How to lose fat is a common topic among those fat people and probably the place where you find it hardest to slim down is your belly. The problem could be even worse if you do some kind of office work where you have to sit all day long. And if you are unlucky enough to be a good eater, it is no doubt that you belly fat will grow like a tree nourished with sufficient water and nitrous soil. Well, there is always solution to any problem. In this “71 best ways to lose stomach fat fast” article, you will know how you can flatten your belly within a short time period.
Top Easy And Natural Ways To Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home
I. Eat Healthy Fruits
The first of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that you need to make use is eating healthy fruits. This is a very sweet method as you can enjoy the taste of fruits while flattening your tummy effectively. Here are some kinds of fruits which can make changes:
1. Japanese Bananas
In Japan, losing weight with bananas is currently the most common natural weight loss method because it is very simple, cheap, and healthy for everyone!
How bananas can help us in losing weight?
Banana is one of the fruits which contain the highest amount of fiber. Banana provides our body with both dissolve and insoluble fiber. Therefore, banana can help us lose weight by giving us the amount of fiber that is necessary to spread on to our stomach edge, making us feel full and helping us reduce the food intake.
Especially, banana contains an amount of another kind of fiber which can resist the starch within the banana. This starch will be fermented in our stomach and create a substance which helps to burn 20-24% of fat. Therefore, this will help reduce the calories going into our body, then reduce the fat storage inside. This is one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that you should try!
2. Apple
Apple is a low-heat plant. If you eat a lot of apples, your body heat will absorb much less than if you eat other foods with the same weight, making it a natural body weight reducer.
Here is the 3-day diet weight loss plan with apple: you will just have apples and water in your 3 meals every day. There will be no any other kind of food, and you just need to eat until you feel full. The best for you to eat is red apples (wash and peel them to cut out preservatives). After those 3 days, your taste buds will be very sensitive, and you should practice a diet plan with foods such as porridge, tofu … to rebalance your digestive system.
3. Papaya
Not only have effects on promoting beautiful skin, better digestion, and preventing cancer, papaya can help ladies lose weight effectively. 100 grams of papaya contain less than 32 calories, and if you eat 100 grs of papaya before meals, you will be able to reduce the cravings for appetite rice and other foods which are rich in calories. In addition, papaya contains lots of vitamin B and antioxidants, helping your waist become thinner. In brief, eating papaya regularly is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast.
4. Kiwi
Kiwi fruit contains a relatively large amount of vitamin C. Therefore, it is the top choice of women who want to look good. Kiwi fruits are one of the fruits which contain the highest amount of fiber and potassium. Therefore, it ranks as the presence of fruits in women’s weight loss diet food list. Proteolytic enzyme contained in kiwi is also very powerful, so you should use kiwi in the combination with meat in dishes. In addition, kiwi is a little bit sour which is particularly beneficial for the body, helping its digestion, and gives us beautiful skin. All women can enjoy kiwi in four seasons.
II. Healthy Vegetables
Besides fruits, you can also make use of veggies – one of the healthiest food stuffs in this world. And eating them is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast which you should not ignore! Here they come:
1. Asparagus
Asparagus contains a compound called Atparagin – a form of kidney beneficial alkaloids, which helps to accelerate the process of secretion and helps blood flow easier. This substance has the ability to burn fat in the cells, limiting the formation and accumulation of fat in the body.
2. Beet
The main function of beets is diuretion, supporting the liver and kidney in the process of detoxification and excretion, and limiting the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. This is an ideal food on the food list of those who want to lose weight quickly. In other words, eating beats is one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast at home that you should try!
3. Cabbage
Cabbage has special effects on burning extra fat in waist and abdomen. The sulfur and iodine contained in cabbage can help in purifying, detoxifying the body.
4. Lettuce (Chicory)
Lettuce (chicory) are suitable for weight loss. 100gr oflettuce just contains 11 calories and 0.4 g carbohydrates. Though it containsa very small amount of vitamin C, lettuce provides more fiber (100gr provides 3gr of fiber). Lettuce also contains plenty of water.
