12 Good Minerals & Vitamins For Healthy Hair Growth Fast

Vitamins and minerals that aid in the hair growth are no well-kept secret. They not only help in improving overall health, boosting skin health, but they also aid in promoting the hair growth and make it grow stronger, faster and healthier. Vitamins and minerals also are essential substances for metabolic processes, which result in lush hair. So, do you know how to get the right vitamins and minerals for your hair growth? Do you know how to prevent a deficiency in any of the right vitamins and minerals for hair health? From the site VKool.com, I made this article to show you a collection of top 12 good minerals & vitamins for healthy hair growth you need to maintain your hair growing just as fast as possible and looking its best.

12 Good Minerals And Vitamins For Healthy Hair Growth

1. Vitamin B12 Or Cobalamin

vitamin b12 or cobalamin download

One of good vitamins for healthy hair is vitamin B12, another super essential vitamin of the B-complex vitamin group.  This vitamin is commonly found in almost products from animals such as dairy, meat, fish, and eggs.

In addition, you can see this vitamin added to a lot of other products including breakfast cereal, energy drinks and bars. Your body will not be able to work rightly without it; and your hair will not be soft, strong and healthy if you have a deficiency of vitamin B12 intake. Many researchers indicate that the lack of B12 vitamin may be one of possible causes for the premature graying and hair fall out. Therefore, to protect your hair health, you need to get a moderate intake of vitamin B12 through supplement drugs, or natural sources including fortified soy products (silken tofu), shellfish (cooked clams), low fat dairy (skim milk), fortified cereals (all bran), and liver (beef). Other foods you can eat to increase your intake of vitamin B12 are fish (mackerel), crustaceans (crab), eggs (chicken’s), red meat (beef), cheese (swiss), caviar (fish eggs), octopus, lean lamb, lobster, lean beef and fish (tuna).

Learn more: 35 Healthiest Fruits And Vegetables In The World To Eat & Juice

2. Zinc


Zinc is an essential mineral that helps maintain a sense of smell, build proteins, trigger enzymes,keep a healthy immune system and create DNA. If you have a deficiency in zinc, you can increase the risk of getting conditions such as hair loss, stunted growth, eye and skin lesions, diarrhea,impaired appetite, impotence, and depressed immunity. Zinc also is added in hair growth remedies, so if you want to keep your hair stronger and healthier, you need to get a moderate intake of zinc. Zinc is found in supplement drugs, or natural sources such as peanuts (roasted), lamb (lean, cooked), dried herbs and spices (chervil), dark chocolate, sesame seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds (roasted), veal liver (cooked), beef (lean, cooked), wheat germ (toasted), and oysters (cooked).

Learn more: Top Healthy Food Choices For Breakfast And Dinner

3. Pantothenic Acid Or Vitamin B5

pantothenic acid or vitamin b5 download

Vitamin B5 is one of the essential vitamins for healthy hair. It is a remedy for long, healthy hair. In addition, it is almost not possible to get overdosed with this vitamin. Many researchers have proven it safe and available in supplement form.

In addition, this vitamin is often used for growing faster long hair. You can get this vitamin through supplement pills or drugs. Besides, you can also get a natural intake of vitamin B5 by following a healthy diet.  Foods and vegetables that contain a high amount of vitamin B5 include:

  • Mushrooms (shiitake, cooked) – 3.59mg vitamin b5 (36% daily value) per 100 grams
  • Sweet potato (baked) – 0.88mg vitamin b5 (9% dv) per 100 grams
  • Sunflower seeds – 7.06mg vitamin b5 (71% dv) per 100 grams
  • Bran (rice) – 7.39mg vitamin b5 (74% dv) per 100 grams
  • Baker’s yeast – 13.5mg vitamin b5 (135% dv) per 100 grams

pantothenic acid or vitamin b5 download

  • Turkey and chicken (chicken drumstick, cooked) – 1.32mg vitamin b5 (13% dv) per 100 grams
  • Beef and veal (veal shoulder, cooked) – 1.61mg vitamin b5 (16% dv) per 100 grams
  • Lean pork (sirloin, cooked) – 1.65mg vitamin b5 (17% dv) per 100 grams
  • Liver (chicken, cooked) – 8.32mg vitamin b5 (83% dv) per 100 grams
  • Eggs – 1.53mg vitamin b5 (15% dv) per 100 grams
  • Avocados – 1.46mg vitamin b5 (15% dv) per 100 grams
  • Oily fish (trout, cooked) – 2.24mg vitamin b5 (22% dv) per 100 grams
  • Cheese (gjetost) – 3.35mg vitamin b5 (34% dv) per 100 grams

