Many people suffer from the embarrassment of owning dark skin patches around the neck. This is actually a fairly popular skin pigmentation disorder that is also known as acanthosis nigricans. However, it is not a skin infection and, of course, is not contagious.
Sun exposure and aging are the main reasons for dark discoloration on your neck. Sometimes this problem is also caused by diabetes, genetics, poor hygiene, sudden weight gain or weight loss, and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Luckily, there are also many natural remedies to relieve the skin discoloration around your neck. In this article, VKool.com will introduce to you top 37 natural home remedies for dark neck skin without any side effect from reliable sources. Nevertheless, you should only refer it for the informational target and you have to consult your doctor to get medical advice. Continue reading this writing to understand more!
Top 37 Natural Home Remedies For Dark Neck Skin
1. Lemon With Tomato, Turmeric, And Almond Oil
Although lemon is only a common household ingredient, it stands the first rank when it comes to whitening the skin because it contains an amazing bleaching property. In addition, it also contains natural citric acid that can make your dark neck skin lighten up naturally within a few days. However, you have to remember that you do not go out in the sun as soon as applying the lemon juice onto your skin.
Here are a few natural and effective home remedies for dark neck skin using lemon juice along with many other ingredients.
Remedy 1: Lemon juice
- A lemon
- A cotton ball
- At first, you extract the juice from a lemon by squeezing it finely.
- Then, you dip the cotton ball into this juice.
- After that, you apply the juice onto your dark neck.
- If you own sensitive skin, you have to add a little water into this lemon juice to prevent the redness and irritation on your skin.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with cold water.
- You should follow this simple remedy regularly for about 3 to 4 times per week.
Learn more: Health and beauty advantages of lemon juice, oil, and peel
Remedy 2: Lemon juice with tomato puree
Both lemon and tomato are citric fruits and rich in vitamin C, which effectively whitens the dark area of your neck skin. Therefore, if you want to know natural home remedies for dark neck skin, you should not skip this way.
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 cup of tomato puree
- At first, you add freshly squeezed lemon juice into the tomato puree.
- Then, you mix them finely and apply this mixture onto your darkened neck area.
- After that, you let it stay on there for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
- You can repeat this remedy for about 1 to 2 times per day.
Read more: Easy beauty recipes of lemon for your skin and hair
Remedy 3: Lemon juice with turmeric powder
- A lemon
- A pinch of turmeric powder
- A cotton ball
- At first, you extract the juice from a lemon by squeezing it.
- Then, you add turmeric powder into this juice.
- Now, you mix them well and dip the cotton ball into this mixture.
- After that, you apply the ball onto your dark neck.
- Next, you massage it for about 1 to 2 minutes and leave it on there for about 15 to 25 minutes
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
- You can repeat this remedy regularly.
See more: Simple homemade masks of turmeric for your skin
Remedy 4: Lemon juice, milk, honey, and almond oil
- 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons of milk
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 teaspoon of almond oil
- At first, you add all these above ingredients into a small bowl.
- Then, you mix them finely and apply this mixture around your neck thoroughly.
- After that, you keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
- You can repeat this process regularly.
2. Lemon Juice With Rose Water
This remedy can be used for all skin types because the rose water when is mixed with lemon juice, will decrease the acidic nature in lemon and prevent the stinging or burning sensation on your applied skin. Therefore, this is also one of the natural home remedies for dark neck skin that you should try.
- 1 teaspoon of lime juice
- 1 teaspoon of rose water
- A cotton ball
- At first, you add freshly squeezed lemon juice into the rose water.
- Then, you mix them thoroughly and dip the cotton ball into this mixture.
- After that, you apply the ball onto your dark neck.
- Now, you gently rub it so that your skin can absorb this mixture easily.
- Then, you keep it on for a few hours or for overnight if you apply this mixture at night time.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You should follow this remedy frequently for at least one month.
See more: Simple ways of using rose water for your skin and hair
3. Lemon With Honey
The combination of lemon and honey is usually considered as an excellent remedy in the list of top 37 natural home remedies for dark neck skin. You should try this process regularly in order to get rid of this problem completely.
