Bone spurs are painful and they can cause some other problems in soft tissues, tendons, and muscles. This condition is also called osteophytes, which are excessive bone that develops on a normal bone. Bone spurs can lead to damage to tissues, other bones and it normally occurs in feet, knees, hips, hands, shoulders, and spine. In this article, VKool.com will show you top 24 natural home remedies for bone spurs, especially in the neck. This writing is for informational purpose only so you should ask the doctor before applying the remedies. Also, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible if the problem is serious.
Top 24 Natural Home Remedies For Bone Spurs In Neck & Other Parts
Many people do not know that they are suffering bone spurs. This problem is really painful and some common signs that you can identify bone spurs are tearing in tendons, muscles, pain, and swelling. Here are top 24 natural home remedies for bone spurs you should know:
2. Borax
3. Coconut Oil
4. Baking Soda
5. Alfalfa
8. Salt Water
10. Milk
11. Grape Seed Oil
12. Flaxseed Oil
14. Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric, And Ginger
15. Exercise
16. Cold Compress
17. Ginger
19. Turmeric
20. Flaxseed
21. Chamomile
22. Epsom Salt
23. Change Your Diet
1. Heat Treatment
Before doing any activities, you should warm up the affected area because this is very helpful in relieving the pain. You can rub or massage the affected areas to warm up before going around or doing other activities. In addition, doing mild exercises such as walking, running, swimming, etc. can be very beneficial in treating the bone spur. Besides, yoga and meditation can also help you to reduce the inflammation that is caused due to the bone spurs. Therefore, don’t skip this method, if you are looking for home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts.
Learn more: How To Treat Bone Spurs In Heel Naturally At Home: 10 Fast Tips
2. Borax
Another effective treatment listed in the home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts is borax. It is comprised of the minerals that are essential for the bone health and ease the intensity of inflammation and pain.
- Borax – 1/2 teaspoon
- Cold water – 4 cups
- Firstly, add the borax in cold water.
- Then, stir them together until the borax dissolves completely.
- Now, soak your affected area in it for about 20 to 25 minutes.
- You should do this method daily before going to sleep for a few weeks.
See more: Top 10 Foods Good For Bones And Joints
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can help you to keep the bone spurs at bay.
Coconut oil is known as a natural moisturizing agent that is very effective in softening the bone spurs and relieving pain. In addition, the calcium present in coconut oil is required for healthy formation of your bones.
- Firstly, warm a little coconut oil and then use it to massage the affected area. Then, leave it on there for several hours in order to relieve the pain and inflammation. You should follow this way every day before going to sleep to prevent the discomfort in the next morning.
- Another option, you can also have 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil in the daily morning.
Read more: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Uses And Its Benefits For Health
4. Baking Soda
When it comes to home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts, baking soda is a good choice. It contains crystals that will help you in reducing the deposits of calcium, which are accumulated on the bottom of your heel bone.
In addition, it will be also helpful in giving you relief from the pain and inflammation.
- At first, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a little water in order to create a paste. Then, apply this paste to the affected area and then secure it with gauze or a duct tape. You should repeat this way for 2 times daily for a few days.
- Another option, add 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda and 5 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of tepid water. Then, mix them well and drink it. You should have it for 1 time daily for about 2 weeks to keep the pH in your body balanced.
Learn more: 13 Household And Beauty Uses Of Baking Soda You Should Know
5. Alfalfa
Alfalfa is another popular treatment in the list of top 24 home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts that you should give a try. This herb is comprised of many essential minerals such as selenium and calcium that are required for healthy formation of your bones. In addition, it can also help to keep pain and inflammation in check.
- Alfalfa seeds – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon
- Boiling water – 1 cup
- At first, add alfalfa seeds in boiling water.
- Then, cover this cup and let them soak for 20 to 25 minutes.
- After that, strain this tea and then add honey to it.
- Finally, drink this tea.
- You should have 3 or 4 times per day until the pain as well as inflammation disappear. Then, you need to drink only 1 to 2 cups per day to get rid of the symptoms.
- Children, old people, and immune-compromised people ought to avoid taking alfalfa sprouts due to frequent bacteria contamination.
- In addition, pregnant and nursing women also should avoid it because it may also stimulate the uterus.
- People who take anticoagulants like warfarin also avoid taking this plant along with its extracts because of its possibility of decreasing in the anticoagulant activity.
See more: How To Keep Your Bones Healthy And Strong – 9 Tips
6. Black Cumin Seeds
Black cumin is one of other home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts. It is widely used in traditional medicine in order to cure many diseases. In addition, its extracts contain potent anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective in reducing inflammation in the affected area.
- Black cumin seeds – 50 grams
- Water – 250 ml
- Firstly, add the black cumin seeds in clean water and then boil them for about half an hour.
- Next, strain off these seeds and then allow this water to cool down completely.
- Finally, drink this extract for 2 times daily for about 2 weeks.
- The symptoms of inflammation will be gone within 1 week of this treatment.
