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If you are bodybuilding beginner, this might be confusing. In order to gain the best result as you want, you obviously need to make sure you are following some sound strategies so that the meal plans and workouts you are following will help you build muscle. Follow these 19 top bodybuilding tips and tricks for beginners at home and you will enter the upper ranks of gym rats at your local iron jungle in no time.
19 Bodybuilding Tips And Tricks For Beginners At Home – How The Workouts Work For You
I. Eating Tips For Bodybuilders
1. Eat Frequent, Small Meals
In terms of high energy level, muscle growth, reduced body fat, and good gastrointestinal health, in order to have the best results, men should eat from five to six meals a day with calories quantity ranging from 300-1000 depending on their size and targets. Keep a stash in your office, your car, your gym bag. It is said that the longer you make the body wait between meals, the less effective it can burn fat and build lean muscles. In fact, long waiting period without consuming will dramatically enhance the opportunity of overeating when you have a meal.
Check out tips on how to stop overeating naturally
2. Consume Enough Protein
Proteins are considered as the major building blocks of the human body. Similar to carbohydrates, one gram of protein includes 4 calories. Those active people should add approximately a gram of protein per pound of ideal weight each day in order to maintain their lean massive muscles. Strength athletes, bodybuilders, and endurance athletes tend to be in a continual cycle of muscle reconstruction and degradation; thus, they have larger protein need than others. Foods, like cheese, milk, eggs, poultry, fish, and red meat are rich sources of protein. You can eat them to get adequate protein for muscle building. In other words, if you feel it is hard to take enough protein by eating, then I recommend you to supplement your body with a low-fat/ low-carb protein powder like HDT’s Problend-55.
Read on ways to plan a healthy meal plan for weight loss.
3. Beware Of Carbohydrates Types
As you know, carbohydrates consist of four calories per gram. Also, they are the major source of energy for the human body. When more than three 6-carbon sugar molecules are linked, the resulting molecule will be known as a complex carbohydrate. Then one or two 6-carbon sugar molecules joined together comprises a simple sugar. Complex carbs are classified into fibrous and starchy carbohydrates.
When taken, simple sugars like dextrose and sucrose, as well as refined complex carbohydrates such as white flour, supply a burst of energy that usually gives people feelings of lethargy. Especially, unrefined complex carbohydrates are digested by the system more slowly than simple sugars and will supply sustained and constant energy levels.
4. Limit Sugars
Actually, the lower glycemic index of a given carbohydrate, the more gradually it will be digested into its component parts and absorbed from the GI tract into the bloodstream. Pasta, whole grains, legumes, and yams are among the best sources of complex carbohydrates. Some processed foods like white rice and bread, even non-processed foods such as potatoes have high glycemic volume and are more readily stored as fat.
One main exception is fructose, which is the simple sugar found in fruits with a low glycemic index. One thing to concentrate on when it comes to carbohydrates is that you need roughly a 2:1ratio of carbs to protein in your post workout meal plan. The post meal should include high quality carbohydrate, Glutamine, and carbohydrate.
5. Consume Adequate Fiber
As fiber could not be assismilated by the human GI tract, so it cannot contribute caloris and is passed as waste. A deficiency of fiber will lead to a sluggish GI tract, bloating, water retention, constipation, and an enhanced risk of developing colon cancer. In other words, besides being rich in antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables are excellent fiber sources. The recommendation proportion of fiber consumption is at least 5 servings each day.
In order to get optimal fat burning result, you should control starchy carb consumption later in the day. Instead, you can eat plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits.
If you want to get more nutrition advice for getting healthy body, then do not overlook the tips inside our website.
6. Eat The Proper Fats
We all know that fats are critical energy sources if stored glycogen is limited. Because fats include 9 calories per gram, which are more couple times than the amount found in proteins and carbohydrates.
The saturated fats which are derived from animal sources can trigger heavily the development of cardiovascular disease when compared with unsaturated fats derived from plant sources. Therefore, you should limit the intake of fats so that fats are consumed less than 30% of the caloric intake.
It is so important for you to consume the right fats. When choosing fat, you should look for anything high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon or use a necessary fat supplement like fish oil or flax oil.
7. Drink Plenty Of Water
The next one in bodybuilding tips for men that you should know is consuming enough water. The active individuals had better consume a minimum of one gallon of water each day. Water assists the liver as well as kidneys in detoxifying of poisons and the eradication of wastes from the human body. When your body is lack of water, you will become dehydrated and your organs, containing liver, muscle and kidney, will not be able to function optimally. Optional kidney function allows the liver to be free to perform maximum lypolysis, or fat burning.
Additionally, water is also an appetite suppressant and an excellent diuretic. The high intake of fluid not only promotes urination, but it also reduces overall water retention and bloat. Though you might have to work up to a gallon per day steadily about a week whilst your bladders modifies, you are going to reap the benefits of your attempts instantly.
Actually, drink the water which is below the body temperature will help you lose weight. If you consume one gallon of water chilled to 32 degrees, then your body will burn 300 calories to heat it. What an easy manner to burn fat!
8. Limit Alcohol
Alcohol is not precisely classified as a nutrient, yet it is drunk and warrants mention. Did you know that alcohol is the enemy of the athlete and dieter? It consists of 7 calories grams, approximately as much as fat. Moreover, it does not include nutritional value. Not only does alcohol provide empty calories, but it also reduces your body’s metabolic rate. As a result, fewer calories are burnt.