- A lemon
- A little honey
- At first, you squeeze this lemon to take its juice.
- Then, you add a few drops of lemon juice into honey.
- After that, you mix them well.
- Next, you apply this mixture around your neck area.
- Now, you keep it on for 10 to 15 minutes until it becomes dry completely.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water.
- You should follow up this remedy regularly.
Read more: Simple recipes and advantages of using honey for your skin
There are a lot of other natural home remedies for dark neck skin presented in the next part of this writing, so keep reading it if you want to discover more.
4. Yogurt With Lemon And Fresh Cream
Yogurt is considered as a good natural cleanser for your skin. It contains the acid that can help to lighten your dark skin. Applying yogurt can also tighten your skin and diminish the fine lines and wrinkles. In this process, lemon juice contains a bleaching effect that can whiten your skin color more quickly than other remedies.
You can use either of these home remedies for dark neck skin using the yogurt to get better results.
Remedy 1: Yogurt and lemon juice
- ½ cup of plain yogurt
- 1 teaspoon of lime juice
- At first, you add plain yogurt into the fresh lemon juice.
- Then, you mix them well to make a fine mixture.
- Next, you apply this mixture onto your neck.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 20 to 25 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water.
- You should repeat the same remedy for about 2 or 3 times per week.
See more: Health and beauty advantages of yogurt consumption
Remedy 2: Yogurt and fresh milk cream
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of yogurt
- A little fresh milk cream
- Warm water
- Mild soap
- At first, you add yogurt into a cup.
- Then, you add fresh milk cream into it and mix them well.
- After that, you apply the mixture onto your dark neck.
- Now, you massage it gently for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Next, you keep it on for a few minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water and mild soap.
- You should follow this remedy for about 2 or 3 times per week.
Read more: Natural mask recipes using yogurt for your face skin
5. Oats With Tomato Pulp And Milk
Apart from being good for overall health, oats are also one of other natural home remedies for dark neck that you should follow. In addition, it works as a natural exfoliate, which can help to eliminate the dead cells.
Remedy 1: Oats and tomato pulp
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of ground oats powder
- 1 or 2 tomato pulp
- A small bowl
- At first, you add coarsely ground oats powder into the small bowl.
- Then, you add tomato pulp into this bowl and mix them well to get a fine paste.
- After that, you apply the paste onto the entire neck area.
- Now, you massage it gently for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Next, you let it stay on there for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- After that, you make your fingers wet and rub your neck skin gently in circular motions for about 5 to 7 minutes.
- Then, you will wash it off with plain water and pat your skin dry.
- Finally, you apply your favorite moisturizer on your neck and massage it gently to moisture this area properly.
- You should continue doing this remedy for about 2 or 3 times per week.
Remedy 2: Oatmeal powder and milk
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of oatmeal powder
- Milk – enough to make a paste
- A small bowl
- At first, you add a finely powdered oats into the small bowl.
- Then, you add a sufficient amount of milk into this bowl.
- After that, you mix them well to make a paste.
- Next, you apply this paste onto your neck as a mask.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You should follow the simple remedy regularly.
Read more: Simple and healthy recipes of oatmeal
6. Banana And Olive Oil
The combination of banana and olive oil is one of the effective home remedies for dark neck skin that you should try because it is very rich in antioxidants that can help to reduce the fine lines from your neck and gradually leave you a smooth, glowing, and healthy skin with even skin tone.
- A ripe banana
- A few drops of olive oil
- At first, you mash this ripe banana with your hands to take its pulp.
- Then, you add olive oil into this pulp and mix them thoroughly.
- After that, you apply the mixture onto your neck area as a mask.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water and pat your skin dry.
- You can do this remedy daily.
Learn more: Health and beauty advantages of banana consumption
7. Strawberry And Papaya
Papaya has an enzyme called papain that can help to eliminate the dead cells effectively. Besides, strawberries contain antioxidants that can repair the damaged skin quickly. This combination will not only give the essential minerals and vitamins that greatly nourish your skin cells but also make your skin lighten up quickly. Hence, you should not skip this remedy if you really want to learn natural home remedies for dark neck skin.
