Skin usually appears discolored or blotchy due to factors such as excessive sun exposure, rosacea, irritant contact dermatitis, allergies, genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, etc. In addition, it is also caused by taking certain types of medications. Red, blotchy skin and uneven skin tone can also be attributed to the scars of pigmentation. They usually develop when pimples and acne are healed. More often than not, this problem appears on the face along with neck. However, it can also develop on some other body parts. Although women often tend to cover the blotchy skin on their face cleverly with makeup, to get rid of this problem effectively, you should determine its underlying cause.
In this writing, VKool.com will introduce to you the best ways on how to get rid of blotchy skin on face & legs naturally at home without any side effect. This article listed the best treatments to remove this problem from reliable sources. However, it is only for the informational target and it is not aimed to give medical advice. Continue reading this writing to understand more!
Top 11 Natural Ways On How To Get Rid Of Blotchy Skin On Face & Legs
1. Banana, Almond Oil, Egg Yolk, And Lemon Juice
The combination of banana, almond oil, egg yolk, and lemon juice is one of the best ways on how to get rid of blotchy skin on your face that you should try! In addition, this banana face mask is also very great for people with dry skin or normal skin.
- A ripe banana
- ½ cup of almond oil
- An egg yolk
- ½ tablespoon of lemon juice
- A bowl
- Firstly, you mash this ripe banana in the bowl.
- Then, you mix this mashed banana with almond oil, an egg yolk, and lemon juice.
- After that, you spread this mixture liberally on your face.
- Now, you allow it to sit on there for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with plain water.
- You should follow this way for about 2 to 3 times per week.
Learn more: Health and beauty advantages of banana consumption
2. Aloe Vera
While aloe vera can naturally protect your skin from environmental factors such as the sun rays, smoke, and pollutants, it can also reduce scarring and help to heal cuts, burns, and bruises. Therefore, you can apply aloe vera gel onto your blotchy skin that is caused by any factor. It will reduce redness, inflammation, and swelling due to the blotchy skin. If you want to know how to get rid of blotchy skin on your face as well as other body parts, you should not skip this skin friendly herb.
- An aloe vera
- A cotton ball (optional)
- At first, you extract the gel from this aloe vera leaf.
- After that, you apply this gel on your blotchy skin by using your fingertips or the cotton ball.
- Now, you leave it on there for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with plain water.
- You should repeat this way daily.
3. Oatmeal, Honey, Warm Water, Milk And Olive Oil
Oatmeal is an excellent moisturizing agent. It may rehydrate your dry skin that can give you a blotchy skin on your face, neck, and even on your legs. The compound avenanthramides in oatmeal contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help you to get rid of itchiness and redness of your skin. If you own blotchy skin all over the body, the best way will be to take an oatmeal bath. Here are three ways on how to get rid of blotchy skin using oatmeal.
Way 1: Oatmeal, warm water, and honey
- Oatmeal – 2 tablespoons
- Warm water – 2 to 3 tablespoons
- Honey (optional) – ½ teaspoon
- Firstly, you add water and honey into the oatmeal.
- Then, you mix them well to make a paste.
- Next, you apply this paste to your blotchy skin.
- After that, you leave it on there for about 5 to 10 minutes.
- Now, you massage it on your skin gently for a few minutes.
- You leave it again for 7 to 10 minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with tepid water.
- You should repeat this way for at least about 3 times per week.
Way 2: Oat powder and tepid water
- Oat powder – ½ to 1 cup
- Tepid bath water
- Firstly, you fill the bathtub with tepid water.
- Then, you add the oatmeal powder into this bath and mix them well.
- Next, you soak yourself in this solution for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- After that, you take a shower thoroughly.
- Finally, you pat your skin dry carefully.
- You should repeat this way for about 3 to 4 times per week.
Way 3: Oatmeal, milk, and olive oil
- Oatmeal – 2 tablespoons
- Milk – ½ cup
- Olive oil – 2 tablespoons
- Firstly, you cook the oatmeal in milk.
- Then, you add olive oil into this mixture.
- After that, you allow it to cool down.