You can eat lettuce raw, add to salads, or cook them. Eating lettuce is simple yet also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast!
5. Squash
Squash is also known as zucchini, winter squash, or via pollen. The dishesmadefrom squash are not only delicious, but also nutritious, leaving effects on safe and efficient weight loss (100gr of pumpkin provides just 10 calories). However, due to the pharmacology of squash respite, when you use them as a slimming drug , you need to follow a long plan to achieve good results. On the other hand, squash is cool so it is very suitable for you to use in the summer heat,supporting the bloodcirculation.
You can also process squash into dishes, such as squash soup, boiled squash, sauteeded squash, or squash juice.
6. Eggplant
Nutrition portions contained in 100 gr of eggplant: 92% water, 1.3% protein, 0.2% fat, 0.5% sugar, and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamins like carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin PP …. Therefore, eggplant is very rich in nutrients but low in calories (100 gr of eggplant just contains 19 calories).
Besides the great defatted property, eggplant is also resistant to cholesterol accumulation, stomach cancer…
7. Guava
Looking rough and coarse, but guavasare very delicious in flavor and are the favorites of many people. Guava contains a lot of fiber and minerals which are useful for dieters and those who are trying tomake plump physique become slimmer. In fact, eating guava regularly is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast at home you should try!
8. Peach
Instead of opting for cakes to satisfy your sweet craving, you should use peaches as a replacement because theybring about the slimming effect.
Peaches taste crispy sweet and fresh, and it also works to reduce belly fat effectively.
9. Celery
Fresh celery contains a large amount of calcium in theeasily absorbed form. Celery also contains magnesium and iron, leaving healthy effects on our health.
10. Cucumber
Cucumbers contain sulfur and silicon – the ingredients which are beneficial to our kidneys, helping the kidneys excrete uric acid and limit the production of fat cells in the body. In addition, cucumbers can help to reduce the heat with rich water content, which is very good for health.
11. Black Bean
Black bean is rich in fiber, helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, detoxify sulfates, increase body energy, and stabilize blood sugar levels, provide protein and help in theweight loss process. Making use of black bean is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast at home which you should never ignore!
12. Garlic
Garlic can act as a medicine, helping to treat diseases, detoxify the body, and reduce the fat in liver.
13. Cauliflower And Broccoli
Also belong to the cabbage family, but cauliflower and broccoli is capable of eliminating the harmful factors of estrogen (female hormone) in your body and burn excess fat.
14. Water Droptwort
Besides the rich source of fiber, water droptwort can resolve and defeat fat effectively. Therefore, eating water droptwort is one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast at home which do not take too much time, money, and effort from your life!
III. Healthy Drinks
What about drinks? Drinking right is also among the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that you should focus on. Here are just some of the best drinks for weight loss that I want you to add into your daily diet to achieve desirable results within a short period of time!
1. Green Tea
Green tea provides antioxidants and helps your body burn fat faster. Besides, it can help to promote the body metabolism and energy expenditure. In addition, when you drink green tea in a regular basis, you will be able to reduce the appetite thereby helping the body to absorb fewer calories. Moreover, green tea can help to rejuvenate the skin effectively.
2. Fruit Juice
Fruits have powerful detoxifying effects and can support for the digestive tract, as well as contain a lot of antioxidants free radicals. According to nutrition experts, in order to increase the effectiveness of weight loss, you can enjoy 8 cups of fruit juice per week.
3. Black Coffee
Black coffee contains many antioxidants free radicals, and it can help to reduce the risk of cancer and diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. As well, caffeine contained in black coffee also works to boost your metabolism and burn calories. Thus, this is regarded as one of good ways to lose face fat. However, you should use pure coffee instead of adding sugar or milk into your coffee. According to experts, the abuse of sugar and milk will cause increased calorie intake and weight gain. In addition, the excess absorption of sugar and milk will also bring negative effects to your body.