Remedy 1: Ripe papaya with strawberries
- 1 piece of papaya
- 2 strawberries
- At first, you mash this papaya piece to get its pulp.
- Then, you crush strawberries finely.
- Now, you take 1 or 2 tablespoon of the papaya pulp and add it into these crushed strawberries.
- After that, you mix them well to make a paste as a mask.
- Then, you apply the paste onto your neck.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 25 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You can repeat this remedy frequently.
Read more: Health and nutritional advantages of strawberry
Remedy 2: Raw papaya juice
- A raw papaya piece
- A little water
- A sieve
- At first, you grate this raw papaya piece into slices.
- Then, you squeeze these slices to take the papaya juice by using the sieve.
- Next, you add water into this juice and mix them well.
- After that, you apply the juice onto your neck area.
- Now, you wait for about 20 to 25 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You should do this remedy daily for about 1 to 2 months.
8. Almond Oil
Almond oil can help to eliminate the dead cells that are in charge of the dark neck skin. Therefore, regularly doing this remedy, which is in the list of top 37 natural home remedies for dark neck skin, will give you better results than other remedies. In addition, this remedy also improves your blood circulation in your neck area and moisturizes your skin well to make your skin glowing naturally.
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of almond oil
- A small bowl
- At first, you pour almond oil into the small bowl.
- Then, you heat it for a few minutes until it becomes warm.
- After that, you apply the warm oil onto your neck area.
- Now, you massage it gently for at least 7 to 10 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water.
Continue reading to know more about other home remedies for dark neck skin!
9. Vitamin E Oil With Almond Oil
The combination of vitamin E oil and almond oil is one of the effective home remedies for dark neck skin, which even the doctors also recommend in treating many skin problems.
- 1 tablespoon of almond oil
- 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil
- At first, you heat the almond oil for a few minutes to make it warm.
- Then, you mix this warm oil with vitamin E oil together.
- Next, you apply this oil mixture onto your neck area.
- After that, you massage it gently for at least 10 minutes.
- Then, you let it stay on there for another 10 to 15 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
- You should continue doing this remedy frequently.
10. Coconut Oil With Almond Oil And Olive Oil
Coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil contain some natural compounds, which can assist you in nourishing and rejuvenating your skin. In addition, these oils also have a good moisturizing property that can prevent the dryness on your neck area. Therefore, the combination of these oils is also one of the natural home remedies for dark neck skin that you should try.
Remedy 1: Coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil
- ½ teaspoon of almond oil
- ½ teaspoon of olive oil
- ½ teaspoon of coconut oil
- At first, you add coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil into a small bowl.
- Then, you mix all these oils well.
- Next, you apply this oil mixture onto your neck area before you go to sleep.
- After that, you massage it gently for a few minutes.
- Now, you keep it on for overnight.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water thoroughly in the next morning.
- You can repeat this remedy daily.
Remedy 2: Coconut oil
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
- A little water
- A small bowl
- At first, you add coconut oil into the small bowl.
- Then, you dilute this oil with water.
- Next, you apply this oil onto your dark neck area.
- Now, you massage it gently for a few minutes.
- After that, you keep it on for about 1 to 2 hours.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You can follow this remedy frequently to get relief from this problem.
Learn more: Simple uses and benefits of extra virgin coconut oil for your health
11. Baking Soda And Water
Baking soda is one of other natural and effective home remedies for dark neck skin caused due to hyperpigmentation because it is a good natural exfoliant. This is also a proven effective remedy in cleaning your skin and eliminating the darkness on your applied skin area.
- Baking soda – 1 to 2 tablespoons
- Water – enough to make a paste
- A small bowl
- At first, you pour baking soda into the small bowl.
- Then, you add a sufficient amount of water into this bowl.
- Now, you mix them well to make a thick paste.
- After that, you apply the paste onto your neck area thoroughly.
- Next, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water.
- You can repeat this remedy for about one time per day on a daily basis for about 1 to 2 weeks.
Read more: Beauty advantages of baking soda for your skin
12. Cucumber
Cucumber contains a cool effect that makes it become one of other natural home remedies for dark neck skin. In addition, it not only contains soothing effect but also eliminates the dead cells in order to give you a naturally glowing skin.
