Top 26 Best Nutrients & Healthy Brain Foods For Kids

healthy brain foods for kids

A balanced, healthy diet is not only good for the body of the kids, but also essential for their brains. The proper type of foods can aid a lot in improving concentration, memory, and brain functions. Similar to the whole body, the brain works to absorb nutrients from any food the kids have consumed, and the following nutrients and “superfoods” will expose how parents can choose right types of brain foods for kids, ensuring good, complete development for our young generations!

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I. Brain Foods For Kids – Essential Nutrients For The Brain Development In Children

Before learning about the best brain foods for kids, we need to discuss the most important nutrients needed for entire brain development of children. Knowing these facts, parents would be able to choose the best foods to add to their kids’ daily meals without confusing between thousands of food items around anymore!

1. Brain Foods For Kids – Nutrients – Essential Fats

nutrients – essential fats

This is the very first one out on the list of the best healthy brain foods for kids that we would like to introduce in the article today and want readers to learn and make use for good!

There are 2 kinds of essential fats, known as omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. Among these two kinds, omega-3 seems to be, and in fact, is more crucial for proper brain functioning. Several researchers have discovered a clear advantage in children who supplied omega 3 fats every day. Some studies proved that people can achieve the same results by adding oily fish to their daily meals 2 times per week. It is recommended that people should both supplement omega 3 fatty acids and consume oily fish 2 – 3 times per week. A specific kind of omega-3 fatty acids, known as DHA, is essential for the brain development of the kids, hence it is extremely important in infancy and pregnancy. Another kind of omega 3 fatty acids, known as EPA, has proven useful for anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and attention. Both DHA and EPA can be taken from fish oils. The third type of omega 3 fatty acids you should know is ALA (alpha linolenic acid) which can be taken from foods of veggie origin, like pumpkin and flax seeds. While good for brain, just a very small amount of these foods can be converted into the more powerful DHA and EPA. Parents should give children a direct source of DHA and EPA for good!

Omega-6 fatty acids are very important. Omega-6 fatty acids have a more potent form known as GLA (gamma-linolenic acid). This is found in evening primrose oil and borage. The brains of kids also need AA (arachidonic acid), which could be made from GLA. It is found in animal origin foods like dairy products, eggs, meat, and fish with the highest quantities. Most professionals in the field of nutrition for brain recommended supplementing a combination of GLA, DHA, and EPA.

Fish oil could be contaminated with pollutants like mercury and PCBs. It would be best for parents to opt for a brand that can guarantee its quality and purity. These are probably often not the most cost-effective products to buy, but it is most important to ensure the quality of essential fat supplements so that parents should not hesitate.

Famous for brain support power, essential fats should be the number one priority on your children’s daily diet!

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2. Iron – Important Mineral For Brain Function And Memory

Iron is an important mineral essential for cognitive development and function. Iron deficiencies can actually lead to reduced IQ and poor problem-solving ability and thinking in kids. Even iron deficiencies are not as severe, anemia – resulted from iron deficiencies – has been proven to associate with poorer thinking skills and memory. Iodine deficiencies can also lead to reduced IQ in kids. Actually, it has been found to lower IQ in children by up to 12 – 14 points. Supplementation can actually help to reverse these negative impacts in children who have deficiencies but cannot affect those don’t have. Abundant sources of iron are seafood and meat, beans and nuts, leafy greens, and foods come with iron added, such as pasta, bread, and cereal. Iron is also very crucial in producing dopamine. It has been found in a research that 84% of ADD/ADHD kids had low iron levels, which associated with their low attention levels.

3. B-Vitamins – Essential For Brain Function And Memory

Being high in fruits and leafy greens, B vitamins have key roles in the entire brain development of children, and B vitamins deficiencies can lead to several issues related to memory, focusing, and learning skills. In the accordance with “Nature Reviews: Neuroscience” in 2024, a deficiency of folate during childhood can even affect the brain functioning into adulthood. Niacin deficiencies can trigger and result in memory loss. A deficiency of riboflavin can even lead to brain dysfunction. A deficiency of Thiamine can leave to a harmful numbing impact on brain nerves. A child with a vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is highest in dairy products and meat, can be at risks of delayed development and brain deterioration.

