Nausea is an uncomfortable feeling that plagues many of us from time to time. When you get nauseated, you will be dizzy, extremely hot, sweaty, and vomiting.
Basically, nausea and motion sickness are signs that one or some parts of your body function is wrong including heartburn, dehydration, acid reflux, a migraine, motion sickness, sun stroke, stomach disorder, food poisoning and a wide range of infectious illnesses.
Women often suffer from nausea and vomit during the early months of their pregnancy. Besides, nausea can be also caused as a negative effect of cancer treatment.
In fact, nausea is not a serious ailment, yet it may leave you feeling tired and fatigued. Fortunately, nausea can be cured with natural home remedies.
Also, because nausea and motion sickness may occur for a various reasons, so you should understand the cause of your nausea and apply an appropriate treatment. In this article on VKool site, we are going to show you 21 best natural home remedies for nausea, along with detailed instructions of use and warnings. Check out all these remedies and improve your health without any sickness!
21 Best Natural Home Remedies For Nausea You Are Looking For
Nausea and motin sickness are common diseases people might get. Especially, when you have stomach and get pregnancy. You can apply natural treatments to heal these problems safely and naturally and here are top 21 natural home remedies for nausea and motion sickness. Hope you enjoy!
13. Ginger
14. Peppermint
15. Lemon
16. Clove
17. Cumin
18. Fennel
20. Cinnamon
21. Anise
1. Reduce Stress Or Anxiety
Stress or anxiety usually happens nowadays, especially when you are too busy and do not have free time for relaxation. Nausea is a result of anxiety and whenever you feel anxious; your stomach will feel upset and feel nausea. As the result, you should learn how to manage your stress, anxiety and learn to accept the fact about work and life. You can breathe deeply whenever you feel anxious. By the way, you will reduce feeling of anxiety and reduce vomiting as well.
2. Bread
One of the best home remedies for nausea is bread. I believe that you have heard this treatment for stomachache. The reason is that bread can absorb excess acid in your stomach and it is recommended to use whenever you have nausea. Another way to stop the problem is to have a cup of milk, a piece of bread, an unsalted butter. You can heat up that milk until it is hot, toast the bread and spread a little butter on it. Now you can put the bread into the milk and eat slowly.
3. Exercises
Actually, neck pain and upper back pain can cause nausea and it is necessary to reduce these problems first. Stretching is effective for treating the issue and you should try to stretch your back and neck to reduce nausea feeling. In addition, you can do some other exercises on neck and back. For example:
- You lie on the floor, you can lie like you are doing yoga or doing push-up exercise. Make sure that you stretch your back as much as possible.
- In order to reduce nausea feeling, you can lie down the floor without pillow, bend your knees, and breathe deeply.
- You can sit down and your back is against the wall, increase your knees, your head is between the knees, and breathe deeply.
Learn more: Effective methods to exercise with electric bike with the Build A 50mph Electric Bike book
4. Cool Compress
Do you know that cool compress is worthy adding into list of best home remedies for nausea? This is a simple thing you can do at home every day to eliminate discomfort. You just need a cool compress, specifically an ice pack, sit down for some minutes. You can put the compress under the neck if you lie down, if you sit down, you can put the compress across the back of neck. Both of positions will be helpful for your nausea problem.
5. Snack Some Frozen Fruits
Fruits are very healthy and they are excellent home remedies for nausea. You can slice some lemon or lime and freeze them. When you feel nausea, just lie down and suck on a slice of lime or lemon. If you do not have refrigerator, you just need to slice them and suck on them if necessary. This remedy will make your stomach happy and it will stop nausea dramatically.
6. Breathe Fresh Air
An important thing you have to do when getting nausea is to have fresh air to breathe. Opt for some peaceful and clean places, where include a lot of trees, sit down and breathe deeply. Or you can have a pan and put the pen across your face, you should have the fan oscillate that can make you more pleasant and feel more comfortable.
7. Drink Teas
Teas are favorite drinks for many people and they are great home remedies for nausea. Do you have any kind of tea at home? I think that you should choose connation, raspberry, lemon, chamomile, and peppermint teas because they can improve your health and make you feel less nausea immediately after drinking them. Store those tea bags in your house and you might need it in some days.