IV. Belly Fat Lose Recipes
Now is time for you to discover some delicious fat loss recipes processed from healthy foods I mentioned above. There are many dishes which can help to burn excessive fat you should stick to and add them to your daily diet plan. Concretely, I am giving you 5 simple, tasty effective fat burning recipes that you should keep your head on:
1. Tomato-Kimchi Soup
This is a special dish which brings about wonderful flavors. The flavors of peppery, vinegary from tomato and kimchi will make you cannot resist. Additionally, it helps you lose fat effectively. Therefore, you should add this recipe right into your daily meal!
– 600ml liquor fromveggies
– 1 piece of tofu
– 500gr tomato
– 200gr Korean kimchi + abalone mushroom
– 2 slices of sandwiches
– Coriandrum sativum, seaweed, cooking oil, 2 coffee tableof spice, 1 coffee table of sugar.
– Cut up sandwichsinto tiny cubes and fry.
– Cut up seaweed into small piece.
– Cut up tofu into medium piece
– Peel tomato, put out the pips, then boil them in veggie liquor till tomato gets tender
– Pour kinchi, tofu, seaweed into the liquor and sprinkle spices.
2. Fried Tomato Stuffed With Meat
If you are in a special weight loss diet, you should opt for lean meat to avoid weight gain and remember that after frying the tomatoes, you should wait till the dish out of cooking oil before enjoying it. This is considered a tasty diet dish which is very simple to cook.
– 5 big tomatoes
– 100 grams of grinded pork and100grams of grindedfish.
– Divide tomato into 2 pieces, put out the pips.
– Embalm pork and fish and knead them.
– Grind pork and fishinto tomato.
– Fry the tomato with the meat side firstly in medium heat.
3. Chicken Soup With Lotus Seed
– A chicken
– 2 slices of ginger
– 12 gramsof dry lotus seed
– 18grams of dodder
– Salt
– Clean the chicken with water, scaled chicken in a few minutes, then cook it in a bain-marie.
– Put dry lotus seed, and dodderinto a small cloth bag, heat the bag in a pot.
– Pour water into the bain-marie, add the ginger slices, continuously cook it in a bain-marie in 3 hours and add spice.
4. Lotus Seed Stewed With Vine
– 100gr offresh or dried lotus seeds
– 100g of raisins
– Salt or granulated sugar
– Wash fresh lotus seeds, divide them into 2 pieces. If dried lotus seeds, you should soak them in water until they turn to be soft and put out their hearts.
– Pour water into a pot and boil it, boil lotus seeds and raisins in high heat. Then lower the heat, boil until lotus seeds ripe.
– If you want, you can add some salt or sugar
Lotus seeds are very nutritious, helping to beautify the skin, improving breast size to postpartum women, enhancing infants’ intelligence, helping you sleep better and losing fat effectively!
5. Diet Plan With Banana
Setting up a diet plan with banana is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that people should try at home! Here is a sample plan:
Breakfast: You just need to eat 2 bananas and drink a glass of warm water. Besides, you do not need to eat anything else. That is a perfect breakfast for you!
Lunch: before having lunch, you should eat a banana. You should also notice to reduce by 30% of your normal lunch.
Evening snack: if you feel hungry, you should eat nothing but a banana
Dinner: before having dinner, you should eat a banana and consume a 30% reduced intake compared to normal. You should avoid desserts, pikelets, carbonated drinks, beverage,…to ensure the speech of your fat burning process, as well as practicing a healthy living style.
V. Top Easy And Natural Ways To Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home
What about the last thing I want to show you in this entire list? Of course here are some healthy habits that you should stick to in order to achieve desirable physique without stubborn stomach fat. These are among the best ways to lose stomach fat fast at home which everyone can follow without meeting any difficulty. Are you ready to change some of your habits?
1. Consume A Lot Of Fiber
Fiber is one of the most essential components of a sample diet to lose belly fat fast. When being mixed with water, foods which are rich in fiber can help your body digest everything you eat much more easily, meaning that the foods you eat will be converted into energy more efficiently and without any excess amount of fat added to your belly. This is the first out of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that I reveal in this final part.