4. Brain Foods For Kids – Selenium


Selenium is not a vitamin but it is actually beneficial for brain health so that it is worth a position in this list. It is actually a mineral and can be commonly taken from Brazilian nuts, seafood, meat, garlic, and healthy grains. In a recent study conducted and published in a prestigious website, participants felt more euphoric, confident, and clearheaded, and felt more generic after 3 months taking it. In fact, this is also among the most amazing healthy brain foods for kids that we encourage readers to learn and make use as soon as possible at home for good!

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5. Brain Foods For KidsVitamin E

According to experts, vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidants. Antioxidants can aid the brain a lot in properly functioning and keeping toxins away. It can support many functions of the body by offering a strong protection to the cells from damage. The major role of vitamin E is maintaining the health of red blood cells inside the body so that they can help in carrying oxygen to kids’ brains.

6. Brain Foods For KidsZinc

Another source of brain foods for kids that people should not skip yet try adding more to daily meals is foods high in zinc. Zinc also has to do with dopamine but not like the way that iron and vitamin B6 do – zinc works to ensure that our brain uses the dopamine effectively. A lack of zinc means that the brain does not respond to the dopamine well, leading to the low level of inattention.

It is recommended that kids need to take 20 mg of zinc, 5 days per week, to ensure good academic performance.

7. Brain Foods For KidsVitamin B6

Without sufficient amounts of vitamin B6, children will feel fatigued and irritable. If parents let their kids take this vitamin enough, the brains of the kids would be able to produce enough dopamine (one type of neurotransmitter). An increased dopamine level can help a lot in increasing the alertness of the brain so that kids would be able to improve their attention put to the school lessons.

8. Brain Foods For KidsVitamin B12

vitamin b12

A B12 deficiency can lead to mental slowness and memory loss, so it is crucial to kid’s brain health that the body takes sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 to prevent this from occurring. Vitamin B12 can be found in a standalone B12 supplement, meat, or in B complex

9. Brain Foods For KidsVitamin C

Vitamin C is not only essential for the overall immunity that keeps children stay healthy, but it is also very beneficial for their brain. Kids’ brains – just like adults – actually have a mechanism that can draw any excessive amount of vitamin C out of the blood to use in the brain. Vitamin C is actually a roadblock to free radicals before these radicals cause damages to the kids’ brains. Vitamin C can make neurotransmitters inside the brain as well, which is what processes stimuli (for example, learning knowledge at school).

II. Brain Foods For Kids – The Most Amazingly Healthy Food To Consume

1. Brain Foods For Kids – Apples And Plums

Children usually crave sweet stuff, particularly when they are feeling sluggish. Plums and apples are ideal choices to add to the kids’ lunchbox as they are rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that can help to fight the mental skill decline.

Ways to serve: the good stuff is usually in the fruit skin. Thus, people should purchase organic ones, wash thoroughly, and put the fruits into a bowl to consume as a quick snack.

2. Brain Foods For Kids – Oatmeal

Oatmeal is very rich in fiber and protein so that it can help a lot in keeping the kids’ brain and heart arteries clear. In a recent study, children who consumed sweetened oatmeal gained better results in completing memory-related tasks at school than the kids who consumed a sugary cereal.

Ways to serve: You should add cinnamon to the oatmeal as the compounds in this spice can help to protect brain cells, according to a prestigious science research.

3. Brain Foods For Kids – Nuts And Seeds

nuts and seeds

Packed with minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and protein, seeds and nuts can help to boost mood and keep your nervous system under a tight control.

Ways To Serve:

  • There is always peanut butter, or you can also try making sunflower seed butter at home or simply buy it to make use. Sunflower seeds are safe for nut-free zones and abundant in selenium, vitamin E, and folate. If you cannot get your children to consume the seeds themselves, then try spreading seeds and nuts on whole-grain bread or crackers.
  • Make pesto: Nuts, in the combination with dark leafy greens and olive oil, make a delicious and healthy sauce that every kid will enjoy while serving over their normal whole – grain pasta.

