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Do you feel unsatisfied with your natural breast size? I am sure that you, as many other women, totally not want to undergo the time and expense of a breast enlargement surgery. You are not alone!Nowadays, many women prefer natural methods to get bigger breasts rather than opting for a harmful surgery. It is important to notice that thetips on how to enlarge breasts size naturallyin my article today are supported by scientific evidences, so you can count on them!
I. Causes Of Small Breasts:
To know how to enlarge breasts size naturally, firstly you will need to know about the causes of small breasts. Breast is a sign of natural femininity in females. Bigger, fuller, and firmer breasts not only play an important role to enhance their femininity but also give them and attractive and charming figure. Unfortunately some physical, nutritional and emotional factors suppress the growth of breast cells and deprive many women to have a perfect breast size.
Some common causes for small breast are given below:
– Poor diet
– Poor fat content
– Drugs side effects (weight loss pills)
– Genetics (inherit smaller breast genes)
– Hormonal imbalance during puberty (high level of Testosterone and low estrogen)
– Emotional problems (stress or depression)
– Energy blockage (wearing tight undergarments)
II. How To Enlarge Breasts Size Naturally – Exercises
Along with healthy foods and other tips on how to enlarge breasts, exercises can help you significantly in increasing size of breasts fast. Here are some exercises can boost your breast muscles and improve your breasts.
1. Wall Press Exercise
This is very simple exercises you can do at home or in any room at the office. Follow it:
- You just need to stand tall; your body faces the wall.
- Next, you put the palms on the wall and press against it. Make sure that you do not bend the elbows. Keep it for 10 seconds and then have a break.
- Repeat 20 times and you should do it every morning and evening to get the best results.
2. Arm Swinging Exercise
With arm swinging, you will use primarily the chest muscles and your arms to do the exercise. So your breast will develop dramatically with the movement. The important thing is that you should do it regularly to get the higher advantage.
- You stand tall and put your arm on your side. Then you swing the arms as the direction of clockwise and keep it for 10 counts.
- Take a short break and then you swing the arms as the direction of anticlockwise for 10 counts.
- Do it again for 10-15 minutes and you should perform this exercise every day.
Learn more: 12 Best Arm Exercises For Women: Simple & Easy
3. Do The Chores
If you are lazy to do chores at home, you should try to change your lifestyle. You can increase your breast size when doing household chores. By doing those normal works, you will have chance to move arms and enhance breast muscles naturally.
4. Do Yoga Exercises
Yoga is highly recommended nowadays and many women follow it as a great sport to improve health and have good posture. Many yoga poses not only support you strengthen your muscles in every part of the body, but they also help you improve breast size very perfectly. I would like to introduce some yoga poses that can help you get the goal fast and safely.
- Cobra pose: doing this yoga pose, you will enhance your chest muscles. This pose is also called bhujangasana and here are detailed guidelines how to enlarge breasts with the easy exercises.
- Lay down your stomach on the floor. Keep your feet and legs straight.
- Put your arms on the ground and keep them on your sides. Point the elbows to the back.
- While you raise the shoulders, upper back, head, and neck from the ground, you should relax your body. Do not use your arms to reduce your back when you want to raise the upper body.
- Your torso will tilt your head to the ceiling when you want to reach the highest point.
- Your pelvis should be placed on the floor.
- You can bend your arms a bit and keep the position for 15 seconds.
- Return to the original position.
- You can increase the exercise level to the difficult one after each time you do it. You will have good chance to improve flexibility
- Cow Face Pose: how to enlarge breasts naturally without drugs or surgery? Keep following yoga exercises; you will have the surprised effect from them. Here are some instructions you should remember:
- To get started, you must sit as a lotus pose and extend your legs fully.
- Bend your right knees and bring the right heel toward the left hip.
- Now you bend your left knee and using hands to pull the left leg over the right thigh. Make sure that you keep your knees aligned.
- Meanwhile, you face away your feet in the different directions.
- Bring the right arm over the shoulder and bend it behind the back.
- Bring the left arm beneath the shoulder and bend it behind the back.
- Curl the fingers and join the left and right hands. Lock them together.
- Hold that position for 15-20 seconds and try to straighten your back as much as you can. Also, you should keep your head up.
- Turn back to the original positions and repeat the pose for 5 times.