Furthermore, alcohol consumption might also lead to a transient subsequent food cravings and hypoglycemic state. Lastly, alcohol is hepatotoxic and even a moderate amount of alcohol intake also results in deposits on the liver. When consuming alcohol, the liver has to work hard to detoxify your system, and it is less efficient at fat burning or lypolysis.
9. Supply The Body With Protein To Build Muscle
Protein is an essential nutrient to build muscle and bodyweight. You can eat fish, chicken, milk, diary products, nuts, eggs, and some vegetables to supply your body with natural sources of protein. Besides, you can consume protein supplements. According to experts, you should consume at least 1gr of protein/pound of your body weight for the bodybuilding purpose.
10. Consume More Calories
To build muscle and body strength, you must eat more often to burn more calories than the average rate of calories you use. Avoid getting hungry. Change your diet and add one or 2 small extra meals a day after every 4 hours. Check your basal metabolic rate and adjust it based on your daily activities you do.
11. Avoid Junk Foods
Junk foods can make you gain weight, but bodybuilders not only need weight, but also need more strength and lean muscle. Junk foods actually just give you more harmful fat and stop you from being active or stay motivated.
12. Don’t Forget Vegetables And Fruits
Of course, to build a lean body and muscle mass, you need to eat more meat and other protein sources. However, beside macro-nutrients like fat, carbs and protein, you need to supply your body with more micro-nutrients like minerals and vitamins from vegetables and fruits.
Read on: Healthiest Fruits And Vegetables
II. Workout Tips For Bodybuilders
1. Focus On Lifting More Weight Over Time
The critical bodybuilding tip is to add more weight to the bar.
It will not matter how many rules you apply, if you are not increasing the sheer volume you lift over time, then you cannot build toned muscles as rapidly as you wish.
The initial priority of any bodybuilding workout program needs to be heavier weights lifting.
When you are not able to raise the weight up higher, that is when you begin considering other plans such as drop sets, or supersets, and so on. By this way, you will help to enhance your body’s potential, thus in several weeks later; you could explode it up to the higher weight level.
2. The Rule Of Failure
The next one in bodybuilding tips for men is to focus on the rule of failure. A lot of people believe that lifting to failure every single set is considered as the best manner to gain muscle. They claim that to get certain muscle grow, it is necessary to entirely exhaust it.
Though it is right that you need to push your muscles pass the comfort levels for getting progress, you could run into some problems when you are lifting to failure each as well as every set.
First, it is central nervous system fatigue. Normally, exercise programs designed to go to failure every time will be so draining on the central nervous system. If you follow such a program, after several weeks, you will be likely to find your central nervous system exhausted so that you cannot lift even the usual weight you often do.
Second, if you do this on the first exercise, you will not have much energy for the next exercises after that. Because you should do at least a couple of various exercises in every workout, this will be very hard to complete.
Instead, you should focus on one or two reps. This will get to help your body work at the intensity level necessary to build lean muscles rapidly. Nevertheless, it will also not entirely damage you so that you must end that routine prematurely, then take one or two days to regain your energy.
3. Perform Exercises Working At Least Two Muscle Groups At A Time
The last tip on how to build muscle for men is to concentrate on compound exercises. People just have a limited amount of time they could spend in the gym each day because of recovery restraints and time. Thus, if you waste this amount of time on exercises that just focus on one or two small muscle groups, then you are not maximizing your muscle building potential. Therefore, instead, you should follow the principle of performing at least two groups of muscle. For instance, the shoulder press is going to work the triceps and the shoulders. The squat will incorporate the hamstrings and the quads. And the bench press will work the shoulders, chest, and triceps.
Compound lifts will typically be able to lift more weight, so you should take a try and see what will be your best choice.
4. Stay Disciplined
Make a detailed schedule and stick to that plan as a self-discipline. By following the discipline, you will make your bodybuilding routine go on track and reach your fitness goals in time. For instance, if you plan to workout 3 times per weeks, fix this schedule. Just change it into another date when the weather is bad or you are busy, don’t reduce quality and quantity of these exercises.
5. Choose A Program And Stick To It
There are different bodybuilding programs, make sure that you can choose one and stick to it for getting the best results. In addition, you should pay attention to choosing a bodybuilding that suits you. In fact, modern gyms now are full of shiny and fancy machines, yet they may be not work to help you build muscle.
Whereas, some home workouts with simple equipments like barbells and dumbbells are good to build the solid foundation of lean muscle, especially for beginners.
Read: Best Workout Tips
As a bodybuilding couch before starting your fitness plan and you will not get disappointed in the results you will get. Remember some basic information about a bodybuilding like the name of that bodybuilding program, exact workouts, workout sets, and reps through this training.
6. Practice Compound Movements
Following a bodybuilding program still requires you to stick to basic movements like warm up exercises or breath exercises and some other ones like dead lift, squat, barbell bench press, shoulder press and so on.
7. Don’t Workout Every Day
As a beginner, do not try to follow an intense bodybuilding program because it can make you feel tired, have muscle pain and want to quit it soon. Start with a mild or moderate workout plan, take some days off to rest and recover, then this program will work for you.
After covering quick but straightforward bodybuilding tips for men above, will you apply them right instantly for yourself? If you could incorporate them into your program consistently and successfully, you’ll be on the right track to get results.
Leave all your ideas at the end of this post of bodybuilding tips for men to let us know what you think. We will answer all your comments as soon as possible.
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