4. Brain Foods For Kids – Fish

Fish is an excellent source of omega – 3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which can help a lot in protecting kids’ brains from memory loss and declining mental skills. Salmon, sardines, and tuna are all abundant in omega 3 fatty acids.

According to a prestigious expert, the more omega 3 fatty acids children get to their brain, the better the brain will function and the better children will be able to concentrate.

Ways to serve: Grill fish and give it to your child with a dipping sauce. You can also make tuna sandwiches or try adding fish to tacos.

5. Brain Foods For Kids – Greens

Full of vitamins and folate, kale and spinach can help to lower the risks of developing dementia later in life. Kale is an extremely healthy food item that is full of antioxidants and other nutrients that aid a lot in the growth of new brain cells.

Ways to serve: for some children, veggies are terrible and it is really a torture for them to be forced to eat veggies. Thus, rather than making a green salad and giving to your children, you can try some different – better ideas:

  • Whip kale or spinach into smoothies for healthy snacks.
  • Add spinach to lasagna or omelets.
  • Make kale chips: cut kale from ribs/stems, drizzle with some salt and olive oil, and bake.

6. Brain Foods For Kids – Greek Yogurt                  

Experts said that fat is extremely crucial to brain health. A full-fat Greek yogurt (which contain higher levels of protein that any other type of yogurt) can help a lot in keeping brain cells in good form for receiving and sending information.

Ways to serve: pack Greek yogurt along with your kids’ lunch box with some fun mix-ins: blueberries for great nutrients named polyphenols and cereal with three grams of fiber at least. You can also try dark chocolate chips as they are high in polyphenols. By hiking blood flow to the brain, these nutrients are considered to keep your children’s mind sharp. In fact, this is also among the most amazing, healthiest brain foods for kids that parents should learn about and try making use right from today to improve their kids’ brain health.

7. Brain Foods For Kids – Eggs


The nutrients and protein content contained in eggs can aid kids in improving their concentration.

Ways to serve: try making a late-afternoon snack or filling breakfast by folding scrambled eggs into a whole-grain tortilla. Experts said that the protein-carb substances can tide kids over until their very next meal without any sugar-induced energy crash. In addition, you can give your kids some deviled eggs, an egg salad, or sandwiches.

8. Brain Foods For Kids – Beef

Iron lack is the most well-known type of nutritional deficiency in American kids, and the leading nutritional disorder all over the globe. One of the most common symptoms of this problem is the kids’ school poor performance. Experts said that even a mild deficiency of iron can lead to a cognitive functioning degeneration. Essentially, it seems to affect the focus ability.

Lean beef is among the most easily absorbed iron sources. The amount of meat you consume may matter less than you possibly imagine. Kretsch said that consuming just one ounce of beef every day can also bring about a noticeable difference in the ability to absorb iron from other food sources.

An additional goodness for the brain: Beef is very abundant in zinc, and even a mild deficiency of zinc has been proven to reduce memory.

Bonus – improve appearance: you already know that children often love burgers and steak. You can ask your kids to help you make beef kebabs on the grill, or try picking out the types of veggies the kids love to toss into stir-fries.

9. Brain Foods For Kids – Superfoods For Supper

Another tip to choose the best brain foods for kids that every parent should not look down if they want to keep their kids’ brain always at the healthy mode is to add more superfoods to dinner meals according to the kids’ tastes and favorites.

Most families need quick dinner, and it is also important for “smart” eating even in fast meals. It is often the single meal where kids and adults eat together and see each other — and enjoying various types of foods good for the brain. Nutritional experts have found out that what parents say to their kids and give them make some small differences. In fact, children will often primarily consume foods that their parents consume in every day meals.

You can support that process along by giving your children the right to choose foods and dishes for dinners whenever possible. You can ask them “should we cook beef or salmon? Black beans or peas?” Then, you will be able to choose the foods your children love that are good for their brain to add to the next meals.