2. Eat Foods That Contain Carbohydrates
When you eat foods which contain carbohydrates (bread, dough (pasta), beans, potatoes, rice, and cereals), it is stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver. Glycogen stores water by 3 times more than its weight while fat and protein do not store any water. Storing water means there is not a large space for fat to be stored. However, be careful not to eat too many carbohydrates because they can cause gas.
3. Having A Light Dinner
The working rate of your metabolism at night is very low, and while you sleep, the body does not release much energy. This means that most of what you eat at night will be stored in your body instead of being converted into energy. That is why a light dinner is always necessary and is one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that you should try for good!
4. Get What You Need
You need many things in your every day life.You need lean proteins, dairy products, healthy carbs, and a large amount of vegetables, fruits, and fiber. You also need to do exercises at least 5 times a week. Besides, you need to keep your body hydrated, sleep well, and get enough relaxation and motivation. What else, you need time for taking care of yourself and your favorites, such as a little dark chocolate every night, a glass of wine for dinner, a nice book to read, and a hot bath before going to bed. Do not focus on the things you do not need or cannot have because you will find yourself crave them madly.
If you can stay motivated and drive your life on track, I am sure thatthese following best ways to lose stomach fat fast will work fast! Do not put too much pressure on yourself. What you need to do is just start implementing these tips to lose stomach fat fast step by step. What they bring about after all will actually surprise you.
5. Have Fun With Your Exercises
If you are not having fun, it will be hard to commit to anything. That is the reason why it is especially crucial for you to choose the exercises youlove and add them into your daily practicing routine. If you prefer dancing, you should join a Zumba class weekly. Aerobics are also a good choice for people because they do great things for your metabolism. If you love playing ice skating or softball, you should work those into your regimen. They will keep you engaged, making it simpler to perform all those necessary exercises as well.
6. Understand Your Eating Habit Clearly
Are you an emotional eater? Do you tend to find some snacks when you feel depressed, stressed, or hurt? Do you love eating junk foods when you are alone or right in your bedtime? Understanding your eating habits is crucial if you are trying to get rid of your stubbornstomach fat. Once you understand your own body patterns and habits, you will be able to deal with your problems better and find new routines or habits to replace the current bad ones.
7. Change Up Your Workout And Challenge Yourself
When you get bored or reach a plateau with your current workout, it is that much simpler to quit. You should change your exercise routine as fast as you can. This is the best way to beat both of these problems. You do not want your muscles or your body to get complacent and you actually do not want your mind to feel boring. Thus, the best solution for you is trying and experiencing new things. Try swimming in summer, jogging in spring, snowshoeing in the winter, and biking in autumn, and you will feel it much more interesting to exercise your body than ever!
8. Make Your Own Meals
As even the foods that promise to be good for dieting are often packed with unhealthy preservatives, sometimes you just need totrust in yourself. Although you do not have enough time to cook all of your daily meals, do what you can!You can make a fresh salad for lunch or make many meals in advance. Meal planning also helps to hold you accountable where your diet is a big problem of your daily life. In addition,people nowadays are far less tempted by those unhealthy impulse buys at the grocery store. Therefore, you should better choose natural, freshfood stuff whenever you can and go organic when possible. This is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast at home for you!
9. Manage The Amount Of Foods You Consume Strictly
Becauseas long as you enjoy them in moderation, it is fine to give into some of your vices. In fact, it is sometimes too easy for you to give your body a bit too much what it really needs. 2 cookies sometimes turn into 3; a Cosmopolitan turns into 4, and a small bag of popcorn can easily turn into a huge one. Missing a workout because you are sick always makes it simpler to skip the whole week because you are tired. You have to avoid that slippery slope by controlling your food intake and measuring it really strictly. Once again, you should keep a food journal to document what foods you areconsumingare incredibly useful. To make sure you are staying active on the regular, take it one step further and keep an activity diary as well.
10. Sun Bathing
While working out in the sunshine is totally motivational, that is not quite what this means. However, if you do it, you should focus on protecting your skin and keeping your body hydrated! This actually refers to the sunshine vitamin – vitamin D. If you want to get rid of stomach fat, you should avoid stress (this will be revealed in the next part). When you feel stressful, your body knows it, and it starts secreting more and more cortisol, which can lead to more fat. Thus, you should ensure to get a lot of vitamin D to fight against that harmful hormone. In addition, vitamin D gives you plenty of energy so you will feel like working out.
