Lavender is considered as the most versatile of all essential oils. Pure lavender oil is an incredible essential oil to use for your own health as well as wellness. This article from VKool.com shares some helpful tips on how to use lavender oil for skin, hair, health and household. Maybe, these 20 uses of lavender oil will spark your interest. Check out now!
How To Use Lavender Oil – Good For Skin, Hair, Health, And Household
1. Acne
Pour 1 drop of Lavender essential oil with 10 drops of hot water, then wait until water becomes slightly warm, use a cotton ball dipped in makeup remover and gently rub over the surface of acne area.
2. Headache
The distilled water of Lavender Mist around the head is refreshing and soothing. Therefore, you can use lavender oil for relieving your headache. When a headache hits you, just simply make a compress of one piece of causes or muslin soaked in icy cold water, and then sprinkled with several drops of lavender oil before applying to your forehead. Alternatively, you can massage a few drops of lavender oil into your forehead, temples and nape of your neck. Pure lavender water will soothe your spirit, and make you comfortable and sober.
3. Sleep And Insomnia
Lavender oil can induce sleep which has a common recommendation for an alternative cure for insomnia. Frequent studies on those elderly sufferers have pointed out that an increase in their own sleep regularity as their normal sleep medication is replaced with lavender oil being placed onto their pillows. In fact, lavender essential oil has a relaxing effect on those insomnia sufferers, so it can replace modern medicine for sleep problems. If your baby has trouble sleeping, then you can mix 1 drop of lavender essential oil with 1 drop of geranium essential oil and gently massage his back or pour 2 drops of lavender oil into the water to bathe him.
If you are looking for the most popular used lavender oil product with the best quality on the market, NOW Foods Lavender Oil is the best one you are looking for.
4. Air Purification
Put 300 ml of distilled water in a spray bottle (you can use less water if your spray bottle is small). Then, sprinkle 15-30 drops of Lavender essential oil and mix. You can use this mixture to spray a room to help clean the air.
5. Earache
When it comes to tips on how to use lavender oil for health, earache relief is one of the most useful tips that many people apply. You can warm a bottle of lavender essential oil in hot water for 1-2 minutes. Then, you gently massage several drops of this oil onto the skin area which is around the throat and ears. For small children and babies as well, you can add 2 to 3 drops of the warmed lavender oil to a little olive oil and massage.
6. Eczema
Lavender oil could be used for reducing eczema symptoms. Stroke infused lavender oil into itchy, dry skin. This will help small children find particularly comforting. Or, you can add some drops of lavender oil to calamine lotion. Remember to shake before using.
If you are looking for the most popular used lavender oil product with the best quality on the market, NOW Foods Lavender Oil is the best one you are looking for.
7. Wound Antiseptic
If you accidentally cut your fingers, or anywhere on the body is injured, you need to wash the affected area, then wipe dry with a cotton swab and dab pure Lavender essential oil to the skin area which needs to be treated. This oil will help soothe wounds and prevent against infection, and blur scars. In addition, you can also mix Lavender essential oil with your favorite moisturizer or mix it with base oil to treat dry and chapped lips, or itchy and uncomfortable skin allergies.
8. Hair Growth And Dandruff
Use 5-8 drops of Lavender oil mixed with a tablespoon of pure coconut oil, then massage on the scalp gently and slowly. This approach will help you get long and silky hair. Also, it is an effective and quick treatment for dandruff.
9. Hay Fever
You can use Lavender essential oils to breathe in or contain 2 drops of this essential oil to a bowl of hot water, then cover a towel over the head with a bowl of water, take a deep breath during inhalation. This helps you avoid the summer fever or reduce the discomfort of this disease’symptoms.
If you are looking for the most popular used lavender oil product with the best quality on the market, NOW Foods Lavender Oil is the best one you are looking for.
10. Flavor
In the process of baking, you can put a few drops of pure Lavender essential oil to enhance the flavor. In addition, you can also sprinkle this pure essential oil into the tea, honey, jam ….
11. Moths, Midges And Mosquito Bites
Almost insects are very afraid of the smell of Lavender. To prevent insect bites, apply Lavender essential oil. Or, you can apply 3-4 drops of pure Lavender essential oil onto a pillow. If you are bitten by mosquito or insects, apply Lavender oil directly onto a wound to prevent infection and irritation.
