As you have known, the pancreas is an important part of the body which plays an important role in keeping your digestion smooth. In addition, the stomach is able to empty the ingested food in the small intestine in which digestive enzymes from the pancreas may act on neutralizing the acid presented in your stomach. Besides that, the enzymes from the pancreas can also protect the intestine from the damages because of acid. Furthermore, the enzymes can break the ingested foods down as well as help your body in absorbing it more easily. Likewise, pancreas plays an important role in the insulin production which can regulate the glucose levels in the blood. Thus, it is essential to have reasonable foods that may help in nourishing along with healing the pancreas and preventing the risk of pancreatitis. And today, VKool.com will present to you 14 foods to heal pancreas. Now let’s find out about them.
Top 14 Best And Natural Foods To Heal Pancreas
1. Red Grapes
In the list of foods to heal pancreas, red grapes ought to be mentioned first. The reason why red grapes can help to heal pancreas is that they are very rich in resveratrol. As you can see, resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant which is able to aid in minimizing inflammation and preventing the damage to your blood vessels. In addition, one of the main causes of cellular death of the pancreatic cancer cells is the lack of resveratrol. So what you need to do now is to eat a bowl of this kind of grapes every day.
2. Broccoli
If you are looking for the foods to heal pancreas, why don’t you use broccoli which is a cruciferous vegetable? This type of vegetable contains a flavonoid which is as popular as apigenin that is able to safeguard the tissues of pancreas. Therefore, you ought to add broccoli to your daily diet so that it can help you to prevent the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. That’s why it is suggested to add very lightly steamed broccoli to your diet every day. Moreover, you can also eat raw broccoli as well.
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3. Blueberries
When talking about the foods to heal pancreas, blueberries are also mentioned as well. As you have known, blueberries are the great source of antioxidants which can help to prevent the cellular damage as well as boost healing of the pancreas. So every day, you ought to use blueberries as your dessert.
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4. Garlic
If you are finding some foods to heal pancreas, it is advised to use garlic, too. According to some studies on garlic, they have found that garlic belongs to the allium family of vegetables. Thus, it includes every important nutrient which is able to help in maintaining the good health of the pancreas. As a consequence, it is recommended to consume raw garlic every day. Besides that, you can also eat garlic with the different members of the allium family like fenugreek seeds, onions and so on because these foods have a lot of beneficial nutrients like arginine, selenium as well as flavonoid which play an important role in healing pancreas along with preventing the risk of suffering pancreatic cancer.
5. Reishi Mushrooms
Reishi mushrooms are also one of the beneficial foods to heal pancreas because they are very effective in reducing inflammation, together with restoring the body balance. Furthermore, just like other types of mushrooms, reishi mushrooms are said to be a great source of vitamin D2, potassium, fiber, as well as selenium. Therefore, you ought to add reishi mushrooms to your diet regularly in order to make the health of your pancreas become better.
Learn more: Fatty Liver Diet
6. Tomato
In case you want to find some foods to heal pancreas, why not using tomato which is one of the most popular cooking ingredients? As you have known, tomato consists of a plenty of antioxidants as well as vitamin C. That’s why it can help in protecting the pancreas from the damage and boosting the quick healing. Hence, every day, you ought to consume a bowl of tomato soup. Here is the way which you can follow to cook tomato soup. But before cooking you ought to prepare these ingredients:
- 2 carrots
- 2 medium onions
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 2 vegetable stock cubes
- 2x400g tin of the quality plum tomatoes
- 6 big ripe tomatoes
- 2 sticks of celery
- 2 cloves of garlic
- A half bunch of fresh basil
After preparing these ingredients well, you should follow the steps below:
- Firstly, peel the carrots as well as garlic and roughly slice them. Peel the onions and roughly chop them. Slice the celery, too.
- Secondly, put olive oil in a big pan over the medium heat and add all ingredients which have been chopped and sliced. Now cook it for about 10 or 15 minutes or until it becomes softened.
- Then crush the vegetable stock cubes into the jug and cover with one and a half liters of hot water. Stir well until it is dissolved.
- Next, place the stock cubes into the veg pan with fresh and tinned tomatoes.
- After that, stir it well. When it is boiled, let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
- Now remove the heat. Taste this soup with some salt as well as black pepper. Add basil leaves to it and stir well again.
- Finally, enjoy the tomato soup.
7. Sweet Potato
If you are suffering from pancreatitis, let’s think about something orange. One of the orange things which can help you to deal with this problem is the sweet potato. As you can see, sweet potato may give the pancreas a protection from the stress of the digestive system. Furthermore, they can help to release the sugar gradually. Besides that, the nutrients in sweet potato can help in preventing the risk of suffering from pancreatic cancer. With all reasons above, sweet potato is considered as one of the best foods to heal pancreas.
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8. Spinach
If you feel that there is something happening with your pancreas and you feel that your pancreas doesn’t work well, it’s time for you to find a method to deal with this problem. One of the wonderful suggestions for you, in this case, is the spinach. It is said to contain a lot of vitamin B as well as iron. And both of them are pretty important for the health of pancreas. Therefore, you ought to eat spinach every day by making spinach salad or stir – frying it with garlic. Here is the way which you can also consult to make spinach salad at your home. However, you ought to prepare these ingredients:
- 4 slices bacon
- 1 bag fresh spinach. It is about 16 ounces.