11. Stay Away From Stress
As I mentioned above, staying away from stress is one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that you should not ignore. You may find it surprising, but stress can actually lead to weight gain. Not only because we are more likely to eat when we get stressed, but when our body detects stress, it releasesplenty of hormones that can make some changes in the metabolism – some changes that promote belly fat after all!
12. Reduce Your Salt Consumption
Excessive salt intake can make our body retain water. This can also make the abdomen appear bloated. We can get enough salt by eating without adding it to our daily meals. In fact, junk foods contain a high level of salt. Therefore, what you need to do right now is to eliminate the salt excessive consumption to flatten your stomach within the shortest time period! This is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast at home for you!
13. Drink A Lot Of Water
Keeping the body hydrated is very important for people to lose belly fat fast because if you are dehydrated, your liver cannot function well and the fat burning process will not be as efficient. Drinking a lot of water is extremely necessary. However, you can also opt for hot green tea to neutralize the effects of fatty foods.
14. Choose Sufficient Exercises To Perform
Cardiovascular exercises are the thingswhich can get your heart thumping and your fat burning. Therefore, doing cardio workouts, such ascycling, aerobics, jogging, andbrisk walking is the best way to burn belly fat within a short period of time. If you do exercises before breakfast, the body will burn your excessive fat because it does not have any food to burn inside your body, making it the best time to burn off stubborn belly fat.
15. Eat Slowly
You should come with the habit of taking smallbites and chewing them as slowly as you can and feel comfortable about because that will make sure that youdo not overeat and consume fewer calories. How to do that?In fact, it takes the brain about 20 minutes to register that we are full. If you do not take enough time to eat and digest, might be youare eating past the point where you are full. Eating slowly will give you enough time to realize when you should stop. It also helps you digest better and let’s face it, you enjoy foods more that way.
16. Monitor Carefully What You Eat
Another out of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast is trying and eating more fat burning foods, such as lean poultry, skim milk, natural fruits, vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, or seafood, meat, and egg whites. Might be you actually know what you should avoid eating because they are likely to be your favorites, such as burgers, pizzas,bakery foods, deep fried foods, fatty meats, and all products which contain a high level of sugar.
17. Never Skip Your Breakfast
Skipping breakfast is actually one of the worst things which canlead to belly fat! If you do not eat after many seeping hours, your body will go into the ‘starvation mode’. This is bad news for burning stomach fat because it will slow down your metabolism in an effort to burn less calories and save energy. Actually, many dietitians suggest that the best breakfast is a heavy one.
18. Eating Smaller Meals Yet More Times Every Day
Do not get too excited, because at the same time, you have to reduce your portions’ size. Eating 5-6 small meals for a day will firstly help to prevent you from overeating or binging atmeal times. Also, itcan keep your metabolism running as it is constantly burning up food. In brief, eating smaller meals is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast that no one can deny.
19. Follow A Mutual Plan With Your Friends
The reason why is it always simpler to exercise or diet with a friend is not the thing I can be sure about. However, it is totally true! Enlist the support of a diet or work-out buddy, and shed stomach fat and get rid of extra inches gradually together! You guys will be able to help each other, inspire each other, and even get friendly competition.
20. Strengthen Your Core
Your stomach muscles are part of a network of muscles called “core”, and they are vitally essential to good health and fitness. Do exercises specifically to strengthen your core, and you will not only get rid of stomach fat, but also improveyour posture, and you will be far less likely to ever suffer from back pain.
21. Meet An Expert Or Doctor For Advice
Your personal trainer, doctor, and plastic surgeon should not be last thing you focus in the journal to lose stomach fat. A personal trainer can be a friend indeed in your fight against the belly bulge becausehe knows even more tricks and tips than I do, and he is always ready to help you! Before starting any diet plan or exercise regimen, you shouldspend time seeing your doctor, especially if you are diabetic or if you have suffered from an eating disorder in the past. And even after you lose weight, you might still want to tighten things up (loose skin), and that is why you should find help from a plastic surgeon.
