Butternut squash also called Cucurbita morschata as a scientific name, is a kind of vegetables cultivated in warm climate throughout different regions over the world. It features a long and thick neck similar to a pear shaped bottom and its distinct flesh may be between golden-yellow and orange color. In common, butternut squash are sweet, which makes them suitable to add to salads, stew, casserole, pies, and even roasted for snack options. Butternut squash is full of nutrients with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, which brings a number of benefits of butternut squash for your health.
Besides the usage of butternut squash for culinary, they have been abused for health benefits, which can be listed such as the ability to maintain the heart health, treat diabetes, boost the immune system, improve the bone and eye health, aid in weight loss, nourish hair and skin, and so on…
At present, VKool.com would like to show you noticeable benefits of butternut squash for skin, hair, and general system. All of the mentioned benefits of this fruit will explain why it has been highly appreciated and deserves for being taken into your daily diet. For those who don’t know or wonder how beneficial butternut squash is, just spend a few minutes reading our article to have more information!
17 Benefits Of Butternut Squash For Skin, Hair, And General System
1. Prevent High Blood Pressure
Lowering and preventing high blood pressure are considered as important benefits of butternut squash for the health. In fact, the key to keeping your blood pressure proper is engaging an enough amount of potassium along with a low amount of sodium and butternut squash has been proved to be rich in this substance as well. A cup serving of butternut squash is estimated to contain 500 mg of potassium, an ideal amount for your diet each day and the intake of potassium is related to 20% decrease in the risks of death from all causes.
If 4700 mg of potassium is recommended for an individual every day, the studies before showed that only approximately 20% of US adults meet the need, which means they need to add more foods rich in this mineral like butternut squash to their diet to get a healthy level. Eating butternut squash is helpful for avoiding high blood pressure that can cause heart failure and increased malfunction. Moreover, high blood pressure results in irregularities in the body and serious sickness, especially diseases associated with the heart health, so you should take the benefits of butternut squash on the blood pressure as soon as possible.
2. Benefits Of Butternut Squash To Reduce Heart Diseases
Reducing heart diseases is another of the health benefits of butternut squash, which depends on its negligible fat without cholesterol indeed. In addition, this fruit contains magnesium that has been indicated to decrease the risks of stroke and heart attack. This mineral, in combination with potassium mentioned above, helps lower and prevent high blood pressure while its vitamin C content and beta-carotene levels help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. In brief, these nutrients prevent the buildup of cholesterol oxidized on the walls of blood vessels thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
Moreover, vitamin folate found in butternut squash can help remove unhealthy metabolism byproduct also called homocysteine that is able to cause heart attack and stroke. And this fruit is very rich in folate that lowers cholesterol levels since then reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.
3. Prevent Cancer
Preventing the risk of cancer is also one of the health benefits of butternut squash. This fruit contains a high content of antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals, the main cause of cancer, from the body, which makes them important to keep the body healthy. It can be assured that the presence of powerful antioxidants in butternut squash can keep the cells healthy and repair them when needed. When the body’s ability to repair by itself is impaired, the risks are for cancer cells to proliferate and for it to die, so supplying the body with antioxidants is really necessary to improve this ability.
In addition, butternut squash has manganese, vitamin C, and Vitamin E that all work for maintaining healthy cells altogether. While manganese mineral assures the cellular structure protected and Vitamin E keeps water and oil separated since then fat-soluble substances are kept away, Vitamin C maintain the fluid circulated properly throughout the body thereby removing free radical formation. And you know, all of these work considerably thwarts off the risks of cancer.
The benefits of butternut squash also depend on the presence of Beta-carotene that is related to the development of colon cancer. Moreover, diets rich in beta-carotene is very important for protecting against prostate cancer among younger men, which has been proved as well.
4. Benefits Of Butternut Squash To Manage Diabetes
The benefits of butternut squash also contain the ability to manage diabetes. For the patients with diabetes, regulating blood sugar levels is very important and butternut squash can do that, which makes it possible to prevent both type-1 and type-2 diabetes. This fruit contains a high content of fiber that helps break down sugar and starch from taken food. However, there is a difference between 2 types of diabetes a consumption of high-fiber diets helps type-1 patients lower the blood sugar levels while type-2 patients improve not only blood sugar but also lipids and insulin levels in the body.