- Stabdhasana: one of the best exercises to enhance your breast size is stabdhasana. Try to do it with the following guidelines:
- Stand tall and lengthen your shoulder and knees wide apart.
- Bend slightly your elbows and raise the arms to the shoulders.
- Put your hands in front of the upper body.
- Make sure that your wrists face up and spread the fingers.
- Imagine that you are using your hands to push an object in front of you.
- Your eyes should focus on the place between your hands.
- Try to use arm muscles and chest muscles to do that position, keep it for 15-20 seconds.
- Repeat the pose for 5 times.
- Ushtrasana
- Now you have to sit down on the heels first and keep the feet on the ground.
- Keep the upper body as the upright position and lean backward slowly.
- Now you use right hand to get a hold of the right heel and use the left hand to get the left heel.
- While you align and bend your head and spine backwards, you should push the stomach forward.
- Use arms and legs to help your body weight and relax as much as you can.
- Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Keep breathing normally.
- Return to the original position slowly.
- Do it 5 times daily to get the most benefits from it.
5. Y Raise Exercise
- Stand tall and keep your feet shoulder wide apart.
- Get a dumbbell in each hand and put it in front of thigh.
- Manage the movement and raise the dumbbells in front of you, over the head as Y shape.
- Try to firm your core and keep your posture erect.
- Lower the weight and turn back to the original position.
- Do it for 5 times per week and 15-20 reps.
6. Generate Row Exercise
This exercise will increase your chest muscles and you will feel your breasts bigger than ever before.
- Hold two dumbbells in each hand and get started with push-up position, keep your warms straight.
- Be sure that your hips are stationary.
- Now you pull one dumbbell from the ground to the chest, tuck your elbow opposite against the body.
- Reduce the dumbbell to the floor and do it again with the another arm.
- You can do 10-15 reps and do it 3-5 times each week.
7. Chest Presses Exercise
- Just lay your back, bend the knees, and flatten your feet on the ground.
- Hold one dumbbell in each hand and bend the elbows for 90 degree.
- Lift the weights toward the ceiling and touch them by using the chest muscles.
- Reduce the weights and turn back to the original position.
- Do it 10-15 reps and perform 3-5 times per week.
8. Push-up Exercise
This is a super easy and common exercise for breast enlargement you should implement every day. It is not only good for women’s breasts but it is also a good strength training exercise for men.
- Now you get on your knees and hands.
- Stretch the legs behind and balance the feet.
- Bend the arms to lower the body to the floor.
- Use the chest and arms to turn back the first position.
- Make sure that you straighten your back and elevate your hips, keep your body straight.
- It the position is hard, you can reduce the knees to the floor.
- You can repeat this exercise 3-5 times per week.
Now keep reading the article and find out more tips and tricks how to enlarge the breast fast.
III. How To Enlarge Breasts – Healthy Foods To Eat:
What can be better and more naturally & effective than eating healthy foods? I am sure that you will not be able to find anywhere else a much more interesting and comfortable method to increase breast size than this! Try my methods and see how effectively they will help you!
1. Radish
Radish is good for your blood circulation improvement and it is usually used in salad dishes. You can use it for salads by combining with other vegetables, fruits and you can get it for juice. There are many kinds of radishes including black, purple, red, and white. People can consume seeds, pods, flowers, and leaves of radish and it is easily found in almost countries of the world, especially Asian regions.
You may surprise but radish is great for weight loss, cardiovascular conditions, constipation diabetes, fever, kidney disorders, liver, sore throat, etc. Especially, radish is perfect for women who really desire to have bigger breasts.
2. Fennel Seeds
In order to stimulate your breasts grow faster, you should eat fennel seeds, which help you increase estrogen level and promote the development of breast tissue significantly. In addition, mothers can use these seeds to get more breast milk production. There are some ways to use fennel seeds that you can refer to are:
- Put cod liver oil and fennel seeds in a pan and wait the seeds change red. Strain the oil and let it cool naturally. Use that oil to massage the breast for 10 minutes, leave it more time and wash it with warm water. You can do this remedy twice per day in 1-2 months.
- Another way to use fennel seeds is to drink its tea. You can use some teaspoons of fennel seeds in hot water in 10 minutes, strain, and drink it.
3. Pueraria Mirifica
Pueraria mirifica is commonly found in Thailand and it can help women increase breast size for 80% according to a report from Chulalongkorn University. It includes genistein, miroestrol, and deoxymiroestrol that can balance the levels of hormone, improve health, and enlarge your breast successfully. You can find pueraria mirifica in the market in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soaps, gels, or creams. Make sure that you do not have allergies from using it.