10. Brain Foods For Kids – Cereal

Even if you gave your children a bowl of whole grain cereal for breakfast, they can still consume cereal as a snack in break time as this food source is abundant in complex carbs, folate, and simple-to-access protein. Fortified cereals are also very abundant in vitamin B12, related to the ability to remember things and events in life. Instead of eating it plain, you can mix whole grain cereal with peanuts and raisins.

11. Brain Foods For Kids – Water


Most parents will feel surprised knowing that their kids actually mostly consume not enough water during school time. Experts said that water is a food item that is often overlooked, and children usually face dehydration related issue.

Dehydration, even a tiny case, can make children irritable, lethargic, and listless — negatively affecting the memory of the kids. In addition, experts said that water deficiency can create a false hunger in kids so that they will choose bad foods to satisfy the hunger. Thus, parents need to ensure the sufficient amount of water intake for children, especially after a hard, active day.

12. Itty – Bitty Fruit 

While most fruits are not those beneficial for the brain, they still bring about a distinct advantage to children in the learning process. The reason is because constipation is a popular issue, and it negatively affects the learning and focusing ability in kids. As a result, kids usually drag through their school day with the senses of lethargic, sluggish, and in more serious situations, distracted and anxious.

Fruit (along with sufficient water intake and proper exercise plan) is the best thing that can keep children regular, and thus, willing to learn at the best condition. However, parents should cut up fruits in children’s intakes at home first, and add them to plastic containers so that the kids can bring foods to school to consume in break time. Whole fruits are just too simple to throw away.

Improve the look of fruits to give them brand new, funny look by cutting them into smaller pieces and allow your children to serve them with toothpicks, and remember to choose your kids’ favorite fruits that are rich in fiber, such as melons, pears, apples, plums, and oranges.

13. Brain Foods For Kids – Milk

Milk – a very well-known food source – is also on the list of the most powerful brain foods for kids that should not be skipped at all costs!

Fat-free milk is famous as an excellent source of phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. However, according to experts, calcium can also affect how the body regulates energy.

Calcium plays a key role in the insulin production inside the body. If there is not true lactose intolerance, it should be an indispensable part of a kid’s diet.

In addition, a diet abundant in low-fat dairy is considered to protect the body from obesity.

How to make it funnier: to make milk more interesting and attractive to the kids, try adding strawberry or chocolate syrup. Professionals said that there is just a tiny amount of caffeine in chocolate milk, and this food contains about the same sugar content as fruit juices. Just ensure that you are factoring sufficient amount of sugar into the entire daily diet of your children.

14. Brain Foods For Kids – Sandwiches On Whole Wheat

Not only whole wheat bread are abundant in in fiber, but the enriched flour contained as a component of most commercial bakery products is abundant in folate – a B vitamin that is usually used to produce brain’s memory cells.

It is considered that folate has been critical on our radar for pregnant moms in early months and for the neural growth of the infants, but it has the brain-building impacts that might continue through the whole pregnant process when the center of memory is formed. In addition, whole grains are extremely abundant in many types of B vitamins that have been also proven to boost alertness.

As several families chose low-carb diets to follow, they might be skimping on orange juice, cereals, and breads — all of which are excellent sources of folate for kids.

How to prepare: use low-fat cheese or extra jelly and peanut butter to win over a white-bread eater, on whole wheat bread. Besides, you can try packing “mini-size sandwiches” made with whole wheat tortillas or whole wheat crackers.

15. Brain Foods For Kids – Strawberries And Blueberries

strawberries and blueberries

These 2 juicy berries are very abundant in antioxidants. A diet high in these brain foods (spinach can be also in this group, but kids do not like spinach rather than the sweet and fragrant berries, of course, right?) has been proven to enhance the rats’ cognitive functioning. While research are preliminary, they really hope that veggies and fruits might play a crucial role in baring the long-term influences on brain function of oxidative stress. (Actually, in the elderly, a diet plan high in antioxidants can even fight against Alzheimer’s disease)

Makeup tricks for these fruits: there is no trick needed – children love these fruits plain. Purchase frozen berry bags for snacking, or allow your children to make their own smoothies from these berries with your help.