- ½ cup of white sugar
- 1 chopped small red onion
- 2 chopped eggs which have been cooked hard.
- 1/3 cup of ketchup
- ¼ cup of vinegar
- ¼ cup of vegetable oil
- 2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce
You ought to follow these steps below:
- Firstly, put the bacon into the skillet over the medium heat and cook it for 10 minutes or until crisp and browned. Remember to turn often.
- Secondly, remove the heat and put the bacon on the paper towels in order to absorb the excess grease. And crush the bacon when it is cool.
- Next, take a big salad bowl and put the spinach which has been washed carefully before into it.
- Then scatter with onion, eggs as well as bacon and toss the salad gently.
- After that, take another bowl and put vinegar, ketchup, sugar, vegetable oil as well as Worcestershire sauce into it. Mix them well until you see the sugar completely dissolve
- Now pour this mixture over the salad and thoroughly mix all ingredients together again
- Finally, enjoy this salad.
9. Turmeric
One of the foods to heal pancreas which you can use is the turmeric. As mentioned above, something orange is really good for the pancreas including turmeric. It is also famous for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-cancer compounds that make it become perfect for combating pancreatic cancer. That’s why you ought to add turmeric to your daily diet. Alternatively, you can take the turmeric supplements after you ask the doctor for his or her advice. Besides, you can follow this method below in order to heal pancreas.
- Firstly, prepare a glass of milk as well as a tablespoon of turmeric powder
- Then add turmeric to milk
- Next, stir well
- Finally, drink this solution
You keep doing that once per day so as to heal your pancreas.
Read more: What are The Health Benefits of Turmeric for Humans?
10. Lemon
One of the wonderful foods to heal pancreas which you ought to use is the lemon. Why is it said like that? It’s very simple. As you know, lemon can help in stimulating the liver and the digestive system to manufacture more enzymes. Therefore, not only helping to heal your pancreas but lemon also helps in improving your digestion. Furthermore, what you need to do now is to follow these steps below:
- Firstly, cut a lemon into two halves
- Then squeeze out the juice from a half of the lemon
- Next, mix this juice with a glass of water
- Finally, drink this solution
You ought to repeat this process once a day in the morning when there is nothing in your stomach.
11. Tofu
When discussing the natural foods to heal pancreas, tofu ought to be considered as one of them. Furthermore, there are two major advantages which make tofu become very great for the pancreatic health. One advantage is that tofu is very high in protein that is able to help in supporting the pancreas. Another advantage is that tofu is low in fat because the high fat diet is able to make any pancreatic problems worse.
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12. Onions
If you are looking for the best foods to heal pancreas, let’s try using the onions. As you can see, onions contain flavonoids which are wonderful compounds that are capable of fighting against cancer including pancreatic cancer. In addition, they also have sulfur compounds that are really good for keeping your pancreas in the good working order. That is the reason why you ought to add onions to your diet every day.
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13. Yogurt
Yogurt is also one of the wonderful foods to heal pancreas as well. And it seems to be a good way in order to keep the entire digestive system in the good working order. In addition, yogurt contains the active cultures which are a good source of probiotics. As you can see, probiotics are capable of keeping the immune system working much better. Thus, what you need to do now is to select the yogurt with active cultures. But remember that plain yogurt is always better than sugary yogurt.
In order to taste more delicious, you can add some fresh fruits or nuts. For example, you can add blueberries, strawberries and so on to your cup of yogurt and consume it regularly. Besides that, yogurt can help you to take care of your skin, too.
14. Licorice Root
In the list of the best foods to heal pancreas, licorice root ought to be mentioned, too. Additionally, licorice root has been used to deal with the pancreatic problems for a long time because it is considered as the super anti-inflammatory property which can reduce the swelling as well as pain that usually comes from pancreatitis. Thus, every day, you ought to drink more than 3 cups of licorice root tea. Here is the way which you can follow to make licorice root tea.
- Firstly, pour 4 to 8 ounces of water into a saucepan and boil it. The amount of water can be changed basing on how much tea you would like to make.
- Then add a teaspoon of licorice root to every four ounces of water. If you use more water, you ought to take a suitable amount of licorice root. Remember to use dried licorice root.
- Next, turn off the heat and allow the licorice root to be steeped for 5 minutes
- After that, take a fine-mesh kitchen strainer and put it in a teacup. Then gently pour the tea through it
- Finally, drink this tea.
That’s all about “top 14 best and natural foods to heal pancreas”. We all hope that after you read this article, you will know that your pancreas can be healed if you add these foods to your diet every day. However, this article is only for the informative purpose. Hence, before you use any ingredients which are mentioned above, you ought to ask the specialist for his or her advice in case you are suffering from any conditions and health problems. Furthermore, if you want to know more information about other conditions or diseases, it will take you just a few minute to visit our main page Health. If you have any questions or you know more foods which can help in healing the pancreas, please let us know by leaving us a comment or a message. We promise that we will respond your comment or your message as soon as we can.
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