your muscle building, satisfaction, and weight loss. But not all of saturated fats are good for your health. You should limit eating this fat because they can increase cholesterol and may get harmful from diabetes. You should limit to eat dairy products, meat, and sea foods, palm, etc. Instead, you can choose fat-free dairy products to get healthy fat. If you intake 2,000 calories per day, you will get less than 22 grams of saturated fat. you can eat some foods that contain saturated fat such as poultry, and eggs.
Learn more: Saturated Fat Foods To Avoid And Ones that Good For You
20. Foods Contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Getting more omega-3 fatty acids, you will prevent triglycerides, blood pressure, manage blood clotting, and avoid inflammation. You can add more healthy fat foods to eat such as sardines, tuna, albacore, mackerel, etc.
Likewise, you can use more vegetable oils, walnuts, or soy to get more omega-3 fatty acids. It is suggested that you can use 3.5 ounce servings of fish every week to get the best result. The next part of this writing will show you other benefits of healthy fat foods; keep reading if you want to discover more about them
21. Foods Contain Omega-6 Fatty Acids
You can find omega-6 fatty acids in snacks or vegetable oils. Consuming this kind of fatty fat food, you may reduce the risk of heart disease. Eating omega-6 fatty foods instead of using Trans fats or saturated fats to improve your health. The healthiest fat foods are full of omega-6 fatty acids are vegetable oils such as soybean oils, avocado, olive oil, and canola oil. Moreover, you can find the fatty acid in nuts, seeds, pumpkins, walnuts, and peanuts.
Learn more: Top 9 Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter For Women
22. Avocados
Avocado is a super fruit you should intake every day because it includes monounsaturated fats, which are very healthy to lower bad cholesterol in your body. Avocados are considered as super food among healthy fat foods to improve your health. You can replace sandwich, cream cheese or butter by avocados; you can try to make a salad recipe from avocado like this:
You need to prepare:
- 8 cups of mixed and torn green lettuce
- 2 peeled grapefruits
- 2 tablespoons of raspberry vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil or avocado oil
- 1 tablespoon of water
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1 sliced avocado
- 1/8 teaspoon of salt
Now use a small bowl and mix salt, sugar, water, olive oil, avocado, vinegar, and lettuce all together. Taste it immediately after finishing the recipe.
Learn more: 10 Quick And Easy Avocado Recipes For You To Start Right Now!
23. Olive Oil
Olive oil is one of the most recommended healthy fat foods that you should use to improve your health. Olive oil may lower the risk of blood pressure, heart disease, and some types of cancer. You can use olive oil to cook meals or add it to the salad dishes for tasty foods. Olive oils include polyphenols and monounsaturated fats that can help you stronger without danger to your health. This kind of oil also helps you lose weight very effectively. Here is a healthy recipe you should try to prepare for you and your beloved people.
Ingredients contain
- ½ cups of crumbled goat cheese
- ¼ cups of dried currants
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper
- ¼ cups of chopped olives
- ¼ teaspoon of salt
- 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil
- And 1 pounds of chopped chard
To start with this meal, you should heat the oil in the oven, then add salt, pepper, and chard and cook for 3-5 minutes. Stir constantly leaves of chard, cook them for 2 minutes, and add currants, olives then. When the cheese is melted and the chard is tender, you should cook cheese about more than 2 minutes.
Learn more: 18 Health & beauty Benefits Of Olive Oil That Amaze You
24. Eggs
Eggs are cheap and rich in protein and they become the healthy fat foods that many cookers choose to make delicious recipes. In reality, whole egg includes 5 grams of fats and there are 5 grams of saturated fats. Many people think that white of eggs are better than the whole eggs because they contains less fat.
But the whole eggs have choline, which help control your brain, cardiovascular system, and nervous system. Consuming eggs on average, you may improve your health perfectly while it will be harmful if you eat lots of eggs every day.
Learn more: Healthy Bodybuilding And Fat Burning Breakfast Diet
25. Nuts
Nuts are healthy fat foods you should use because they are full of vitamin and nutrients and the best healthy fat foods list to eat are pistachios, almonds, and walnuts. Almonds are high in vitamin e; walnuts include omega-3 fatty acids; and pistachios contain carotenoids, zeaxanthin, and lutein that can be helpful to your eyes. Nuts may help you reduce heart disease, diabetes, and you can take advantage of nuts to supply fiber and protein for your body. Also, you can eat natural healthy fat every day. Almost of seeds and nuts are healthy foods you can choose to eat daily, but walnuts and almonds are the top of beneficial foods that can reduce high cholesterol. The eaters say that walnuts and almonds are delicious to eat, especially, it is very convenient to use in the morning if you want to save time.