Remedy 1: Cucumber
- A cucumber
- Rose water
- At first, you grate a cucumber finely.
- Then, you apply these cucumber slices onto your neck area.
- Next, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 25 minutes or until it becomes dry completely.
- After that, you rub your neck gently to remove these cucumber slices.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water and apply a little rose water onto your neck.
Learn more: Amazing advantages of rose water for your skin, hair, and health
Remedy 2: Cucumber juice with lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- A cotton ball
- Cold water
- At first, you mix cucumber juice with lemon juice together in a small bowl.
- Then, you soak the cotton ball into this mixture.
- Next, you apply this juice onto your neck area.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 25 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with cold water.
- You can practice this remedy for about one time per day.
See more: Awesome advantages of cucumber for your health and beauty
13. Potato And Lemon
Potato is also a good bleaching agent that can help to clear the dark neck skin effectively. In addition, it has an enzyme called catecholase, which can lighten your skin color of your neck. This potato, when applied regularly, will treat the blemishes on your skin and make your skin glowing with even skin tone.
Remedy 1: Potato slices
- A cold potato
- At first, you cut this cold potato into round slices.
- Then, you take a potato slice and rub it onto your neck area thoroughly for about 7 to 10 minutes.
- After that, you keep it on for a few minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You should do this process for one time per day for at least 2 to 3 months.
Remedy 2: Potato juice and lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons of potato juice
- 1 teaspoon of lime juice
- A cotton ball
- At first, you add potato juice into a small bowl.
- Then, you add lemon juice into this bowl and stir them well.
- Next, you soak the cotton ball into this mixture and apply it onto your neck.
- After that, you keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You can repeat this process for one time per day.
Learn more: Amazing health advantages of potatoes and potato juice
Keep reading the next part to discover more about natural home remedies for dark neck skin!
14. Lemon, Honey, Olive Oil, And Egg White
Lemon contains an acid and bleaching property, which can help you to lighten your skin. Besides, honey is a great natural moisturizer that can assist you in maintaining the lighter skin tone. Moreover, olive oil can moisturize and nourish your skin effectively. Finally, egg white can provide all the essential nutrients and proteins that aid in enhancing your dull skin cells and whitening your skin naturally.
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- ½ teaspoon of olive oil
- An egg white
- Warm water
- At first, you add all these above ingredients into a small bowl.
- Then, you mix them well to make a fine mixture.
- Next, you apply this mixture onto your neck area thoroughly.
- After that, you keep it on for about 30 to 45 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
- You have to practice this remedy for about 3 to 4 times per week to get the best results.
Read more: Amazing advantages and uses of olive oil
15. Orange Peel, Orange Juice, And Milk
Oranges contain antioxidants and vitamin C which can wonderfully treat the skin problems that include this dark neck problem. In addition, it also has a bleaching property, which can effectively lighten your skin to get the normal skin tone. Besides, milk that is also used in this remedy will work as a good natural cleanser making your dark neck skin glowing by eliminating the dead cells.
Remedy 1: Dried orange peel and milk
- Dried orange peel
- A little milk
- At first, you dry the orange peel in the shade (not in the sun) for a few hours to make the peel dry completely.
- Then, you grind this dried orange peel to make a powder.
- Next, you add a sufficient amount of milk into it to make a paste.
- After that, you apply the paste onto your neck as a mask.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 20 to 25 minutes or until it becomes dry completely.
- Finally, you will wash it off with cold water.
- You should apply this mask daily.
Remedy 2: Orange peel with orange juice
- Orange juice
- Grated orange peel
- At first, you add grated orange peel along with orange juice into a small bowl.
- Then, you mix them well to make a paste.
- Next, you apply this paste onto your neck area.
- After that, you let it stay on there for about 15 to 25 minutes.
- Next, you massage it gently for about 1 to 2 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with cold water.
- You should practice this remedy for one time per day.
See more: Health advantages of oranges in your body
16. Milk Cream With Gram Flour And Turmeric
While milk is an excellent cleanser, milk cream works as a great moisturizer to eliminate the darkness in your neck area. You can use only milk cream or mix this milk cream with some other ingredients to remove the dark neck.
