Sage also called Salvia officinalis as a scientific name is a perennial woody herb that is beneficial for the human health. Sage is so related to rosemary that they are actually considered as sister herbs. In comparison with rosemary that contains rosmarinic acid with powerful impacts and safe health benefits, sage makes itself different and is also an evergreen shrub with blue or purple flowers and woody stems grown in the Mediterranean region. Sage is widely used in food recipes, particularly for savory dishes because of its slightly peppery flavor. It is also a key ingredient in various meat-based preparations and holiday meals.
The benefits of sage include the uses in culinary delights and utilization in the health aspects. It has been traditionally used to treat snakebite, protect against evil, and boost female fertility for thousands of year. Now, it is more widely used to improve brain function, prevent chronic diseases, lower inflammation in the body, boost the immune system, prevent the onset of cognitive disease, regulate proper digestion, strengthen the bones, alleviate skin conditions, and prevent the risks of diabetes.
Now, would like to recommend you 24 benefits of sage for the whole health. All the mentioned benefits of sage will explain why this herb deserves to be added to your diet. For those who don’t know or wonder how well sage can bring to the human health, just spend a few minutes reading the article to have more information!
24 Noticeable Benefits Of Sage Tea And Essential Oil For Health
1. Manage Diabetes
Managing diabetes is known as one of the benefits of sage, which has received the agreement of medical experts. A study conducted on 40 patients with diabetes and high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia) who were asked to use sage extract for 3 months showed that the participants experienced lower glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL or bad cholesterol levels but high levels of HDL or good cholesterol at the end of the procedure. Therefore, it was concluded that sage leaves are safe for the health and gives lipid profile improving and anti-hyperglycemic effects in type 2 diabetic patients.
In addition, another clinical trial conducted on 80 patients with poor control of type 2 diabetes also indicated that their blood sugar levels significantly decreased after 2 hours of using sage when compared to the control group.
Hence, authors concluded that sage was useful for diabetic patients to reduce glucose levels and cholesterol and higher doses should be abused to decrease glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting blood glucose.
In fact, sage contains certain chemicals and extracts that are similar to the drugs specifically for managing diabetes. It seems to inhibit and regulate the release of glucose stored in the liver thereby preventing the fluctuations of blood sugar as well as preventing the risks of type 2 diabetes or at least control the condition if it has already occurred.
2. Control Inflammation
Controlling inflammation is another of the health benefits of sage. According to the studies before, sage has certain compounds that make it anti-inflammatory one. For example, it has been indicated to give an inflammatory response to gingival fibroblasts that is known as one type of cells in the gum’s connective tissue. Of the cocktails made with sage, the experts say that 1,8-Cineole, camphor, borneol, and alpha-/beta-thujone may particularly contribute to the anti-inflammatory benefits of sage infusion in gingival fibroblasts.
In addition, there are many other herbs and spices seem to own anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal effects.
Because the favor of sage can be rather intense, chewing sage leaves isn’t really the most pleasant remedy but it is one of the most effective ways to make the organic compounds of the sage act in the body system. Steeping leaves or creating a tincture of sage can be the trick, but sage brew can eliminate inflammation, particularly in those who suffer from problems in the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tracts. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory activities of sage are helpful for other health issues like gout and arthritis, as well as inflammation in the cardiovascular system causing blood pressure and heart disease indeed. The benefits of sage are also induced by its flavonoids and phenolic compounds as well.
In Germany, people also use sage tea to gargle for inflammations or topically apply as a rinse. Its tincture, extract, and essential oil are also used to prepare medicines for throat and mouth or as gastrointestinal remedies in juice and solid dosage forms. To be clear, rosmarinic acid contributes to the activity of its anti-inflammation so that it has been recognized by experts with the internal uses for excessive sweating and mild gastrointestinal upset or other external uses in conditions of the mouth and throat.
3. Antiseptic And Antibacterial
Antiseptic and antibacterial activities also contribute to the benefits of sage for the health. It has been effectively used for dental abscesses, throat infections, mouth ulcers, and infected gums. In fact, sage contains phenolic acids that are especially powerful against Staphylococcus aureus. Sage oil has also been indicated to stop Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, filamentous fungi, and yeasts like Candida albicans. In addition, its astringent action with relatively high content of tannin can be used to treat infantile diarrhea.
4. Treat A Sore Throat
Treating sore throat is also one of the benefits of sage. In fact, sage infusion has been shown to treat inflamed throat, tonsils, and ulcerated throat effectively. To use sage this purpose, you should boil 100ml of water with a few dried sage leaves then infuse for 15 minutes. After that, you will strain the concoction and add some honey to order to sweeten the gargle. You should use it as a gargle every day to get quick relief.
5. Relieve Indigestion
While indigestion is becoming a more concerned problem, sage can be easily used to deal with this disorder as a natural remedy. The reason is that the rosmarinic acid presented in sage can as an anti-inflammatory property in the body including in the stomach so that it prohibits gastric spasms and considerably lower the risks of gastritis and diarrhea in those who suffer from uncomfortable and embarrassing conditions. You should add sage to the daily meals to get the whole digestive process back and decrease inflammation throughout the gut.