Besides, you can use almonds and walnuts as the ingredients to get tasty salad foods. You can use almond and chicken as the main parts to have an enjoyable meal as below:
- You need to have canola oil
- ½ teaspoon of paprika
- 1/2 cup of sliced almonds
- 1/4 cup of whole-wheat of whole-wheat flour
- 1/2 teaspoon of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- 1/8 teaspoon of pepper
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil
- 4 white of eggs
- 1 pounds chicken at tender
Now heat your oven to 475°F, have a wire rack, coat baking sheet with spray oil, add salt, pepper, garlic, flour, almonds, paprika, and dry mustard. Do it about 1 minute until paprika is mixed and almonds are chopped, process it until all ingredients combined. Now whip the whites of eggs in shallow dish for a second, coat the chicken, mix each chicken tender, and coat it. Hence, lay chicken tenders on the rack and coat them with cooking spray, bake chicken fingers for 20-25 minutes until they are golden brown.
Learn more: Best Nuts For Health And Nutrition: Go Nuts For Better Health
26. Flax Seeds
Beside nuts, walnuts, and almonds, flax seeds are healthy fat foods that can enhance good cholesterol for your body. Flax seeds are becoming more popular when they are highly nutritious and healthy. You can use those seeds to make salad, mix them with natural oils to get tasty salad dish. To take effectiveness of flax seeds, you should prepare:
- Cooking spray: 1 dash
- Frozen cranberries: ½ cups
- Peeled orange: 2 tablespoons
- Orange juice: ¾ cups
- Whole flax seed: 1/3 cups
- Whole-wheat flour: 1 cup
- Flour: 1 cup
- Baking powder: ½ teaspoon
- Baking soda: ½ teaspoon
- Salt: ¼ teaspoon
- 1 egg
- Sugar: ¾ cup
- Canola oil: ¼ cup
- Vanilla: 1 teaspoon
- Nuts, walnuts: ½ cup
Before making this meal, you should heat your oven 350°F, use cooking spray to coat pans, use food processor to vibrate cranberries until they are chopped, then add orange juice, squeezed juice. Now pound the flax seeds in dry blender, change to large bowl, put in flour, whole-wheat flour, salt, and baking soda. Use a medium bowl and stir orange juice, vanilla, egg, oil, and sugar together, add flour combination, mix it with spatula until they are soaked. Bend ¼ cup of nuts and cranberries, abandon the batter in the pans, and spread it consistently. Now place the pans on the baking sheet and dash the loaves with ¼ cups of nuts, bake the loaves for 35-45 minutes when the tops are golden, then cool the pains for 10 minutes, turn the loaves, and loosen edges.
Learn more: Health Benefits Of Nuts & Seeds For Heart, Brain, Eye & Skin
Other healthy fat foods are presented in the next part of this writing; keep reading to know more about them
27. Canola Oil
You can use canola oil to replace olive oil in some ingredients as canola oil is also healthy. Exchange margarine and butter with canola oil when you bake or cook meals. Also, you can use canola oil to make salad dressing. You can try a salad recipe as following:
You need to prepare:
- Canola oil: 3 tablespoons
- Rice vinegar: 2 tablespoons
- Honey: 1 tablespoon
- Soy sauce: 2 teaspoons
- Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon
- Fresh ginger: 1 teaspoon
- Salt: ½ teaspoon
- Tofu: 14 ounce
- Green lettuce: 8 cups
- Peeled carrots: 2 at medium
- Chopped cucumber: 1 large
After having all those ingredients, whip salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, honey, vinegar, and canola oil in a bowl. Put 2 tablespoons of skillet and tofu, cook them for 12-15 minutes at medium heat until they are golden brown, remember to turn them 2-3 minutes. Hence, add a tablespoon of dressing, stir, and coat it when you remove them from the heat. Heave cucumber, dressing, carrots, and greens to warm tofu.
28. Coconut Oil
Coconut is rich in saturated fat, and coconut oil may help you reduce weight very well. You can add half of tablespoons of coconut oil every day to get nicer waistline. Moreover, you can use coconut oil to make salad as it is natural and easy to mix with other ingredients. There are thousands of coconut oil recipes you can make to eat every day. Simply, you can use:
- Banana: 1
- Orange juice: ½ cup
- Virgin coconut oil: 3 tablespoons
- Coconut cream: 1 tablespoon
- Vanilla yogurt: 3 tablespoon
- And 3 cubes of ice
Meld all of those ingredients in a blender. To get tastier, you can add 5 frozen strawberries and enjoy it immediately. I am sure that you will love this recipe when it is fresh, healthy, and beneficial for your health. Let take benefits of organic or natural ingredients to have healthy meals for you and family. Fat actually helps you feel fuller so you can reduce weight with fat. Fat supplies you energy, makes you feel satisfied, and fat will help you build lean muscle effectually. Among them, natural oils including coconut oil are the perfect choice for you the homemaker.
Learn more: 31 Benefits Of Coconut Oil Supplements On Hair, Skin And Health
29. Fatty Fish
Under the sea, you can get a lot of useful and nutritious foods to improve your health. Talking about healthy fat food list, we can list trout, mackerel, sardines, and tuna, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids. If you find bad fat in meats, fish will supply the good fat for your body. It is advised to serve at least two times of fatty fish to get healthy and natural fat to make you full energy and get shaped. To take advantage of fatty fish, you may try to cook the following recipe:
Firstly, you will need:
- Fresh rosemary: 2 teaspoons
- Extra-virgin olive oil: 2 teaspoons
- Fresh lemon: 1 teaspoon
- Minced garlic: 2 cloves
- Lemon juice: 1 teaspoon
- Salt: ½ teaspoon
- Fillet salmon: 1 pound
- Cherry, tomato: 1 pint
Now add oil into the grill, but do not use cooking spray in hot grill, get a paper towel, use tongs and hold it, put it into the rack. You should use omega-3 rich salmon instead of farm raised almonds.
