Lymph nodes or also known as lymph glands are an important part of our immune systems. They aid our body to recognize and then fight germs as well as other foreign substances. Lymph nodes are often located in some areas such as around the neck, behind the ears, under the chin and jaw, on the back of the head, the groin, and the armpits.
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When the lymph nodes are swollen, it can lead to a health problem known as lymphadenitis or lymphadenopathy. A swollen lymph node can range from pea to egg size. They are a sign that your body has something wrong. The common cause of this condition is an infection, which includes an ear infection, abscessed tooth, measles, common cold, tonsillitis, mononucleosis, gingivitis and skin infections. Besides, some certain autoimmune or immune disorders such as lupus and HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and certain medications can also be causes of swollen lymph nodes.
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How To Treat Swollen Lymph Nodes – Top Home Remedies:
Increasing in size, swollen lymph nodes can be more tender and painful. Besides, depending on the cause, its symptoms may be a sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, night sweats, swollen limb and other general health conditions.
In order to help you treat swollen lymph nodes, in this article, I will reveal the list of home remedies on how to treat swollen lymph nodes in details, so you should keep your head on the How To page. They are:
1. Warm Compresses
This is the first out of the best tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes that I would like to introduce in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use for good!
This home remedy will help you reduce swelling of the lymph nodes. The hot temperature aids to increase blood circulation, which in turn relieves swelling and pain. At first, you need to dip a cloth in hot water and squeeze the excess water. Next, you place this washcloth on your swollen lymph glands for 5-10 minutes. You need to do this remedy a few times a day until you can see the swelling disappears. Besides, you can also wash the swollen lymph nodes with warm water several times daily to fasten the healing process.
Warm compresses are actually an effective treatment for swollen lymph nodes, so try it out!
2. Salt Water
A salt water gargle may be useful to reduce the inflammation and swelling in the swollen area in the neck caused by throat infection.
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Besides, it also helps the swollen glands reduce in size. You need to mix ½ tsp of salt in a cup of lukewarm water. Next, you gargle with this mixture to get a relief. Repeat this remedy several times daily for about a week.
This is in fact one of the most effective ways on how to treat swollen lymph nodes naturally, so people should learn and make use of this method for good.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
It is another one of the best home remedies how to treat swollen lymph nodes. It will help you create an alkaline environment and simultaneously keep the pH level healthy in the body. Besides, its antibacterial substance will help you fight infections that may be cause of this condition.
At first, you mix equal amounts of water and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Dip a washcloth in this mixture and then apply it on your swollen lymph nodes. You need to wait for 5 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water and then let it dry. Repeat this home remedy 1-2 times daily.
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Alternatively, you can also mix 1 tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar and a few drops of raw honey in a cup of water. Drink this solution every morning before having breakfast in order to relieve the swelling that happens around the lymph nodes.
Learn More: Medical And Common Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar Are Exposed
4. Garlic
Garlic includes anti-inflammatory properties that are able to help you relieve swelling in your lymph nodes. This food helps you cleanse the internal organs in the human body, reduce symptoms as well as promote healing.
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You need to eat 2-3 raw garlic cloves every day in order to make your lymph nodes stay away from swelling. Alternatively, you can add garlic to your cooking to help your lymph nodes stay away from the viruses and the bacteria. Another way for you to treat swollen lymph nodes is to use garlic oil to massage your swollen areas for several minutes, 2-3 times a day. Otherwise, you can take 6 garlic supplement capsules every day, after seeing your doctor.
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5. Castor Oil
You can use cold-pressed castor oil, which includes analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties in order to relieve swelling in your lymph nodes. Castor oil improves the stream of lymph throughout your body, boosting the removal of toxins and reducing the size of your swollen lymph glands. Besides, this oil also boosts your immune system.
In order to use castor oil for swollen lymph nodes, you need to gently rub some castor oil on your swollen areas for about 5 minutes. Next, you place a warm compress on the swollen areas for 5-10 minutes. Apply this home remedy 1-2 times daily for a week. In fact, this is one of the best and most useful tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes that we would like to introduce in this entire article and want our readers to learn and apply for good!
6. Turmeric
This therapeutic herb is known for being effective in reducing the swelling of your enlarged lymph nodes. It includes analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that will help you relieve pain and swelling. Besides, turmeric can also fight infections and boost healing.
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At first, you need to mix 1 tbsp of turmeric powder with a little honey to create a paste. Apply this solution on your enlarged lymph nodes, wait for 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this home remedy twice a day for a week. Alternatively, you can consider drinking a cup of warm turmeric milk twice a day. Another option for you is to take turmeric supplement after seeing your doctor. Turmeric can thin the blood, so individuals who taking blood-thinning medications should avoid using it.
