According to the American Heart Association, approximately one out of 3 adults in the US has high blood pressure, also called hypertension. The first or upper number in a blood pressure reading is the systolic pressure and the second or lower number is the diastolic pressure. According to the guidelines of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:
- Pre-hypertension is diastolic pressure between 80 – 89 or systolic pressure that is between 120 – 139.
- Normal blood pressure is under 120/80 mmHg.
- Stage 1 high blood pressure is diastolic pressure between 90 – 99 mmHg or higher, or systolic pressure between 140 – 159.
- Stage 2 hypertension is diastolic pressure of 100 or higher, or systolic pressure of over 160.
There are several ways to deal with this issue, including the use of natural herbs for high blood pressure.
Natural Herbs For High Blood Pressure – Best Home Treatments:
It is essential to remember that supplements and other forms of alternative medicines should not be used as a substitute in treating high blood pressure for standard care. If high blood pressure is not treated on time, it can damage organs inside the body and thereby the risks of vision loss, kidney disease, stroke, and coronary heart disease will increase.
Before starting using medical care methods and drugs, try making some changes in your lifestyle and making use of some natural remedies to deal with high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, things such as exercise and diet play an important role in decreasing blood pressure, so always keep those 2 things at the forefront of your mind. Medications could be harsh, and while it will be best for you to avoid as much as possible. If you have to use medicines, then remember that some home remedies can interfere with the functions of those medicines.
Blood and the blood circulation are essential for sustaining our life. They supply oxygen and extremely important nutrients to all the organs and cells inside our body. They also help to remove carbon dioxide, waste, and toxins. When your heart is beating, it will be creating pressure that can push the blood through your veins and arteries. This pressure, if you have not guessed, is your blood pressure. There are 2 forces pumping the blood through the body: the first is created by heart pumping blood out into the body’s arteries, and the second happens when your heart rests between each beat and blood is drawn back into the muscles. When the blood pressure increases, damage could be able to occur and can upset this system.
If you suffer from high blood pressure, your heart will have to work extra hard to pump blood through your body. And while the healthy arteries made of semi-flexible muscles, the force of high blood pressure can cause overstretching the walls. The overstretching could cause tiny tears in blood vessels (also called “vascular scarring”) that will leave tissue that catch things like plaque or cholesterol, and other blood cells. Building off the latter, this could lead to the higher risks of blood clots. The walls would also become weaker and weaker over time. The tissue damaged from being oxygen depleted can occur in parts of arteries on the other side of the build-up or a blockage of plaque, depriving it of fresh oxygenated blood; thereby strokes and heart attacks would be the results of the excessively high pressure.
This is actually a very serious health issue; so today, in this article, I would like to reveal some of the best natural herbs for high blood pressure people should try at home to get rid of the problem fast without having to make use of medicines or any medical help. Here are the home remedies and herbs you should learn about:
1. Blueberry Syrup:
This is the first out of the most efficient herbs for high blood pressure naturally at home that I want to reveal in this entire writing and every reader who really wants to lower their high blood pressure levels should not skip.
Syrups are, hands down, one of the most effective ways of incorporating the advantages of spices and herbs into daily life. While the word “syrup” might make you think of something sickly heavy and sweet – the contrary of what your heart wants to be healthy that is not the case here. The “syrup” that you see on the shelves in grocery stores might not be the best, but if you can make it at home, then this type of syrup would be a wonderfully tasty and also the best way to give your body a natural boost. Besides, sometimes, if you are honest with yourselves, choking down bitter tea will make it hard to stay on track with a home treatment. Blueberries are really abundant in the flavonoid quercetin, the advantages of which are explained and proven by science and will be mentioned below, as it is also discovered in hawthorn. People can also try mixing in elderberries for an extra heart healthy kick and surprise as well; surprise they are better than just warding off the flu and cold.
- A pot, a glass jar with an airtight lid, and a strainer
- 1 cup of honey
- 4 cups of water
- Eight tbsps. of dried blueberries or four tbsps. each of dried elderberries and blueberries.
Add the blueberries prepared (dried) to water and simmer it over low heat. Continue to simmer until the quantity of the solution is reduced by half. Strain the solids out, press on them to extract all extra juice, and pour the solution back into a pot. Add some honey and stir well; thoroughly warm the combination just to ensure the 2 blends together. Here there are 2 separate paths you could take. To make your syrup thicker, heat the berry juice and honey over medium-high heat within about twenty minutes. If you would rather not cook the syrup, and feel fine with one that is slightly thinner, then you do not need to implement this step. Once mixed, label and bottle and store in the fridge for up to three to four weeks. Take a tbsp. of this remedy 2 times per day. In brief, do not skip this as it is one of the best herbs for high blood pressure that you will ever find out there to deal with and beat off your current hateful health issue.