Read more: top 10 positive effects of tea on human health
8. Hard Candy
Do you believe that hard candies such as sour candy, lifesavers, peppermint, etc can help you end feeling of nausea? This remedy is convenient because you can suck on candies anytime you get nausea and vomiting, even you are working or doing something outside the house. You should have some types of candies available at home and snack them whenever you get the stomach problem.
9. Baking Soda
Baking soda can neutralize acids in your stomach effectively and it can break some fatty substance that pressure on your stomach. The method is to mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of warm water, stir them well and you might add some vinegar if desire. Bubble up for a few minutes and drink it to relieve stomachache and nausea. Additionally, you can mix baking soda with lemon juice, peppermint leaves, peppermint tea, or apple cider vinegar to get better effect. However, pregnant women do not apply this remedy.
Read more: 13 surprising and fantastic uses of baking soda
10. Snack More Often
When feeling nausea, you need to avoid eating too many foods at a time; instead, you should snack and eat small meals. If you are busy or do not have time, you can bring some healthy snacks for your stomach and this method will make your stomach feel happier. Obtaining lots of foods and eating quickly also cause nausea, so you need to avoid them.
Learn more: 27 benefits and ideas of healthy snack for kids and adults
11. Avoid Nausea Triggers
Another effective home remedy for nausea is avoiding nausea triggers. Are you afraid of smelling something? Are you pregnant and do not want to eat some foods? Simply, you do not smell them and try to avoid them as much as possible. Tell your partner or family members about your problem, they will help you when cooking something you like.
12. Drink Water
Fresh Water is a vital factor in our life. Water is necessary for a healthy skin, nail, hair, and health. If you want to improve health, prevent and cure some problems, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. You can supply more fluids via daily meals. If possible, you can bring some water whenever doing exercises and working. Whenever you have nausea, you should drink more water to heal the problem naturally at home.
13. Ginger
Ginger is considered one of the greatest home remedies for nausea. Researchers revealed that active components present in this spice like pungent phenol and volatile oils affect the nervous system, intestines and stomach, which in turn aid in reducing nausea. Ginger is beneficial for both chemotherapy-induced nausea and pregnancy-related nausea.
- First, add 1 teaspoon of grated ginger to 1 cup of hot water
- Cover and simmer within 10 minutes
- Next, strain, and add some lemon juice and honey for taste
- Drink the solution while it’s still warm
Alternatively, you can:
- Mix 1/2 tsp of ginger juice with 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of mint juice
- Have this solution every several hours until feeling better
In another way, you can also:
- Nibble on a thin piece of ginger root; try some ginger candy or try ginger pickle as a simple way to alleviate nausea symptoms.
Note: Avoid drinking more than 3 cups of ginger tea a day. If you’re taking aspirin, prescribed anti-coagulant drugs or any similar medicine, avoid all form of ginger remedies.
14. Peppermint
Next to home remedies for nausea and motion sickness, this is peppermint. The herb has calming effects on the lining of stomach, which can help cure nausea. Also, antispasmodic properties in peppermint can help prevent cramping. According to a research at Liverpool University in 1997, peppermint can effectively treat post-operative nausea. Moreover, it’s safe for relieving nausea during pregnancy in women.
- First, make a cup of peppermint tea with 1 tsp of dried peppermint leaves and hot water
- Cover with the lid and steep the tea for 3to 5 minutes
- Next, add 1 teaspoon of honey and sip the peppermint tea while it’s still warm.
This tea is very beneficial for nausea and motion sickness caused by intestinal cramping. Beside peppermint tea, you can:
- Place 1 or 2 drops of peppermint oil on a face tissue
- Then inhale the scent and take deep breaths
- As a result, you will feel better within just several minutes
15. Lemon
Beside peppermint, you can make use of lemon as a home treatment for nausea. Neutralizing acids present in lemon can create bicarbonates in your stomach, which in turn relieve nausea caused by the gas, flu, bloating, upset stomach and heartburn. Moreover, lemon can help balance the natural pH levels in the body.
- First, mix 1 tsp of honey with 1 tsp of lemon juice
- Slowly eat the mixture as an immediate relief for nausea
Alternatively, you can:
- Mix ½ tsp of salt with the juice of 1/2 lemon in water
- Then, inhale the scent of the mixture for several minutes, then slowly drink it
In another way, you can:
- Cut a lemon into 2
- Next, hold 1/2 lemon close to the nose, then inhale the lemon scent
- For a quick relief from nausea, mix about 10 drops of fresh lemon juice with ½ tsp of sugar and 1/4 tsp of baking soda in 1 cup of water
- Then, slowly drink it
Note: If you suffer from high blood pressure, avoid adding salt
16. Clove
Next to effective home remedies for nausea, try clove. Thanks to soothing and aromatic properties in clove, this herb is helpful in relieving nausea symptoms. Also, clove is safe to treat morning sickness and pregnancy-related nausea.
