Have you ever thought about the ways to make you become more intelligent? Do you think that the habits in routine day can boost your capacity of the brain? In fact, a research shows that there are a lot of ways to improve your intelligence by doing small things. Many simple ways that you may not expect ever can remarkably contribute to get smarter. Therefore, on Vkool.com, I would like to introduce to you some tips on how to get smarter fast every day. I hope that you will enjoy them.
How To Get Smarter – Discover 16 Fast Tips
1. Drink 2 Glasses Of Water Within 30 Minutes Of Waking Up
We all know the importance of water to our health. We need to complement the certain amount of water to body after a long night, because during the period of sleeping (6-9 hours), our body has not gotten water. Water has main function of filtering waste products and balancing fluid. Therefore, two big glasses of water are needed to make up for the fluid deficit after sleeping. The experts recommended that we should drink more water to increase the ability of mental tasks. Therefore, you should remember to drink water at the beginning of the day.
2. Read A Book Summary During Breakfast
It is quite interesting to read books, however the time for breakfast is quite short. Therefore, it is suggested to read something shorter. You should read the book summaries instead of new articles or something like that. It is easy to find book summaries by googgling.
3. Listen To Stimulating Podcasts Or Audiobooks During Your Commute
There are a lot of different good sources that you can download for your phone such as ted talks, blinkist, audiobook, podcast… You can take advantage of 10 minutes during commute. If you have to elbow others in the bus and suffer from noise, listen such things will be the best solutions for you.
4. Drink Green Tea While Working
L-theanine is found in green tea. The research shows that the alpha brain wave can be enhanced by this amino acid. It means that green tea can offer the comfort and the relaxed focus that doesn’t cause the sleepiness, but coffee does. In other words, L-theanine is considered as an important element for relaxation and cardiovascular health.
5. Take Naps During The Day
Napping can help refresh your mind. According to the research, take a nap can increase your learning speed. Napping is a way to regain the energy for the mind and the body. Normally, people tend to be sleepy between noon and 4 PM. So, napping is to improve the focus, alertness and productivity for the day’s rest.
6. Don’t Take Sugar During The Day
Instead of some sugar or sweets intake during the lunch, you can alter by fish, eggs…You had better cut it during the day or do not use it when you need the focus, because the fluctuation of sugar level has the negative impact on the brain function.
7. Read A Book Instead Of Watching TV
Reading book is considered as the active exercises for the brain, because it requires your brain to work and process the information and images that you have just received. Meanwhile, watching TV or video entertainment is quite passive.
8. Do Some Exercises During The Day
There is a strong connection between the body and the mind. The brain works well thanks to the physical activities. Just doing some push-ups, walking or skipping some stairs are enough, don’t need to go to the gym. You should do some physical activities as much as possible at anytime, anywhere.
9. Spend Time With Someone Smarter Than You
In fact, one of the fastest ways to get smarter is to talk or hang out with someone who is more intelligent and brilliant than you. You may suppose that it lowers your self-esteem; however it will encourage you to strive and learn more. You can gain a lot from them, so let’s be close with smart people.
10. Study New Language
One of the tips on how to get smarter fast everyday is to study a new language. You do not need to master a new language, if your work does not require it. Let’s learn in the most comfortable way, because the natural excess with new language can bring you inspiration and the interest to learn more about it. Maybe, when you find it interesting, you will try to discover more about its culture and customs. That can help you broaden your knowledge.
11. Write Down What You Learn
You don’t need to write a diary about events or your mood, but you should spend some minutes to write down what you learned. It is recommended that just write 400 words a day is ok. Write in hand will help you remember longer than typing. Try to follow this habit.
12. Be Smarter About Your Online Time
You will not be smarter if you are online to check social networking such as comment or discuss. The Internet provides us a huge source of learning materials at all the fields. Therefore, you can both gain the knowledge and get the entertainment.
13. Go For A Walk
There are a lot of benefits from walking through nature. First, walking is good for blood circulation. Moreover, you can breathe fresh air because plants produce more oxygen. That makes your mind fresh, so you will be smarter for the rest of the day.
14. Eat Right
The diet also plays an important role on how to get smarter every day. You should supplement nutrient like ginko biloba to support for brain and improve memory. And remember that you intake enough fats but not too much, cholesterol and fats are two elements for the brain to function well, in the contrary, maintain a poor diet will make you exhausted. You can add some kind of foods that aid the brain function and memory such as broccoli, spinach, berries, fish, tomatoes…
15. Draw
Drawing is considered as one of the best tips on how to get smarter fast. Drawing can help you enhance your creativity. It is a unique way to cultivate the brain activity. Besides aiding for the coordination of hands and eyes, the memory can be stored vividly.
16. Play An Instrument
Playing an instrument is extremely beneficial for brain. It needs the gather of a lot of skills such as hand-eye coordination, memory, concentration and mathematic skill that improve your cognition. During the time of playing instrument, it requires many regions of brain to work at the same time to create music. This is an effective tip on how to get smarter fast every day.
In summary, I have just introduced you 16 tips on how to get smarter every day. I hope that you will find them interesting and apply them into reality. Please, join us the discussion and leave the comments, we will reply as soon as possible.
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