Read more: 10 Health Benefits Of Cumin
7. Cabbage Leaves
Cabbage leaves are an excellent way listed in the home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts. This is very useful in easing pain and inflammation. In addition, this is also a great method to treat the swelling caused by bone spurs. However, you should also rest your heels properly during this time to get rid of the inflammation fast.
- At first, slowly heat the cabbage leaves over a low flame in order to soften them. Make sure that you do not make them break while using them.
- Now, cover the affected area with these leaves.
- Then, use a paper wrap or gauze bandage to keep the leaves in place.
- After that, leave them on there until they dry completely.
- You should do this way daily in the evening for about 2 weeks.
8. Salt Water
Soaking the affected area in a simple solution of salt every day can be also beneficial in easing pain and inflammation caused by a bone spur. Try this way among natural home remedies for bone spurs if you want to get rid of this problem quickly.
- Salt – 1 tablespoon
- Warm or hot water – 1 bowl
- Firstly, add salt in warm or hot water and mix them well.
- Then, soak the affected area in this solution for about 15 minutes.
- You should repeat this method throughout the day to keep the swelling at bay and prevent the major discomforts related to bone spurs.
See more: How To Improve Bone Density Naturally: 13 Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips
9. Marigold Flowers
In fact, fresh marigold flowers are used widely to make a flower essence and a foot soak that are very effective when it comes to home remedies for bone spurs.
If you want to get extra benefits from this method, add witch hazel, olive oil, or vegetable oil. Marigold is rich sources of antioxidants and can help you to improve the blood circulation and promote the growth of new cells.
- At first, add a few fresh marigold flowers in coconut oil
- Then, slightly heat it for blending and let the mixture cool down.
- Finally, soak your affected are in a small tub filled with this solution for half an hour per day.
Read more: Neck Strengthening Exercises At Home With And Without Weights
10. Milk
When talking about issues related to bone, you cannot miss milk. Therefore, milk is considered the most important trick from the effective home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts that you have to take note. Milk is an excellent source of vitamin D that is required for treating bone spurs. Hence, you should try to consume milk daily to improve the healing process of bone spurs.
Learn more: Health And Nutritional Benefits Of Raw Milk – 7 Advantages
11. Grape Seed Oil
Grape seed oil is considered among the effective home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts. This oil is a great natural anti-inflammatory agent that can do wonders for improving the blood circulation to the affected area. Besides, grape seeds are available in the form of capsules and can be taken as anti-inflammatory supplements.
- Grape seed oil – a few drops
- Tea tree oil – 5 drops
- In a small tub, combine tea tree oil with grape seed oil together.
- Then, soak the affected area in this solution.
- Finally, pat the area dry completely.
- Follow this way for two times daily.
- Another option, you may also take 2 or 3 grape seed capsules per day or 500 milligrams of grape seed extract a day.
See more: What Are The Benefits Of Grapeseed Oil On Health?
12. Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil, which is also called linseed oil, is comprised of alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acids. This acid can help you in reducing pain and inflammation very effectively. In addition, it can also reduce stiffness related to bone spurs in the morning.
- Flaxseed oil – 1/4 cup
- A pan
- A cheesecloth
- At first, heat the flaxseed oil in the pan until it is warm.
- Then, dip the cheesecloth in this warm oil.
- Now, place this cheesecloth on the affected area and then use a piece of plastic to cover it.
- After that, place a heating pad on the plastic for several hours. During this time, you should avoid doing any activity.
- You should use this treatment for one time daily until you get rid of the pain completely.
Read more: List Of Health & Beauty Benefits Of Flaxseeds – 17 Amazing Tips
13. Home Remedies For Bone Spurs – Rose Petal And Horsetail
Both rose petal and horsetail help to treat bone spurs excellently. For this method, you need to make a concoction using rose petal and horsetail.
- Firstly, boil 5 ml each of horsetail and rose petal paste in 1 cup of clean water.
- Then, you can drink this after cooling it down.
- You should have it for one time per day.
If you want to discover more home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts, you should continue reading the next part of this article!
Learn more: Homemade Rose Face Mask Recipe: 16 Best Solutions
14. Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric, And Ginger
If you are looking for home remedies for bone spurs in neck and other parts, you should try the mixture of cayenne pepper, turmeric, and ginger.
- Cayenne pepper – 1 tablespoon
- Turmeric – 3 tablespoons
- Ginger – 3 tablespoons
- Firstly, mix cayenne pepper, turmeric, and ginger well in a bowl.
- Then, add this mixture in an airtight container.
- For relieving bone spurs, take a teaspoon of this mixture and mix it in a glass of tepid water and drink it.
- Another option, boil 1 cup of clean water. Then, add 1/4 cup of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of ginger or garlic to it. Now, let it boil for about 30 seconds. After that, add cayenne pepper to it and allow it to simmer for a few minutes until you can smell the smell of ginger. Finally, drink this water whenever you suffer from the pain.
Cayenne pepper, turmeric, and ginger can also available in the form of capsules, liquid extracts, and tincture.