In fact, sage can be used as a carminative to decrease griping and some symptoms of indigestion, even as a treatment of dysmenorrhoea. Due to the bitter component, it stimulates upper digestive secretions, bile flow, intestinal mobility, and pancreatic function along with the volatile oil that gives a carminative and stimulating effect on the digestion.
6. Antioxidant Impact
Giving antioxidant impact is another of the benefits of sage. While chronic and degenerative diseases that are caused by free radicals, the negative by-products from cellular metabolism attacking healthy cells, apoptosis, and mutation, antioxidant compounds that are also presented in sage are beneficial for treating these debilitating and dangerous health conditions. Antioxidants found in sage are known as rosmarinic acid, apigenin, and luteolin that can all act to neutralize these free radicals thereby preventing oxidative stress on the organ system in common and in the heart, skin, joints, muscles, and brain in particular.
7. Strengthen Immune System
Strengthening the immune system is also one of the benefits of sage. This depends on some antimicrobial properties identified in the sage that makes it used to topically apply to the skin instead of being usually consumed in small quantities or used to prevent viral and bacterial infections attacking the body. You may think that illness can just enter through the mouth or nose, but the skin, in fact, can also be a gateway of foreign agents. Therefore, a topical cream and antibacterial routine with sage can be the defense against this sort of illness.
8. Boost Cognition
Boosting cognitive is another of the health benefits of sage. According to the research before, just a small amount of sage that is either consumed or smelled can stimulate recall abilities as well as memory retention in subjects. In addition, the concentration of the brain activity is also demonstrated to increase, which means adding some sage to the daily diet as a brain booster is beneficial for the young in school, for those with challenging and intellectually demanding careers.
While sage has the ability to boost the brain function by improving memory and concentrating on the chosen topic, it can also eliminate some certain cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Up to now, more research into the application of sage has been still continued so that sage can be taken as an herbal remedy alternative to medical treatments. Briefly, the neural pathways contributed by the sage essential oil and extract can make the mind youthful and fresh even in your older ages.
9. Treat Alzheimer’s Disease
Treating Alzheimer’s disease is another of the benefits of sage, which may depend on the ability to stimulate the memory of this herb as mentioned above. A study conducted on people with Alzheimer’s disease range from mild to mediate levels showed that participants were given sage extract experienced an improvement in cognition and reduction in agitation after 4 months compared to others with a placebo. In addition, the benefits of sage on memory and recall have been investigated in younger adults as well.
10. Strengthen Bone
Sage contains superior level vitamin K that is known as an essential vitamin for the general health also found in various foods. In fact, vitamin K plays an important role in the development of bone density and the integrity of the bones when you age. It is advised to add sage leaves to the daily diet in order to increase the vitamin K level because just a single service occupies up to 27% of the recommended intake a day. And if you are experiencing some early signs of osteoporosis or having a sedentary and rather a poor-nutrient lifestyle, your bone may face low health and it is time you added some foods as sage to supply enough vitamin K as needed.
11. Reduce Muscle Tension
Not only does sage be beneficial for bone strength but it is also helpful for muscle. The anti-spasmodic properties found in this herb make the benefits of sage on reducing tension in the smooth muscle. In addition, it is also abused in inhaling the steam for asthma attacks, helping eliminate mucous congestion in the airways and checking and preventing other infections.
12. Reduce Menopausal Symptoms
Reducing menopausal symptoms is also one of the benefits of sage. According to a study before, almost of the participants used it as prescriptions for menopause such as for night sweats, hot flashes, as well as other estrogenic effects. Along with this benefit is additional approval of its ability in infections, especially in the upper respiratory tract, in a sore throat, and in the mouth and gum disease when it is taken in the form of mouthwashes and gargles. In addition, the benefits of sage were also emphasized as a general tonic for nervous exhaustion, fatigue, poor memory and concentration, and immune system depletion.
The benefits of sage on reducing menopausal sweats have been investigated by some studies. While excessive sweating was caused by pilocarpine, this will decrease as the participants received an aqueous extract of sage leaf. Besides, others who received dried aqueous sage extract or infusion of sage daily both experienced a sweating reduction. Sage also owns the strong anti-hydrotic action also is traditionally used to treat night sweats in those with tuberculosis. While night sweats are induced by the changes in estrogen levels, the estrogenic effects of sage can be helpful for treating some cases of menstrual irregularity, dysmenorrhoea, and amenorrhoea and also reduce breast-milk production.
13. Treat Asthma
Treating asthma is also one of the health benefits of sage. The reason is that its anti-spasmodic effect can decrease tension in the smooth muscles, which has been mentioned above and be used in the steam inhalation to protect against asthma attacks.
14. Treat Depression
As other herb tea or extracts, the sage infusion is also used as thinker’s tea because it contains Thujone that is GABA and Serotonin receptor antagonist. Not only does sage help improve memory and concentration but it also helps deal with depression and grief. It seems to have more general relaxant effects that make it suitable for the treatment of vertigo, dizziness, nervousness, and excitability.