Hence, heat the grill at medium temperature, mix pepper, salt, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, oil in a bowl, add salmon and coat it. Oil the grill, turn it for 4-6 minutes, turn it and serve instantly after the salmon is completely cooked.
30. Sunflower Oil
Sunflower oil is made from sunflower seeds. This is non-volatile oil that you can use to fry foods or cook meals.
Sunflower oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 and it is a monounsaturated fat, which is a good fat for your body development. This is advantageous oil when it includes hydrocarbons, methyl ketones, terpene, squalene, sterols, and vitamin E.
Learn more: List Of 9 Natural Oils For Skin Care
31. Cream
Do you want to get healthy fat? Adding some whipping cream in coffee may be a good idea. It is delicious to drink and can reduce appetite when you add cream into coffee. Try it now.
32. Mayonnaise And Guacamole
Guacamole and mayonnaise are high in fat and nutritious to eat. You can use these ingredients every day but make sure to check labels before buying them. You can make your own mayonnaise and with olive oil and butter instead of buying them in stores. These ingredients are becoming the popular healthy fat foods for bodybuilding so you can use to add more fat for your body.
Learn more: 10 Easy Healthy Homemade Mayonnaise Recipes
33. Sauces
There are many sauces that include healthy fat to eat like combination of egg and butter. You also use heavy cream, butter and healthy high fat foods to make your own sauces to eat. To burn fat fast, you can apply the recipe as following:
- Prepare: peppers: 3 habanero
- 2 peeled mangoes
- American mustard: 5 tablespoons
- Pineapple juice: 80 ml
- Brown sugar: 2 tablespoons
- Honey: 2 tablespoons
- Ground coriander: 1 tablespoon
- Salt: ¾ tablespoon
Wear the gloves, cut off, split, and scatter the habaneros, then, pure them in a food processor with the enduring ingredients until they are smooth, pour it and boil it.
34. Fatty Cheeses
Cheeses are excellent fatty food you can try to consume. It is delicious and you can use them raw or eat as a snack. You also add fatty cheeses into foods to make tasty dishes. For example, you may follow the easy recipe from broccoli and cheese as below:
- Broccoli: 1 bunch
- Butter: 1/2 cup
- Medium chopped onion: 1
- Flour: 1/2 cup
- Milk: 2 cups
- Mild cheddar cheese: 1 cup
- Chicken broth: 2 cans
- Pepper and salt
- And Velveeta cheese
Now cook broccoli first until it is drain and affectionate, then cook onions until it is transparent and tender, stir flour continually and cook for 5 minutes. Add milk and stir it persistently, hence, stir cheese until it is smooth. Blend the broth in the mixture and add Velveeta cheese into the combination, add ½ cup of broccoli, cut pieces of broccoli and add them into the soup, leave it for 15minutes and you can add more cheese if you want.
35. Dark Chocolate
Good news is that eating dark chocolate may supply a part of fat for your body. You can eat dark chocolate to get healthy fats and antioxidants for your body enhancement. Actually, dark chocolate may help you lose belly fat very perfectly because dark chocolate includes cocoa butter, which boost your digestive system and can slow down the stearic acid.
Learn more: 22 Nutritional, Health And Beauty Benefits Of Chocolate
36. Grass-Fed Beef
Grass-fed beef is one of the healthiest fat foods and it is worth consuming when it contains high omega-3 fatty acids level, which can decrease the risk of heart disease. This food is lower calorie level and it is very advantageous for your waistline. Instead of using red meat, you should choose healthy fish, chicken, turkey as the good ingredients for your meals. There are two reasons you can choose grass-fed beef are the healthy oleic acid and the benefit of lowering bad cholesterol. Besides, beef will supply B vitamins, zinc, and iron for your body growth.
37. Almond Butter
Almonds have full of fat, but they also help you lose weight very well. Actually, many people have tried to use almonds to reduce weight while other people do not reduce weight as their wishes when following low-fat diet. Almond eaters may reduce waistline just eating almonds, which are high in fat. The reason is that almonds include the compounds that can limit the fat storage in your body. You can use almond into your oatmeal, or toast it with banana, or eat as a snack, depending on your favorite.
Learn more: Benefits Of Almonds For Health, Skin And Hair
To see all of health tips, go our main Food & Recipes page. After reading the writing of a list of 37 healthy fat foods to eat for improving overall health, hope that it helps you get more information about healthy fat foods as well as their benefits for your health. However, it is solely for the informational purpose, it is not intended to give medical advice, and any person who decides to try anything contained within should first contact a medical practitioner for advice. If you have any question, you can leave it below. Now are you ready to change your eating plan in the healthy way?
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