Both skinny and plump physique makes people look unbalanced, and their health cannot be guaranteed. For thin and underweight people, if they want to gain weight, they must pay attention to their daily nutrition diet and routines first.
Gaining weight is not too difficult if you apply the right methods and strictly implement them in the long run. Healthy ways to gain weight are not only good for health but also help you control your weight and form positive daily habits. In this article, I would like to introduce the best natural ways to gain weight that people at all ages can apply with ease.
I. Best Ways To Gain Weight With Corn:
Corn contains large amounts of vitamins which are beneficial for the human health. Vitamin A, vitamin E, and glutamic acid contained in corn have the anti-aging effects while stimulating the peristalsis to detox the body toxins and help to prevent constipation.
Lysine and selenium presented in corn plays positive roles in preventing tumors. Corn has diuretic, digestive boosting effects. Therefore, it can help to treat urinary tract related infections, edema, and prevent some diseases.
In addition, corn contains large amounts of B vitamins, sugar, protein, and fat, which are necessary for the process of gaining weight. Here are some ways to gain weight with corn that are very simple to implement at home.
1. Drink Corn Milk Every Day:
This is the first out of the best ways to gain weight naturally that I would like to show my readers through this article. This tip is very simple and cheap to implement every day.
Corn milk is made from ingredients including fresh milk, condensed milk, and young corn. In particular, corn is the major component of this drink. Corn milk is naturally sweet, nutritious, and delicious with attractive taste and fragrance. This is one of those milks which can help skinny people gain weight effectively.
Thin people can make corn milk at home and drink 1 to 2 cups of corn milk per day alternating the main meals to support the weight gain process.
2. Snacking With Popcorn And Corn Sweet Porridge:
Popcorn is one of those dishes which are familiar to most of us. Popcorn is delicious, sweet, and fatty, and it is one of the attractive snacks for thin people.
Corn sweet porridge is also a great suggestion for a weight gaining snack. Corn sweet porridge is the delicious and fleshy combination of coconut milk and corn.
In fact, this is also one of the best ways to gain weight that people should make use of for good!
3. Main Meals Of The Day With Many Choices From Corn:
Corn is beneficial for the health and weight gain. Thin people can process many dishes from corn to enrich their daily diet to gain weight.
Corn soup with chicken, corn stir-fried with egg, and corn soup with cartilage are just some of the nutritious dishes that you can manually process at home within a short time period.
Although corn is a popular food which can help you gain weight, but during the weight gain process, you need a full complement of nutrient groups to ensure the nutritional balance. Health weight gain helps to ensure long-term health.
II. Gain Weight Fast With Banana:
Bananas are one of the fruits that contain rich sources of vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for the human’s health and physique. Bananas are sweet, easy to eat, and good for digestion so that it is one of the weight gain foods which is widely preferred.
Banana is good for the digestive system, and it can help to prevent constipation. Banana is good for the skin thanks to its abundant contents of vitamin E and vitamin C. In addition, banana is a “friendly” food to the brain.
If you want to gain weight with bananas, you should have a concrete plan. Here are some useful ways to gain weight with banana:
1. Have Desserts With Banana:
The fastest and simplest way to gain weight is to eat a banana for the dessert after every meal. About 10 minutes after eating a meal, you can recharge nutrients for your body with 1 or 2 ripe bananas.
Besides, you can eat bananas anytime when you feel hungry in the morning or at night because bananas are not harmful to your stomach. This is the first out of the natural ways to gain weight at home with banana which will totally not take you much time and money.
2. Drink Banana Smoothie:
If you have bananas for dessert all the time, it will make you feel bored. Therefore, you can refresh your taste with the delicious and nutritious banana smoothie – a sweet, cool, and fresh drink for people at all ages.
Bananas in the combination with other foods such as peanut butter, fresh coconut, milk … will give you an attractive banana smoothie. You can drink banana smoothie after major meals or interspersed in the meals to increase the calories of your body.
3. Eat Banana Sweet Porridge:
Besides the banana smoothie, thin people can also enjoy extremely attractive banana sweet porridge. Banana sweet porridge is fatty, delicious, and rich in calories, which is very good for thin people. In particular, the aroma of the dish plus the fatty sweet taste of banana and coconut milk will make you irresistible.
Banana sweet porridge is delicious, but it is also fatty so that it will easily make people feel bored. Therefore, this is the dish to gain weight which sometimes thin people can enjoy to support the weight gain process, improving their physique faster.
Bananas have many benefits for health and beauty. However, we should complement a variety of food and nutrient groups during the weight gain process to stay healthy and prevent some deficiencies.
III. Gain Weight With Nutritious Fruit Smoothies:
To gain weight fast, thin people should care much about their daily meals along with a healthy lifestyle, as well as saying no to alcohol and tobacco. Apart from foods to gain weight such as lean meat and seafood, thin people can choose nutritious foods which are rich in vitamins and micronutrients.
Fruit smoothie is not only a great refreshing drink but also contains rich content of vitamins and minerals, helping to increase your weight easily and nourish healthy, youthful skin.
The following delicious and nutritious fruit smoothies will make your weight gain menu more attractive and impressive.
1. Avocado, Coconut Smoothie:
This is the first smoothie made from fruit that I would like to introduce in this section. This smoothie is very delicious and good for people who want to get some more pounds.
The main ingredients of this dish are: ripe avocado, coconut copra, coconut milk, condensed milk, crushed ice. You just need to put all these materials with appropriate amounts into a blender and puree them. Then, you can enjoy this delicious avocado coconut smoothie which is very rich in vitamins and nutrients, helping you gain weight effectively.
The nutritional value of this smoothie is wonderful. Avocado contains many beneficial vitamins for the human skin. The fat in avocados is very good for the weight gain. Meanwhile, coconut, copra, and fresh milk are very cool and nutty.
2. Banana, Fresh Milk Smoothie:
The last but not least way to gain weight with fresh fruit smoothie I would like to introduce in this article is that thin people should drink the banana fresh milk smoothie in a regular basis for good. This smoothie is actually very simple to make and it will take you just a short time to make.
Banana is one of the great foods which can help you gain weight and improve skin. Sweet banana fresh milk smoothie is very delicious and attractive, which is hard to resist and can make thin people gain weight easily.
– 2 ripe bananas
– 150 ml fresh milk
– 2 tablespoons of milk
– A slice of chocolate
– Crushed ice
How To Make:
Put all the ingredients into a blender, puree them well, stir, and enjoy.
In addition to the two smoothies above, thin people can make the avocado fresh milk smoothie, peanut butter banana smoothie, coconut smoothie, papaya with fresh milk smoothie … All these drinks are on the menu which can help thin people gain weight safely and effectively at home.
This is the list of 8 best ways to gain weight naturally within a short time period that readers of VKool.com should know and follow to say goodbye to the skinny physique, gain more pounds, and look much more attractive.
If you think that the best ways to gain weight at home I mentioned in this article are exactly what you are looking for, and if you really want to share this article with other people you know who also want to increase their weight, feel free to do this and show me your own opinions by commenting in the form below.
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