List Of 22 Good Parenting Skills & Their Benefits To The Child

good parenting skills

Updates: 07/7/2025

It’s not easy to teach your toddler to become well-behaved. Educating children is an art of parents. Read this article to know a list of 22 good parenting skills and their benefits to the child and become a good parent.

22 Good Parenting Skills And Their Benefits To The Child

1. Know Where Your Kid Is 

Toddlers need to be close to their parents. But any case, you must know where your kid is, who he is playing with and when he will be home. In other words, you must make sure about the safeness of your child.

2. Make Sure That Your Kid Have A Healthy Diet

Toddlers need healthy meals to have normal growth, including both the physical and mental development. If their diet is high in fat or calories, they may have obesity. If toddlers’ diet is poor at calories, nutrients and essential minerals and vitamin, they can’t reach maximum height, weight and intelligence like other kids. In addition, parents also control eating habit in kid. If you continue feeding your child, he may continue eating.

3. Show Your Love

Parents have to care for physical health and mental health in toddlers because the lack of parent’s love can lead to some social syndromes in children like autism, anxiety and shyness in the near future.

Spend time talking to your toddlers, asking him about toys, members in the family, pets, fruits and so on.

Sing a song with your kid, dance with him or teach him to repeat your words. They are some of hundred ways to show your love to your sweetie.

4. Minimize Pressure

What we pressure to toddlers? Simply, you should not shout at your kid and force him to eat if they are full, crying or having panic attacks.

Instead of making your toddler get fear, why don’t you observe whether your kid is uncomfortable, then make him change his better mood.

5. Accept Your Kid Anyway

When your kid grows, he will have a certain personality trait. Respect your toddle’s individuality is a great thing parents can do for him. When notice a feature of his temperament, don’t label it as it can encourage bad behavior in your child. Instead of that, you should nurture his personality by showing the way to get confident and be himself. All strong-willed children have perseverance. Build on their strength by encouraging them to play with challenging toys.

6. Minimize Rules

It’s necessary to enforce rules to your child when it comes to issues like learning time, bedtime, tooth brushing or TV watching.

Rules are good for children but many rules can make kids fight against those rules. So, instead of creating many rules, minimize some and focus on how to help your child follow practical rules.

Sometimes, make exceptions.

To discover more deeply about parenting skills, The Christian Parenting Handbook is the best guide you should read.

7. Skip The Drama parenting skills skip the drama

As a parent, you should calmly explain the consequences. If your kid starts overheating, put off that conversation, then explain why. Next, tell your child that you will talk to him when the sulking and yelling stops. Remember to ignore your kid in the meantime.

8. Correct Mistakes, Don’t Scold

As a good parent, you should correct the mistakes your child made. Scolding can’t not make the situation better, even make it worse. So, make sure that you reprimand his behavior, not your child. Avoid using demeaning and disrespectful tone. Plus, don’t reprimanding him in front of his friends or in public. He will get embarrassed and hate you so much. He is just a toddler but he is aware of this thing and you shouldn’t pass away one of these good parenting skills.

Be consistent when you enforce limits. Whatever disciplinary tactic you choose, relate the consequences to the broken rule and deliver them

9. Set A Positive Example

Remember that toddlers learn behavior by watching the way parents behave. Your actions can be stronger than your words. Thus, set positive examples and your kid will follow your lead.

Read on: Manifesto of Strength to teach your child knowledge of personal development.

10. Limit Game Playing & TV Watching

You can set a TV in your kid’s room but control times of TV watching and TV programs. Similarly, you must control game playing in children because in modern life, most children like game, and they won’t go far from game screen until you force him to do. Therefore, make a strict rule to allow him watching TV shows and playing games in certain time everyday.

Moreover, sitting in front of game or TV screen is not good for toddlers’ eyes. Do not encourage your kid to play in door. Instead of that, encourage him to have a talk with you, ask him to play card games with you, tell him a tale story or guide him to do homework, even you can request him to help you do household work. Why not, parents?

11. Insist On Respect parenting skills insist on respect

Teach your kid good communication and skills to respect for yourself and others. Teach him on how to handle or control his anger so that he won’t physically or verbally abuse to someone.

Many parents don’t have much time to close to their children and they don’t know how your kid can act like that. Perhaps, he forms bad habits at his school. The things you need to do are paying more attention to his behavior at home. If you identify any bad behavior of him, explain why he shouldn’t treat like that. In another way, you can report to his teacher to observe him and stop his worse behaviors.

12. Be Radically Consistent

Be sure that your kid knows whether you promise a consequence for bad or good behavior every time. Do not say it if you are not going to do it. And you should do to expect the same for your toddler.

13. Know And Understand Your Toddler Deeply

As a good parent, you should know what your toddler is thinking, what he expects, what are his passions and dreams. Then, you can make a bonding with your child. When there is an understanding between a child and his parents, you will be able to educate him more easily. He, therefore, will be able to develop all his intelligence and express his good behavior with everyone.

To discover more deeply about parenting skills, The Christian Parenting Handbook is the best guide you should read.

14. Prevent Tantrums

To prevent tantrums from your toddler, remain calm, then distract him. Remember to ignore crying, but if the child kicks and screams long, remove him from his situation. You can hold him, give him time alone, then he will cool down.

