30 Benefits of pumpkin seeds for skin, hair and health

Pumpkin seeds contain numerous essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. They are high in antioxidants and give generous quantities of vitamins A and E, and contain essential vitamins consisting of vitamin K and B as well. They also have adequate doses of potassium and sodium. Additionally, they also have essential fatty acids as well as rich antioxidants. The 4 dominant fatty acids are oleic, stearic, palmitic, and linoleic acid as well. These fatty acids are vital for cell metabolism in your body for normal growth, particularly of the nerves as well as blood vessels. They maintain the skin plus other tissues lubricated and young. Hence, all the nutrients in pumpkin seeds are effective for our immunity and health. Read top 30 benefits of pumpkin seeds for skin, hair and health below in VKool.com site and enjoy robust health.

30 Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds For Skin, Hair And Health You Should Not Skip

1. Moisturize Skin

benefits of pumpkin seeds - moisturize skin

Pumpkin seeds are not only effective for beauty but also good for our health. Pumpkin seeds have generous quantities of unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3. These fatty acids contain natural emolliating properties keeping the skin moisturized. In order to avoid the risk of allergies, you should do a patch test prior to using the pumpkin seed paste on the skin.

You can make the pumpkin seed paste as follows:


  • 1 cup of pumpkin seeds
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 1 tablespoon of butter


  1. Take finely ground pumpkin seeds (one cup) and next mix it with melted butter (a tablespoon).
  2. Beat the egg well. Then, blend it with this mixture of butter and pumpkin seeds to create a paste.
  3. Now apply this paste on the skin and allow it on for about 10-15 minutes till it dries.
  4. Rinse it off using cool water afterwards.

2. Fight Acne

benefits of pumpkin seeds - fight acne

Fighting acne is also one of the best benefits of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, a mineral possessing anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the scarring and redness caused by acne. In addition, zinc assists calm overactive sebaceous glands, due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Thus it can decrease the incidence of acne. This is the recipe to make the solution for acne:


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)
  • Milk (optional)


  1. Simply, you enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.
  2. You can also mix finely ground pumpkin seeds and milk together and then drink it every day.

Learn more: 23 Natural Solutions For Acne On Face Overnight

3. Expedite Wound Healing

benefits of pumpkin seeds - expedite wound healing

General speaking, pumpkin seeds also assist expedite the process of wound healing thanks to their high nutrient content, especially zinc and vitamin A.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. Simply, you can enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.

4. Prevent Premature Aging

benefits of pumpkin seeds - prevent premature aging

Excessive exposure to the bad UV rays of the sun together with other lifestyle factors may cause oxidative damage. This can lead to premature skin aging, thus increasing the appearance of pigmentation and wrinkles. The antioxidants, vitamins A and E, contained in pumpkin seeds aid combating free radical formation and thereby, decrease the incidence of premature aging.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You can enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.

5. Protect Against Skin Cancer

benefits of pumpkin seeds - protect against skin cancer

Omega-3 supplementation in pumpkin seeds can combat immuno suppression, one phenomenon of decreased immunity against skin cancer led to by sunlight exposure.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You can enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.

6. Boost Hair Growth

benefits of pumpkin seeds - boost hair growth

Boosting hair growth is also one of the outmost benefits of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds have high doses of L-lysine and iron – two nutrients which can help curb excessive hair shedding. Raising the supplementation of those nutrients can improve hair growth.


  • Pumpkin seed oil (optional)
  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You can enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.
  2. Or you can massage your scalp and hair with pumpkin seed oil, allow it on an entire night, and next day wash it off.

Learn more: 29 Best Solutions For Hair Growth For Men And Women

7. Prevent Dandruff

benefits of pumpkin seeds - prevent dandruff

Zinc present in pumpkin seeds prevents and treats irritation, flaking, and itching linked to seborrheic dermatitis, thanks to its antifungal properties.


  • Pumpkin seed oil (optional)
  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. Simply, you can enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.
  2. Or you can massage your scalp and hair with pumpkin seed oil, allow it on overnight, and next day wash it off.

Learn more: Top 26 Natural Solutions For Dandruff In Winter

8. Keep Hair Healthy

benefits of pumpkin seeds - keep hair healthy

Pumpkin seeds have nutrients such as omega-6 fatty acids, iron, zinc, and protein as well, all of which are vital for your hair and scalp’s improved health.


  • Pumpkin seed oil (optional)
  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. Simply, you can enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.
  2. Or you can massage your scalp and hair with pumpkin seed oil, allow it on overnight, and next day wash it off.

9. Boost Immunity

benefits of pumpkin seeds - boost immunity

General speaking pumpkin seeds, being high in zinc, help reduce the generation of inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress, both of which block immunity.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You can enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.

Learn more: Best Healthy Foods For Improving Immune System

10. Great Source Of Vitamin K

benefits of pumpkin seeds - great source of vitamin k

In general, pumpkin seeds are a great source of vitamin K that plays a vital role in assisting the blood clot, thus offers protection against excessive bleeding. Raw pumpkin seeds are higher in this vitamin than roasted ones. One-ounce pumpkin seeds give 2mg of vitamin K. In addition, this vitamin also plays a vital role in keeping the bones strong, hence decreases the risks of osteoporosis.