Learn more: 9 Easy Ways For Promoting Healthy Eating At Home

4. Vitamin D

vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin for the hair follicle cycling, especially for those people who live in northern of US where the sunlight is limited. Vitamin D is available in supplement pills. It is also prescribed as an eczema treatment or treatment for atopic dermatitis alike. You can get a moderate intake of vitamin D through sunlight, supplements or foods high in vitamin D such as cod liver oil 10001IU vitamin d per 100 gram serving, raw atlantic herring 1628IU (271% DV), fortified cereals 342IU (57% DV), canned mackerel (42% DV), oil packed sardines (45% DV), and raw mackerel (60% DV). Other foods you can eat to increase your vitamin d intake are eastern oysters 320 IU (80% DV), caviar (black and red) 232IU (58% DV), fortified soy products (soymilk and tofu) 157 IU (39% DV), fortified dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, salami, ham, and sausages.

Learn more: How To Get Strong Hair Fast & Naturally – 15 DIY Hair Recipes

5. Vitamin A

vitamin A

If you are suffering from a brittle hair and dry scalp, vitamin A may be what your body lacks. Vitamin A is one of best vitamins for healthy hair, because it helps keep your hair follicles alive and make the scalp produce the sebum that, in turn, moisturizes naturally your hair and scalp. This is a precious vitamin, which makes your hair grow healthy.

In addition, this vitamin is available in a wide range of foods, fruits and vegetables including:

  • Tropical fruit (mango) – 1082iu vitamin a (22% daily value) in 100g
  • Tuna fish (bluefin, cooked) – 2520iu vitamin a (50% daily value) in 100g
  • Sweet red peppers – 3131iu vitamin a (63% daily value) in 100g
  • Cantaloupe melon – 3382iu vitamin a (68% daily value) in 100g

vitamin A

  • Dried apricots – 12669iu vitamin a (253% daily value) in 100g
  • Cos or romaine lettuce – 8710iu vitamin a (174% DV) in 100g
  • Squash (butternut, cooked) – 11155iu vitamin a (223% DV)in 100g
  • Dark leafy greens (kale, cooked) – 13621iu vitamin a (272% DV) in 100g
  • Carrots (cooked) – 17033iu vitamin a (341% DV) in 100g
  • Sweet potato (cooked) – 19218iu vitamin a (384% DV) in 100g
  • Spices (cayenne, paprika, and chili powder) – 49254iu vitamin a (985% DV) per 100 grams
  • Liver (veal, cooked) – 70564iu vitamin a (1411% DV) per 100 grams

Learn more: 21 Hair Care Tips For Natural And Fine Hair At Home 2025

6. Magnesium


Magnesium is an essential mineral that your body needs to work properly. If you have a cumulative problem with your hair that includes your entire lifestyle from which foods you can eat to how much time of sleep you are getting, you should eat a diet that involves foods high in magnesium. Getting a moderate intake of magnesium, you can make sure that you are giving your scalp that it needs to grow a strong and healthy hair. Magnesium is found in a number of foods, vegetables and fruits such as dark leafy greens (raw spinach) 79mg magnesium (20% daily value) in 100g, nuts and seeds (pumpkin and squash seeds) 534mg magnesium, fish (mackerel) 97mg, lentils and beans (soy beans) 86mg, whole grains (brown rice) 44mg, avocados 29mg, plain non fat yogurt 19mg, banana 27mg. In addition, you can get magnesium from dried fruit (figs) 68mg per 100 grams, dark chocolate 327mg, rice bran 781mg, cocoa powder 499mg, dried herbs and spices (sage basil, coriander, dill) 694mg, flaxseeds 392mg, brazil nuts 376mg, sesame seed paste 353mg, sunflower seeds 346mg, wheat germ 313mg and molasses 242mg.

Learn more: 15 Homemade, Natural Hair Masks For Fine Hair

7. Iron


Iron is not a vitamin.  It is an important mineral, which our body needs to work properly. The adequate intake of iron in the body not only helps maintain your health, but it also aids in growing hair longer and stronger. May be you know that beef is rich in iron, however, there are plenty of other healthy foods that are high in iron and that you can eat without worrying about red meats.

Once you are making sure that you are not getting enough iron as well as other minerals and vitamins, you can find hair products and hair care creams that contain iron to see a greater improvement. Many experts recommend that people should get a proper iron intake from natural sources such as tofu, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, spinach, swiss chard, dark leafy greens, bran, fortified cereals,whole grains,white beans, lentils, beans, pulses, peanut, almond, cashew, pine, hazelnut,nuts, pumpkin seeds, squash, mussels, oysters and mollusks.