Normally, toddlers have tantrums and you can stop his common behavior by some good parenting skills as follows:

  • Explain why he should stop hitting and crying. Actually, many toddlers misbehave because they don’t understand or don’t know how to do what you are asking him.
  • Say “No”! Don’t try to satisfy your child anything he wants. Say “no’ so certain things he wants like buying toys, eating candy and so on.
  • Offer your toddler some different choices to encourage his independence such as letting him choose a bedtime tale story or a pair of pajamas.
  • Avoid situations that trigger tantrums. For instance, don’t give him toy that is not suitable for him or don’t let him sit still or stay along a single activity. In addition, toddlers are easy to act out when they are sick, hungry, or fell uncomfortable. Thus, parents should consider these situation that trigger tantrums from their toddlers.
  • Besides, as a good parent, try to make something fun for your kid to prevent his tantrums such as playing games, watching TV shows and so on.
  • Stick with your schedule to teach your toddler so that he will follow this daily routine well.
  • Plus, parents can have conversation with toddlers to make him react and avoid frustration.

15. Enforce Consequences parenting skills enforce consequences

If many efforts to improve your toddler’s behavior failed, he can break all rules, you should consider the following good parenting skills to encourage your kid to cooperate:

  • Let your kid see consequences of his actions as long as they are not dangerous. In case, you kid breaks or throws toys, he will have those toys to play with anymore.
  • Create logical consequences for your toddler. For instance, tell your kid why he does not pick up his toy and you will pick up that toy away. Help him with this task, if possible. If he does not cooperate, follow the consequence.
  • If your toddler does not respond by taking away a favorite toy, for instance that is related to his misbehavior. Remember not to take away essential things the child needs, like a meal.
  • If he acts out, you can give him a warning. If his poor behaviors continue, guide him to a timeout spot such as a quiet place without distractions. You can enforce some minutes of the timeout for children of different ages. If he resists, hold him gently but in your lap or by shoulders. Be sure that the child understands why he is in the timeout. Then, guide the kid to positive activities.

16. Take A Look At Your Expectation

All parents hope a bright future for their child that he will become. So, what you expect from him, try to educate him right. For instance, to teach him to be honest, you must be an example first. To help him become an artist, learn to paint with him. To help him become a singer, learn to sing with him. To help him become a piano player, learn to play this instrument with him and a lot of other dreams for your toddlers.

17. Joking Helps

joking helps

According to a report from the Social Research Council in 2025, joking with your child can help in setting the social success. When parents joke, it gives young children a tool to make friends, develop creativity and release stress. So, play with your kid and make things funny, and he or she will thank you later.

To discover more deeply about parenting skills, The Christian Parenting Handbook is the best guide you should read.

18. Manage Anger manage anger

Distract yourself by signing or counting to yourself in order to take your mind off annoyance. When you feel you’re going to blow, get out of the room or do anything, such as drinking water or eating snacks or doing stuff until you have controlled yourself.

Keep in mind that if you shout and fill your kid’s head with violent or negative thoughts and images, you will reinforce negative behaviors.

Discover: Anger Management Techniques

19. Nurture Your Marriage

If you are a parent, try to improve the relationship with your partner; don’t let it fall by wayside as your baby is born. According to a research from Child Development Journal published in May, 2025, parents who have marital instability, like contemplating divorce, set their infants up for many troubles in childhood. The study is also shown that when parents have troubles in their marriage, this also contributes to sleeping problems in their babies from 9 to 18 months old. In addition, it may be that a troubled house is a stressful house and that is the cause of sleep problems and other mental troubles in children.

Read on: Common Marriage Problems

20. Don’t Aim For The Perfection don't aim for the perfection

Nobody is perfect; hence, do not torture yourself for something impossible, especially new parents. Some believe that society expects the perfection from them, so they get less confident and more stressed in their parenting skills, according to a research released by the Journal Personality & Individual Different in 2025. And no wonder! You can make an effort to ignore this stress or pressure. Find yourself a relaxed parent.

21. Let Kid Be More Independent 

When young birds are ready to fly, let them out of the nest, let them fly by themselves. Normally, parents seem to be anxious and self-conscious for their children’s ability. But give your child opportunities that he or she can face up with difficulties in life such as learning to pick up foods, learning to brush teeth, learning to dress clothes by themselves, and so on.

22. Monitor Your Behavior monitor your behavior

No surprise here! Parents should express good behavior and positive emotions toward their children and handle them well. According to a study, children can form habits from their parents, including both good and bad habits. The report showed that the behavioral aggression in 5 year-old children can be associated with the aggression later in their lives. So if you are an angry parent, break free. It can ease these troubles in the long run. For more details, you can follow some of easy tips and tricks below:

– Get yourself to a new frame of mind

– Write a behavior diary and monitor the effects of your behavior to your children

– Learn to feel happy

– Take steps to change your positive behavior to your child

I’ve introduced the list of 22 good parenting skills and their benefits to the child. Actually, they are basic tips and rules. In addition to these parenting disciplines, you can ask your friends and other parents to find out suitable ways to help your toddlers behave well.

As usual, I welcome all your comments on this article!

To discover more deeply about parenting skills, The Christian Parenting Handbook is the best guide you should read.

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