22. Read The Labels And Get Clearly What The Foods You Will Consume Contain
Even the foods which are supposed to be designed for dieters can containa lot of nasty chemicals and much more calories than we need. Therefore, you should always check out the food and drink labels before buying them.Again, you need to ensure to know what a serving size is! It is very important for anyone who wants to lose stomach fat fast.
23. Practice Good Posture
If you want a quick and simple tip to make it look like you have lost weight, even when you have not? Put your shoulder back, suck your tummy in, and keep your head up.With this “cool” posture,you will look much fitter. It is even simpler to breathe this way! In a way, you will be toning your abdominal muscles, which are very important for losing stomach fat within a shorter time period.
24. Knowing Your Portions
Can you manage your daily food portions well? Do you know what amount is perfect and healthy? Try this tip: pour what you think is one serving of cold cereal into a bowl, then measure it against what the side of the box says is a serving. Most of us pour double the suggested serving size! Worse, restaurants might serve more than twice the serving size, especially in fats and in meat. Most restaurants serve a portion of beef or chicken that is at least twice that. You shouldmake sure to know what a serving size looks like, and save the rest for left-overs.
25. Ignore The Scale
The scale is terrible. We all think of it as the be-all, end-all of fat loss measurement, but it is totally not! Firstly, as women, men’s weight is prone to fluctuate a little on its own with our own natural cycles. Additionally, as we lose stomach fat and build lean muscle, we will actually get a little more weight, though we are trying to reduce inches. Ignore the scale. Or, if you just cannot help yourself, you can keep the weigh-ins to a minimum, maybe every two weeks or once a week.
26. Do Not Count On Commercial Products
Let me show you this once and for all: if a pill, a special diet plan, or a piece of workout equipment promises to help you shed stomach fat fast, it is a lie, no matter which celebrity says it can work. The single way to burn stomach fat quickly is exercising and changing your diet. It is the second time I have said this thing in this list because it is very important and I do not want you to be cheated.You should be skeptical of new products which promise fast changes. They are actually a huge waste of your money and time!
27. Set Up A Concrete Plan And Goal
In any endeavor, it is essentialto set up a concrete goal and keep it always in your mind. You should ensure that your belly fat losing goal is realistic, then write it down and repeat it: it is your new mantra. This concrete purpose will motivate you on the days when you do not want to do exercises.
28. Get The Right Fit
No matter how thin you are, if you are wearing jeans that are too tight, you are going to have unsightly muffin top. Therefore,you should make sure to fit rightly, even if it means you need to increase your pans up toone or two size. You might not have to burn as much stomach fat as you thought!
29. Relax Your Stomach Enough After A Meal
Did you know that it can take a few minutes for your stomach to realize it is full? Thatis why it is essential to eat slowly and take some breaks between the activities. Otherwise, you will end up over-eating, undoing all of the diet magic you accomplished that day, and that is not what you want if you are trying to get rid of belly fat fast.
30. Drink A Glass Of Water Before Your Meal
If you are thirsty, you are going to eat more. Might be it sound a little bit strange, but it is true. Therefore, before you come to the meal, you should drink a glass of cool water, wait a few minutes, then dish out the proper portion and start the meal. You will be surprised at how efficient this method is in helping you lose weight. Give it a try!
31. Never Give Up
After a long time – maybe some weeks – you find that you are not losing weight or inches anymore, you will tend to feel that you want to give up. Do not do this at all costs! That is just a plateau, a sign showing that your body is adjusting to all of the positive things you are doing. What you should do is keep going! You are getting there! You are now much closer to lose all that belly fat than ever!
32. Do Not Starve Yourself
Starving yourself is a terrible weight loss method! It will not help you burn stomach fat. Cut calories, by all means, especially the empty calories, but to lose stomach fat well and get healthy, you need to turn your diet into a better one. Starving yourself is a stupid and unhealthy way, and it will not work! It will wreck your metabolism and lead to a lot of health problems. Do not even make the mistake of thinking that skipping lunch, breakfast, or dinner will help you lose weight.
