Also called as degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis is the most popular form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs because of the cartilage breakdown in your joints, making your bones rub against each other.
In America, it is estimated that about 27 million people suffer from osteoarthritis. This disease usually develops at the age of from 40 to 60. It mostly affects to your weight-bearing joints such as your hips, knees, feet, back, and spine. At times, it can have an effect on your neck as well as finger and hand joints.
If you do not treat it timely, osteoarthritis may lead to significant disability, which, in turn, makes you have surgeries to replace your knee and hip. Fortunately, you can simply change your lifestyle and follow some natural home remedies for osteoarthritis to help you in dealing with its symptoms and having a healthy life without putting up with any pain.
Osteoarthritis commonly affects much more to the health of women. It can be caused due to several additional risk factors such as weak thigh muscles, previous joint injuries, activities putting excessive stress on the joint, obesity, bone deformities, diabetes, and genetics as well as complications of other arthritis types.
The signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis often develop slowly and get worse day by day.
People suffering from osteoarthritis may experience common symptoms such as joint stiffness (particularly after they wake up in the morning), joint pain after or during movement, feeling pain when they touch in the joints, having a grating sensation when the joints are flexed, loss of flexibility, and bone spurs. Today, VKool page will show you a new article about top 10 home remedies for osteoarthritis. This article will provide you with the detailed information about 10 home remedies for osteoarthritis by using natural ingredients without leaving any negative effect. It is written with information from reliable sources. Keep reading to find out the remedy that is suitable for your condition!
Top 10 Home Remedies For Osteoarthritis Pain You Should Ignore
1. Cold And Hot Compresses
Both cold and hot compresses are very beneficial in managing joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. A cold compress is able to reduce inflammation and swelling while a hot compress has the ability to aid in reducing stiffness and pain.
- You can simply wrap a bottle filled with hot water in a thin towel to get a hot compress and use a thin towel to wrap some ice cubes if you want to get a cold compress.
- Now, you put this hot compress solution directly on your affected joints for about 2 to 4 minutes.
- After that, you replace the hot solution with the cold compress.
- Allow it to sit on there for about 45 to 60 seconds.
- Keep repeating this process for about 20 minutes several times per day.
Note: You may also apply either of these compresses, depending on your condition.
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2. Apple Cider Vinegar
This is one of the effective home remedies for osteoarthritis you should try. Thanks to the alkaline-forming and anti-inflammatory properties, apple cider vinegar will lower stiffness and pain in your joints. In addition, it also aids in getting rid of toxins which are stored in your joints.
- First of all, you mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (raw and unfiltered) with 1 teaspoon of raw honey and a glass of lukewarm water.
- You stir them well and then drink this mixture twice a day, preferably before you enjoy your meals.
- Besides, you can mix apple cider vinegar well with olive oil at an equal ratio.
- Then you use this to gently massage your affected joints several times every day.
- Keep follow two these remedies on a daily basis until the inflammation and pain are removed.
Learn more: 21 Health & beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar consumption
3. Ginger
Ginger is among effective home remedies for osteoarthritis. A study published in 2024 found that the highly purified extract of ginger positively affected to patients suffering from the knee osteoarthritis by helping them to reduce pain.
Additionally, this herb is also high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which will reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. Moreover, ginger is capable of blocking COX-2 that is a chemical causing pain in your body.
- You just consume two or three cups of ginger tea every day and you will see an improvement in your condition.
- In order to make the ginger tea, you simply take a piece of ginger and then grate it well.
- Next, you put the grated ginger in 1 cup of water and boil this water for about 8 to 10 minutes.
- After that, you strain the ginger water and combine it with a little honey to make it sweeter.
- Also, you can chew some slices of fresh ginger daily or use fresh or dried ginger as a spice in your kitchen.
- Besides, you may use the ginger oil to gently massage your affected areas a few times on a daily basis.
Read more: 16 health benefits of fresh ginger juice are revealed
4. Fenugreek
In Ayurveda, fenugreek is one of popular home remedies for osteoarthritis. The seeds of fenugreek have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, thus helping you manage swelling and pain.
Plus, the fenugreek seeds have vitamins along with essential minerals such as iron, phosphorus, and calcium, which are very necessary for you to maintain healthy tissues and bones.
- You just prepare a teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seed and then mix it with a glass of lukewarm water to consume for twice or thrice per day.
- Another option for you is to make a fenugreek paste by mixing the fenugreek seeds (1 teaspoon) with an adequate amount of water and then apply this mixture directly on your affected areas.
- You let the mixture dry naturally and use lukewarm water to rinse off.
- This process should be applied twice per day.
- In a simpler way, you just soak the fenugreek seeds (1 teaspoon) in water and let them be overnight.
- In the next morning, you strain out the water and consume the soaked fenugreek seeds.
- You should remember to apply any of these ways every day until the result makes your satisfied.
5. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is also among common Ayurvedic home remedies for osteoarthritis. This herb contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial in fighting against joint swelling and pain. Besides, cinnamon will also help your stiff muscles get relaxed. Here are some natural home remedies for osteoarthritis with cinnamon that you can try to apply for treating this condition:
- At first, you mix the cinnamon powder (1 teaspoon) together with the honey (1 tablespoon) and warm water (1 glass).
- Then you stir them well and drink every morning when you have an empty stomach.
- Another way to use cinnamon for osteoarthritis is to make a cinnamon paste by mixing cinnamon powder well with enough water.
- You may also add a bit of honey to make it sweeter.
- Now, you use the cinnamon paste to apply to your affected areas for several minutes daily.
- You should follow these home remedies with cinnamon until you have a significant improvement.