15. Improve Dental Health
Another of the health benefits of sage is its ability to improve dental health. In fact, this herb can be very helpful in the dental routine because it can be used as a natural mouthwash to resolve gum disease, cankers, and throat infections. In case you get in trouble with cankers, you should easily consume sage tea, freeze it as ice cubes or sage gargle. Those ice cubes will be then popped in your mouth in order to soothe cankers.
16. Treat Skin Conditions
After the benefits of sage for the internal health is its use for the skin condition. A topical salve made from the sage leaves or its tincture has been shown to be beneficial for dealing with some certain skin conditions like eczema, acnes, and psoriasis. If you apply sage extracts or salves to the affected areas on a regular basis, these unsightly blemishes will gradually disappear and their appearance will be also reduced.
In addition, the antibacterial properties found in this herb also help prevent the risks of skin infections while its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties considerably help cure acne and relieve the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema.
17. Anti-aging Benefits Of Sage
Lowering the aging process is another of the health benefits of sage. If this herb has been mentioned above because of its antioxidants for neutralizing free radicals to prevent the risks of many serious diseases, these antioxidants can also reserve the signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines. The cause is also that these antioxidants protect the body against free radicals causing damage to skin cells and then premature aging to the skin. In addition, this herb is a good source of vitamin A and calcium that all help protect the skin from the assault of free radicals as well as support the daily cell regeneration thereby delaying and minimizing the appearance of facial wrinkles.
18. Tone Oily Skin
Not only does sage help prevent the aging process but it also helps tone the oily skin. Sage oil, in fact, can regulate the production of sebum in oily complexion as a great toner. You can prepare a natural toner from sage by boiling 250ml water with a spoon of sage, steeping for 30 minutes, straining the concoction, and finally dabbing it onto your face after cooling.
19. Treat Hair Loss
Some benefits of sage on hair have been shown in different ways. In fact, this herb has been traditionally used to fight hair loss and combat baldness. The reason is that it possesses beta-sitosterol that is known as a 5-alpha reductase compound effective in the treatment of male pattern baldness. To reach this purpose, you should make a mixture of 3 drops sage essential oil, peppermint, rosemary essential oils, and 1 tablespoon olive oil then massage your scalp twice a day with this mixture.
20. Stimulate Hair Growth
Besides treating hair loss, sage is also beneficial for stimulating hair growth. Sage is especially effective in the hair growth because it can encourage circulation to the scalp thereby bringing more nutrition and necessary compounds to the hair follicles. It is advised to mix sage and rosemary to make an excellent rinse helping your hair thicker, stronger, and shinier. In addition, this herbal rinse can increase the hair quality and revitalize thinning and dry hair. This sage rosemary hair rinse should be prepared just by boiling water in the two herbs then should be used on a regular basis to maintain the hair thickness and shine. And being an astringent, this rinse helps reduce dandruff and inhibit clogged hair follicles as well.
21. Make Hair Shiny And Darker
Making the hair shiny and darker is also one of the benefits of sage. Surprisingly, sage tea can be abused as a hair rinse for the purpose of imparting shine and luster to the locks. To prepare this hair rinse, you should boil a cup of water with some dried sage leaves then use it to ward off dandruff and make your hair shiny.
In addition, sage is also used to intensify the hair color and darken it. You should just use it after shampooing as a final rinse. An infusion of sage leaves, in fact, can darken gray hair and deepen the color of black or brown hair and bring shine to it.
22. Sage Lotion
The benefits of sage also include its use to make a lotion that makes the hair more manageable and improves the texture. All you need to do is combining some sage leaves with an equal amount of rosemary, boiling them in 6 oz. water, simmering for 3 minutes and steeping for 3 hours then use it to massage the hair before styling.
23. Ways To Add Sage Into Diet
Because of various benefits of sage, this herb is always advised to consume on a regular basis. It can be eaten in fresh or dried form or added to a dish as a natural way to raise flavor without extra sodium and calories. For example, it is suitable for poultry and pork.
In addition, sage can be used as a fragrance in cosmetics and soaps due to its pleasant aroma. Sage extracts and supplements are also available on the market, so you can find them if needed.
24. Possible Risks Of Consuming Sage
Although there are many health benefits of sage, this herb can also cause some side effects to those who are allergic to it. It can be said that natural form of sage is safe for almost of people or just causes little side effects but the side effects of consuming sage supplements can vary according to brand and formulation. And you should remember that sage essential oil is not for your consumption.
In fact, sage is ranked in the mint family, so it is necessary for those with allergic reactions to this plant family to consult a doctor before using it in the dietary and supplementation regimen.
To achieve good health, everyone should pay attention to the total diet as well as the overall eating pattern and it is better to eat a diverse diet with a variety of food types than just concentrate on some certain foods as the key factor.
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After reading the article on 24 benefits of sage for the whole health in our main Health page, hope that you can see how beneficial this herb is so that using and adding a suitable amount of it to your daily diet. Please let us know if you have any question by leaving them below and share with us other health benefits of sage if you know more.
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