- Next, you apply this oatmeal mask onto your face and neck.
- Now, you leave it on there for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with tepid water and then with cold water to close your skin pores.
Read more: Good and healthy recipes of oatmeal
4. Baking Soda With Water
Baking soda is a great natural exfoliant which can help open up your clogged pores and deeply clean them to give you an even skin tone. Therefore, this is one of other effective ways on how to get rid of blotchy skin that you should follow!
- Baking soda – 2 to 3 tablespoons
- Water – enough to make a paste
- Firstly, you mix baking soda with water together to make a paste.
- Then, you apply this paste to your affected skin area.
- After that, you scrub gently for a few minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with plain water.
- You should repeat this way daily or for about 2 to 3 times per week.
Learn more: Beauty advantages of baking soda on your skin
5. Green Tea, Rice Flour, And Warm Water
Green tea has been surely accepted as the best anti-inflammatory ingredient. In addition, its natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can also help you to get rid of swelling and redness of blotchy skin making you uncomfortable. To know how to get rid of blotchy skin using green tea, you can follow the way below.
- Green tea – 1 teaspoon
- Warm water – 1 cup
- Rice flour – 1 tablespoon
- At first, you soak the green tea into the warm water for about 10 to 15 minutes.
- Then, you strain this tea.
- Next, you add the rice flour into this tea and mix them well to make a paste.
- After that, you apply this paste to your blotchy skin as a mask.
- Now, you leave it on there for about 15 to 20 minutes on your skin.
- Finally, you wash it off with plain water.
- You should repeat this way for about 2 to 3 times per week.
Read more: Advantages of fresh green tea leaves for skin and health
6. Plain Yogurt
Yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid, which is used in many various cosmetics to help in smoothening rough and dry skin. Furthermore, lactic acid also works as a great exfoliant and sloughs off your dead skin cells which might clog the skin pores and give you a blotchy skin. Therefore, you should not skip yogurt if you are finding how to get rid of blotchy skin.
- Plain yogurt
- Firstly, you apply plain yogurt onto your blotchy skin with a thick layer.
- Then, you leave it on there for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with tepid water.
- You should repeat this way for about 2 to 3 times per week.
Learn more: Health and beauty advantages of yogurt consumption
7. Coconut Oil With Sugar And Honey
Coconut oil contains anti-microbial and antiseptic properties. Moreover, the fatty acids in coconut oil will help to moisturize your dry skin that can be caused by the blotchy skin. If its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties relieve inflammation and redness, the moisturizing effect will rehydrate your skin to assist you in removing blotchy skin.
Here are two ways on how to get rid of blotchy skin containing coconut oil that you should follow.
Way 1: Coconut oil
- Coconut oil – ½ teaspoon
- Firstly, you take apply coconut oil to your blotchy skin.
- Then, you rub it gently for a few minutes.
- Now, you leave it on there so that your skin can absorb it naturally.
- You should repeat this simple way for about 1 to 2 times per day.
Way 2: Coconut oil, sugar, and honey
- Coconut oil – 2 tablespoons
- Sugar – 1 teaspoon
- Honey (optional) – 1 teaspoon
- Firstly, you mix coconut oil, sugar, and honey if using well.
- Then, you apply this mixture onto your blotchy skin.
- Now, you scrub gently for a few minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with plain water.
- You should repeat this way for about 1 to 2 times per week.
Read more: Uses and advantages of coconut oil for health
8. Chamomile Tea And Warm Water
Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it can also soothe your blotchy skin effectively by hydrating it. You may use chamomile oil mixed in some types of carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil. Or you can also make chamomile tea and consume it to give your blotchy skin a soothing relief.
- Chamomile tea – 1 to 2 teaspoons
- Warm water – 2 to 3 cups
- A towel
- Firstly, you soak the tea into the warm water for about 5 to 10 minutes.
- Then, you strain the tea and allow it to cool down.
- Now, you soak the towel into this tea and place it onto your blotchy skin.
- After that, you allow it to stay on there for about 10 to 15 minutes.
- You repeat this way daily.
