10 Signs And Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency In Humans

signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is one of eight most abundant minerals on earth. It also stands no.4 in the list of top most abundant minerals in the body of a human. Magnesium is found in more than 300 biochemical reactions and in all types of cell in the body.

Your bones contain approximately 50 to 60 percentages of all magnesium while your blood only has a low amount of magnesium.

Magnesium is particularly important for you to have the healthy bones, controlled blood pressure, good blood circulation, a restful sleep, a strong immune system, proper nerve functioning, a healthy heart, proper elimination, muscle health, proper carbohydrate digestion, and vitamin D absorption.

If you suffer from magnesium deficiency, you can experience some early symptoms such as tingling and numbness, abnormal heart rhythms, and muscle cramps.

In addition, it is also related to other conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, heart disease, migraine, insomnia, panic attacks and anxiety, and some musculoskeletal problems including chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, etc.

It is indicated in many studies that most people do not get an adequate amount of magnesium or even lack it. Some reasons causing the deficiency of magnesium are excessive alcohol intake, an unhealthy diet, chronic or excessive vomiting, having diarrhea for a long time, and poorly controlled diabetes. Today, in this writing, VKool.com will introduce top 10 early signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency in human. This article listed the early signs of lacking magnesium in the human body from reliable sources. However, it is for the informational purpose. Keep following this writing to know if you are in this condition!

Top 10 Signs And Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency In Humans

1. Frequent Migraines

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - frequent migraines

If you frequently suffer from a migraine, it may indicate that you have a magnesium deficiency. In fact, it is concluded that a low amount of magnesium in the brain is an important reason causing migraine attacks. Curing migraines for women during pregnancy also needs great care. And you can choose magnesium as a safe choice for this condition instead of powerful prescription medications.

A study in 2025 suggests that all patients suffering from a migraine should use magnesium to treat symptoms of magnesium deficiency problem. In addition, magnesium may also aid in treating menstrual migraines.

Read more: How to treat a headache at home naturally – 6 tips

2. Anxiety, Restlessness, And Depression

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - anxiety, restlessness, and depression

Someday, when you suddenly feel lethargic, depressed, irritable, and restless but unexplained cause, you may have a deficiency of nutrition like magnesium. This mineral assists you in keeping relaxed and the feeling calm. Hence, the lacking of it is often associated with these problems.

Researchers reported in a study published in 2006 that symptoms of magnesium deficiency could be irritability, behavioral disturbances, and depression.

Therefore, the increase of your magnesium amount can be beneficial in reducing anxiety and nervousness, general irritation, and restlessness. Additionally, it helps you feel asleep, improving the sleeplessness condition caused by depression.

3. Unexplained Weakness And Fatigue

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - unexplained weakness and fatigue

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency at the mild level can cause general weakness and fatigue. You may suffer from a deficiency of muscle or physical strength and realize that you need more extra effort to do your daily activities.

In fact, magnesium plays a vital role in transferring glucose into energy, boosting your metabolism as well as fighting weakness and fatigue.

Additionally, this essential nutrient has the ability to balance the metabolism of various minerals such as potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin C, providing energy to the body.

Read more: Top 10 natural home remedies for fatigue and depression

4. Insomnia

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - insomnia

Another of top 10 symptoms of magnesium deficiency is insomnia. If you cannot fall asleep or still feel tired after sleeping for several hours, it may indicate that your body is lacking magnesium.

Magnesium is known as an ultimate relaxation mineral helping your mind and body relax, which will contribute to having a restful sleep.

The deficiency of magnesium affects the functioning of the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors in your brain. Gamma-aminobutyric acid is the neurotransmitter allowing your brain to transfer into the restful state to have a sound sleep.

Researchers found that magnesium supplement has a positive effect on primary insomnia on elderly people.

It is concluded that magnesium supplements assisted in stimulating subjective measures of sleeplessness such as the sleep efficiency, ISI score, sleep onset latency, sleep time as well as early morning awakening.

Learn more: How to stop insomnia naturally and effectively without pills

5. Unpleasant Body Odor

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - unpleasant body odor

Suddenly excessive sweating and an unpleasant body odor are also the symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

In fact, magnesium can help a lot in controlling the activity of sweat gland and neutralizing odor-producing chemicals. This mineral is even beneficial in curing excessive sweating at night.