Remedy 1: Fresh milk cream
- Fresh milk cream – 2 tablespoons
- At first, you apply this milk cream onto your dark neck area.
- Then, you rub it gently for a few minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
- You have to repeat the simple remedy regularly to get the best results.
Remedy 2: Fresh milk cream and gram flour
- 1 to 2 tablespoons of fresh milk cream
- 1 to 2 tablespoons of gram flour
- At first, you add gram flour into a small bowl.
- Then, you add a sufficient amount of milk cream into it.
- Now, you stir them well to make a paste.
- After that, you apply the paste onto your neck area.
- Next, you massage it gently for about 7 to 10 minutes.
- Then, you let it stay on there for a few minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
Remedy 3: Fresh milk cream and turmeric powder
- Fresh cream – 2 tablespoons
- Turmeric powder – a pinch
- At first, you add turmeric powder into the fresh milk cream.
- Then, you mix them thoroughly.
- Now, you apply this mixture onto your neck area.
- After that, you rub it gently for a few minutes.
- Next, you let it stay for about 7 to 10 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water.
- You can repeat this remedy frequently.
17. Almond With Milk Powder And Honey
Almonds have a rich source of vitamins, which will give your skin a new life. In addition, these almonds also contain certain properties, which can nourish your skin and remove the skin discoloration on the applied area. Moreover, it contains oil that works as a natural moisturizer to provide you with a soft and supple skin. Furthermore, honey and milk powder, which are also used in this remedy, will moisturize and whiten your skin.
Here are a few natural and effective home remedies for dark neck skin that use almond along with some other natural ingredients.
Remedy 1: Almond powder, milk powder, and honey
- ½ teaspoon of powdered almonds
- 1 teaspoon of milk powder
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- At first, you grind almonds to get the powder.
- Then, you add honey and milk powder into this almond powder.
- Next, you mix them well to make a paste.
- After that, you apply the paste onto your neck area thoroughly.
- Now, you keep it on for about 30 to 45 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water.
- You can repeat this remedy daily for about 2 to 4 weeks.
Remedy 2: Almonds scrub
- 5 to 6 almonds
- Water
- At first, you soak almonds in water for overnight.
- Then, you will grind them in the next morning to make a paste.
- Next, you apply this paste onto your neck area.
- After that, you scrub it gently for a few minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with cold water.
- You can repeat this remedy for about 3 to 4 times per week.
Remedy 3: Almond with honey
- 12 to 14 almonds
- 1 cup of honey
- At first, you add honey into these almonds.
- Then, you blend these ingredients to create a fine mixture.
- After that, you apply the mixture onto your neck area by using your hands.
- Now, you massage it gently for a few minutes.
- Next, you let it stay on there for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with clean water and pat your skin dry properly.
- You should apply this mixture for about one time per day on a daily basis for about 18 to 20 days.
See more: The book of moles, warts, and skin tags removal
18. Walnut With Yogurt
Walnut contains many essential vitamins and zinc, which can help to nourish your skin effectively. Besides, milk works as a fine cleansing agent, which can eliminate the dead cells along with other oil, dirt or other impurities on your skin to make it glowing naturally.
Here are two effective home remedies for dark neck skin containing walnuts that you should follow.
Remedy 1: Walnuts scrub
- A few walnuts
- Milk – enough to make a paste
- At first, you grind these walnuts coarsely but do not to make it become powder form.
- Then, you add a sufficient amount of milk into these walnuts to make a paste.
- Next, you apply this paste onto your neck area.
- After that, you keep it on for about 10 to 15 minutes.
- Next, you gently rub it with your fingertips like scrubbing for about 5 to 7 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You can repeat this remedy for about 2 to 5 times per week.
Learn more: Great advantages of walnuts for your health and skin
Remedy 2: Walnut and yogurt
- 3 to 4 walnuts
- ½ cup of yogurt
- Cold water
- Rose water
- At first, you crush walnuts finely.
- Then, you add these crushed walnuts into the yogurt.
- Next, you mix them well to make a paste as a scrub.
- After that, you apply the paste onto your neck.
