Top 12 Health benefits of barley water

Barley is known as a very rich whole grain that contains a large amount of vitamin B-complex, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc, amino acids, protein, dietary fiber and other antioxidants. You can consume this versatile grain by not only adding it to your diet but also using it as a healthy drink named barley water to support your health every day.

If you drink barley water regularly, it will help you to keep many health problems at bay and nourish your body in addition. With this kind of water, there is no maximum or minimum amount because how much you consume is good for your health, but of course, you cannot really drink too much.  A glass of barley water is beneficial in increasing urination, which helps to flush toxins out of the body. Plus, the same glass with high fiber count will lower your cholesterol.

In this article, VKool will present you top 12 health benefits of barley water. This article listed the best advantages of barley water from reliable sources so that you can absolutely believe in.  However, it is only for the informational target and it is not aimed to give medical advice. Continue reading this writing to understand more!

Top 12 Health Benefits Of Barley Water That You Should Know

1. Aid Weight Loss

benefits of barley water - aid weight loss

Barley water is considered to be a great health drink for those who want to lose weight. The reason is that it contains high fiber content, especially beta-glucans, the factor can keep you feel full for a long time so that you will not satisfy yourself in eating as your daily habit.

Additionally, one of the first health benefits of barley water is to help the digesting procedure and boosts the metabolism of fats. Someone worries that this made of barley water can raise the risk of weight gain as beer, but the scientists assured that they are different from each other.

You should drink 3 cups of barley water a day to assist your weight loss.

Learn more: 26 benefits of corn for health and for weight loss

2. Reduce Cholesterol

benefits of barley water - reduce cholesterol

With a high content of insoluble fiber, barley water is really good for decreasing blood cholesterol levels, so it reduces the risk of getting heart disease. The richness of beta-glucans in the dietary fiber of barley can also help to prevent the absorption of cholesterol from your food and beverage in your stomach and intestines.

For more information, beta-glucans are known as a beneficial factor to reduce total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, and triglycerides for a long time. That means you can absolutely believe in barley water as an effective weight loss beverage.

So, instead of drinking any kind of gas- beverage, you should choose barley water for your daily diet.

See more: Top 9 causes of high cholesterol in adults

3. Aid Digestion

benefits of barley water - aid digestion

Being naturally alkaline and very rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, barley water is so grateful for your intestinal health as well as your all digesting procedure. It is useful for treating digestive problems such as constipation, gastritis, and hemorrhoids.

Besides treating these problems, the benefits of barley water can take action whenever you get diarrhea because it can restore fluids & electrolyte balance effectively. Plus, its dietary fiber can reduce the risk of getting colorectal cancers since it increases the bulk activity and decreases the transit time of fecal matter. Barley water is also beneficial in preventing gallstones because it reduces the secretion of bile acid.

Learn more: 10 Best vitamins for digestion problems

4. Treat Urinary Tract Infections

benefits of barley water - treat urinary tract infections

Drinking barley water is a worthy remedy for urinary tract infections (UTIs). It increases urination as a natural diuretic, which makes the infection-causing bacteria and flush toxins out of the body.

In addition, barley water can be used to treat other issues such as cystitis, high creatinine levels, and kidney stones because it can cleanse the kidneys and play a role as a good anti-inflammatory for this urinary system.

To fight a UIT, take in several cups of barley water every day until you solve the problem.

Read more: 25 home remedies for uti (urinary tract infection) in men & women

5. Control Diabetes

benefits of barley water - control diabetes

Barley water is useful for stabilizing blood glucose levels, which helps to control diabetes. The beta-glucans that are mentioned above can help to lower the absorption of glucose after eating and decrease the rise of glucose and insulin.

Many researches indicated that beta-glucans can also help to support blood glucose control and insulin resistance. Therefore, it is beneficial in reducing the risk of obesity that is known as the key risk factor for Type 2 diabetes.

In addition, not mention to barley water, only barley is considered to be a low glycemic index food. When combining barley with carbohydrate counting, foods low on the glycemic index can help the blood glucose management. And the phytochemicals presented in barley are also useful for controlling diabetes, heart disease or cancer.

Learn more: Reverse diabetes now review – can Matt’s book be helpful?