Read more: 16 Health Benefits Of Fresh Ginger Juice Are Revealed
15. Exercise
If you want to be stronger, you should do regular exercises. Physical activities will improve mobility and reduce bone spur symptoms.
- You can do stretching exercises for 30 minutes every day, for 5 times each week. You should do it every morning.
- Or, you can follow some low-impact maintenance exercises.
- Walking for 30 minutes daily is also a good option for you.
- Or, you can do bicycling or swimming.
Read more: Muscle Strengthening Book
16. Cold Compress
Cold compress is very effective in some problems such as burns, eye sores, and bone spurs. This simple treatment can reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain from the bone spurs. Also, cold compress also helps your muscles relax. The method is:
- Use a towel to cover some ice cubes, tie it.
- Apply the ice pack over the infected region.
- Gently press it for 5-10 minutes.
- Repeat the method several times per day.
17. Ginger
Ginger is one of the most excellent home remedies for bone spurs. Being great in anti-inflammatory property, ginger can decrease inflammation, swelling, and pain. Moreover, ginger can improve blood circulation and help you treat bone spurs successfully.
- Method 1: use ginger oil to massage your painful area for several times each day.
- Method 2:
- Slice a tablespoon of ginger.
- Boil it with some cups of water for 10 minutes.
- Strain; add honey to drink for 3 times daily.
- Method 3: you can get ginger tablets after consulting your doctor.
18. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is not only healthy for health, but it is also a great ingredient for healing bone spurs. This ingredient has the anti-inflammatory property that can reduce inflammation and pain effectively. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar can prevent bone spurs and balance pH levels. Here are some ways to use the vinegar as natural home remedies for bone spurs you can implement easily:
Method 1:
- Add some teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water.
- Drink it twice each day.
Method 2:
- Soak a paper towel in apple cider vinegar.
- Apply over the affected region for some hours.
- Do it twice daily to get the best result.
19. Turmeric
If you want to discover more home remedies for bone spurs, let try to add turmeric into your mind. This ingredient is very useful for eliminating bone spurs. The reason is that curcumin in turmeric can get rid of pain and inflammation very well. You can do some methods with turmeric as below:
Method 1:
- Put a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of milk.
- Heat it.
- And drink it twice daily.
Method 2:
- You can get turmeric supplements after asking your doctor.
20. Flaxseed
If you want to reduce inflammation and pain shortly in neck, you should use flaxseed. This ingredient includes alpha-linolenic acid that can treat bone spurs excellently. There are some options you can choose to apply as home remedies for bone spurs:
Method 1:
- Warm flaxseed oil and soak clean water in it.
- Apply on the affected area.
- Keep it warm.
- Do it once daily.
Method 2:
- You use a cloth to tie a cup of flaxseeds.
- Warm in a microwave for some seconds.
- Put it over the affected region for some minutes.
- Repeat it if necessary.
Method 3: you also can add flaxseeds into your diet.
21. Chamomile
Chamomile can relieve discomfort from bone spurs due to its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. You can do some ways with chamomile to reduce pain and inflammation as below:
Method 1:
- Add a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water.
- Cover and steep it for 10 minutes.
- Cool and wash the affected area.
Method 2:
- Steep some teaspoons of chamomile in a glass of water for 5 minutes.
- Strain and add some honey to drink.
- Drink 2-3 cups of chamomile tea every day.
22. Epsom Salt
Have you ever tried to have Epsom salt bath? Epsom salt is really good for your bone spurs because it can help you reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain. Simply,
- You combine some cups of Epsom salt in a bathtub with warm water.
- Soak in the water for 20-30 minutes.
- Do this method 2-3 times each week.
Note: People who suffer from kidney problems or diabetes should avoid using this method.
23. Change Your Diet
Whenever getting bone spurs, you should be careful in cooking. You should eat more foods that contain vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acid. The reason is that they will reduce inflammation and strengthen your bone as well as relieve pain caused by bone spurs. If you want to get supplements, you should ask your doctor before getting them.
Home Remedies For Bone Spurs – Additional Tips:
- Lose weight to reduce the pressure on your affected area, especially your feet.
- Slightly elevate your feet to prevent the swelling and inflammation caused by heel spurs.
- Use pad shoe inserts well fitted your heels to prevent extra damage to your feet. Wear well-fitting and proper shoes for every activity.
- Avoid consuming foods high in hydrogenated fats, junk foods, processed foods, and soft drinks because they upset the mineral balance of your body.
- Apply a cream or lotion that has capsaicin to ease pain and inflammation.
- Control stress because it contributes to extra pain in your affected areas.
- You can relieve the pain by using acupuncture treatment.
- Have a proper posture to prevent and get relief from bone spurs.
To know more about other health problems & effective homemade remedies, go to our main Home Remedies page. After reading the writing of top 24 natural home remedies for bone spurs in neck & other parts, I hope that you have learned some useful treatments to get rid of the symptoms effectively at home. However, the writing is solely for the informational purpose, so you need to get advice from your doctor before applying any home remedy. If you have any question, please leave them below.
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