In fact, a cup of butternut squash contains about 6.6 grams fiber while the required amount is 30 to 38 grams per day for men and 21 to 25 grams per day for women. In other studies, consuming a 50-gram serving of butternut squash can supply the body with more fiber than the daily fiber demand. In addition, fibrous foods aid in fat metabolism, which ensures the high amounts of sugar never housed or stocked in the blood. In addition, if you are a diabetic or high tendency to have because of family’s medical history, you should eat a lot of butternut squash so as to alleviate your condition indeed.
5. Thwart Off Asthma
Thwarting off asthma is another of the health benefits of butternut squash. This fruit is very rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant helpful for lowering the risks of developing respiratory issues like asthma. It has been also indicated that people who take in a large content of beta-carotene, a substance making certain vegetables and fruits bright orange pigments, experience lower risks of asthma.
If you are asthmatic, you should increase the consumption of butternut squash along with other orange vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, apricots, cantaloupe, papaya, pumpkin, and carrots that are all rich sources of beta-carotene so as to prevent the risks of asthma as well as possible.
6. Reduce Inflammation
As mentioned above, butternut squash is a rich source of antioxidants, so it certainly has anti-inflammatory effects necessary to reduce the risks of disorders related to inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, it has been shown that people with a high intake of antioxidant beta-cryptoxanthin experienced a half lower risk of developing arthritis over a period of 7 to 15 years in comparison with a lower intake. Moreover, this antioxidant can not only reduce inflammation but also decrease the risks of lung cancer up to 30%.
7. Benefits Of Butternut Squash To Boost Immune Function
Establishing strong immune system is also one of the benefits of butternut squash for health. Possessing powerful and effective antioxidants, this fruit is able to defense the body against infection as well as related illness. Vitamin C is known as one of the typical antioxidants beneficial for not only preventing colds and treating allergies but also reducing the risks of further complications like a lung infection or pneumonia. This vitamin can also protect against immune system deficiencies like cardiovascular disease.
In brief, you can take the benefits of butternut squash to optimize the general health by its regular consumption with immune system boosting effects. Since then, your body will be protected from easily getting sick, particularly from common sicknesses like a cold, flu, coughs v, and so on. Moreover, butternut squash contains a rich source of fiber that aids in proper digestion and prevents many types of diseases. Therefore, you should eat the peel or rind in combination with its flesh to avail all these benefits.
8. Boost Digestion
The benefits of butternut squash also include the ability to boost digestion. As mentioned above, butternut squash has remarkable amounts of fiber that ensures a proper breakdown of food and effective absorption of nutrients. In addition, fiber can bulk up the stool in order to regulate bowel movement as well as its activities since then avoiding indigestion and other digestive problems including constipation. Fiber has been revealed to reduce the risks of colon cancer as well.
It is highly recommended to take in plenty of food rich in fiber so as to augment the digestion process because a good amount of dietary fiber aids in facilitating bowel movements. In other words, it relieves some symptoms of digestion such as constipation and bloating and promotes colon health.
Not only butternut squash but also fibrous foods are helpful for digestion because they clear the digestive tract for taken food to move smoothly through the digestive process. Therefore, you should increase the consumption of these foods for a good general health.
9. Improve Eyesight
The benefits of butternut squash include improving eyesight in particular and the eye health in common. It is a rich source of vitamin A is extremely necessary for healthy eyesight as you all know. It has been estimated that a cup of butternut squash contains more 350% than the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. In addition, this fruit is also rich in zeaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant aiding in protecting your vision indeed.
As mentioned above, butternut squash contains high contents of beta-carotene and lutein. A cup of butternut squash is estimated to contain 135 mg of beta-carotene and 2400 mcg of lutein, an ideal amount for diet indeed. In fact, dietary lutein is beneficial for inhibiting macular degeneration and the onset of cataracts that can actually cause blindness. And along with lutein and beta-carotene, Carotenoids found in this fruit can also decrease the risks of macular degeneration.
10. Keep Bones Strong
Not only does butternut squash be good for the eye health but it is also beneficial for the bone health, which depends on the presence of manganese and vitamin C in this fruit. Butternut squash, in fact, contains up to 17% of your RDA of manganese that plays an important role in maintaining healthy bone structure, effective calcium absorption, stimulating enzyme creation, and improving the mineral density of the spinal column.
The benefits of butternut squash on the bone health are also contributed by the amount of powerful vitamin C. This vitamin is associated with the production of collagen, an important process for building bone mass. The presence of magnesium in this fruit is also helpful for the health of bones and joints. In addition, other minerals found in butternut squash like iron, zinc, and folate contribute all to the bone health and prevent the risk of osteoporosis as well.
