![home remedies for cellulitis on legs](https://vkool.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/home-remedies-for-cellulitis-620x350.jpg)
Cellulitis is a serious and common skin infection of deeper skin layers & subcutaneous tissues. This skin infection condition is frequently caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria. However, it may be also caused by some other types of bacteria. If you are looking for natural solutions for treating cellulitis infection that work quickly and effectively for your problem, then you should read this writing. In this article, VKool.com will show you top 28 natural home remedies for cellulitis infection on legs, face and other parts of the body. The writing is a collection of simple but effective solutions to treat cellulitis infection naturally and fast from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the informational purpose.
Keep reading this writing to learn more about symptoms, causes, and home remedies for cellulitis infection!
Here are the top 28 Home Remedies For Cellulitis Infection – Symptoms, Causes & More
I. Cellulitis – What Is It?
Cellulitis is a harmful skin bacterial infectious issue. The breakthrough of bacteria destroys the outer layer that protects the skin, often found at the site of an injury, such as a sore, cut, burn, bite, and puncture. Cellulitis can occur at the area which has a catheter or at the surgery site. Once bacterial triggers are near the surface of your skin, they can multiply and generate chemicals that cause inflammation on the skin.
II. Symptoms Of Cellulitis
In cellulitis, the infectious skin region would feel warm and is often associated with swollen, painful, and red skin. The red skin region could appear slight or can even stand higher than the surrounding skin regions. People could prepare use hand back to try feeling the warm skin region, especially when you compare with the surrounding skin areas. You might have to experience a red streak that spreads network on your skin because of the vessel infectious issue that might be associated with lymph (tissue fluid), and enlarged lymph nodes (swollen glands) near the infectious areas.
Fever and malaise (a general feeling of sickness) usually come together with cellulitis. If bacteria get into the body’s bloodstream, severe infectious issues could lead to low blood pressure. Blood poisoning (bloodstream infectious issue) from cellulitis is especially harmful in the very old and very young, as well as in those having weakened abnormal heart valves or immune systems.
III. Cause of Cellulitis
The major causative factors that can lead to cellulitis are Staphyloccus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. In healthy conditions, our skin acts as a protective agent that can fight and beat off the triggers of infectious issues, helping to prevent them from entering into your body. As the skin integrity is broken because of several different factors, such as surgical incision, injuries, scratch marks, cuts, insect bites, etc, the bacterial agents can get entry into the body through this broken skin and cause the connective tissue and skin inflammation. People who are living with venous stasis, suppressed immune system, and diabetes mellitus are more likely to suffer from cellulitis.
IV. Prognosis
Mostly, signs of cellulitis could be started to improve in 1 or 2 days since people begin using appropriate antibiotics to treat it. People should always remember to take prescribed by doctors before using any antibiotic, even if people think that their current infectious issue has been treated. The prognosis is good in general, but the disease could return, particularly in those having long-term (chronic) swelling in the skin/legs or poor blood circulation in bad conditions.
V. When To Call A Professional
People should call a professional or health care provider such as a prestigious doctor if they notice a skin injury becoming tender, swollen, warm, or red. Promptly consult your medical health care provider if you have a deep puncture wound, particularly on your foot or hand, or if you were bitten by human or animal.
VI. Expected Duration
The prolonging ability of a cellulitis could last depending on the cellulitis extent, your entire health condition, and those bacteria led to your infectious issue. If people do not take proper antibiotics, some forms of this health condition could lead to severe complications within 2 – 3 days, even in those having a good health condition.
VII. Diagnosis
Many of those suffering from cellulitis did not notice any other medical problem as well as no clear skin damage or injury that triggered the infectious issue to happen.
Your doctor could choose to diagnose your cellulitis issue based on your symptoms, your recent medical history, as well as a physical test. Your doctor might also recommend you to take some necessary examinations to check out if there are some other diseases that might be associated with your cellulitis. For instance, an ultrasound of the veins within the legs could aid a lot in detecting blood clots. X-ray could help you in determining if the skin infectious issue has spread to your bones.
Mostly, the doctor is not able to particularly tell patients what bacteria types have caused their current infectious situation. Researches have revealed that the skin culture is not helpful at all. An antibiotic could be opted for killing most bacterial types that are trigger factors of this health issue. Your cure needed to be adjusted if you could not see any improvement in your condition.
Medical diseases that are related to cellulitis closely could be
- Flesh-eating strep, also named “necrotizing fasciitis” is a tissue infection under the skin, rather than your skin itself. Basically, your infected skin area would be extremely painful and discolored. Fasciitis is an infection that is life-threatening and may require proper and timely medical intervention.
- Erysipelas is a skin infectious issue that could lead to bright red, firm, and raised patches of skin. Often, it is triggered by the bacteria named Streptococcus. Erysipelas may most usually happen on a leg or an arm that has been harmed by an old surgery or is chronically swollen because of the lymphedema (poor lymph flow). Erysipelas could also occur on the skin area on the face, often across the upper cheeks and the nose bridge.
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