6. Heart Healthy

benefits of barley water - heart healthy

Not only does barley water lower cholesterol, but it also helps prevent atherosclerosis that is a condition formed by the thickening of arterial walls that makes blood flow at risk and raises the chances of getting cardiovascular disease.

Moreover, the B vitamin niacin in barley water is useful for slowing the development of atherosclerosis because of its anti-inflammatory and other lipid-altering effects. One of other health benefits of barley water is also in lowering high blood pressure that is known as another contributing factor causing a stroke or cardiovascular disease.

Read more: 27 natural home remedies for high blood pressure control

If you want to know more health benefits of barley water, you should continue the next part of this article!

7. Prevent Osteoporosis

benefits of barley water - prevent osteoporosis

Barley grass, as you know, has a rich content of phosphorus and copper that guarantee the good health of bones. Firstly, the phosphorous content can cure bone and tooth ailments effectively.

Secondly, barley grass juice has 11 times greater calcium than milk, which means that it is really a natural remedy for treating osteoporosis. This calcium property will play an important role in protecting your bone health.

Plus, the other manganese content in barley acts in combination with B-complex vitamins to keep the overall health intact. People always need manganese for the bone production, and in cases of iron deficiency anemia.

See more: 10 natural home remedies for osteoporosis pain

8. Prevent Gallstones

benefits of barley water - prevent gallstones

Barley water is very rich in insoluble fiber that helps to decrease bile acid secretion as well as increase insulin sensitivity and lower the triglycerides levels. Therefore, it is really effective in helping women avoid getting gallstones. According to an article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, women who consume barley water regularly have a 17% lower risk of having gallstones than others who just consume a fibrous diet.

Learn more: Effective natural home remedies for gallstones

9. Keep Intestine Healthy

benefits of barley water - keep intestine healthy

Barley has an excellent source of fiber that keeps your body free of toxic. It will act as a fuel source to the friendly bacteria in your large intestine. These friendly bacteria will help the fermentation of fiber content in barley, so it forms butyric acid which is known as the primary fuel for intestinal cells.

Plus, barley water is beneficial in maintaining a healthy colon. Because barley keeps the intestine healthy, it will help you to reduce movement time of feces and keep your stomach clean. Therefore, the chance of developing colon cancer or hemorrhoids will be decreased as well.

10. Make Your Skin Glow

benefits of barley water - make your skin glow

Barley seeds have selenium that helps to preserve the skin’s elasticity. Barley also protects your skin from free radical damage that can age it. Plus, the antioxidants of barley will help prevent from developing wrinkles on your skin. In addition, your skin will be left glowing and free of wrinkles because barley water flushes out any toxins.

For these reasons, women need to drink barley water regularly

See more: 22 Home remedies for glowing skin for oily skin in summer

11. Prevent Yeast Infections

benefits of barley water - prevent yeast infections

During pregnancy, women should take in more barley water since it can prevent your yeast infections that may be harmful to the fetus. This water will also ease morning sickness, nausea or even regulates blood sugar levels. Moreover, barley water can help protect you from edema, hemorrhoids, and constipation that are very common in pregnant women.

Read more: 20 natural home remedies for yeast infection during pregnancy

12. Cool The Body Down

benefits of barley water - cool the body down

Besides these advantages of barley water above, people also use this drink with the aim to cool themselves. Feeling cool may be the first feeling of those who take in barley water, and many people choose this kind of water because of this reason. Especially on hot days, if you drink a glass of barley water, you will feel how much cooler is!  Barley water is useful for your health than any other beverage.


Barley water is a natural and healthy drink which seldom has any bad side effects on health. So, many experts considered it as a safe natural drink for both people, both of adult and children. However, in some special case, there can be a few negative effects on health of barley water as follows:

  • People can get stomach irritation or loose bowels in some sensitive cases if they consume so much barley water.
  • People who are gluten intolerant need to avoid drinking barley water since it contains gluten.

If you want to know more about benefits of other ingredients, please go to our main Health Nutrition page. After reading the article of top 12 health benefits of barley water, hope that it can help you find out the best health benefits of barley water. However, the article is only for the informational purpose; therefore, you should see your doctor in order to get the advice. If you have any question, please leave the comments below, I will respond you as soon as possible.  And if you know other health benefits of barley water, please leave them below.

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