11. Improve Muscle Contraction And Nerve Impulse Transportation
Improving muscle contraction and transportation of nerve impulses are known as other benefits of butternut squash. Butternut squash contains 3 important electrolytes including calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are all helpful for the contraction of muscles and stimulating nerve impulses as well. These minerals can give positive effects when you are suffering from muscle cramps. While potassium helps start electrical impulses necessary for regulating the heartbeat and stimulate muscle contraction in combination with sodium, magnesium is believed to relax heart muscles in conjunction with calcium that plays an important role in their contraction.
12. Benefits Of Butternut Squash In Weight Loss
Similar to other vegetables and fruits, butternut squash can also aid in the weight losing procedure. A cup of butternut squash has been estimated to contain only 36 calories, 9 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, and less than 1 gram of fat particularly without any cholesterol as well. In fact, it derives few calories from the carbohydrate content, also a quite low process. In addition, the fiber content found in butternut squash can help increase satiety, also known as the feeling of fullness so that you may easily manage your weight, which also means you can improve weight losing procedure if needed. Therefore, if you tend to lose weight, butternut squash is really an ideal food that is an alternative to higher calorie vegetables such as corn and potatoes.
13. Reduce Pms Symptoms
Reducing PMS symptoms of women is another of the health benefits of butternut squash. As mentioned above, this fruit contains a large amount of manganese that has been proved to help women experience fewer mood swings and cramps indeed. This is the reason why women should follow a diet rich in this mineral as a natural way to inhibit these symptoms.
14. Supply Protein
In common, people often consider animal meat as their supply of protein to meet their requirement but they don’t know that animal meat also contains a certain amount of fat that can cause heart diseases or weight gain if over consumed. Along with a proper amount of meat, you can eat butternut squash as a source of protein without unexpected fat as well. Although its protein property is not very high, it may be abused as a supplement of your overall protein intake.
15. Nourishes Skin
Nourishing the skin is one of the important benefits of butternut squash. It is because this fruit contains various vitamins such as vitamin A, Vitamin C, and vitamin C that are all necessary for the maintenance of the skin health. Although there are many kinds of skin care products available on the market, it is advised to use natural ones instead because they can keep the skin healthy at a cellular level. As you know, the healthy skin from inside makes itself always youthful, glowing, and attractive.
To be clear, each vitamin individually contributes to the benefits of butternut squash on the skin health in other tendencies. While vitamin A content supports the body tissue to grow and maintain healthy and vitamin C boosts the production of collagen leading the skin to be firm and flexible, vitamin E ensures the skin cells to be healthy and repaired if necessary. In brief, if you want to own a beautiful skin, you should add butternut squash to your diet to get a significant improvement.
16. Prevent Skin Aging
The benefits of butternut squash also include the ability to prevent skin aging. This fruit can protect the skin against damaging effects of sun exposure as well as prevent dehydration. In addition, its high content of vitamin C helps fight free radicals in the body thereby preventing signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation. In conclusion, a regular consumption of butternut squash helps keep your skin always hydrated.
In fact, you all want to own a flawless glowing skin but your skin suffers from more and more problems caused by the pressures of modern life. The factors contributing these skin problems can be listed as harmful chemicals, exposure to UV rays, prolonged illness, unhealthy lifestyle, and so on. A balanced diet with enough vitamins and mineral, probably including butternut squash, can really keep your skin healthy. Vegetables and fruits in general and butternut squash, in particular, are really good for skin.
17. Promote Hair Growth
Promoting the hair growth and maintaining hair strength are other benefits of butternut squash. While the hair problems caused by various factors like the deficiency of vital nutrients or exposure to harsh chemicals are always the concern of almost people caused by various factors, you can provide your hair with necessary nutrients from natural sources like butternut squash. This fruit can also stimulate the hair growth.
As mentioned above, butternut squash is very rich in beta-carotene, known as a safe and non-toxic form of vitamin A, which is beneficial for the formation and maintenance of healthy hair. More clearly, this pigment prevents hair breakage and stimulates optimum growth, which makes butternut squash an essential part of your diet. In fact, this fruit is helpful for the buildup and maintenance of collagen that plays an important role in the structure of both the skin and hair.
Recommended article: best vitamin A foods for skin
After reading the article on noticeable benefits of butternut squash for skin, hair, and general system in our main Health page hope that you can know what butternut squash is good for so that adding it to in your diet. Please let us know if you have any question by leaving them below and share with us other health benefits of butternut squash if you really get.
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