Learn more: 28 Health and beauty benefits of cinnamon you should know
If you want to get more home remedies for osteoarthritis, stay with us for our next post!
6. Green Tea
A 2024 study shows that green tea has the ability to control the osteoarthritis symptoms as well as keep it at bay. Green tea owns antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, reducing joint swelling and pain. In addition, green tea also helps a lot in preserving bone density and maintaining bone strength.
- You firstly put a teaspoon of dried green tea leaves in 1 cup of boiled water.
- Then you cover and let this steep for several minutes.
- After that, you strain the water and combine it with a little honey.
- You should drink 2 or 3 cups of this green tea every day.
Read more: 38 Healthy and beauty benefits of drinking green tea daily
7. Turmeric
According to a study published in 2024, turmeric is one of very safe and effective home remedies for osteoarthritis. This herb may even aid in inhibiting the development of this disease. Additionally, turmeric processes a compound named curcumin which contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Now, you simply mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 glass of milk.
- You stir them well and then boil this mixture for a few minutes.
- Next, you add in it with a little honey and consume this solution twice per day for at least 3 or 4 days weekly.
- Also, you can have an intake of turmeric standardized extract for 3 times (300 mg/time) per day only after you consult your doctor.
- Or you can include the turmeric powder in the daily diet to get more additional benefits.
Note: Do not consume turmeric too much if you are taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or blood-thinning medications.
Read more: 11 Best ways on how to use turmeric for arthritis treatment
8. Epsom Salt
Another of top 10 home remedies for osteoarthritis is to use Epsom salt. Epsom salt has a rich source of magnesium, which assists you in easing pain, inflammation, and swelling.
- You simply add 2 cups of this salt to your bath filled with warm water.
- Then you soak yourself in it and relax for 25 to 30 minutes.
- Remember to do this process twice or thrice per week for several weeks or till you feel your inflammation and pain conditions get improved.
Note: People who suffer from diabetes or kidney problems must not apply this remedy.
9. Massage Therapy
Massaging your affected areas on a regular basis will be very beneficial in easing the intensity of inflammation, pain, and swelling caused due to osteoarthritis. Additionally, massage therapy also stimulates blood circulation as well as provides the inflamed muscles with a soothing effect.
- You just massage your affected areas with warm coconut oil or olive oil several times per day. If the massage therapy makes your condition worse, you must immediately stop doing it.
- In another way, you may also mix 10 grams of camphor well with a cup of mustard oil.
- Then you heat the mixture on a low heat level for about 5 minutes.
- You let it cool and use it to gently massage your affected areas.
- Or you can mix the eucalyptus oil with wintergreen oil at an equal ratio and massage your inflamed joints with this oil mixture.
- Because the joints are more sensitive because of osteoarthritis, you should ensure to gently massage them or see a therapist to have a professional massage if needed.
Learn more: 25 benefits of massage therapy with essential oils 2024
10. Do Exercise
Exercise may assist you in dealing with the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It can help to increase the endurance as well as make the muscles around the joints strong. This, in turn, stimulates mobility. In addition, doing exercise also aids you in losing weight.
- Hence, you should do aerobic exercises such as swimming, walking or biking half an hour per day for 5 times weekly.
- Do resistance training and gentle weight training several times per week to make your muscles stronger.
- Do exercises at with large motions at least 40 minutes every day.
- Do not play high-impact sports, which will put you at a higher risk of injury.
- You may see an expert to get advice about an exercise program which suits your lifestyle and health condition.
See more: 10 Shocking & Interesting Facts About Exercise You Don’t Know
Home Remedies For Osteoarthritis – Additional Tips
- In order to get the best results, you should follow some additional tips below if you apply any of home remedies for osteoarthritis above:
- You should try to sleep without waking up at night because sleep will help to deal with the stress and pain caused by osteoarthritis.
- You can use a mixture by mixing soybean oil and avocado to help massage your affected areas and thereby controlling inflammation and pain.
- Give up drinking and smoking because they can make your condition worse.
- You can perform meditation to get rid of the pain from your mind.
- Besides, you can perform some yoga poses to improve the flexibility of your joints and strengthen your muscles.
- Keep practicing tai chi twice or thrice per week to keep the symptoms of osteoarthritis at bay.
- In addition, you can try canes, braces, splints, and other devices which can aid in easing the discomfort and preventing injury.
- Always keep you full of positive energy because it may have a huge effect on how well you function and how you feel.
- You also remember to ask your doctor if you want to take nutritional supplements helping to manage your symptoms.
- The exposure of morning sunshine will provide the affected joints with vitamin D, which is very necessary for the healthy bones.
- Plus, you should include foods high in vitamins such as vitamin C and E in the diet. These two vitamins will keep the bones always strong as well as manage the osteoarthritis symptoms.
- Additionally, you can consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as cold-water fish, nuts, and seeds to ease pain and inflammation.
- If you suffer from obesity, you should get some necessary steps to reduce some pounds. This, in turn, decreases the pressure on your weight-bearing joints and thereby lessening pain.
- You may also apply acupuncture therapy to get a relief from pain and stimulate mobility.
Related articles:
How to prevent osteoarthritis naturally with diet – 10 tips
How to relieve arthritis pain naturally at home – 7 tips
You have read top 10 home remedies for osteoarthritis. If you have any question related to this condition, freely let it below. I will give you a reply as soon as possible. All these natural home remedies are safe and effective for you to get rid of osteoarthritis. However, you firstly should see the doctor to get the exact diagnosis with your condition. You can read more articles about other health conditions and diseases at our main Health page. Also, if you have any other home remedies for osteoarthritis, please share them with us.
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