Vitamins provide essential nutrients to our body and maintain our good health. While we take all of essential vitamins from different sources, it is important to know where we seek these vitamins from as well as different benefits of each of them. Vitamin A which is necessary for strong bones, healthy hair, beautiful skin and good vision, is found in a wide variety of foods.
Especially, vitamin A is considered as one of the most used nutrients for a healthy skin. It has been used as useful treatments by normalizing skin functions. Vitamin A affects formation of the skin by modulating dermal growth elements, promoting epidermal differentiation, suppressing androgen formation as well as inhibiting sebaceous gland activity. Lack of vitamin A makes the skin become scaly, keratinized, leading suppressed mucus secretion. Besides, dry skin is also a common sign of lack of vitamin A, which often occurs as raised bumps on your arms’ back at first. Although this condition is believed to have no cure, increasing the consumption of vitamin A can be a successful treatment. Additionally, it develops cell turnover in our skin, so vitamin A is used to prevent the formation of comedonal acne. It also reduces the amount of oil producing from your skin, suppresses the formation of androgen Therefore, some drugs that are used to combat acne include a form of vitamin A as a main ingredient. Another benefit of vitamin A to your skin is the ability of reducing wrinkles and increasing blood flow to the skin’s surface. It actually boosts the deposition of collagen, and slows the normal aging breakdown of the elastin and collagen. With all of the benefits of vitamin A for skin, it is a wonderful vitamin we should make use it to get a beautiful skin.
Vitamin A is a powerful vitamin for skin. However, some its forms are ineffective, so you have to ensure to get the right kind. Vitamin A is a group of related nutrients, and each of them provides us with different health benefits in different condition. Vitamin A has two basic forms: carotenoids which are found in plan foods, and retinoids which is found in animal foods. It is believed that we need to eat both plant and animal foods in order to get both forms of vitamin A.
Getting vitamin A from food sources, which include a natural balance and variety of vitamin A and other nutrients is an useful way to get a healthy skin. In the article today, I would like to reveal some of the best vitamin A foods for skin in details so you should keep your head on the following interesting nutritional facts and food sources contain vitamin A that are good for our skin. They include:
1. Liver
This is the very first out of the best vitamin A foods for skin that I would like to introduce in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use for good!
Liver from any animal may not be your favorite food, but it is really the richest food source of vitamin A. Enjoy ¼ to ½ pound of liver 1-2 times per week or get desiccated liver capsules everyday is the one of the most effective to get enough vitamin A. Lamb and goat liver are a little milder than liver of beef,, so they are able to be a good way to eat liver easily. If you are not able to eat liver, an alternative source of vitamin A is fermented cod liver oil that comes in both capsule and liquid form. Just one-half teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil can give you a half of your daily vitamin A requirement. In case you are not consuming any other animal products, you need to take up to a full teaspoon of this oil each day. Everyone from babies, the pregnant to the elderly can benefit by getting a top quality cod liver oil.However, remember that not eating liver products too much or getting smaller portions of them. If you consume supplements containing vitamin A, ensure that your intake does not exceed 1.5 mg per day. In case you take liver every week, do not use supplements containing vitamin A.
Liver is really a great source of vitamin A for skin problems, so try it out!
2. Carrot
When people think of vitamin A, the first thing appears in their mind is carrot. A cup of chopped carrots will provide 334 per cent of your average vitamin A need. Besides, it is also an excellent source magnesium, fiber as well as vitamins C, K, and B. And the best way to make use of most of the nutrients is to use its raw, sliced and then tossed in juice or salads.
This is, in fact, one of the best vitamin A foods for skin that people should learn and make use of to get healthy and beautiful skin.
3. Pumpkin
This ingredient is a great source of vitamin A. When you consume per 100 grams of pumpkin, you will be provided 170% of your vitamin A need. The pumpkin can be used to make pies, soups, snacks. In fact, this is also among the list of vitamin A foods for skin so that people should add more of this healthy ingredient into the daily diet to get healthy skin.This is also a great one on the list of vitamin A foods for skin that people should not look down but learn and consider adding pumpkin into the daily diet as soon as possible.
4. Sweet Potato
Winter time is the right season to enjoy this ingredient. And if you want to fulfill the requirements of daily vitamin A, you can try to consume sweet potato. It is demonstrated that one medium sweet potato offers 438% of the average vitamin A requirement for the day without adding more calories to the daily diet.You can steam and sprinkle it with a bit spices, make warm salads, nourishing soups or snacks.
Continue reading to discover other vitamin A foods for skin and find out how to make use of natural ingredients to have beautiful and glowing skin with ease!
5. Tomato
Another one on the list of vitamin A foods for skin that I would like to reveal in this article today and want my all readers to learn and consider adding it to your daily diet is tomato. This is one of the most popularly used ingredients in cuisine. It is low in calories but high in minerals. Besides, it is also one of the best sources of vitamins, including vitamin A. Just one medium tomato will provide you about 20% of your vitamin A requirement for the day.
6. Red Bell Pepper
Vitamin A is widely available in food sources, especially in those that are red, orange and yellow in color and of course, red bell pepper is also among them. The red color of this ingredient makes it become a source of carotenoids and antioxidants. You can toss it into different salads or team it along with some other veggies in stir-fries. Add red pepper to your dishes throughout the day and see the positive difference in both your meals’ flavor and your overall health. A teaspoon of this ingredients accounts for 42% of the recommended value of vitamin A per day.