Read more: Healthy Daily Diet With 3 Week Diet to make use of some suggestions and recommendations about daily diet tips and how to get more energy to beat off or reduce several different health problems and ailments, including high blood pressure.
2. Cat’s Claw Decoction
Another out of the herbs for high blood pressure naturally at home people should make use is cat’s claw decoction.
Uncaria tomentosa, also known as cat’s claw is a woody climbing vine available in Central and South America, with its most noticeable use being in the Amazon rainforest. It is named after the thorns on the plant which are hooked, similar to the claws of a cat. This herb has been widely used as a traditional natural medicine in its native habitat for long, but test tube researches finally showed evidence for promising advantages of the herb, and one among them is the benefit of reducing the levels of blood pressure inside the body. It can do so as it can dilate the blood vessels (also called vasodilation) and thus it can help to reduce the pressure by allowing blood to flow through more readily. Cat’s claws can work effectively as a mild diuretic as well, helping to eliminate unnecessary water and salt inside the body, which could reduce hypertension again. The flavonoid and tannins are most likely the major constituents that account for the herb healing actions.
You can make cat’s claw into a flavorful decoction that would bring to you all of its health advantages. A decoction should be a tea, but you should simmer it for much longer as it is made from the fibrous, tough, woody parts of the plant like roots or (in this case) bark. There are 2 things that you should remember carefully when using any herb that is searching for it to make sure that its scientific name matches the one above (there are a lot of other plants called cats claw) and secondly, ensure that it is from an ecologically sustainable. Women who are pregnant should avoid this herb at all costs.
- Honey or lemon to taste
- 1 ½-2 cups of cold water
- 1-2 tbsps. of dried herb
Place cat’s claw and water over low heat in a small saucepan and allow it to simmer slowly. Cover, and let it simmer within about forty to forty five minutes. Adjust the amount of water depending on how concentrated you desire your tea to be. Strain, add some lemon juice or honey if desired, and consume the combination once per day.
Cat’s claw decoction is very beneficial for treating high blood pressure, so try it out!
3. Ginger-Cardamom Tea
A study conducted published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics in December of 2025 gave a group of volunteers one tsp. of cardamom powder per day for many weeks. The results showed a great decrease in blood pressure levels. While further studies are necessary to point out exactly why it can provide help, ginger-cardamom tea has still proven itself an effective natural remedy for reducing high blood pressure. Combined with cinnamon and ginger, both warming spices that can also help in improving blood circulation, you could make a delicious tea that can make your heart healthy. Interestingly enough, black tea can also help in improving blood pressure in some examples. This is most likely thanks to the heavy concentration of flavonoids. Nevertheless, if you have blood pressure that leans towards the more serious side of the scale; the caffeine might be able to cause more harm than help. This is especially delightful spicy, warm tea for you to sip on chilly winter days (and when we are tempted from eating healthier thanks to the holidays!)
- 1/2 tsp. powdered ginger powder or 2 tsps. fresh ginger (minced)
- 1 tsp. of cardamom pods
- 2-3 tsps. of honey (or to taste)
- 1/2 cup of water
- Mortar and pestle
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 ½ tbsps. black tea or 1 tea bag
- 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder
To release the oil inside, crush the cardamom pods. You do not need to grind them finely. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, excepting for the honey. Bring to a boil, then get the ingredients simmered together within six to nine minutes or till you get a rich caramel brown color. Add honey, stir it well, and then strain into a mug and consume! Take this concoction one or two times per day.
In fact, this is also one of the best herbs for high blood pressure that people should make use for good!
4. Melon In The Morning
Another useful one on the list of natural herbs for high blood pressure I would like to introduce to you today is melon.
Every morning, you should take watermelon. Watermelon is often viewed as a strict summer fruit, one for barbecues and seed spitting contests, but it could also aid a lot in lowering blood pressure. An organic compound named “citrulline”, an A-amino acid, was first isolated from watermelon in 1914. Once ingested, your body could convert citrulline to the amino acid L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide. To translate, citrulline – contained in watermelon – is turned into arginine – essentially a chemical building block that can lead to the nitric oxide’s production. Nitric oxide will “talk” to a lot of systems and cells in your body that can regulate, among other things, how hard your blood can get pumped through the whole body – also called “vascular systematic resistance”. It would widen blood vessels, lowering vascular resistance, which can ultimately reduce blood pressure as well. Imagine trying to pump a specific volume of liquid through a small-opening versus a wider-opening one. The wider opening would let it flow easily and smoothly. It is the same with blood cells!
One or two cups of fresh watermelon
Drink melon on an empty stomach every morning. If you have a home blood pressure device, then you should keep your blood pressure levels in check and observe the changes.