4. Wheat Germ Oil
Do you want to learn how to enlarge your breasts naturally? Oils are excellent ingredients for every woman. You can use natural oils in cooking or massaging. Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E and it can help you improve breast size and make the breasts firmer. You can use this oil to massage your breasts for 10 minutes and you may apply this method every day to get the better effect.
5. Saw Palmetto
Herbs are beneficial ingredients for breast enlargement including saw palmetto. It is high in fatty acids and phytonutrients that can encourage your breast tissue develop more. As the result, your breasts will look bigger when using this natural remedy. You can find saw palmetto ingredient in oral capsules, tea, and tablet form. Simply, you just drink 2-3cups of saw palmetto tea every day in a few months. If you want to use supplements made from natural herbs, you should consult your doctor about it.
6. Wild Yam
Many naturopathic physicians recommend using wild yam to enlarge your breast. This herb includes phytoestrogens for breast growth. You can take capsule or wild yam tea to increase breast size. Or you can massage your breast with wild yam creams. You can apply the remedy for a few months to get the best benefit.
7. Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is an incredible herb for your breast development. You might drink tea or use the capsules once per day for a few months. For herbal treatments, you may combines many remedies together but make sure that you consult your doctor before using any herbs. Likewise, dandelion root is super for breast enlargement but they are not sure to be good for everyone. So you must be sure it is suitable for you first.
8. Nuts
Many women are upset about their breast size. Reading this article, you will recognize that, improving breast is not difficult as you think. You can take advantages of natural including nuts (peanuts, pecan, cashew, walnuts, etc) to enhance breast safely They are good sources of protein, healthy fat, and other nutrients to improve your health, as well.
Learn more: Best Nuts For Health And Nutrition: Go Nuts For Better Health
9. Sesame Seeds
Do you know that sesame oil and sesame seeds are not only good for your breast growth, but they are also perfect for your breast cancer prevention? The reason is that sesame seeds contain lignin that can help your breasts grow effectively. As the consequence, you have no reason to get rid of this healthy ingredient in your diet, right?
10. Flaxseeds
Like sesame seeds, flaxseeds are high in lignans and can help you prevent breast cancer as well as increase your bust size. Flax seeds are very popular in Western countries and women there usually use it for their daily meals. They are known as natural estrogen to grow hormone and grow breasts without risks. You also can use flax seed oil in your recipes because its oil has the same functions.
Learn more: Flaxseed Meal Recipes: Muffins, Pancakes, Cookies…
11. Eat Strawberry And Berry: Fresh strawberries and cherries are considered very useful for improving breast size because they can help increase the estrogen production – a female sex hormone which is responsible for the development and the growth of breasts, helping women in attaining a wonderful curve for their own body by boosting their breast size. Every day, you should consume one cup of berries or strawberries to improve your breast size within a very short time period.
12. Drink Banana Milkshake: Drinking banana milkshake is also one of the best answers for the question how to enlarge breasts size naturally that many women are waiting for. This drink is considered very useful for women who are thin and underweight to improve their breast size. It provides a lot of necessary nutrients that thin and underweight women need to achieve desirable size. For good, women should consume a glass of banana milkshake so they will see the noticeable difference within just a few days.
13. Make Use Of Dairy Products: All dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt can also help a lot in enhancing your natural breast size. They contain prolactin, progesterone, and estrogen – the 3 important hormones which are involved in lactation in all mammals. To stimulate the growth of your breasts by increasing levels of these hormones inside your body, you should make dairy products a part of your daily healthy diet plan.
14. Eat Chicken Regularly:
Chicken is also considered very useful for enhancing the size of human breasts. Chickens provides growth hormones and these hormones can help a lot in improving the development of breasts. For getting desirablesize fast, you should add chicken into your daily food consumption. In fact, eating chicken is also one of the best tips on how to enlarge breasts size naturally without needing for any medical interference.
15. Consume Estrogen-Rich Seeds: You may not believe that seeds can be magical in terms of breast enlargement. However, experts showed that this is totally true! Flax seeds, fennel seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and anise seeds are very high in estrogen. A lot of women have found these seeds very beneficial for improving their breasts size. For good, you should add these seeds into your daily diet. In fact, besides the effects on breast enlargement, seeds can also help to reduce bad moods effectively!
