5 Ways On How To Lose Chest Fat Fast

how to lose chest fat fast

Excessive chest or enlarged breasts is a common problem in males, affecting them at different stages, like puberty stage, infant stage, etc. There are a lot of treatments available for dealing with chest fat caused due to excessive weight gain. However, to avoid the expensive or complicated treatments, it is advisable to use natural remedies for losing the chest fat safely. Now let’s take a look at these solutions on how to lose chest fat fast at VKool.com. They are not only inexpensive but also effective for your condition. Let’s begin!

5 Ways On How To Lose Chest Fat Fast You Should Not Ignore

1. Passion Flower

how to lose chest fat - passion flower

Using passion flower for losing chest fat is safe and provides satisfied results comparison with any other surgical or medical treatments. This flower is one potent food for curing chest fat in men. The passion flower is rich in chrysin that aids in preventing the testosterone hormone level breakdown in males, thus aids in losing the chest fat. Here is the method on how to lose chest fat fast with passion flower:

Get these:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried passion flower
  • 250 ml water
  • A strainer


  1. First of all, boil around 250ml of water. Next, add dried passion flower (1 tsp) to the boiling water.
  2. Allow the water to boil for around ten to fifteen minutes so that these flowers can release the extracts well.
  3. Strain the tea after 15 minutes and consume it warm.
  4. Follow this process two times a day for at least 3 weeks to see how to lose chest fat.

2. Turmeric

how to lose chest fat - turmeric

One of the most effective ways for reducing chest fat is turmeric. Firstly, the anti-inflammatory property present in turmeric can help decrease the inflammation in your body and aids in encouraging the testosterone levels. Besides, it even works towards boosting the insulin sensitivity, which enhances testosterone levels. Insulin sensitivity or resistance can block the testosterone production in males, leading to chest fat. So, how to lose chest fat with turmeric? Here is the recipe:

Get these:

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 glass of water
  • A strainer


  1. Take 1 glass of water and next bring it to a boil. Then, add turmeric powder (1 tsp) to it and stir.
  2. Allow the turmeric to get infused in that boiling water for ten to fifteen minutes on low heat.
  3. Thereafter, strain this turmeric tea and drink this tea warm to reduce chest fat.
  4. Follow this process three times a day for one to two months to get rid of chest fat quickly.

Learn more: Health Advantages Of Turmeric For Humans

3. Milk Thistle

how to lose chest fat - milk thistle

Using milk thistle is also considered as the beneficial remedies for dealing with the enlarged chest in men. The silymarin, one unique flavonoid complex in milk thistle helps to cope with the chest fat in males that has occurred because of any liver disease or disorder. Besides, silymarin aids in treating the underlying reason of chest fat, thereby helps to burn chest fat effectively. Let’s see the recipe how to lose chest fat below:

Get these:

  • 1 tablespoon of milk thistle seeds
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • A strainer


  1. Grind the milk thistle seeds to form its powder. Then, bring 2 water glasses to a boil.
  2. Then, to the water add that milk thistle seeds powder and stir well.
  3. Leave the water to boil for fifteen to twenty minutes on low flame.
  4. Take it out of the heat and later strain it.
  5. After this, add 1 teaspoon of honey for taste and have this tea warm.
  6. It is recommended to repeat this process two times a day for three weeks to burn chest fat effectively and fast.

4. Flaxseeds

how to lose chest fat - flaxseeds

The omega 3 fatty acids present in flaxseeds promote testosterone levels in men, thereby avoiding enlarged chests. In addition, they comprise of concentrated forms of lignans that are an anti-estrogen property. This quality aids in balancing the activity of estrogen in men, leading to increased testosterone levels. So, how to lose chest fat with flaxseeds? Here are detailed guides how to lose chest fat fast:

Get these:

  • ½ teaspoon of flaxseeds
  • 1 cup of water


  1. Firstly, ground these flaxseeds into one fine powder. Next, take a cup of water and then, bring it to a boil.
  2. After that, add this flaxseeds powder into that water and stir well.
  3. Right after drink the flax seed- infused water warm.
  4. Repeat this home remedy about once a day for three weeks for best results.
  5. Another option is to add roasted flax seeds in the bread or cereals to reduce chest fat.

Learn more: 17 Health & Beauty Advantages Of Flaxseeds

5. Exercises For Chest Fat

how to lose chest fat - exercises for chest fat

Home-based exercises are also the best way to burn chest fat fast and effectively.  Cardiovascular exercise is highly suggested for dealing with the chest fat in males. There are a lot of variants of medium intensity and high intensity cardiovascular exercises that can be done easily using minimum workout equipments. Here are some cardiovascular exercises for burning the chest fat:

a. Pushup

The pushup is one basic exercise, which targets your upper body fat and tones your chest muscles fast as well. This exercise can be done anywhere, outdoors or indoors with one exercise mat for supporting your knees. Here are instructions:

  1. Start this exercise by getting into a plank position alongside hands shoulder width apart and balancing the lower body on your toes touching the ground.
  2. Keep in this plank position, keeping the stomach as well as back muscles tight.
  3. Lower the body down slowly till your chest almost attains the ground level or till your upper arms are in one 45 degrees position.
  4. Engage your core muscles and inhale while you lower the body and also exhale while you push yourself back in the initial position.
  5. Perform this exercise about 2 sets of ten to fifteen reps to reduce chest fat fast.

b. Squats

You can do this exercise anywhere as it needs free hand weights. Here are detailed guides:

  1. Begin this exercise by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Remember to don’t allow the knees to extend over toes.
  2. Keep the dumbbells with both your hands positioning them between the chest.
  3. Then, keep the back and chin straight, and now bend at your knees like you’re sitting on a chair.
  4. Hold a tight core throughout this session and lower yourself down slowly so that your thighs are parallel to your ground.
  5. Keep in this position for two to three seconds. After this, slowly come back to the original position.
  6. This exercise should be repeated 2 sets of ten to fifteen reps to burn chest fat

To get more our useful articles, you can visit our main How To page. You can easily burn your chest fat fast by following all the above-mentioned ways. If you know any other methods for burning chest fat, please share your views with us in the comments box below.

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