33. Do Not Be Complacent
Once you have got the physique you want without extra belly fat, that does not mean it is time to allow your body to go out of the healthy framework. Do not stop exercising. Do not stop eating healthy. You should keep up with your plan, and you will keep your new hot body! Do not forget that it is not just about losing stomach fat; it is about getting healthier generally.
34. Cut Out Soda
A serving of soda contains more calories than a large banana, without any nutritional value. Many of those calories are taken from high fructose corn syrup, which our bodies do not really know how to process, leading tostomach fat storage. Ditch the soda and save those calories for something much better for burning stomach fat!
35. Cut Out Fast Foods
Fast foodsare the worst culprit in the fight against belly fat. It is convenient, but it is jam-packed with unhealthy fat and calories, and those fat and calories head straight to our “prone areas”: our belly and butt.You should avoid eating fast food, or at least, you should choose healthier fast foods, such as salads instead of fries. However, if you really desire to get rid of belly fat fast, you should never opt for any kind of fast foods.
36. Make Your Meal Looks Colorful
Have you everthought that the more colorful your meal, the more healthful it is likely to be? Think about it: tomatoes, spinach,peppers, and carrotsare all great colors, and they are all very brilliantly healthy food choices for you! You should always keep your meal colorful and you are well on your way to lose that stubbornstomach fat!
37. Do Not Do Crunches
Unlike what people usually think, crunches do not own the power of burning belly fat. Doing crunches will only help you strengthen your abdominal muscles. You cannot spot reduce. Therefore, doing hundreds of crunches a day is a huge waste of time and effort. Moreover, crunches are also the cause of lower back pain, slouching shoulders and forward head posture. Although the reverse crunch does not lead to these issues, but if you are searching for flat and toned abs, you will need much more than that. In order to find out what you need to do, just keep reading these ways to burn belly fat.
38. Build A Stronger Body
In order to avoid muscle loss and assist fat loss as well as build muscle mass, strength training is the way to go. The best two exercises that help build strength are the squat and deadlift. They will provide heavy weights onto your body, making all muscles on your body to work. Therefore, by doing these exercises, both your lower back and abs muscles will have to work really hard in order to keep you from collapsing under the heavy weight. Your body will get stronger quickly and build muscle fast, including abdominal muscles.
It is important to know that you cannot spot reduce. Consequently, you cannot burn your belly fat directly by doing squats and deadlifts. However, these two exercises will provide abdominal muscles and decrease your pants size.
39. Eat Healthy Food
Have you ever heard the saying “abs are built in the kitchen”? This means that despite all the effort of training hard and building abdominal muscles, if you do not eat clean, you will not be able to lose your belly fat. Therefore, it is the best that you stop eating processed and unhealthy food. Try to eat whole and unprocessed foods instead.
However, you do not have to be harsh on this since eating junk food can actually help fat loss by keeping your hormones sharp. But you should remember not to overdo it. If you usually have 6 meals a day, you should cut off the amount of junk food intake by eating it only 4 times a week.
40. Do Not Drink Too Much Alcohol
On the journey of getting rid of belly fat, controlling what you drink is as important as controlling what you eat. It is fine to drink alcohol from time to time. But if beer and alcohol are your daily drink, you should stop thinking about losing your belly fat.
Those who drink beer always have one thing in common: a pear shape with belly fat and man boobs. This feature becomes more obvious when they get older. Moreover, your liver will have to work much harder in order to clear the toxins which cause stress. By constantly drinking alcohol, you will never achieve your goals.
It is recommended that you should drink alcohol 10% of the time. For instance, you can drink beer on Friday and Saturday night. However, you should keep it at a normal level. This means that do not get drunk. For the rest of the time, water and green tea should be your best friends. Do this or forget about having flat abs.