11. Great Source Of Vitamin E

benefits of pumpkin seeds - great source of vitamin e

Typically, vitamin E present in pumpkin seeds acts as an antioxidant that guards the tissues against damage led to by free radicals. Particularly, vitamin E makes the immune system strong. Moreover, it also inhibits many chronic diseases such as liver damage, cancer, stroke, and dementia. You would have seen that many skin products have vitamin E in them. That is because vitamin E’s major function is to help keep the body’s cell structure including our skin cells too. The seeds of pumpkin can be a great source of vitamin E for the skin health too.

12. Promote Good Sleep

benefits of pumpkin seeds - promote good sleep

General speaking, raw pumpkin seeds as well as its powder contain stress releasing together with sleep inducing properties. That’s because pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium plus amino acid tryptophan as well. Zinc present in pumpkin seeds also aids our brain in order to convert tryptophan into serotonin. Health experts suggest that a handful pumpkin seeds should be used with any carbohydrate. Carbohydrate assists tryptophan to get absorbed by the brain in higher amounts.

13. Anti-Inflammation Properties

benefits of pumpkin seeds - anti-inflammation properties

Generally, pumpkin seeds are used in the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis as their strong anti-inflammatory agents. Dried pumpkin seeds may be eaten raw as one snack or added to salads to inhibit arthritis problem.

14. Used To Kill Parasites

benefits of pumpkin seeds - used to kill parasites

Commonly, tapeworms plus other intestinal worms as well are the parasites living in the human intestine as well as absorb nutrients from our body, hence make people sick and weak. These parasites enter into the body through contaminated food, water, and poor hygiene as well. These worms are often common in kids due to less immunity. Many people have been taking pumpkin seeds to solve this problem thanks to their laxative and anthelmintic properties for ages. Particularly, the substance cucurbitins in pumpkin seeds paralyze these worms and aid to expel them out. Here is a simple recipe taking pumpkin seeds to remove intestinal worms:

  1. Take raw pumpkin seeds (1 cup) in a blender with one cup of fresh yogurt.
  2. Alternatively, diluted coconut milk or coconut water can also be taken and is very great for intestinal health.
  3. Consume this in the morning prior to the breakfast. You can also add honey to make it yummy.

15. Lowers Depression

benefits of pumpkin seeds - lowers depression

One of the best benefits of pumpkin seeds is to reduce depression. Pumpkin seeds have healthy fats that reduce inflammation in our brain cells. They also have a very vital substance called tryptophan that is an amino acid and fights depression by creating melatonin, serotonin, plus other mood-boosting hormones and neurotransmitters. The B vitamins present in pumpkin seeds alleviate anxiety and induce sleep as well.

Learn more: 10 Best Natural Herbal Cures For Depression

16. Reduce LDL Cholesterol Level In Body

benefits of pumpkin seeds - reduce ldl cholesterol level in body

General speaking, the high level of harmful cholesterol in the blood causes many cardiovascular as well as coronary artery diseases. If not treated, it can be fatal. Pumpkin seeds are natural cholesterol reducers. Omega- 3 present in pumpkin seeds prevents the development of arteriosclerosis and helps to inhibit the recurrence of heart attack as well.

17. Antiviral And Antimicrobial

benefits of pumpkin seeds - antiviral and antimicrobial

Pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil, and pumpkin seeds powder all have long been applied for their antiviral and antimicrobial benefits. These seeds do not only fight off microorganisms, but also prevent their further growth. The antiviral and antimicrobial properties are thanks to some unique proteins in pumpkin seeds. Hence, these seeds are useful to end bacterial as well as viral infections in the body and make the immune system strong.

18. Good For Prostate Health

benefits of pumpkin seeds - good for prostate health

Pumpkin seed oil and pumpkin seeds are very helpful in preventing prostate troubles in men. Researches indicate that pumpkin seed oil reduces the occurrence of BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) – a circumstance in which your prostate gland becomes enlarged. The seeds are specially suggested to an individual, who feels trouble urinating thanks to BPH.

Keep reading this article to discover other benefits of pumpkin seeds!

19. Beneficial For Liver And Heart Health

benefits of pumpkin seeds - beneficial for liver and heart health

Pumpkin seeds are very useful for people who are experiencing with liver and heart diseases. By curbing the level of LDL cholesterol in the body, it reduces the chance of cardiovascular diseases. Also, these seeds also have certain important proteins and minerals that improve heart muscles and make the heart healthy to act efficiently.

20. Prevent Kidney Stone Formation

benefits of pumpkin seeds - prevent kidney stone formation

One of the best benefits of pumpkin seeds is preventing kidney stone formation. Researches indicate that by eating pumpkin seeds as snacks may help avoid kidney stones. These seeds not only reduce amounts of substances which improve the stone formation within your urine but also raise an amount of compounds which prevent stone formation. Moreover, their diuretic effect is very useful for the kidney patients who suffer difficulty urinating. A lot of researchers also confirm that the pumpkin seed oil if consumed regularly, strengthen your weak urine system.