12. Sunburn
When you are suffering from sunburn, simply spray water containing pure Lavender essential oil directly onto the sunburn area. Or, you can mix a few drops of Lavender oil with your favorite base oil, then apply it to the damaged area. Lavender essential oil helps improve skin healing and in preventing the formation of scars. However, you should note that you should avoid applying Lavender oil when you have to expose directly to sunlight. This will cause your skin to become more sensitive to light. In addition to the benefit above, this essential oil also works to treat minor burns.
If you are looking for the most popular used lavender oil product with the best quality on the market, NOW Foods Lavender Oil is the best one you are looking for.
13. Nausea
Inhaling directly the aroma from the bottle of pure Lavender essential oil or purifying the air around with Lavender essential oil will be extremely useful to prevent nausea and motion sickness.
14. Soak Feet For Relaxing
Soak your feet into the bath containing Himalayan salt, hot water, and 5 drops of Lavender essential oil. Soles have tiny holes, so when soaking the feet into the hot water containing Himalayan salt and Lavender essential oil, essential oil and salt will help relax your body and mind. Besides, you can soak for 10 – 15 minutes to sleep more deeply.
15. Urine Flow
Lavender oil is great for urinary disorders due to its stimulating effect on the urine production. Moreover, it can help in restoring hormonal balance and decreasing cystitis as well as inflammation of the urinary bladder. Also, it helps in decreasing any associated cramps with these or many other disorders.
If you are looking for the most popular used lavender oil product with the best quality on the market, NOW Foods Lavender Oil is the best one you are looking for.
16. Respiratory Disorders
In this list of tips on how to use lavender oil for health, you should not overlook the effect of reducing respiratory disorders. Lavender oil is widely used for a variety of respiratory disorders, containing throat infections, cough, flu, cold, asthma, sinus congestion, whooping cough, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and laryngitis. On the other hand, this oil is either used in the comfort of vapor or is directly applied on the skin area of the chest, neck, and back.
Also, it is added to a lot of vaporizers and inhalers which are popularly used for colds and coughs. Lavender oil, in reality, has the stimulating nature which can loosen up the phlegm and relieve the congestion along with respiratory conditions; boosting the healing process and helping the human body naturally eradicate phlegm as well as other unwanted material. The vapor of this essential oil has antibacterial qualities that could defeat respiratory tract infections.
17. Cancer
This sounds too good to be true, but it does work with cancer prevention. Though more researches need to be carried out on human subjects, there is significant research on lavender oil’s effects, in combination with other essential oils, as a good solution to prevent the development of breast cancer in mice. Nevertheless, this can be an indication of an enhanced chance of lavender fighting other carcinogenic effects and the appearance of cancer.
18. Blood Circulation
This type of essential oil could be good for increasing the circulation of the blood within your body. Also, it can lower the blood pressure and is usually used for hypertension. That means lavender oil not only increases the oxygenation to the human organs, but also promotes muscle health and strength. Furthermore, the body will also be protected from the potential risks of heart attack and artherosclerosis associated with poor circulation. And, in terms of diabetes, inhaling lavender essential oil could prevent some serious risks of low circulation that might lead to dangerous, even fatal complication.
If you are looking for the most popular used lavender oil product with the best quality on the market, NOW Foods Lavender Oil is the best one you are looking for.
19. Immunity
It is shown that regular use of lavender oil could provide resistance to various diseases. Actually, lavender essential oil has antiviral and antibacterial qualities which make it better for people to defend their bodies against rare diseases such as typhoid, TB, and diphtheria, according to a prestigious study.
20. Nosebleed
The last one in this list of tips and tricks on how to use lavender oil, is a common used home remedies for nosebleed. In order to stop a nosebleed, you can put one drop of lavender essential oil on a tissue and then wrap it around the small chip of ice. Then, push the tissue covered ice chip up under the middle of the top lip to the nose’s base. Try to hold it as long as you could till the bleeding stops.
These are top 20 useful tips on how to use lavender oil for skin, hair, health and household as well. Having a bottle of pure lavender essential oil in your house is a good way to improve your life quality naturally.
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If you are looking for the most popular used lavender oil product with the best quality on the market, NOW Foods Lavender Oil is the best one you are looking for.
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