41. Reduce Your Carbs Intake
Carbs provide energy. Therefore, you need carbs. However, the most common problem is that people tend to eat more carbs than they actually need. By doing so, your body will start to store the excessive carbs that are not needed, which is how you get belly fat.
It is necessary to lower your carb intake. Try to add more fruits and vegetables to every meal and cut back on rice, breads, potatoes… These foods should only be consumed after workouts.
42. Increase Your Protein Intake
It is crucial to know that once you eat proteins, your body will have to work harder and burn more energy in order to process, comparing to when you eat carbs and fat. This is the reason why high protein diets usually have better results.
The question is: how much protein do you need every day? The answer is that you should eat whole protein with each meal. By doing so, you will not have to worry about the numbers.
43. Increase Your Fat Intake
Unlike what people have been thinking, fat does not make you gain more weight. Bad nutrition and lack of exercise are the causes of excessive belly fat. Consuming fat actually helps lose fat. If you provide your body a constant intake of healthy fats, it will not store fat easily.
Fish oil has been known as one of the best weapons to speed up the process. It naturally increases testosterone levels and increases fat loss. Taking in 6gr of omega 3 a day is a good head start.
However, remember to avoid trans fatty fats which are included in products like margarine. They are extremely unhealthy. The best way to avoid eating it is to consume whole unprocessed food 90% of the time as mentioned above.
44. Get Sufficient Sleep
Every time you feel the need to stay up late in order to finish your work, I suggest you think again. You tend to eat more when your biorhythms are off. Ghrelin, which creates cravings for sugar and unhealthy food, will be produced when you are exhausted. Sleep deprivation can change your hormone production, altering your cortisol levels which will cause insulin sensitivity, the main reason for belly fat. Therefore, having about 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night is probably the best thing you do to achieve your goals.
45. Breathe Slower
This simple method can be implemented anywhere, anytime, even if you are in the middle of something. Whenever you are feeling nervous or worried, calm down, check and see how you are breathing. Under stressful circumstances, most people will either alternately hold their breath with short breathes or take short shallow ones. After having checked and noticed the way you are breathing, try to relax your belly and slow down the breathing. Try to focus on slowing down the exhalation. Tell yourself to slow down each time you exhale and that is all it takes in order to help speed up the process.
46. Consume Vitamin C
Your body will automatically produce more cortisol hormone whenever you are feeling stressed. This is when you need to take in vitamin C since it helps balance the cortisol spikes. Vitamin C is not only a good way to stop a cold but also a great fat burning friend because it is crucial for making carnitine, a compound used to turn fat into fuel.
If you are facing with an emotional crisis, stress from office or an unhealthy eating splurge, try to increase your vitamin C intake. By doing this, you will be able to fight against the negative side effects. Try kale, bell peppers or kiwi fruits. They contain even more vitamin C than oranges.
47. Make Sugar Your Worst Enemy
A healthy diet takes up to 80% of the journey of burning belly fat. Therefore, it is extremely crucial to reduce your calories intake by taking in proteins, vegetables, whole grains and substitute junk food with healthy meals.
48. Motivate Yourself
Unlike what you usually think, looking at the reflection of your belly in the mirror does not do any good. What you see is a result that was affected by food intake, water retention, light and your personal perception. Here is what you need to do in order to get the most accurate idea of your current body:
– Measure body fat: use a fat caliper every 2 weeks. The number does not need to be correct though. What you need to do is to make sure that it goes down from time to time.
– Measure your waist: take a precise number of your waist every 2 weeks. The number will decrease very quickly if you eat healthy and become stronger.
– Take pictures: take pictures from different angles of your body every 2 weeks: front, back and side.
That is the end of this “Easy & natural ways to burn belly fat fast at home” article. Hopefully, you have found a solution for your belly fat problem. If you find these easy, natural ways to burn belly fat fast at homehelpful, please do not forget to let us know what you think by making a comment below or if you have further question related to this article, please do not hesitate to reach us any time. There are also many other fitness & exercise related articles from the site vkool. On a behalf of vkool editing team, we are 100% committed to providing readers helpful article, please take sometimes to pay us a visit and you will always learn something good for your health every day.
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