16. Eat Estrogen-Rich Fruits And Veggies: Fruits and vegetables can also be rich sources of estrogen. Vegetables including yams, tomatoes, pumpkins, potatoes, peas, oats, licorice, garlics, cucumbers, cowpeas, chickpeas, carrots, and beets are the best veggie sources of this hormone.
You can incorporate them into your daily meal to increase breast size naturally. What about fruits? Fruits are wonderful for human health because of their numerous benefits, including the breast enlargement effect. Some fruits, such as pomegranates, plums, papaya, dates, cherries, and apples can help to increase the production of estrogen inside our body, as well as boost the growth of your breasts naturally.
17. Red Clover:
Making use of red clover herb is also one of the best tips on how to enlarge breasts size naturally that you should never skip. Red clover contains 4 separate phyto-estrogens, including the compound genistein. This is especially useful for breast development as it binds to estradiol receptors, which are especially associated with breast growth. If you want to know how you can make use of this herb, I will tell you. You should make a sweet infusion featuring the dried flowers by steeping 1 – 3 teaspoons of the dried flowers in a cup of hot water and allow it to steep for 10 -15 minutes before drinking the tea. You should drink this special tea 3 times per day for the best results. You can also buy red clover capsules from health stores and use them according to the instruction on the labels.
18. Fenugreek:
Fenugreek is considered one of the best supporters for increasing human breast size. Fenugreek helps to stimulate the production of prolactin and mick the effects of estrogen so that it can aid in improving breast growth effectively. Both of these hormones are essential for the growth of our breasts. Fenugreek can stimulate the growth of tissue safely and naturally, resulting in firmer, bigger, and fuller breasts.
19. Make And Use A Special Natural Breast Enhancement Lotion:
You totally can make your own breast enlargement lotion to apply on your body at home with ease. You just need to mix one teaspoon of onion juice, a half teaspoon of turmeric powder, and one teaspoon of warm honey. You should apply this lotion onto your breasts and massage this area for about 5 to 10 minutes before wearing your regular bra. This lotion can not only help to increase your breast size, but also are useful for preventing your breast from sagging.
Making use of red clover herb is also one of the best tips on how to enlarge breasts size naturally that you should never skip. Red clover contains 4 separate phyto-estrogens, including the compound genistein. This is especially useful for breast development as it binds to estradiol receptors, which are especially associated with breast growth. If you want to know how you can make use of this herb, I will tell you. You should make a sweet infusion featuring the dried flowers by steeping 1 – 3 teaspoons of the dried flowers in a cup of hot water and allow it to steep for 10 -15 minutes before drinking the tea. You should drink this special tea 3 times per day for the best results. You can also buy red clover capsules from health stores and use them according to the instruction on the labels.
20. Honey And Olive Oil – The Special Home-made Lotion For Breasts Massaging:
Another tip on how to enlarge breasts size naturally I want to show you is to make another lotion to apply onto your breasts in a regular basis. A combination of olive oil and warm honey has been shown excellent results in enhancing breast size. For breast massage, you should mix one teaspoon of olive oil with one teaspoon of warm honey. Then, you should mix them well and heat the new mixture in the oven until it becomes lukewarm. Use the mixture to massage your breast twice a day to improve your beauty fast!
21. Breast Massage:
I have mentioned that you should use somelotions to apply onto your breasts. And now, in the last part of this article, I want to stress that you should massage your breasts in a regular basis! When we talk about the natural tips on how to enlarge breasts size, breast massage should be at the top of the list because it will bring about the most wonderful results. However, I put it at the end of my writing because I want you to remember it the most. Massaging will help increase the blood flow and stimulate the growth of suppressed breast cells, leading to quick results. You should massage your breasts gently in circular motion with natural oil such as wheat germ oil, Shea butter oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, and almond oil. You should remember to massage your breasts gently in circular motions and avoid harsh massage because you can lose the breast tissues and decrease the natural firmness of your breasts.
This is the list of 11 tips on how to enlarge breasts size naturally that are very effective and simple that my readers who are visiting Vkool.com should follow to increase their breast size without using any drugs, pills, or medications.
If you think that my tipson how to enlarge breasts size naturally article will be necessary for even other people out there to make use of, please share this list with them and leave your comments below!
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