Learn more: Homemade Hair Growth Treatments: 15 Natural Recipes For Women

8. Folic Acid, Folate Or Folacin (Vitamin B9)

folic acid, folate or folacin (vitamin B9) download

Vitamin B9 also is called folic acid, folate or folacin, a kind of B-complex group vitamin that is necessary for making hair grow. The healthy, normal levels of folic acid are beneficial for not only your body but also for your hair. This is one of vitamins for healthy hair that helps keep your hair stronger and longer. Excellent sources of folic acid include:

  • Lentils – 358.38 mcg Vitamin B9 (89.59% daily value) per cup
  • Asparagus – 268.20 mcg Vitamin B9 (67.05 % daily value) per cup
  • Spinach – 262.80 mcg Vitamin B9 (65.70 % daily value) per cup
  • Turnip greens – 169.92 mcg Vitamin B9 (42.48 % daily value) per cup
  • Broccoli – 168.48 mcg Vitamin B9 (42.12 % daily value) per cup
  • Beets – 136.00 mcg Vitamin B9 (34.00 % daily value) per cup

folic acid, folate or folacin (vitamin B9) download

  • Romaine lettuce – 127.84 mcg Vitamin B9 (31.96 % daily value) per 2 cups
  • Bok choy – 69.70 mcg Vitamin B9 (17.43 % daily value) per cup
  • Cauliflower – 54.56 mcg Vitamin B9 (13.64 % daily value) per cup
  • Parsley – 46.21 mcg Vitamin B9 (11.55 % daily value) per ½ cup
  • Pinto beans – 294.12 mcg Vitamin B9 (73.53 % daily value) per cup
  • Garbanzo beans – 282.08 mcg Vitamin B9 (70.52 % daily value) per cup
  • Black beans – 256.28 mcg Vitamin B9 (64.07 % daily value) per cup
  • Navy beans – 254.80 mcg Vitamin B9 (63.70 % daily value) per cup
  • Kidney beans – 230.10 mcg Vitamin B9 (57.52 % daily value) per cup
  • Papaya – 102.12 mcg Vitamin B9 (25.53 % daily value) per medium

Learn more: Secrets To Growing Black Hair Long book

9. Niacin (Vitamin B3)

niacin (Vitamin B3)

Niacin is one of good vitamins for healthy hair growth. In the B-vitamin family, it plays an important role in helping us nourish our scalp, and promoting healthy hair growth. If you have not an adequate amount of niacin intake, your hair may stand the chance of becoming lifeless and brittle, and even fall out. A deficiency of niacin intake is a real condition called pellagra.

To prevent your hair from serious hair problems such as hair loss, and other conditions, you need to keep a healthy diet that involve foods such as avocado, sunflower seeds, green peas (fresh), mushrooms (grilled portobello), beef (cooked lean rib), peanuts (oil roasted), and liver (cooked lamb liver). Other vitamin B3-rich foods you can add into your daily meals are pork (cooked lean chop), chicken and turkey (cooked chicken breast), and fish (cooked yellowfin tuna), sun dried tomatoes, bacon (cooked), spices (chili powder), yeast extract, spirulina seaweed, paprika, and chia seeds.

Learn more: 23 Home Remedies For Grey Hair To Turn Black At Young Age

10. Vitamin E

vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of good vitamins for healthy hair. This vitamin is crucial for metabolism, and it helps improve your blood circulation in scalp and ensure optimal hair follicle health and hair growth. This vitamin will keep your immunity high that is a must-have for long hair, glowing skin, and nails. To make sure your hair is healthy and strong, you need to get your body’s vitamin levels checked to recognize whether you should need vitamin supplements or maintain a healthy diet.

The best sources of vitamin E are:

  • Spices (chili powder or paprika) – 38.1mg vitamin E (184% daily value) per 100 grams
  • Plant oils (wheat germ) – 149.4mg vitamin E (722% DV) per 100 grams
  • Spinach (cooked) – 2.1mg vitamin E (10% DV) per 100 grams
  • Tofu (light, silken) – 5.3mg vitamin E (25% DV) per 100 grams
  • Avocados – 2.1mg vitamin E (10% DV) per 100 grams

vitamin E

  • Sunflower seeds (roasted) – 36.3mg vitamin E (176% DV) per 100 grams
  • Nuts (almonds) – 26.2mg vitamin E (127% DV)per 100 grams
  • Shellfish (shrimp) – 2.2mg vitamin E (11% DV) per 100 grams
  • Broccoli (cooked) – 1.5mg vitamin E (7% DV) per 100 grams
  • Plant oils (olive oil) – 14.4mg vitamin E (69% DV) per 100 grams
  • Fish (rainbow trout) – 2.8mg vitamin E (13% DV) per 100 grams
  • Pumpkin and squash (cooked butternut squash) – 1.3mg vitamin E (6% DV) per 100 grams

Learn more: How To Naturally Regrow Lost Hair In 15 Minutes A Day book

11. Biotin


Biotin is called vitamin B7 or vitamin H that is a water-soluble vitamin B-complex. This vitamin plays a vital role in aiding the body in metabolizing proteins and processing glucose. Biotin is one of the best vitamins for healthy hair growth. This vitamin is important for the cell growth, the production of the fatty acids and all of processes, which make our hair grow healthy, long and strong. This vitamin can be added to our body through supplement pills or natural sources such as foods, fruits and vegetables.