7. Parsley And Other Herbs
Some people like sprinkling chopped parsley on almost what they eat from grilled meats to toasts. Apart from boosting your flavor, it also brings a high source of vitamin A. And other herbs that are rich in vitamin A you can take in such as coriander, basil, thyme, etc.
These are also great foods containing Vitamin A that we can easily add to our daily dieting to get a healthy skin. You should also keep your head to discover other vitamin A foods for skin
8.Green Leafy Veggies
Vegetables are a vital source of vitamin A, especially dark green veggies. It is one of reasons why the older told us to eat full of the greens on our plates. They include essential nutrients as well as vitamins, especially vitamin A. Moreover, it also provides manganese, calcium, iron, vitamin C and K. You can meet your daily need of vitamin A by consuming a single serving of spinach. Otherwise, make a broth of all of them together, and then drinking it in the early morning. It will be the power drink to help you get enough energy to start a new day. Apart from spinach, lettuce, kale and mustard greens are some other green leaves that include high levels of vitamin A.This is actually also one out of the best vitamin A foods for skin that a lot of people in the world love and have been making use to deal with skin problems.
9. Fish
Consuming fish will help you get a variety of vitamins and other nutrients. It concludes preformed vitamin A. Some studies have said that adding fish in the daily diet can help you get a good health. This is in brief one of the best vitamin A foods for skin so that people should not look down yet try to make use by adding more fish to the daily diet and enjoy a good skin.
10. Dairy Products
They are yogurt, cheese and milk that can offer a huge amount of vitamin A. Some studies show that one cup of milk gives us 10-14% of the daily suggested amount of vitamin A; while one ounce of cheese gives 1-6% of our daily vitamin A need.This is also one of the best vitamin A foods for skin that people should learn and make use for good, especially those who have skin problems.
11. Fruits
This is the last but very important out of the best vitamin A foods for skin that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to make use of these fruits if they are wanting to add vitamin A to your daily diet. Firstly, mango is considered as a king of fruits. Both sweet and juicy mangoes have a place on dessert plates and even main dishes. Mango is also a great source of vitamin A that provides 36% of the daily amount of vitamin A needs. Besides, in case you want to get a quick supplement of vitamin A, add a medium-sized peach in your daily diet, because it will provide over 10% vitamin A of the daily recommended value a person needs. Papaya is a tropical fruit that is rich in vitamin A. Just one small piece of papaya can provide 29% of the daily suggested value. It is often eaten raw (minus the seeds, leaves and skin), but it can be a good ingredient in salads and smoothies. Some other fruits such as apricot, cantaloupe also have high level of vitamin A.
It is also believed that we need to eat both plant and animal foods in order to get both forms of vitamin A. However, in some cases, it is not true. This is due to the fact that with many individuals, carotenoid forms of vitamin A are just converted into retinoid forms under certain conditions. Therefore, if you avoid animal foods, and your body can cover effectively, you can obtain more retinoid forms by taking in plant foods that are rich in carotenoids, even though all of these plant foods do not provide directly any retinoid forms of vitamin A. If your body can not do this conversion effectively, you have to either add more animal foods in your diet or get this form of vitamin A by adding dietary supplements. Remember that Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so the body can store it up if necessary. It means that you can get a great amount of vitamin A one day a week, and you will be with enough vitamin A until next week. Besides, although vitamin A has a lot of benefits for human health, including skin health, it is still dangerous if you take in too much of it. Once the storage capacity of your liver is all used up, there are a lot of bad effects occurring with your health. Therefore, do not take vitamin as a pill unless there is a careful direction of your doctor. Instead, consume vitamin A from food sources, which include a natural balance and variety of forms of vitamin A.
Another thing that I hope you and my other readers to do after reading this entire writing about list of vitamin A foods for skin is to spend time reading another article that introduces some best minerals and vitamins that are good for oily skin- the Minerals & Vitamins For Oily Skin Control – 5 Best Solutions article. This is actually an interesting gathering that everyone who owns an oily skin may be interested in so that readers of VKool.com should read this recommended article to get a more beautiful skin. In fact, the tips and tricks revealed in this article are 100% based on nature so that readers should not concern about the possible side effects that can harm your skin when making use of these remedies at home.
This is the list of vitamin A foods for skin that everyone who wants to get natural vitamin A from food sources should read and add them to the daily diet. It is definitely possible to get a beautiful skin by eating foods containing vitamin A without any side effects. I hope that with the entire article, I will help you make sure to meet your vitamin A requirements for your skin as well as for your overall health. After reading this list and discover what kind of foods contain natural vitamin A, if you feel that this article is good or can also help other people around you, especially who are struggling with one or more of the skin problems I mentioned in this article, you should share this list with them and encourage them to add these foods o their own daily diet. One more thing, as an author of VKool, I hope that I can know your feelings as well as your thoughts about this topic, remember to leave your feedback below, I will reply you as soon as possible.
List of related articles about food sources of other vitamins as well as other good vitamins for skin that you may be interested in:
10 Best Food Sources Of Vitamin C
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Best Minerals And Vitamins For Clear Skin Complexion
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