Fingernail fungus is very itchy and irritating, and in some cases, this can lead to the feeling of pain on skin. It was also widely known as the result of sensitive and dry skin,caused by the skin water deficiency and can sometimes even cause skin redness. The situation can turn to be painful, embarrassing, and all-around nasty rapidly. Thus, you will need to take extra care while treating this problem. In fact, this infection can happen on both your toenails and fingernails and can cover around 6-8% of all adult population.
Home Remedies For Fingernail Fungus Infection – Best Natural Treatments:
Fingernail fungus could be downright terrifying so that people not only have to see but also experience the awful symptoms, causing uncomfort to patients. Scientifically called “tinea unguium oronychomycosis”, fingernail fungus is a relatively popular as far as nail infection that many people are concerning about. Some of the trigger factors that lead to fingernail fungus are included but not limited to former nail injuries, abundant perspiration, genetics, and several health diseases and problems (diabetes, AIDS, problems related to circulation etc.) I personally had my friend and family member who used to suffer from fingernail fungus simply because they did not wear gloves while using harsh cleaning products. Trust me, it was really terrible. The situation can turn to be painful, embarrassing, and all-around nasty rapidly. Thus, you will need to take extra care while treating this problem. I know that this is a very popular issue for individuals, so I have decided to collect information and combine the best home remedies for fingernail fungus infection in an only list that can definitely help you save a lot of money and efforts spending on a laser therapy to deal with fingernail fungus. Women should not forget that acrylic nail is also well-known to cause high risks of developing fingernail fungus. Just with a simple google image search, you will find out several pictures that will surely make you re-think about whether or not you should use artificial nails.
You should find and take some wonderful oils that are totally organic and proven safe for everyone to apply onto the infected nails, as well as some powerful natural treatment methods that will be able to help you kill fingernail fungus 100%.
Today, in this article, I would like to reveal some of the best home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that are proven to work useful for stopping this skin condition.
1. Do-It-Yourself Scrub:
This is the first out of the most effective home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that I want to introduce in this full writing.
I love making use of homemade scrubs for both skin and nails, so that is the reason why I introduce to my readers a wonderful mixture for fingernail fungus that is made from just some simple natural ingredients. You will need to prepare these ingredients:
- 4 cups of hot water
- ¼ cup of white vinegar
- ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide
- ½ cup of Epsom salt
- ½ cup of baking soda
How To Make And Apply:
After combining all the ingredients you prepared before, you will be able to get a simple yet useful homemade scrub. You can choose soaking your nails in a bowl with the scrub or using a cotton ball to apply the scrub onto your infected nails individually. No matter what method you choose is, you just need to ensure that your nails will contacted with the mixture for about 10 minutes and that you will apply this process 2 times every day.
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2. Baking Soda:
This is one of the most accessible home remedies for fingernail fungus that you should also try to stop the problem fast without using any type of drug, pill, or medication. It can work amazingly both for preventing and treating fingernail fungus infection in 2 common ways:
– Baking Soda And Vinegar:
You just need to prepare one cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar and stir it well in water. Soak your fingernails in for about 15 minutes and then pat your skin area soaked in vinegar dry using a paper towel. Just right after that, you will need to take and add about 2 – 3 tablespoons of baking soda to water to soak your nails in once again within another 15-minute period.
– Baking Soda And Water:
Use lukewarm water and soap to wash your hands thoroughly and use a clean towel to pat the infected area dry carefully. Mix water with baking soda until you get a pasty substance.
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Then, use it to apply directly onto the whole nail using a cotton ball. Let it stay for about 15 minutes and then rinse your nails and skin off. Apply this tip 2 times per day until you see your infection gone and fully recovered.
The reason for using both these two methods is because the first method will help to attack the fungus (vinegar) and the other will help to protect your nail from harmful factors (baking soda). You may need to remember that the whole healing process can take anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks and also involve the “bad” nail falling off, so do not concern about this issue.
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3. Mouth Wash:
One of the most common treatment tips for dealing with fingernail fungus is the use of mouth wash. Many people use some types of mouth wash for fighting against and beating off the fingernail fungus infection, by soaking the infected fingernails in mouthwash within about 15 minutes on a daily basis until the symptom of this infection is completely gone. It is a useful alternative as it contains high level of alcohol that can serve as a powerful antiseptic. If you are searching for a certain brand, Listerine might be the best for you.