This is actually one of the most effective herbs for high blood pressure that people should learn and make use to enjoy a healthy life without facing any problem and issue related to high blood pressure without using any type of drug, pill, or medication.
5. Garlic
Garlic is one of the best herbs for high blood pressure as well. It is very high in beneficial constituents that can help in addressing a lot of health issues and conditions, once of which can lead to hypertension. There is just a little catch though. Allicin, the organosulphur – sulfur containing – compound responsible for a lot of health advantages of this herb, does not fare as well in our bodies when we eat raw garlic. Allicin is pretty unstable, and is typically deactivated when it contacts with a substance with the pH levels under 3, such as the stomach acid. Nevertheless, when you take garlic tablets, there is an ensured allicin yield that can help to make sure that you get the proper amount to achieve solid results in the fight against blood pressure. Make sure that when getting the tablets, there is a release of allicin in a great, standardized amount – in many researches involved with this health issue, 1.8 milligrams per dose can lower the levels of blood pressure by ten percent within just twelve weeks.
- Good quality garlic tablets
Take the tablets according to the instruction on the bottle’s label.
This is also one of the most effective and important herbs for high blood pressure that people should remember to apply to reduce or stop the symptoms of high blood pressure that can leave harms or negative effects on your overall health and body.
6. Heart Healthy Hawthorn
When it comes to heart health, hawthorn is a staple herb because it is very abundant in flavonoids, namely, OPC’s (oligomeric procyandins) and quercetin. Flavonoids are touted as having several health effects, but one of the most intensely researched conditions that it can affect is a lot of forms of cardiovascular disease. This includes regulate glucose metabolism, improve the function of capillaries, treat palpitations, arrhythmia, and, certainly, reduce arterial blood pressure and the risks of high blood pressure. There are many different types of mechanical actions that flavonoids could take on the blood, but pertaining to high blood pressure the most crucial might be the blood vessels’ widening, which can ultimately help to reduce the levels of blood pressure. People could enjoy hawthorn tea by making it at home or in the form of “balls”, which you can prepare following the recipe below. The recipe also calls for ginger and cinnamon, which are also very beneficial for helping the blood circulation flow smoothly. It was Rosemary Gladstar – a prestigious herbalist – who taught me how to make these healthy and beneficial herbal balls, and while I have tweaked the recipe some, I will be grateful forever to her as she turned me into this way to enjoy herbal medicine!
- Cocoa or carob powder
- Water
- Raw honey
- 1/2-1 tbsps. of cinnamon powder
- 4 tbsps. of powdered hawthorn berry
Place the hawthorn and cinnamon powder in a bowl and mix these 2 ingredients together. Add just a sufficient amount of water and honey to create a paste. Make the paste thicker with carob powder or cocoa powder until it has the dough form; and then, you could roll into small balls cleanly (the balls must be no bigger than your index fingernails). Place the balls on a cookie sheet and dry at a very low temperature (not over 150 degrees Fahrenheit) in an oven until dry. Store the mixture indefinitely in a glass jar in a cool place and out of direct sunlight.
This is also one out of the best herbs for high blood pressure that are very simple and cheap to buy from any local food store so that people should not skip but make use of it with the sample recipe for good to get rid of the symptoms and signs of the disease naturally at home without using any type of drugs, pills, or medical interventions.
7. Sip Some Hibiscus:
Another tip on how to treat high blood pressure naturally at home that I really want to show you and my other dear readers who are visiting and reading the article is to sip some hibiscus on a daily basis to deal with and get rid of the symptoms and signs causing by the hypertension issue. This is actually one of the best herbs for high blood pressure you should not skip if you are looking for natural ways to deal with the signs and symptoms caused by this health issue.
Cultures around this planet have used this herbal remedy to manage blood pressure naturally, but it was not until the past decade that researches were actually conducted that showed there was more information about this herb than just the folk remedy. Firstly, this herbal can work effectively as a diuretic, drawing sodium from the bloodstream, thereby lowering the pressure on the arterial walls. Even more interesting is how hibiscus can mimic ACE – angiotensin converting enzyme – inhibitors. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are a well-known team of pharmaceutical medicines used to reduce the levels of blood pressure in human beings. They can work by hampering the ACE, which plays an important role in the renin-angiotensin system – a hormone system that can aid a lot in regulating fluid balance and blood pressure. As a consequence of this inhibition, blood volume is lowered and blood vessels relax, thereby reducing the levels of blood pressure. While certainly not as potent as those angiotensin converting enzyme drugs prescribed, it could still be amazingly efficient.
