You might be among the 45% of normal adults who snore or you likely know someone who snores. Just about everybody snores occasionally, yet if snoring occurs frequently could impact the quantity as well as quality of your sleep and that of your roommates or family members. Snoring could result in poor sleep or daytime fatigue, increased health problem and irritability. If your snoring keeps your partner awake, then it even creates relationship problems. However, sleeping in separate bedrooms is not the only treatment for snoring. There are still many other effective methods to treat snoring available. Check out the list below to learn how to stop snoring naturally at home – collected by VKool.com!
How To Stop Snoring – 10 Easy At-Home Tips
5. Exercise
1. Modify Your Sleep Position
5. Exercise
It is said that lying on the back makes the base of the human tongue and soft palate collapse to the throat’s back wall, leading to the vibrating sound during sleep. Thus, by changing your sleep – sleeping on your side – will prevent this.
Also, as an easy fix, you can make use of a body pillow. It can enable you to maintain your sleeping on your side and make a great difference.
Taping tennis ball to the back of the pajamas, on the other hand, can stop you from sleeping on your back. Or, alternatively, you could recline the bad with its head up and extended, opening up your nasal airway passage that might help in preventing snoring. However, be aware that it might also lead to neck pain. In case that your snoring keeps continuing no matter what position you are sleeping in, obstructive sleep apnea might be a cause.
Read more: easy tips to cure sore muscles
2. Reduce Excess Weight
Sometimes, weight loss could be helpful in treating snoring at home. Fact is, thin people also snore. However, if you gain weight and begun snoring and did not snore before your weight increased, you should consider losing weight to control snoring. When you gain weight around the neck, it could squeeze the internal diameter of your own throat, thereby making it prone to collapse during your sleep.
Recommend reading: tips for quick weight loss
3. Limit Alcohol Intake
Sedatives along with alcohol might reduce the resting tone of the muscles right in the back of the throat, thereby making it prone to snoring. If you drink prior to going to sleep about 4-5 hours, your snoring might get worse. Those who normally do not snore tend to snore after drinking alcohol.
4. Follow Good Sleep Hygiene
If you have poor sleep habits, they can affect your sleep’s quality. On the other hand, working long hours without adequate sleep might make you overtired, making your sleep hard and deep which prompts snoring. Create a bedtime ritual and stick to it. That way, you sleep will be better and you can minimize chances of snoring.
5. Exercise
Exercise, among many easy tips on how to stop snoring, can be one of the most beneficial solutions for your snoring. Working hours out can tone your legs, arms, and abs. As a result, the muscles in your throat will also tone, leading to less snoring.
Check out: easy exercises for weight management
6. Clear Nasal Passages
If you have a stuffy nose, your inhalation will become difficult, creating a vacuum within your throat. That in turn leads to snoring. Do it naturally with the Neti pot or make due of nasal decongestants as well as nasal strips to assist you in breathing easily whilst sleeping.
7. Keep Your Bedroom Air Moist
Because dry air can worsen the condition of snoring, you should keep your bedroom air moist using a humidifier. The dry air, in fact, might irritate the membranes in the throat and nose as well.
8. Avoid Caffeine
If you really want to know how to stop snoring naturally, you should not take caffeinated drinks or heavy meals 2 hours before hitting the hay, particularly those dairy products as well as soymilk.
Check out: how to give up caffeine
9. Change Your Usual Pillows
Allergens in the bedroom and your pillows might contribute to the condition of snoring. Thus, it is better for you to try replacing your pillows for a few days to see if it can help.
Remember that the dust mites accumulate within your pillows could result lead to allergic reactions, resulting in snoring. Letting pets sleep on your bed also causes you to breathe daily in animal dander, another popular irritant.
Hence, you should put the pillows in the air fluff cycle once each several weeks and after six months, replace them to keep dust mites as well as allergens to the minimum level. Keep pets out of your bedroom.
Nevertheless, before spending money on pillows designed to prevent snoring, you should know that it might also leads to neck pain though it works if it props up your head fixing nasal issues.
Check out: how to sleep better
10. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Along with keeping the air in your bedroom moist, you should also drink enough water to keep yourself stay hydrated. Secretions in the nose and soft palate will become sticker if you are dehydrated. This could lead to more snoring. Healthy women should take about 11 cups of total fluids from both food and drinks per day while men should take 16 cups.
There, you have learned most important tips on how to stop snoring naturally at home. In general, it is necessary for you get adequate sleep, follow a healthy diet plan and take hot shower also to prevent snoring. By making these simple changes, you will make a big difference in controlling snoring.
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