To help your hair be stronger and healthier, you need to get a moderate intake of vitamin B7 by eating a healthy diet including:

  • Fruits high in vitamin B7 (biotin): durian (raw) – 5.9 μg per 100 g, avocado (raw) – 5.3 μg, yuzu (peel, raw) – 3.6 μg, banana (raw) – 1.4 μg, kiwifruit (raw) – 1.4 μg, lemon (whole, raw) – 1.2 μg, blueberry (raw) – 1.1 μg


  • Cereals high in vitamin B7: buckwheat flour (outer layer) – 38.2 μg per 100 g, oats (oatmeal, raw) – 21.7 μg, buckwheat flour (middle layer) – 18.4 μg, amaranth (whole grain, raw) – 16.3 μg, sorghum (whole grain, raw) – 15.4 μg, rye (whole flour) – 9.5 μg, and corn (whole grain, raw) – 8.3 μg
  • Foods high in vitamin B7: yeast (baker’s yeast, dried) – 309.7 μg per 100 g edible portion, chicken, offal (liver, raw) – 232.4 μg, mustard (powder) – 158.1 μg, and swine, offal (kidney, raw) – 99.5 μg
  • Vegetables high in vitamin B7: peanut (immature beans, raw) – 43.5 μg per 100 g, turnip rape (flower buds and stems, raw) – 12.2 μg, tossa jute (stems and leaves, raw) – 13.6 μg, and edamame (raw) – 11.1 μg

Learn more: How To Grow Long Hair Fast & Naturally At Home In 2 Weeks

12. Vitamin C

vitamin C

This vitamin has been advertised as an essential nutrient that boosts hair growth fast. If you have a deficiency of vitamin C intake, maybe you have to suffer from hair issues such as brittle and splitting hair. To reinforce your hair health from within and to make it stronger and harder to split or break, you need to have a moderate intake of vitamin C that has strong antioxidant properties.

The foods that are highest in vitamin C are:

  • Acerola cherries – 1677.6mg vitamin C (2796% daily value) per 100 grams
  • Sweet yellow peppers – 183.5mg vitamin C (306% daily value) per 100 grams
  • Freeze-dried sweet green peppers – 1900mg vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Freeze-dried, sweet, red peppers – 1900mg vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Rose hips – 426mg vitamin C (710% DV) per 100 grams
  • Dark green leafy vegetables – 120mg vitamin C (200% DV) per 100 grams

vitamin C

  • Blackcurrants – 181mg vitamin C (302% DV) per 100 grams
  • Guavas (381% DV) – 228.3mg vitamin C (381% DV) per 100 grams
  • Red chili – 143.7mg vitamin C (240% DV) per 100 grams
  • Broccoli – 89.2mg vitamin C (149% DV) per 100 grams
  • Kiwi (green) – 92.7mg vitamin C (155% DV) per 100 grams
  • Scotch kale – 130mg vitamin C (217% DV) per 100 grams
  • Gold kiwi fruit – 105.4mg vitamin C (176% DV) per 100 grams
  • Citrus fruits (oranges) – 53.2mg vitamin C (89% DV) per 100 grams
  • Berries (strawberries) – 58.8mg vitamin C (98% DV) per 100 grams
  • Peas (mange tout) – 60mg vitamin C (100% DV) per 100 grams
  • Papaya – 60.9mg vitamin C (102% DV) per 100 grams

Learn more: 16 Health Benefits Of Vitamin C For Skin, Hair And The Body

To see all of our writings of tips and advice on how to grow hair stronger and healthier, go to our main Hair Care page. After reading my writing of 12 good minerals and vitamins for healthy hair growth, I hope that it helps you understand more about minerals and vitamins as well as their benefits on health, skin, and hair. I also show you how to naturally get 12 minerals and vitamins for healthy hair from foods without supplement drugs or pills. This post is part of a series about hair care tips and advice. Got a question? Need answers? Leave a comment below. Now are you ready to try using these minerals and vitamins for healthy hair growth and discover how they are beneficial for your hair?

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