- Now, you scrub it gently for a few minutes.
- Then, you allow it to dry completely.
- Finally, you will wash it off with cold water and then apply a little rose water onto your neck skin area.
- You should follow this remedy for about 1 to 2 times per week.
19. Chickpea Flour With Turmeric
Chickpea flour is another effective remedy on the list of top 37 natural home remedies for dark neck skin that you should try. In this process, this chickpea flour will cleanse your skin effectively and the turmeric whitens up your skin to get rid of its darkness. Besides, this turmeric also contains an antiseptic property that can help to protect you from many other skin conditions. Have a look on this simple way to prepare the scrub to get brighter neck skin.
- 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour
- ½ teaspoon of turmeric
- A little water
- Warm water
- At first, you pour chickpea flour into a small bowl.
- Then, you add turmeric powder into this bowl.
- Next, you mix them well to make a paste by adding water into it.
- After that, you apply the paste onto your neck area.
- Now, you let it stay on there for about 30 to 45 minutes or until it becomes dry completely.
- Finally, you will wash it off with tepid water.
- You can repeat this remedy regularly.
Note: Remember that if you own dry skin, you should add a little fresh milk cream into this paste to moisturize your skin well.
20. Rice Starch With Water
This rice starch will reduce the dark spots on your neck skin. Hence, this is also one of the health and inexpensive home remedies for the dark neck skin you should try!
- 1 cup of rice
- 2 cups of water
- A strainer
- At first, you pour rice into a small bowl.
- Then, you add water into it and place this bowl on the stove with medium heat.
- When the rice boils, you turn off the heat.
- Now, you separate the water and rice by using the strainer.
- Next, you let the water cool down for a few minutes.
- After that, you rub this rice starch onto your neck.
- Then, you massage it gently for about 7 to 10 minutes.
- Finally, you take a bath to remove this scrub.
- You do this simple remedy daily before taking a bath.
21. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is one of other natural home remedies for dark neck skin because it is a good cleanser. It not only reduces the black spots on your skin but also whitens your neck skin tone. In addition, it is also rich in antioxidants along with other natural compounds that can assist you in repairing and reproducing the new skin cells in order to remove the dark pigmentation of your neck skin and this in turn brightens your neck skin tone.
- An aloe vera leaf
- At first, you cut the edges of aloe vera leaf and then tear it off into 2 parts.
- Next, you take the gel from the leaf properly.
- Then, you apply this gel onto your neck area thoroughly.
- Now, you massage it gently for about 1 to 2 minutes.
- After that, you let it stay on there for about 7 to 10 minutes.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water.
- You should repeat the same way daily.
22. Milk, Olive Oil, And Sugar
The final remedy in the list of 37 best home remedies for dark neck skin is the combination of milk, olive oil, and sugar. It is very important for you to cleanse and exfoliate the neck skin area other than your face. If you neglect your neck skin while pampering your face, you have to face with the patchy dark skin condition. Therefore, you should follow this daily skin care remedy at home to eliminate the dark neck skin discoloration.
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of milk
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
- At first, you pour milk into a small bowl.
- Then, you apply this milk onto your neck area and rub it gently for a few minutes to eliminate the dead cells as well as other impurities on your skin.
- After that, you mix olive oil with sugar together to make a natural scrub.
- Then, you apply this scrub onto your neck area and scrub it slightly for a few minutes to exfoliate your skin around your neck.
- Finally, you will wash it off with plain water and apply your favorite moisturizer onto your skin.
- You should follow this remedy for one time per day.
Note: You have to apply a little sunscreen to your neck and face skin when you want to go out in order to protect your skin from the damage of the sun rays.
Related articles:
Top simple ways to lighten dark skin around your neck quickly and naturally
Easy treatments for dark spots on your face and on your skin
If you want to know more about natural, at home remedies for other diseases and conditions go to our main Home Remedies page. After reading the article of top 37 natural home remedies for dark neck skin, hope that it can help you find out the best solution to get rid of this problem quickly and safely. However, the article is only for the informational purpose, thus, you should meet your doctor to get advice before applying any home remedy. If you have any question, or you know other natural home remedies for dark neck skin, please leave them below.
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