In fact, this is also among the most effective ways on how to treat swollen lymph nodes at home, so people should follow this home remedy daily to get a relief naturally.
Read More: Fresh Turmeric Tea Recipes
7. Echinacea
Echinacea is known to be a widely- used herb to deal with swollen lymph nodes. It includes powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing properties. This herb also helps you boost the lymph system and eliminate infections by purifying the nymph nodes and blood.
You can consider applying Echinacea ointment or cream topically 2-3 times daily in order to reduce your swelling. Otherwise, you can drink 1-2 cups of Echinacea tea by dipping a few dried Echinacea in a hot water. Steep it for 5 minutes and drink it every day for not more than 7 days. Another option is to take 300 mg of Echinacea supplements, twice a day for about a week. You should consult a doctor before you plan to take this supplement.
Remember that you should not take this herb for more than a week, even though your symptoms do not improve, you still stop using it. People with autoimmune disorders should avoid using this herb.
Do you want to know other ways on how to treat swollen lymph nodes at home? Continue reading this entire article and follow these ways for good!
8. Cleavers
It is an herb, which is known to include lymphatic draining properties. Also known as cleaves, stickyweed, and goosegrass, this herb strengthens the functions of your lymphatic system as well as other organs in order to reinforce appropriate functioning. Besides, this herb also helps to purify and cleanse the blood circulating around the lymph nodes.
The cleavers can be utilized to make a tea. At first, you add 2 tsp of this therapeutic herb to a glass of boiling water. Wait for 10 minutes, then strain and drink this tea 2-3 times a day until you can see an improvement. Otherwise, you can mix 20-30 drops of cleavers tincture and water and drink this solution daily. Remember to consult a doctor before using this therapeutic herb.
This is in brief one of the best ways on how to treat swollen lymph nodes at home, so people should not look down, yet try following it and enjoy a better lymphatic system.
9. Honey
Honey is known as a natural remedy that can help in treating swollen lymph nodes. Its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve swelling and pain. Besides, antibacterial properties containing in honey also help it fight against the infections that may be cause of this health problem.
Firstly, you mix 1-2 tsp of raw honey and a little fresh lemon juice in a glass of water. Drink this solution twice a day for about a week. Alternatively, you can apply a little raw honey on your swollen lymph nodes, let it rest for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow this home remedy 2-3 times a day until you can see a better result.
Learn More: Honey For Skin Care: Recipes & Benefits Of Using It On Skin
10. Mullein Leaves
A swollen lymph node can cause a sore throat. Take some mullein leaves to help you treat this problem. The chemicals in mullein leaves are useful to fight against the bacteria and viruses. Thus, when you are trying to look for home remedies for swollen lymph nodes, mullein leaves should not be ignored. You just need to place these leaves in a jar and pour a glass of hot water in it. Allow this solution to turn cool and then drink 3 cups of it daily. The swelling and the sore throat in your swollen lymph nodes will be treated by drinking this water for a week.
This is actually also one out of the most effective ways on how to treat swollen lymph nodes that a lot of people in the world love and make use of it to help you treat this health problem.
11. Raspberry And Plantain Leaves
Another out of the best tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes that I would like to reveal in this article, and want you and my other readers to learn and remember to use is that raspberry and plantain leaves can help to treat swollen lymph nodes effectively.
Cut some raspberry and plantain leaves into fine pieces. Add these leaves to a glass of hot water and let this solution get closed for several hours. Next, you dilute these leaves from this solution and drink it twice daily to treat the infections happening around your lymph nodes. You can consider trying this home remedy to get rid of the swollen lymph nodes.
12. Mint
This is also one of the best tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes, which people should follow for good, especially those struggling with swollen lymph nodes.
Menthol found in mint has cooling properties, so it can relieve the swelling and pain caused by swollen lymph nodes, thus giving you a relief. In order to help you treat this problem with mint, add 2 tbsp of dried mint leaf powder to a glass of boiling water. Allow this solution to steep for several minutes and drink it slowly. Alternatively, take the juice from mint leaves and drink 2 cups of this juice twice daily for a week.
The peppermint oil is high in minerals and nutrients such as manganese, folate, iron, calcium, potassium and copper. It also has a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin C. It can help you ease the lymph nodes and take away the bacteria creating the pain and swelling in your lymph nodes. All thing you need to do is to take some drops of peppermint oil and use them to massage around the swollen areas in which you are suffering a pain because of a swollen lymph node. You should repeat each mint solution a couple of times daily for one week to completely treat swollen lymph nodes.