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In fact, this is one of the best home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that people should remember to learn and make use for good!
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4. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is very famous for its amazing and powerful beauty effects as well as health effects. In terms of skin and nail issues, apple cider vinegar is actually one of the best remedies for fingernail fungus infection as well. This acidic home remedy can help to ward off bacteria and prevent other skin and nail areas from being infected by fungus. I suggest that you and other people who are suffering from the fingernail fungus or also some other infections should make use of this ingredient because it can act well for a great deal of purposes. You can make use of the organic apple cider vinegar lotion in 2 different ways:
– Diluted:
Prepare equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar and use the mixture to apply onto your nails for about 30 minutes. Practice makes perfect, so you need to apply this tip every day and do not forget do pat the infected area dry after each soak session.
– Spray:
Take 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and put them both into a spray bottle. Use this spray to apply under your each fingernail every night before going to sleep so that you will be able to heal and regain the natural beauty of your nails fast and effectively.
In fact, this is also one of the best and most effective home remedies for fingernail fungus that people should not skip but try making use to stop the current concern fast (just within a few days to one week) and safely without making use of any type of costly yet useless creams or medical interventions.
5. Lemon Juice:
Another out of the most effective home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that I would like to introduce in this writing and want my readers to make use is lemon juice.
In fact, lemon is certainly one of my favorite types of fruits for several reasons. In the field of dealing with the fingernail fungus issue, the citric acid contained in lemon juice can help to protect our fingernails from being infected by the fungus. In addition, it has powerful antifungal and antiseptic effects that have been proven to be extremely effective for everyone at all ages. There are 2 common and easy ways you can use lemon juice to deal with the fingernail fungus issue:
– In The Combination With Olive Oil:
Mix up some equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil to form a mixture and use that mixture to massage your fingernails which are struggling with fungus gently within a few minutes. Allow the mixture to stay for a while and reapply this tip as frequently as possible.
– Fresh:
Squeeze one lemon to take the juice and use the juice to apply directly onto your infected nails. It is best if you can let it stay within about 15 minutes before using lukewarm water to rinse your hands and nails off. You need to ensure that you will pat the infected area carefully and apply this tip on a daily basis for approximately 4 weeks at least.
– Lemongrass Oil (Bonus):
This natural herb has a wonderful fragrance that can help to reduce the unpleasant smell of sick fingernails as well. Thanks to the powerful antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of this herb, if you apply lemongrass oil onto your infected nails 3 times every day, it will be guaranteed that you can get a fast and healthy heal without spending too much money and effort.
6. Oregano Oil:
Another out of the most efficient home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that people should not look down is making use of oregano oil.
The next oil that is super great for you to deal with the fingernail fungus problem is oregano oil. This is actually one of the most effective and safe to use home remedies for fingernail fungus that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and apply for good! Believe it or not, oregano contains powerful antiviral, anti-parasitical, antiseptic, analgesic, and antibacterial properties that can help in treating the fingernail fungus infection and leave you with nails worthy of magazine photos. Everything you may need for this remedy is just one teaspoon of olive oil and 2 drops of oregano oil. Stir them thoroughly and use the mixture to apply onto your infected fingernails with the help of a dropper or a cotton ball.
Repeat this process once a day for about 3 – 4 weeks or until you see your fingernail fungus issue reduced or totally gone.
7. Orange Oil:
As you may have already known, this list is getting ever more appetizing. If you want to deal with the fingernail fungus issue, orange oil is straight up extraordinary. Similar to the tea tree leaf oil, orange oil has proven to be a wonderful form of natural medication for fingernails and it is considered a super hero fungicide.
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To make use of this natural ingredient, you just need to prepare some pure orange oil and lather it both under and on top your infected fingernail areas. You can also mix orange oil with olive and tea tree or grape seed oil and allow the mixture to naturally dry on your nails.
In fact, this is also one of the simplest to follow yet also effective home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that I would like to introduce in this entire writing and want my readers to learn and apply to stop the fingernail fungus issue fast and effectively.
8. Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is also very famous for its amazing health benefits. This is yet another yummy treatment method that can really act as a miracle solution you can use for a long time period. Coconut oil is an exceptional home remedy due to its wonderfully powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. To make use of this natural ingredient, you just need to prepare some pure coconut oil and use it to rub directly onto your infected fingers and nails as frequent as possible. You will quickly realize that this scented liquid can help to heal both the nails and the nail bed.
This is also among the best home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that people should learn and apply at home.
9. Lavender Oil:
Our ninth fungus removal is the lovely and fragrant lavender oil. It is also jam-packed with powerful antiseptic properties and can aid in transforming black or green infected nails into perfectly clean and beautiful ones with the healthy look. To make use of this natural ingredient, you just need to prepare some lavender oil and heat it a bit in the microwave oven so that it does not become too hot, and then use the solution to directly apply onto your infected nails using just one small yet helpful a cotton ball. You will need to keep the cotton ball in place for about 5 minutes every day until you see the symptoms of the fungus infection on your nails disappear and you can get back your healthy nails once again. This home remedy is actually very useful and safe to use, so people should try to stop the concern about this health issue as soon as possible.
10. Tea Tree Oil:
Similar to several other home remedies for fingernail fungus infection, tea tree oil is an outstanding natural ingredient that can help in getting rid of countless issues in totally natural and safe way. It is actually very famous for being an excellent home treatment for fungus thanks to its powerful antiseptic properties. If you start realizing some of the fingernail fungus signs on your nails, you should right away take some tea tree oil and use it to dab onto your infected nail areas.
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You can also opt for covering a cotton ball or pad in tea tree oil and rub it directly onto your infected nails. In addition, you should try carefully scrubbing the infection area on your nails using a soft toothbrush, but as fingernail fungus is contagious, remember to ensure that you will throw it away afterwards. Another way to make use of tea tree oil to treat fingernail fungus is mixing it with olive oil and using the mixture to apply onto your infected nails. Apply this tip twice per day for the best result as desired within a short time period. In fact, this is another great one out of the list of useful home remedies for fingernail fungus that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use as soon as possible.
11. Olive Oil And Salt:
This is the last but also very important out of the list containing the best home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that I want to introduce in this entire article.
This alternative contains two key ingredients that can basically be found in your kitchen anytime.
Olive oil contains fatty acids that can help in skin-nourishing by acting as a wonderful natural moisturizer for those who have dry skin. In addition, olive oil is high in vitamin E which can aid your body in dealing with free radicals that may lead to natural skin and nail aging. Meanwhile, as everyone may know, salt has powerful detoxifying effect so that it can help to clean the nails from harmful fungus, as well as making them stronger and harder.
You just need to take some olive oil and salt, and then stir these two ingredients together until the oil is totally absorbed by the salt. Then, you just need to take a little amount of the mixture to apply onto every infected nail 2 times per day and reapply the method until you see your fingernail fungus is totally gone. This is actually a very simple home remedy that will bring about fantastic results fast.
Now, after reading this full writing and learning exactly how you can make use of the home remedies for fingernail fungus infection to deal with this disease naturally at home, what you should do next is just to spend time reading another useful article that will also help you deal with another nail issue – the List Of 8 Natural Home Remedies For Brittle Nails article. In fact, this is a full gathering of proven efficient and natural treatments that can help anyone who are struggling with the brittle nail problem stop this concern within just a short time and without the need for any type of pill, drug, or medication.
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The treatment tips and techniques that are revealed in this article are very simple and safe to apply at home, so even people who do not have any experience can learn and make use of them to increase their chances of successfully stopping the brittle nail issue. These remedies are 100% based on nature and safe to use so that people should not concern about this!
This is actually a full list of the best home remedies for fingernail fungus that readers of VKool.com and other people who are also dealing with the fingernail fungus issue should learn and apply for good! These natural treatment tips are actually based on nature and proven safe to use for people at all ages to apply at home with cheap and easy to find natural ingredients so that no one needs to fear of getting failure or facing harmful side effect.
If you think that the home remedies for fingernail fungus infection that I suggested above are really useful for your current situation and good for other people you know who are also struggling with this nail infection, you should let me know and feel free to share this list widely to make use of these home remedies with anyone you want. As an author, I always want to see my readers’ personal thoughts and evaluation, so do not forget to leave your comments and feedbacks by filling the comment section below!
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