Read more: The book of Scar Solution
9. Essential Oils
Essential oils are rich in antioxidants and contain excellent cell regenerative properties. In fact, if your blotchy skin is caused by hyperpigmented skin, you can use some types of oils such as sandalwood oil, geranium oil, frankincense oil, lavender oil, cape chamomile oil, rose oil, and carrot seed oil to make your hyperpigmented skin fade away. Moreover, kiwi seed essential oil can also be useful in fading dark spots.
- Lavender oil – 2 to 4 drops
- Carrot seed oil – 1 to 2 drops
- Rose oil – 1 to 2 drops
- Grapeseed oil – 1 to 2 tablespoons
- Firstly, you add lavender oil, carrot seed oil, and rose oil into the grapeseed oil.
- Then, you mix them well to make an oil mixture.
- After that, you apply this oil mixture to your blotchy skin.
- You should repeat this way for about 2 to 3 times per day.
Precaution: You should conduct a patch test in order to know whether you are allergic to these oils or not. Moreover, you should only use this oil mixture for the blotchy skin.
Learn more: Advantages of grapeseed oil on your health
10. Cucumber And Lavender Oil
Your skin loves cucumber so much because of its refreshing properties which soften and soothe your skin as well as the blotchy skin. Cucumber is rich in antioxidants. Cucumerin and cucurbitacins along with other antioxidant compounds help to relieve inflammation of your skin. In addition, it is also loaded with vitamin C which is very beneficial for your skin and its renewal. If vitamin K in cucumbers gets rid of dark patches and dark circles on the skin, its pantothenic acid will help the skin to retain moisture. Furthermore, it is very rich in vitamin A that is an excellent way for freckles, dark spots, and blotchy skin because it can help your skin to control the production of melanin.
- Cucumbers – 1 to 2
- Lavender oil (optional) – a few drops
- A cotton ball
- Firstly, you peel and cut the cucumbers into pieces.
- Then, you blend these cucumber pieces and extract the juice from their pulp.
- Next, you add lavender oil into this cucumber juice.
- After that, you soak the cotton ball into this juice.
- Now, you apply it onto your face, neck, chest, and some other body parts.
- Next, you leave it on there for about 10 to 15 minutes.
- Finally, you wash it off with cool water.
- You should do this way daily.
Learn more: The ways to use lavender oil for your skin, hair, and health
11. Vitamin E Oil With Olive Oil
Vitamin E oil is surely a healing oil for your skin and that is why you often see it on the list of ingredients of many skin cosmetic products. It contains strong antioxidant properties which can prevent your skin from premature aging and fade away the spots and scars on your skin. In addition, it can also provide essential moisture to the skin that is a very necessary factor for how to get rid of blotchy skin.
- Vitamin E oil – 2 to 3 drops
- Olive oil (optional) – ½ teaspoon
- Firstly, you mix the vitamin E oil and olive oil together.
- Then, you apply this oil mixture to your blotchy skin.
- You should repeat the same process for about 2 times per day, once in the morning and once at night.
Additional Tips
- You should protect your skin, especially your face, from the sun. In addition, you have to apply a good quality sunscreen about 20 minutes before going out in the sun.
- You should choose your cosmetic and skin care products wisely because some certain products can give you a blotchy skin that is caused due to irritant contact dermatitis.
- You should also avoid blotchy skin which is caused due to food allergies by identifying some certain foods such as fish, egg, and tree nuts and removing them from your diet.
- Moreover, anxiety and stress can also cause blotchy skin for some people, particularly people who suffer from rosacea. In this case, you should learn to manage stress. In fact, deep breathing exercises are very good for relaxation.
If you want to know more about natural, home remedies for other diseases and conditions go to our main How To page. After reading the article of top 14 ways on how to get rid of blotchy skin, hope that it can help you find out the best solution to remove blotchy skin on face naturally and quickly at home. Nevertheless, the article is only for the informational target, thus, you should consult your doctor to get advice before applying any natural way. If you have any question, or you know other natural ways on how to get rid of blotchy skin, please leave them below.
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