Contact dermatitis is a skin problem like a rash that appears when your skin exposure to a substance that inflames your skin. It includes two types: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis, in which the irritant contact dermatitis is more popular because the risk factor of this form is exposure to the inciting substance to unprotected skin, allergic reaction, nutritional deficiencies, accumulation of toxins in the body, certain environmental conditions. The typical symptoms and signs of contact dermatitis are the appearance of the weepy, oozy, red, and elevated rash on your skin where contacts directly with the inciting substance. The people with contact dermatitis can feel itching, swelling, and burning. More seriously, it can get blisters, scaling, and crusting. The question is what you should do if you have contact dermatitis?
Useful Tips On How To Treat Contact Dermatitis Naturally, Effectively, And Safely
There are many ways to treat contact dermatitis including natural home remedies and medication. If you prefer natural home remedies for contact dermatitis to medication, this writing may be useful for your requirement.
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And you also visit our website, to find more information about this topic and other related topics. For this topic, all the ingredients that are used to treat contact dermatitis in this writing are very popular and easy to find out in your kitchen. Let’s see the following tips:
1. Cool Compress:
Contact dermatitis is not difficult to treat and there are always small tricks to improve this condition.
This is the easiest and simplest way on how to treat contact dermatitis naturally. For this treatment, you need a clean cloth and soak in the saline solution. Remove the excess water from the cloth and apply it to your affected skin. This solution can be helpful for inflammation and itching that caused by contact dermatitis.
Read more: vanish eczema book from Lee Gardner
2. Coconut Oil:
As we know, coconut oil has the amazing antimicrobial and moisturizing properties that can be very useful for dermatitis, in particularly contact dermatitis. Using coconut oil can help to reduce the redness, dryness, and scaling quickly. The way to do is very simple. You only need to use warm coconut oil to apply gently on the infected skin. You should use virgin coconut oil daily before sleeping to get the best result.
3. Homemade Healing Balm:
This balm is the mixture of different natural ingredients that are very good for contact dermatitis. If you are finding the new recipes that are effective in treating contact dermatitis, this homemade healing balm recipe may be good. All the ingredients you need are:
1 part of jojoba oil,
1 part of beeswax granules
2 part of almond oil
Some drops of organic essential oil like lavender, blue chamomile, tea tree oil
Firstly, you need to make beeswax, almond oil, jojoba oil melt completely together in a small pan with a low heat. When they are melted, you remove from the heat and wait for a while before adding the essential oil to the mixture so as to denature the oils. Some essential oil can be used for more fragrance. And then, stir the mixture well to mix all the ingredients together completely. The time for stirring can be about 5 minutes or more. It depends on the quantities of your balm. When you finish this step, you need to spoon this balm into a clean sterilized dark blue glass jar. You can apply this balm to your infected skin at night or whenever you can do. This balm can help to reduce inflammation, itching, and fight the infection caused by contact dermatitis.
4. Oatmeal:
This solution is very effective in treating skin irritation, rashes, and itching. At the same time, it also helps to make your skin moisturized and soft. With this remedy, you use a cup of finely powdered oatmeal to mix in the warm bath water and soak yourself in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes. This solution should be repeated daily within a month to get the desired effect. If the oatmeal is not available, you can use baking soda for replacement with the same way. Both oatmeal and baking soda are considered the effective ways on how to treat contact dermatitis naturally that you can apply easily.
5. Plantain:
Plantain leaves are also one of the best ways on how to treat contact dermatitis naturally and effectively that we want to show you. They contain a lot of tannins with its properties of healing and hemostatic. Besides that, they are also very high in allantoin that is good for stimulating the growth of skin cells as well as replacing the damaged skin. If you have the creams with these ingredients, you can use it for treating contact dermatitis. If not, you can use fresh leaves for replacement. You only wash the fresh leaves and apply them to your wound. It can help to heal and prevent the risk of infection well.
6. Raspberry:
If you are wondering whether the way on how to treat dermatitis naturally with raspberry is good or not, you can feel free because raspberry also contains tannins and ascorbic acid, benzoic, caffeine as well as minerals like zinc with its vulnerary and astringent properties that are very useful for many skin problems like contact dermatitis and heal the wounds, itching, acne, and other skin problems. You can use about 5 tablespoons of dried raspberry leaves to boil with 1 liter of water and leave it on for about 15 minutes or more. Use this liquid to wash the infected area daily until it gets better.
7. Chamomile:
Chamomile is known to be quite good for our health as well as our beauty. It has antiseptic and vulnerary properties thanks to some ingredients like gentisic acid, chamazulene, apigenin that can help fix the skin conditions very well. With this remedy, you need some dried flowers to boil with 2 liters of water for about 15 minutes. You should use a clean cloth to soak in the liquid and remove the excess water to get a wet compress and apply on the affected area.
Here are some ways on how to treat dermatitis naturally that we want to show you. We hope that these home remedies can be helpful for you. If you have any question or idea for this topic, you can leave your comment in the following form of this writing.
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