13. Ginseng
Another one on the list of the best tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes that I would like to reveal in the article today and want you and my other readers to learn and consider following this way if you are trying to deal with this problem.
Ginseng is an ancient home remedy used by both Indian and Chinese cultures for a plenty of conditions, including the cure of flu and colds accompanied by swollen lymph nodes. A study showed that American ginseng may be effective in preventing colds as well as ease the intensity of other symptoms including fever and swollen lymph nodes.
Ginseng is available in capsules, powdered form and as a liquid extract. The suggested dose for you is 400 mg a day. Ginseng is known to be a safe treatment for acute ailments. However, you should consult a doctor to ensure that you follow a correct remedy.
14. Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, and Onions
Everyone was impressed with the result of this recipe. The technique for creating them is different, but their results are similar. They are really amazing, so you should try one or both recipes.
In the first recipe, you need a cup of organic apple cider vinegar, a cup of raw honey and 8 garlic cloves. Next, you place all of these ingredients in a blender and mix them on high speed for a minute. Pour it into a glass and place it in the refrigerator for 5 days. Take 2 tsp of it every morning before having breakfast. Remember to mix it in juice or water. You can also dilute it to make it easier to use.
The other recipe is as following: Chop a small onion and some garlic cloves. Place them in a jar and fill in this jar with honey. Allow it to sit for some weeks. Then, you can eat this honey which becomes thin and syrupy with or without straining. Alternatively, you add 2/3 cup of apple cider vinegar to 1/3 cup of the strained honey mixture. Dilute 1 tbsp of this mixture in water or juice and then drink it every morning.
15. Lemon
Lemon is a useful fruit, and it is used for a plenty of health, beauty and even medicinal purposes. Lemon juice can help you heal a sore throat a well as reduce the size of mucus. Besides, you can use this fruit to see how to treat swollen lymph nodes naturally.
Here is the way on how to treat swollen lymph nodes with lemon. At first, you add a tsp of honey and some lemon juice into a cup of lukewarm water. Drink this solution twice daily in the morning and before going to sleep. Alternatively, you can mix lemon juice and lukewarm water and then gargle this solution. Or cut a lemon in a half, and then shrink pepper and salt over the lemon’s surface. Lick it. You should repeat these home remedies with lemon several times daily until you can see that the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes completely disappear.
In fact, this is among the most effective tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes at home, so people should try following this tip to get the improvement in lymph nodes.
16. Spirulina
It is full of antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins and other nutrients that are good for the human health. These wonderful nutrients make this freshwater algae become one of the best remedies for swollen lymph nodes you can follow at home. Anti-inflammatory properties and omega 3 fatty acids of spirulina can ease the symptoms of this problem effectively. You can buy it in the market and create spirulina smoothie at home. Consuming this smoothie daily can help in improving this health problem within just one week. Otherwise, you can take spirulina supplement capsules after seeing a doctor carefully.
17. Cayenne Pepper
It is another home remedy for swollen lymph nodes as it can act as a natural stimulant. It can also reduce the symptoms of this health problem by enhancing the resistance. In order to get a relief, you should try drinking cayenne pepper tea. Firstly, you add ½ tbsp of powdered cayenne pepper and 1 tbsp of honey into a cup of lukewarm water. Drinking 3 cups of this water daily for about one week can help ease the symptoms of swollen nodes.
18. Tea Bags
Apart from reducing the dark circles around the eyes, tea bags are also effective in reducing swelling. Thus, they are considered as one of the best home remedies how to treat swollen lymph nodes that you should know and follow at home. You just need to take some tea bags and soak them in boiling water for several minutes. Besides, you can also apply it to your infected areas. Repeat this remedy 3 times a day for one week in order to get the satisfactory relief.
19. Nutmeg
It is used as an essential spice in many dishes. This spice is known for its aphrodisiac properties as well as wonderful aroma. Thus, it has a lot of health benefits. Nutmeg treats swollen lymph nodes by enhancing the flow of lymphatic fluid as well as improving the immune system. Besides, it also contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help to ease armpit lump. To use nutmeg for treating swollen lymph nodes, you add 1 tbsp of nutmeg powder into a glass of boiling water. Add 1 tbsp of honey to taste. Finally, drink this solution daily for a week.
20. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is known as a vitamin that can be effective in treating many skin problems. Vitamin E deficiency can cause skin problems and swollen lymph nodes. Therefore, you should add vitamin E-rich foods such as wheat germ, soybean oil, peanuts, almond, etc. to your daily diet. In case you do not consume enough vitamin E, you can take its supplements after you consult a doctor carefully.
21. Aloe Vera
As aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the use of aloe vera can reduce the pain that is caused by swollen lymph nodes. Firstly, you need to squeeze the gel from aloe vera and then apply it to your infected areas. After that, you use a piece of cloth or a gauze to cover these areas. Allow it to sit for 20-30 minutes. Do this home remedy 2-3 times a week.
22. Onion
It is one of the best home remedies for swollen lymph nodes. You just need to take the onion juice from a crushed onion. Besides, you can add crushed onion to your salads in case you do not want to eat raw onion or onion juice.
23. Coconut Oil
It is well-known for its moisturizing properties, thus both consumption and application of coconut oil can aid to speed up the healing process. Besides, coconut oil is full of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that can be effective in reducing armpit lump. The use of this oil can help in treating swollen lymph nodes. You can use an amount of coconut oil to massage your affected areas. Otherwise, you can consume 1 tbsp of extra virgin coconut oil daily.
24. Chamomile Tea
This herb also helps in treating swollen lymph nodes in case you use it to create the tea. At first, you add some chamomile flower into a glass of boiling water. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes and then strain this solution. Next, you add a little honey to taste. Drink 2-3 cups of chamomile tea every day. Alternatively, in case you cannot get chamomile flower, you can use its bags.
This is also a great way on the list of the best tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes naturally that people should not skip out, but learn and consider following this tip in the daily diet as soon as possible.
25. Lavender And Tea Tree Oil
Both tea tree and lavender oil have antibacterial, antiseptic and antispasmodic properties; therefore, the combination of lavender and tea tree oil is effective in treating swollen lymph nodes.
To use both essential oils for treating this health problem, you add a few drops of tea tree and lavender oil into a bowl of boiling water. Next, take a towel to cover your head and inhale this steam for 15-20 minutes. Follow this remedy daily.
26. Massage
Another effective home remedy on how to treat swollen lymph nodes is massaging. This method will help stimulate the lymph glands to help them work normally. Besides, it will relieve the accumulation of impurities in the lymph glands. Using your fingers and slightly massage your nodes for 5 minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day until your swelling is completely gone. Besides, you can hire a professional to offer you a lymph drainage massage.
27. Hot And Cold Bath
You should try hot and cold bath alternately to speed up the process of improvement. Cold water is an effective pain relief while hot water is effective in enhancing the blood circulation as well as the blood flow. This home remedy can give you an improvement in this health problem quickly. You should follow this method daily.
28. Yoga And Exercise
They are recommended in your daily routine. You should exercise at least half an hour a day. You do not need to join in a gym. Jogging, skipping as well as basic exercises can offer you many health and beauty benefits. Yoga and exercises are proven to enhance flexibility and resolve the expansion of the muscles. To get the best results, you should combine remedies with exercises to treat swollen lymph node effectively.
29. Make Lifestyle Changes
This is the last but very important out of the best tips on how to treat swollen lymph nodes that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to follow this tip if they are facing this problem.
You need to get adequate rest to aid your recovery from your underlying conditions. You also need to avoid mental and physical stress. Besides, quit smoking, drinking, and avoid second-hand smoke.
Another thing that I want you and my other readers to do after reading this entire article is to spend time reading another article that reveals home remedies for swollen glands in neck, throat & more- the 8 Home Remedies For Swollen Glands In Neck, Throat, & More article. This is actually an interesting article that you can make use with ease and without concerning about unwanted effects. These home remedies have already supported many people in the world effective in treating swollen glands without leading to any harmful effects, so readers of VKool should read this article and follow these tips for good.
This is the list of most effective ways on how to treat swollen lymph nodes naturally that you should read and remember for good. In fact, these tips have been already proven very effective in treating swollen lymph nodes. These tips are actually proven by science so you should not worry when following any of these tips. In some cases, the pain and swelling will reduce with time. You can make some certain lifestyle changes and follow some home remedies to treat swollen lymph nodes. However, in case your swelling continues to enlarge for more than several weeks, you need to seek a medical help.
After reading this article and learn how to treat swollen lymph nodes, if you feel this article is very good for your current health condition and it can also help other people around you who are trying to deal with swollen lymph nodes, you should share this list with them and encourage them to follow some of these tips. Finally, as an author of VKool, I want to know my readers’ opinion, do not forget to leave your comments below. I promise that I will reply you as soon as possible.
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