Besides, an imbalance of magnesium in dietary could contribute to causing excessive sweating.

In order to combat unpleasant body odor, you should consume more foods high in magnesium or have an intake of magnesium supplement after you consult the doctor.

Read more: How to eliminate body odor naturally forever – top 13 tips revealed!

6. Loss Of Memory And Difficulty Concentrating

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - loss of memory and difficulty concentrating

Memory and learning are fundamental functions of the brain, which are affected by the level of magnesium. In fact, magnesium is very important to help the nervous system properly function. It directly affects your working memory, learning abilities, and long-term and short-term memory. Plus, magnesium also aids in increasing attention span as well as lessening mental confusion.

A study in 2025 suggests that increasing the magnesium amount in the brain can boost memory and learning functions.

The poor source of magnesium amount might contribute to causing the deposition of heavy metal in your brain, which will increase the chance of having Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis.

7. High Blood Pressure

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - high blood pressure

It is proven that magnesium has an impact on blood pressure and the low levels of magnesium contribute to causing high blood pressure which is also called as hypertension.

The Hypertension journal concludes that lacking magnesium is a reason causing high blood pressure.

Working as a smooth muscle vasodilator, magnesium assists in keeping blood vessels pliable and soft. Additionally, this mineral also stimulates sound sleep as well as aids in relaxation.

The low level of magnesium can cause a low source of potassium which is another essential nutrient for controlling the blood pressure.

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8. Loss Of Appetite

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is also one of the early symptoms of magnesium deficiency in your body. Magnesium plays an essential role in the digestion of your body. It will help your body in absorbing and utilizing proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

If your internal system is not absorbed with enough minerals, it will not function properly, which causes loss of appetite, vomiting, and nausea.

Read more: 10 Home remedies to increase appetite in children and adults

9. Abnormal Heart Rhythms

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - abnormal heart rhythms

Abnormal and irregular heart rhythms are another early sign & symptoms of magnesium deficiency in your body. Your heart needs to be provided with an adequate amount of magnesium to properly function and get the rhythmic heartbeat. This mineral even assists in ensuring proper blood circulation.

Additionally, magnesium has the ability to transport potassium and calcium ions through cell membranes. This is an important process to support a normal heart rhythm.

10. Cramps And Muscle Spasms

symptoms of magnesium deficiency - cramps and muscle spasms

If you regularly suffer from cramps and muscle spasms, you are at high risk of magnesium deficiency. In fact, magnesium is very necessary for the health of your muscles. It can promote the re-uptake of calcium which, in turn, maintains strong muscles as well as prevents cramps.

Plus, magnesium also stimulates the potassium absorption, which is very important for proper functioning of the muscles. Additionally, it also blocks pain receptors in your brain along with the nervous system and thereby easing muscle pain.

If you often suffer from muscle cramps, you should see a doctor to get checked for the level of magnesium in your body. Besides, muscle twitching, particularly eye twitching in high frequency may also be a sign that your body is lacking magnesium.

Here are some additional tips that you should follow to increase the magnesium level:

  • Having a healthy diet is the best way to supply magnesium for your body. You can add some foods high in magnesium in your daily diet such as avocado, almonds, beans, bananas, tofu, pumpkin seeds, cashews, soy milk, walnuts, pecans, unpeeled skin potatoes, blackstrap molasses, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Remember to take a bath with an Epsom salt twice weekly to help in maintaining an adequate level of magnesium in your body.
  • You may also have an intake of magnesium supplements only after you consult your doctor’s advice.
  • Avoid consuming soda drinks, caffeine, sugar, alcoholic beverages, and salt.
  • Do not use hypertension medicine, birth control pills, insulin, certain antibiotics, and diuretics because they also decrease the magnesium levels.
  • The recommended diet with magnesium can vary based on gender or age.

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If you want to know more about other signs and symptoms of various conditions and diseases, please go to visit our main Health page. After reading the writing about top 10 early signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency in humans, hope that it can help you to know the early and common symptoms of magnesium deficiency in your body. However, the article is only for the informational purpose; therefore, you should see your doctor to get the best diagnosis. If you have any question related to any problem, please leave your comments below, I will respond you soon.  Also, if you know other symptoms of magnesium deficiency in human, please share them with us.

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