Vitamin B is a group of minerals that can be dissolved in water, playing an extremely important role in the synthesis of DNA, supporting the production of blood and the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the body. There are many types of vitamins of group B, and each of them assumes their own role and function separately. Without B vitamins, you may be more prone to depression, beriberi, and myasthenia.
I. The Health Benefits Of B Vitamins – Overview Of B Vitamins:
B vitamins are very crucial to our health and well-being, and sadly most people do not get enough of them. Before learning about the benefits of B vitamins, you should know some basic information about these nutrients.
1. Types Of B Vitamins:
There are actually 8 B vitamins and you may know them both by name and by number
- Thiamin or B1 vitamin
- Riboflavin or B2 vitamin
- Niacin or B3 vitamin
- Pantothenic acid or B5 vitamin
- Pyridoxine or B6 vitamin
- Biotin or B7 vitamin
- Folic acid (or folate) or B9 vitamin
- Cobalamin or B12 vitamin
2. Roles Of B Vitamins:
Together, the group of B vitamins is referred to as vitamin B complex – the water-soluble vitamins which are critical to cell metabolism. The B vitamins are very crucial to the body with a lot of health benefits, including:
- Improving mood
- Easing stress
- Enhancing the nervous and immune system function
- Supporting and increasing the rate of metabolism
- Maintaining muscle tone and healthy skin
- Promoting cell growth and division
3. How B Vitamins Work:
The B vitamins work together inside out body like teammates. Some B vitamins help the cells burn glucose and fats to synthesize energy while others support the serotonin production. These 8 B vitamins work intricately together behind the scenes, creating unbelievable results. Some of the benefits of B vitamin are:
- Improved memory
- Reduced PMS symptoms
- Reduced anxiety and depression
- Improved mood
4. B Vitamins Deficiency:
With an ideal daily diet, it is not difficult for you to get the sufficient consumption of B vitamins, but many people do not have an ideal meal plan. If you have to face stress regularly or consume meals which are very high in sugar and carbohydrates, you will need to add more B vitamins to your daily diet for good. A B vitamins deficiency can lead to a lot of health symptoms, such as:
- Numbness and tingling in legs and arms
- Loss of appetite
- Muscle cramping
- Eczema
- Hair loss
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Anemia
The most common B vitamins deficiencies are the deficiencies in vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid. If you are feeling depressed, anxious, or moody, this could be an indicator that you are suffering from a deficiency of B vitamins.
II. The Benefits Of B Vitamins – The Best Advantages Of Each Type Of B Vitamins:
Here are the 8 most important health benefits of B vitamins that people should know.
1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine):
Vitamin B1 is essential for the carbohydrate metabolism inside our body. The deficiency of this vitamin will be able to cause the body to take longer time to metabolize carbohydrates into glucose.
In addition, vitamin B1 is very essential for the nervous system as it helps to boost the production of acetylcholine (neurotransmitter substances). If the body lacks of vitamin B1, it will lead to some serious debilitating diseases. For example, beriberi with the symptoms including anemia, muscle atrophy, paralysis, and muscle spasms.
To have the necessary amount of vitamin B1 to consume and absorb, you should add more whole grains, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, nuts, peanuts, spinach… to your daily diet!
2. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):
Riboflavin is the vitamin which is commonly found in whole grains, milk, meat, and peas. Like other B vitamins, riboflavin support breaking carbohydrate, fat, and protein so that the body will be able to absorb the nutrients it needs. This is also one of the best health benefits of B vitamins which people should not miss!
In addition, riboflavin is very useful for nourishing the human skin. The deficiency of this vitamin can lead to skin disorders, dry skin, and the inflammation of the nose and mouth.
Medical experts recommend that we should take at least about 1,1mg of riboflavin per day from dairy products which are commonly used to consume.
3. Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
Vitamin B3 can help to promote healthy skin and maintain the stability of the nervous and digestive systems. If you live with the lack of vitamin B3, it can lead to the pellagra disease – a serious illness resulting in diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and even death.
Vitamin B3 is not too difficult to find to consume because it is found in many foods, including meat, fish, milk, eggs, beer yeast, beans, potatoes, and peanuts. You should consume about 1.4 mg of vitamin B3 per day to help your body function better. This is also one of the best and most important health benefits of B vitamins people should not look down.
4. Vitamin B5 (Acid pantothenic):
Vitamin B5 is widely used in the treatments of mental disorders, chronic stress, and anxiety. In addition, it can work well to reduce the risk of asthma, hair loss, allergies, respiratory disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin B5 can also help to strengthen the immune system, reduce osteoarthritis, and prevent the signs of aging.
The deficiency in vitamin B5 will cause the body experience symptoms such as leg numbness and edema, swelling, fatigue, insomnia, anemia, vomiting, muscle, and skin disorders.
According to health experts, people need to take and consume about 5 mg of vitamin B5 per day from foods, such as mushrooms, broccoli, cabbage, beans, salmon, eggs, fish, beer yeast, nuts, milk, and dairy products, such as cheese, wheat, peanuts, soybeans, and molasses.
5. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
Vitamin B6 is also one of the most important B vitamins to the human body.
The lack of vitamin B6 can lead to skin disorders, neurological disorders, and insomnia. However, if people consume too much vitamin B6 supplements, it can also cause damage to the nervous system. Depending on the age and gender of yourself, you will need from 1.3 to 1.7 mg of pyridoxine to help to metabolize nutrients and produce red blood cells.
Foods that contain vitamin B6 are very abundant and easy to find in any local food store and supermarket, such as fish, potatoes, beans, avocados, bananas, meat, cereals, meat, and poultry.
6. Vitamin B7 (Biotin):
Biotin is a common B vitamin which is well-known for its effects on nourishing nails and hair. In fact, biotin is very necessary for the development of nails and hair.
It can be found in cauliflower, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, peanuts, beef liver, and egg yolk. Health experts and American dieticians recommended people taking about 30 mg of biotin per day for good.
7. Vitamin B9 (Folate):
The recent scientific studies showed that vitamin B9 is very essential for the DNA synthesis and the formation of hemoglobin – the oxygen-carrying compound in red blood cells. Combined with pantothenic acid and biotin, vitamin B9 can help many biochemical reactions inside the human body, thereby preventing depression and dementia. This is actually one of the most common and important B vitamin that people should remember to consume in moderation.
This vitamin is especially important for pregnant women because it supports the growth of the baby and prevents birth defects of the nerve.
The food sources which include vitamin B9 include green leafy veggies, asparagus, beets, salmon, vegetables, milk, wheat, and all kinds of beans.
8. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin):
The last but not least B vitamin I would like to show my readers in this article is vitamin B12 – one of the most popular and important vitamin which are very necessary for the human body.
Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient which can help to maintain nerve sheath, support the DNA synthesis, the production of red blood cells, and metabolize the nutrients. To absorb vitamin B12 in the best way, we need to stimulate the gastric mucoprotein secreted from the stomach.
Vitamin B12 can be found in common foods such as cheese, eggs, meat, milk, and yogurt. Therefore, you will not need to worry about the possible difficulty you may meet when trying to consume more vitamin B12.
This is the list of the health benefits of B vitamins that everyone, including my readers of VKool.com should always know and make use of these miracle nutrients which can help to improve overall health.
If you think that the benefits of B vitamins I mentioned above are very necessary for people to learn, you can share list with your friends and family without having to hesitate at all. Do not forget to let me see your feedbacks and comments by filling the comment form below!
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