21. Protects Against Osteoporosis

benefits of pumpkin seeds - protects against osteoporosis

As all we know, our bones need certain vital minerals to stay strong and healthy. The minerals mainly include zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc. Around 65 percent of magnesium is preserved in our bones and it acts along with calcium in order to make bones strong. Because pumpkin seeds are high in zinc and magnesium, they are highly suggested to people who experience with the trouble of weak bones. Females after menopause experience with weak bones plus joint troubles, they are particularly good for elderly women to remove bone issues.

Learn more: 10 Natural Solutions For Osteoporosis Pain

22. Antidiabetic

benefits of pumpkin seeds - antidiabetic

Pumpkin seeds enhance insulin regulation in the diabetic people and inhibit several unwanted consequences of diabetes on the kidney function. They aid in decreasing oxidative stress that is very useful for diabetic people in keeping a proper sugar level in the body. Particularly, raw pumpkin seeds are suitable for this purpose.

Learn more: Reverse Diabetes Now Review

23. Rich Omega-3 Source

benefits of pumpkin seeds - rich omega-3 source

As all we know, omega-3 has uncountable advantages and pumpkin seeds are considered as one of the most powerful sources of omega-3. It’s also effective in treating many psychological disorders such as mania, depression, and bipolar disorder as well. Omega-3 also aids in the treatment of asthma. It’s also a vital ingredient in a lot of skin care products which indicates that it is very useful for the healthy skin too.

24. Good Blood Builder

benefits of pumpkin seeds - good blood builder

Generally, pumpkin seeds have iron in them without which hemoglobin in the body cannot be formed. Hemoglobin is one protein molecule comprising the red blood cells, which are responsible for the move of oxygen throughout our body from the lungs. In addition, pumpkin seeds are great for all anaemic people because it builds blood in the body.

25. Good For Weight Loss

benefits of pumpkin seeds - good for weight loss

Losing weight is also one of the best benefits of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are packed with easily-digestible proteins and fibers and thus can be a great diet food for people who desire to lose weight. It is good to have raw pumpkin seeds (a handful) before breakfast for people who desire to lose weight.

Learn more: Top 11 Weight Loss Tea Recipes

26. Improve Digestive Health

benefits of pumpkin seeds - improve digestive health

Fiber helps regular bowel movements and inhibits conditions such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, gastrointestinal disease, hemorrhoids, and high cholesterol.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You should enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.

27. Improve Vision

benefits of pumpkin seeds - improve vision

Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamin A which improves vision, particularly in dim light. Vitamin A improves skin health as well.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You should enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw, or roasted pumpkin seeds daily.

28. Boost Energy

benefits of pumpkin seeds - boost energy

Boosting energy is also one of the greatest benefits of pumpkin seeds. These seeds, being rich in proteins and iron, act as a good source of energy.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You should enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw or roasted pumpkin seeds daily. 

29. Improve Sexual Health

benefits of pumpkin seeds - improve sexual health

Daily intake of pumpkin seeds aids improving prostate health, a necessary factor for improved men sexual health. Also, pumpkin seeds enhance hormonal function in males. Particularly, the amino acid myosin presented in pumpkin seeds is vital for muscular contractions.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You should enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw or roasted pumpkin seeds daily. 

30. Fight Breast Cancer

benefits of pumpkin seeds - fight breast cancer

General speaking, fighting breast cancer is also one of the best benefits of pumpkin seeds. The phytoestrogens extracted from the pumpkin seeds show significant activity against the breast cancer tumor cells. Thus, pumpkin seeds are highly helpful in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer.


  • Pumpkin seeds (roasted or raw or sprouted)


  1. You should enjoy a handful of sprouted, raw or roasted pumpkin seeds daily. 

Some quick, simple serving suggestions of pumpkin seeds:

  1. Add these seeds to your regular meal, be it meat or vegetables.
  2. You can sprinkle these seeds on your salads. Or you can also pour the pumpkin seed oil on the salads.
  3. You can include pumpkin seeds in soups.
  4. Sprinkle these seeds on the top of baked items such as pizza and pasta.
  5. You can add pumpkin seed powder in pastries, cookies, and cereals.


  1. The shelled pumpkin seeds are stringy, tough, and hard to chew that can lead to indigestion. Particularly, poorly chewed seeds may also affect your esophagus.
  2. Consuming too many pumpkin seeds may also lead to diarrhea. So, excess quantity can make problems and had better be consumed in moderation.
  3. Consuming rancid pumpkin seeds can produce toxic compounds and free radicals in your body. So, ensure you always consume fresh as well as high-quality seeds.
  4. A few people are reported to suffer constipation after eating pumpkin seeds. If this problem happens to you, you should lessen the quantity of consumption.
  5. Do not offer shelled pumpkin seeds to the pet birds as they can choke the throats.

To get more information related to nutrition, go to our main Nutrition page. Hope that this article will help you know more the best benefits of pumpkin for health, skin and hair as well. If you have any question or comment, please leave them below, I will respond you as soon as possible. Do you know any other benefits of pumpkin seeds? Then share with us right now.

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