Getting abs is always every guy’s dream. However, the dream can only be materialized when you do your abs exercises consistently and correctly. Well, it may sound easy but for those people who do not know the techniques, you will fail to make your dream come true whether you train at home or even have a personal trainer at your favorite gym spot. In this Abs Workout Routine At Home Or Gym For Beginnersarticle, I want to introduce to you the best abs workout routine that you can do every day without getting bored. The exercises advance from easy to difficult and you may take sometimes to be familiar with. Now, let’s find out what workout tips I have in this Abs workout routine at home or gym article.
Abs Workout Routine At Home Or Gym For Beginners
1. Bicycle Crunch
Lie on your back with your hands behind your ears, one leg straight. Try to pull the opposite knee towards your chest until the knee touches the opposite elbow. Twist your body and engage your abs. Try to maintain balance. If you have lower back problem, you can use a yoga mat or double a towel and place it underneath your lower back. Repeat this exercise with the other side.
2. Hanging Leg Raise
Hang onto a pull up bar using your hands. Straighten your back. After that, slowly elevate your legs as high as possible and curl your lower back. If you are not strong enough to perform this exercise, try raising your legs to your waist level.
3. Back Extension
Hold a weight against your chest. Bring your legs in, forming a back extension apparatus. Bend your torso forward until you do not feel the arch on the lower back anymore. Then straighten your back to form a straight line throughout your body. Do not bend excessively.
4. Barbell Rollout
Get the plates on a barbell, which are light weights, and put them on the floor. With your hands shoulder width apart, knees on the floor, hold the bar with both hands and place it on the ground, in front of your chest. Engage your abs. Roll the bar forward as far as possible. Keep doing this until your lower back begins to sag. Then flex your lats. Finally, get back to the initial position.
5. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Hold the dumbbells with straightened arms. Place them in front of your thighs with your palms facing in. Try to maintain the arch in your lower back while bending your hips and knees. Lower your torso. Keep doing so until you start to feel that you are losing the arch in your lower back. During this exercise, try to keep the dumbbells close to your body.
6. Plank Mountain Climber
Start with the pushup position. Try to keep your forearms flat by lowering your elbows to the ground. Pull one knee to your elbow and then quickly push it back. Then draw the opposite knee to the opposite elbow.
7. Cable Wood Chop
Use a low pulley of a cable station and attach a rope handle to it. Stand away from the machine to create tension on the table. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and one foot in front of the other. Try to reach overhead by rotating your torso diagonally upward in a chopping motion. Complete this and switch to the other side.
8. Dumbbell Russian Twist
Use a dumbbell, a medicine ball or a weight plate and sit on the ground. Elevate your feet above the ground. Straighten your hands so that the weight is in front of you. Keep your back straight. Moreover, your torso should be about 45 degrees from the ground. Then twist your torso as far as possible to the right, then switch to the left.
9. Renegade Row
Start with the pushup position with a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand. While trying to stay rigid, shift your weight to the left side. Keep your torso straight and parallel to the floor and row the right hand dumbbell to your side. Lower it back to the ground, switch to the right and row with your left arm.
10. Decline Sit Up
Lie on an adjustable bench and place your legs on the braces. Engage and squeeze your abs, raise your torso off the bend until you are sitting straight.
11. Scissor Crunch
Lie on your back with straighten legs. Place your hands behind your head. Slowly raise your legs a few inches above the floor. Start to lift one leg at the time as high as possible, until it is straight up in the sky. Try to reach the knee to the opposite elbow. Keep your shoulder blades off the mat.
12. Starfish Crunch
Lie on a flat surface with your arms and legs spread straight outwards, forming a starfish shape. Start to pull both arms and legs until you are able to hug your knees, using your abdominal muscles, forming into a ball. You will feel the difference each time you finish this exercise. Your abs will get pumped up and bring oxygen to the abdominal area.
13. Total Side Slimmer
Lie on your side. Then slowly lift your body up by straightening your right arm and right leg. Place your right foot on the floor, your right leg should be about 90 degrees. Press your left heel into the ground and start to elevate your hips up to the sky. Straighten your left arm and bring it up above your head.
14. TIU Tummy Tuck:
Face the ground with straight arms and legs, keep your shoulders in line with your wrists and keep your spin neutral, forming a plank position. Pull on knee up toward your elbow, engage the sides of your abs while engaging your core. By doing this, you will be able to minimize the movement while switching from one leg to another.
15. Burpees
Start with plank position. Engage your core and keep your elbows and knees soft. Jump your feet forward. Bring your knees close to your chest using the lower abs muscles. Then quickly stand up into a soft plyometric jump. Then jump back into the starting position and repeat.
16. Sit Up
Lie with your back flat on the ground. Bend your knees and secure your feet by placing heavy furniture on them. Put your hands on your chest. Engage your abs and raise your torso until you are sitting straight upward. Keep the tension on your abs and start to lower your torso back to the starting position. Try to maintain control over your body during the movement.
17. Leg Raises
Lie on a flat surface with your legs straight in front of you. Put your hands on your sides for more support. Engage your lower abs, raise your legs until they are straight up on the sky. Keep the tension on your abs, lower your legs back to the starting position. Try to maintain control over your body during this session. Besides, this exercise also helps you strengthen your thigh muscle .
18. Lying Leg Raise + Crunch
Lie on a flat surface with your legs straight in front of you. Put your hands on the sides for more support. Engage your lower abs, raise your legs until they are straight up on the sky. Then, start to lift your shoulders and torso above the ground, as far as possible, without lifting your back off the floor. Keep the tension on your abs. Lower your legs back to the initial position and bring your torso and shoulders back to the starting position. Try to maintain control over your body during this session.
19. Knee Ins
Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands on the sides for more support. Keep your knees stay together and start to pull them close to your chest. Maintain the tension on your lower ab muscles. Go back to the starting position and repeat this exercise.
20. Toe Touchers
Lie on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands on the sides for more support. Lift both your legs up at the same time as far as you can while bringing your torso towards your legs. Go back to the initial position and repeat this exercise. This is another version of a V Up. In a V Up, you will begin this exercise by lying down on the floor and lifting yourself up without arm support.
21. Crunches
Lie on a flat surface with your knees bent in front of you. Put your hands on your chest. Start to lift your shoulders and torso above the ground, as far as possible, without raising your back off the floor. Keep the tension on the abs then bring your torso back to the beginning position.
That is the end of the Abs workout routine at home or gymfor beginners article. Hopefully, all the exercises mentioned in this article can change the way you do your abs exercise. To maitain a healthy weight, it is necessary for you to plan a healthy diet and proper workout program to follow. Please do not forget to let us know what you think by leaving a comment below or if you have any query, please do not hesitate to contact us. Last but not least, remember that these exercises can only have effect when you can control your diet well. A good diet plan is necessary to boost your abs workout. Also, by doing these abs workout routine frequently, you can lose fat rapidly. There are also many other fitness & exercise related articles from the site VKool. Please take sometimes to read them because we are sure that if you a gym lover, you will find such information helpful.
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