- First, add 1 tsp of clove powder to 1 cup of hot water
- Cover with the lid and steep for about 5 minutes, then strain it
- Drink the clove tea as needed or add 1 tsp of honey
In alternative way, you can:
- Put several drops of clove oil on a face tissue
- Then, inhale the clove oil, and take deep breaths till feeling better
Alternatively, you can also:
- Chew 1 to 2 cloves for getting quick relief from motion sickness and nausea
17. Cumin
Cumin works to secrete digestive enzymes in your stomach, thereby promoting your digestive system and a proper nutrient assimilation by the body. As a result, this herb help alleviate motion sickness, nausea and other related symptoms.
- First, put 1 tsp of cumin seeds in your cup
- Next, add some boiling water
- Cover wit the lid and steep for 5 minutes
- Then, add some nutmeg powder
- Sip the cumin tea and chew the seeds
Alternatively, you can:
- Chew 1 tsp of roasted cumin seeds as an immediate relief from nausea
In another way, you can also:
- Mix 1/2 tsp of cumin powder in 1 cup of water
- Then, drink the liquid to get a quick relief from nausea
18. Fennel
Besides cumin, you can try fennel among home remedies for nausea and motion sickness. Fennel works by preventing the formation of gas in your gastrointestinal tract while encouraging the expulsion of gas. The herb helps in relieving nausea thanks to digestion-related conditions such as flatulence and intestinal gas.
Furthermore, fennel has anesthetic constituents, which can aid in reducing queasiness. Fennel is good for using among pregnancy women but the herb shouldn’t be taken in excessive amounts.
- First, put 1 tsp of fennel seeds in your cup, then pour 1 cup of boiling water over the seeds
- Cover with the lid, and steep for 10 minutes
- Next, add several drops of lemon juice and 1 tsp of honey
- Then, slowly drink this tea
- After sipping the tea, you can chew the seed for better results of nausea relief
Besides, you can chew 1 tsp of raw fennel seeds as a quick relief from nausea, too!
19. Apple Cider Vinegar
Next to effective home remedies for nausea, especially nausea caused by food poisoning, migraines and motion sickness, consider apple cider vinegar. Additionally, apple cider vinegar is very good for your digestion. It works to aid your proper digestive system and helps in treating different stomach-related disorders causing nausea.
- First, add 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water
- Then, mix in 1/2 tbsp of honey for taste
- Drink the solution when you experience nausea and you’ll feel better soon
20. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is packed with chemicals called catechins, which can help treat nausea effectively. Moreover, cinnamon is soothing for your stomach irritation. Plus, this herb can aid treating nausea caused by acid reflux, gas and indigestion. It can help relieve vomiting as well.
- First, boil 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder (or a piece of cinnamon stick) in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes.
- Next, strain and add 1 tbsp of honey for taste
- Then, slowly drink this tea
Warning: Cinnamon tea isn’t recommended using for pregnant women.
21. Anise
Anise (or aniseed) can help treat nausea and vomiting naturally. Aniseed actually aids the digestive system as it contains anethole – a phyto-estrogen, thereby helping in reliving nausea effectively.
- First, add 1/2 or 1/4 tsp of anise to a ½ cup of hot water
- Next, cover with the lid
- Steep for 5 minutes, then strain
- Drink the tea to get a quick relief from nausea
Alternatively, you can:
- Chew 1 tsp of aniseed for a quick relief from nausea
Bottom line:
If you want to get more useful information, you might visit our main Home Remedies page.
Along with these 21 home remedies for nausea and motion sickness, it is also important for you to avoid dehydration and rest your stomach. These home remedies will benefit you and can help you feel better just in a few hours. Nevertheless, if the symptoms of your nausea or motion sickness last for over 24 hours, consult a doctor. For any feedback about the writing of home remedies for nausea and motion sickness, drop it at the end of the post! Thanks for reading!
Related articles on nausea treatment:
8 best solutions for vomiting at home
8 best solutions for morning sickness at home
23 easy ways to treat nausea, diarrhea and upset stomach at home
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