For most men in the entire world, summer means relaxing at the beach or by the pool and watching girls rocking their bikinis. However, do not forget that this means that other women are also watching you. Therefore, before tearing off that shirt you are wearing, please make sure that your chest is worth all the attention. You can try to achieve strong, attractive and muscular chest and get rid of the man boobs by practicing and performing your chest workout routine every day. With commitment and persistency, you will soon receive all the admiring looks from other women as well as jealous eyes from other unfortunate men. If that is the goal of your summer, please keep reading. In this article, you will discover some wonderful and effective ultimate chest workouts at home or gym that target your chest muscles, giving you what you have always wanted.
Ultimate Chest Workout Routine – Target Your Chest Muscles At Home Or Gym
1. Floor Press
– Find a flat surface and lie on your back. Place two kettlebells next to your shoulders.
– Put one on your chest and then the other. Use the palms of your hands to grip the kettlebell on their handles, keeping your palms facing forwards.
– Straighten both of your arms, making sure that you are holding the kettlebells above the chest. Bring one kettlebell down, moving it to the chest then turn your wrist in the same direction of the kettlebell which was locked out.
– Lift the kettlebell up then repeat this step on the opposite side.
– Keep doing this ultimate chest workout until you finish all the recommended reps.
2. Around The World
– Find a flat bench then lie down on your back. Each hand holds a dumbbell, facing the palms of your hands towards the ceiling. A little tip for you: Remember to make sure that your arms are parallel to the ground as well as close to your thighs. In order to avoid injury, be sure that your elbows slightly bend during this exercise. This is your starting position.
– Start to create a semi circle as you are displacing the dumbbells from the starting position to over your head to move them. During the performance of all movement, your arms should be parallel to the ground. Breathe in while performing this step of the exercise.
– Reverse the movement in order to get the weight back to the initial position while breathing out.
– Keep doing this ultimate chest workout until you finish all the recommended reps.
3. Barbell Bench Press
– Find a flat bench then lie on your back. With a medium width grip, which creates a 90 degree angle between the upper arms and forearms in the middle of this movement, lift the bar off the rack then hold it straight over you using your hands. Remember to lock both of your arms. This is your starting position.
– From the starting point, breathe in then start to slowly lower the bar down until it touches the middle chest.
– Briefly pause then push it back to the initial position as you are breathing out. Concentrate on pushing it up with the chest muscles. Remember to keep your arms locked and your chest squeezed at the top of this motion in a contracted position. Hold this position for a second then start to slowly lower it down again. A little tip for you: It is good if lowering the weight takes about twice as long as lifting it up.
– Repeat this ultimate chest workout until you finish all the recommended reps.
– If this is your first time to perform this exercise, it is necessary to use a spotter. However, if you do not have a spotter in hand, you should be conservative with the amount of weight that you are going to use.
– Moreover, be careful not to let the bar drift too far forward. The only place you would want the bar to touch is your middle chest.
– Finally, try not to bounce the weight off the chest. You need to hold full control of the barbell during the exercise.
4. Barbell Guillotine Bench Press
– Find a flat bench then lie on your back. With a medium width grip, which creates a 90 degree angle between the upper arms and forearms in the middle of this movement), lift the bar off the rack then hold it straight over you using your hands. Remember to lock both of your arms. This is your starting position.
– As you are breathing in, slowly lower the bar until there is a distance of about 1 inch between your neck and the bar.
– Pause for one second then lift the bar back to the initial point as you are breathing out. After that, use the chest muscles to push the bar. Keep your arms locked and your chest squeezed in the contracted position. Hold this position for a second then begin to slowly lower it down again. Lowering it down should take at least twice as long as lifting it up.
– Repeat this ultimate chest workout until you finish all the recommended reps.
– When you are finished, remember to put the bar back to the rack.
– If this is your first time to perform this exercise, it is necessary to use a spotter. However, if you do not have a spotter in hand, you should be conservative with the amount of weight that you are going to use.
– Moreover, be careful not to let the bar drift too far forward. You would want the distance between your neck and the bar to be about 1 inch.
– It is necessary to hold full control of the barbell during this exercise.
5. Barbell Incline Bench Press
– Find an incline bench and lie on your back. With a medium width grip, which creates a 90 degree angle between the upper arms and forearms in the middle of this movement), lift the bar off the rack then hold it straight over you using your hands. Remember to lock both of your arms. This is your starting position.
– As you are breathing in, try to slowly lower the bar down until it touches the upper chest.
– Pause for about a second then start to lift it back to the starting position while breathing out. After that, use the chest muscles to push the bar. Keep your arms locked and your chest squeezed in the contracted position. Hold this position still for about a second then start to lower it down slowly again. A little tip for you: lowering the bar down should take at least twice as long as lifting it up.
– Repeat this ultimate chest workout until you finish all the recommended reps.
– When you are finished, always remember to put the bar back in the rack.
– If this is your first time to perform this exercise, it is necessary to use a spotter. However, if you do not have a spotter in hand, you should be conservative with the amount of weight that you are going to use.
– Moreover, be careful not to let the bar drift too far forward. The only place you would want the bar to touch is your upper chest.
Variations: If the incline bench you are using is adjustable, it is possible to use several other angles.
6. Behind Head Chest Stretch
– Find a flat surface then sit upright on the ground. Ask your partner to stand behind you.
– Put your hands behind your head. After that, start to push your elbows backwards as far as possible. At this point, your partner is the one holding your elbows. This is your starting position.
– Try to gently pull your elbows forward, keeping your hands still behind your head for more than 10 seconds. Your partner is responsible for preventing your elbows from moving.
– Now, start to rest your muscles. Your partner will need to gently pull your elbows back as far as it is comfortable for you. Remember to make sure that your partner knows how to properly stretch your elbows in order to prevent any unexpected injuries.
That is the end of this article, hopefully you will be able to discover interesting and effective ultimate chest workout routine at home or gym that target your chest muscles, giving you an attractive muscular chest and the chance to attract girls.
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