16. Brain Foods For Kids – Oatmeal

Try giving your children (if they are at the ages of 9 – 11) a selection of cold cereal, oatmeal, or no breakfast at all, and then you will see their memory ability changed after a certain period. According to a recent research, those children eating cereal can improve their school performance greatly on spatial-memory tasks, such as tasks on the map. Researchers believed that the trigger factor is actually oatmeal — a whole grain that is abundant in fiber— slowly digested, giving children a steady energy “flow”, as well as a stable protein level.

Makeup tricks for oatmeal: if you are giving your children old-fashioned slow-cook oatmeal, then try sprinkling in dried cranberries, apricots, or raisins to a little zip. You can also use walnuts for more crunchy sense. Allow your kids to add the sweetness they prefer using some maple syrup or brown sugar. When giving the kids packaged items, you should not give them sugar to add to the dish (it has already got enough) and choose a product that provides just 130 calories or less. Varieties like “brown sugar and maple” can provide up to 190 calories mainly due to the amount of sugar added.

17. Brain Foods For Kids – The Best Breakfasts

This is also one of the best brain foods for kids that we would like to introduce in the entire article today and people should learn and make use for good!

Breakfast is indispensable for children at school ages. Studies have discovered that those children having breakfast can academically perform better and show fewer behavior issues than those not having or even skipping the daily breakfast routine (according to the Baylor University’s Children’s Nutrition Research Center, up to 37% of American children routinely blow off this meal).

However, foods rich in sugar push children to high risks of having midmorning energy crashes — right when they are likely to be in the middle of the more challenging lessons, like reading or math. An ideal breakfast should be high in complex carbs and protein, which can be digested more slowly. Some experts have discovered that this type of breakfast can not only stabilize the energy levels of the children in the morning, but can also boost their motor coordination.

Now, after reading the entire list of the most amazingly good nutrients and brain foods for kids and how to make use of them, what you – as well as my other dear readers visiting – should do is to sit down for some more minutes reading the entire list of 16 Foods To Boost Energy Level, Mood And Fight Fatigue. This is an entire article that combines several ideal food suggestions for people who are at risks or already struggling with some mental health issues related to energy deficiency. These are the best foods that can give people an instant boost to overcome mental issues by supplying sufficient amounts of energy with foods 100% coming from nature. All foods suggested in this recommended article are proven good for health and safe for people to consume with many scientific evidence and studies, so you and other readers should not hesitate. If you have time enough to relax with this valuable and useful information source, catch this chance right from now! These foods have already helped many people all over the globe effectively in boosting the energy levels and stopping related mental health issues, so readers of should feel secure about it!

This is the list today brings about 9 essential nutrients and 17 amazing brain foods for kids that everyone, especially parents, will love and can make use as soon as possible to improve kids’ brain health. In fact, these food items have been already proven useful in boosting the kids’ brain functioning and also taste good so that children will love them as long as parents learn carefully how to make these foods look more funny and interesting. Parents can try adding these foods to many kinds of dishes, ranging from soups, main courses to juices, ice-creams, or any other attractive and colorful desserts. The wonderful advantages for brain health of children that these foods bring about have gone through several studies and researches, conducted by professionals, experts, and nutritionists, so parents do not need to worry when adding them to the children’s daily meals.

After reading the article today and remember all ideal brain foods for kids, if you feel that the ideas and suggestions in this writing are really useful and you want to share it with many people around to make use together, then feel free to do it without concerning anything. Moreover, even if you are an adult, if you want to improve the health condition of your own brain, then you can also try adding these foods to your daily diet as well. One more thing, as an author of VKool, responsible for giving readers the fullest, most interesting and useful information and knowledge sources, I welcome all personal contributions from readers. Thus, if you have any question to ask about this article, or even if you do not agree with any piece of this writing, then feel free to let me know by leaving your comment below. I will reply as soon as possible!

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