- Honey, lemon, or one or two cinnamon sticks (optional)
- 1 cup of fresh, piping hot water
- 1-2 tsp. of dried hibiscus
Add water to a boil and add the cinnamon sticks (if using them) and hibiscus and let it steep within about five minutes. Add lemon or honey to taste, and drink two or three times per day. This can also make a tasty iced tea for those hot, sticky summer days.
8. Green Coffee Extract:
Green coffee is actually raw coffee beans (from the Coffea fruits) that have not been roasted. Some researchers have discovered that green coffee extract contains chlorogenic acid – a component that can help in lowering the levels of blood pressure. Chlorogenic acid can be found in roasted coffee as well, but roasted coffee intake has been proven in some studies to increase the levels of blood pressure. Some experts suggested that the different effects of green and roasted coffee on high blood pressure issue might be thanks to a compound known as hydroxyl hydroquinone, which is created in the roasting process and might block the benefits of chlorogenic acid on reducing and managing blood pressure levels. Ferulic acid, a metabolite of five-caffeoylquinic acid, might also be responsible for the high blood pressure reducing benefits of green coffee extract.
Further studies are necessary especially with respect to the drug interactions and side effects – for example, one research discovered that high doses of chlorogenic acid (2g per day) could raise the levels of plasma homocysteine (a heart disease trigger factor) whereas much lower doses could not. Green coffee extract is considered promoting weight loss as well, which can help some patients of high blood pressure
This is also one of the best herbs for high blood pressure that can help to relieve the signs and symptoms of the condition without using any type of drug, pill, or medication I would like to reveal in this article and want you and my other readers on to learn and remember to make use as soon as possible.
9. Cocoa Extract:
This is the last but certainly not the least one out of the natural herbs for high blood pressure that I want you and my other readers reading this writing learn carefully and remember to make use right from today.
Many researches in humans have discovered that consuming chocolate, dark chocolate, or any cocoa product enriched with flavonols might slightly help in lowering the levels of blood pressure in pre-hypertensive people or those with hypertension. Eating 50g cocoa on a daily basis is associated with a two to three mm Hg reduction in blood pressure levels. Further studies are still needed as not all studies on human beings have found an effect.
Chocolate might influence the nitric oxide system resulting in lower blood pressure and vasodilation. It can also inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme. You just need to be aware of a fact that chocolate also contains sugar and caffeine, among other ingredients. Large intake of caffeine (over 400mg per day) can blood increase pressure levels and the sugar content might also influence negatively your blood sugar levels.
Now, after giving readers this entire article with 9 useful herbs for high blood pressure that are very simple to buy and people can apply the herbal remedies using them as the major ingredients without facing any difficulty, readers should also spend time reading another related article if having time. This article shows the best methods that can work well to aid you in reducing and managing the levels of your blood pressure so that you will be able to deal with the condition effectively if you follow the home remedies suggested inside this article. The Top 27 Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure article is actually an incredible gathering of natural tips and home treatments with the support of herbs and foods that can work well to help those dealing with the high blood pressure issue reduce the signs and symptoms of the condition without using any type of pills, drugs, or medical interventions that could lead to some mild to serious side effect after all. In fact, this article shows a lot of useful treatment tips and techniques that are totally based on natural factors, and they just aim to help those dealing with the hypertension issue improve their own situation and reduce the levels of blood pressure without facing any serious side effects. The natural therapies and home remedies reveal in this recommended article are 100% natural and proven beneficial for patients in all cases so that you just need to try them and see how they work for you right today!
If you think that the list of natural herbs for high blood pressure that I introduced in the entire article today are really good for you as you are looking for natural ways to reduce the signs and symptoms of the high blood pressure issue, and if you think that these home remedies are also beneficial for any other people you know out there struggling with this health issue as well, feel free to share this interesting list widely with anyone you want and make use together with them instead of just keeping this list for your own.
The whole list of the best herbs for high blood pressure that me – an author of introduced in the article comes to you for free and does not require any reader to invest in any type of medicines. In the contrary, the home remedies and treatment methods with natural herbs I revealed are proven good and safe for human health, especially helpful for those dealing with the high blood pressure problem without leading to any unwanted harmful side effects. These herbs will help sufferers of high blood pressure all around the world get their healthy life back and be free from the signs and symptom of this health issue without having to invest too much or spend too many efforts and time. As an author of who is responsible for writing useful articles and writings about many fields in life to readers in all continents, I always want to see my readers’ personal thoughts and evaluations so that remember to leave your feedbacks and comments in the comment section below!
Related articles about some high blood pressure related issues, including how to balance the levels of blood pressure naturally at home, how to deal with and beat off the related issue naturally at home, and how to reduce your risks of high blood pressure issue:
How To Deal With High Blood Pressure At Home With The High Blood Pressure Solution E-Book
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